Should we tell him?

Should we tell him?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1342x996, 494K)

Tifa likes black men

Wow these mods look truly awful

Jesus this looks soulless, can't wait for the remake

everything looks awful to you miserable faggots

let's mosey?


Attached: 1568454813519.gif (400x378, 3.18M)

There's a reason the developers didn't choose to make the game look like this, user. Thank god we're getting an actual, beautiful remake since clearly the modding scene is too delusional to come up with something good.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (298x399, 332K)

Whats going on here?

It's not a good mod, user.

I don't know why they're doing this instead of going the Xenogears route and making beautiful 2D sprites. The original characters proportions are fine, they're just blocky.

Attached: 3.jpg (800x600, 113K)


A very minor glitch 6 months before release.

Limit break.

looks better than the regular popeye arms models

I liked Xenogears but it was ugly as shit, man. Ugly sprites, ugly environments and 3D, just fucking abysmal. especially compared to some of the good looking sprite JRPGs on the PSX.

pic related one of the bigger mods

Attached: omnisl12.jpg (1024x576, 145K)

I dunno, only looks a little worse than Wild Arms 2 and I think the overworld sprites/environments there were some of the best in a PS1 rpg

If only it didn't completly clashes with the backgrounds huh?

I didn't explain myself enough. I mean making sprites with the same proportions as those of xenogears. Neitheir popeye arms or realistically-proportionned characters that don't fit the game's world.

doesn't clash any more than the original models you illiterate fuck

Attached: 1568469793971.png (1200x675, 1.04M)

Yes it does. The original models are puppet-likes to mimic the feeling of old SNES- JRPGs were your imagination filled in the blanks. That's why you have houses with only one room and a single bed.
Now put a "realistic" character inside these puppet houses and see how that works

Cloud is 3D but fits perfectly inside this screenshot

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Screenshot 7 Priscilla house.jpg (1280x1024, 112K)

thousands of people disagree

>using a kids room as your example


this board is just a bunch of pretentious purists

Omnislash Version 10