Wtf is this bullshit?? i need to beat the game completely again to finally get the ending??...

wtf is this bullshit?? i need to beat the game completely again to finally get the ending??? i never do newgame plus and i dont intend to do it now. holy shit what a shit game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>plays the sequel first

you deserve this

i didnt, the first game was decent and didnt require me to do newgame+ to actually finish the game

No you don't. In fact you don't have to redo anything unlike the first game. Try understanding what the game is actually asking you to do.

yeah i should probably have stopped time during a cutscene when he enters the pillar, yet i didnt at that exact time and now it saved over my file after talking to a few npc's and i wont be able to reload

You can restart NG+ at any point though. If you actually uss your brain you will get the rest of the storyline which is completely different than the first go round.

Exit to the title screen, start NG+ again and use Bravely Second in the starting fight against Emperor Oblivion, which you couldn't do the first time through.

of all the asinine bullshit. i talked to the npc's and none gave a hint.
even doki doki was more obvious

Thats nothing.

I feel for the hype of the first game with everyone and their mother saying that it was a masterpiece. Played it myself and it put me to sleep. When I found out I had to basically replay the game several times to get the true end, I ejected the cartridge and traded in that game so fast.

The same thing hapoened with the octopath hype but I learned my lesson.

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at least i enjoyed the story somewhat in the first one. and they changed the amazing music in the second, especially the win screen is so bad compared to the iconic first one.

like wtf is up with that yoko bitch, it was a fun npc but then it "syke" my brother never existed and i am evil and you probably wont ever see me again in the main story


whats bad about octopath? i was wondering if i should pick it up.

You just have to notice the hourglass icon is available in the first fight, gee.

as if i was gonna pay attention to a fucking fight i already did. i was just spamming A to get through the fucking cutscene and fight

>each thigh is larger than the entire torso
Whatever effect the artist is going for is lost with their shitty ability to apply body ratios properly.

I thought thicc was popular now? Magnolia did it before it was cool.

3DS newfag here. Should I pick this up or play fAtlus games first?

you'll never get a real answer out of Yea Forums. Much like the Bravely games the people bitching about it never played it

Both, user.
It's not an awful game, just a really flawed one.
Atlus does genuinely good games, though. (particularly the Etrian Odysseys)

Bravely Default is a 8/10 JRPG and one of the best on the 3DS. It has pacing problems, but its worth powering through. Excellent artstyle, setting and music

>fAtlus games
which one \?

but bravely second is almost dogshit compared to it

only in music. everything else is on par or an improvement. especially battle character customization.

there is almost no story and the music is such a fucking downgrade, why couldnt they have at least kept the iconic after battle tune from 1.

Playing censored garbage. Off yourself.

Bravely Second's OST's only crime is that its not Revo

>Magnolia was wasted on this game

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Radiant Historia

Magnolia's designs you mean.
Her personality was absolutely horrid

That is what user means, Magnolia was supposed to be the new MC like the secret movie suggested, but the new writers fucked up and turned her into a bimbo that only exists to suck yew's dick.

>Watches secret movie in BD
>"She seems cool."
>Plays BS
>"What the fuck happened?"

This is either low quality bait or you completely missed how to get to Chapter 5.

>all of the characters in Chapter 4 literally keep saying "Have the courage to Bravely Second and try again!"
>the first battle suddenly gives you a turn to do something
>I talked to the NPCs and none gave a hint.

god she doesn't have enough porn.

Read the thread, he started NG+, didn't notice you were supposed to use Bravely Second right away to change the outcome of the first fight and started playing the game normally again.

I'm pretty sure she would still end up with him in the original version of the script, but having an actual active and confident girl is way better than this walking piece of retardation we got instead.

>Yew winds up being a better MC than Tiz
>kind of annoying with the gravy thing, but otherwise improved
>a lot of the game revolves around him trying to make up for the sins of his family
>figure Magnolia will likewise be interesting
>she literally only exists to suck Yew's dick
>Ba'als barely show up in the story, so she can't even fulfill her job

What were they thinking?

Yew is shit tho.

>she can't even fulfill her job
Her job is to empty (yew)r ba'als

Nigga Yew is trash. Tiz is way better.

Yew is fine compared to Tiz in the last game (and this game, for that matter) who basically was just "muh Agnes" all the time.

Even at the end when you fight Airy, he's not mad about the fact that Airy killed his brother across multiple timelines and made him complicit in the fact. He's just mad about "muh Agnes". Airy even shit talks him about this.

Nah. Unlike Tiz he actually has a character arc and growth. Being a bookworm who actually grows a pair over the course of the story was a pretty decent development.

Ringabel is still an absolute king and should get an entire game about himself and Edea though.

This is my favorite song in both games and I just wanted to share that with you.


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>ywn fuck magnolia

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man what is wrong with just copying the ost of the first game

they took plenty of other assets

Why Altair and Vega looked like Tiz and Magnolia?
A dropped plot point from the intiial script?

They changed the writers.


I bet everything that Yew didn't exist in the original script, i bet the original wasn't anything like what BS was.

>Before the game came out I thought Tiz was going to tap this

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Tiz got the better option

Also, Agnes asking if she could take Tiz's last name was maximum overcute

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Yew was one of the 3 Musketeers since the beginning, and the initial party was the 3 of them plus Magnolia aka D'artagnan

has nothing on how hard i want to fuck the bunny statue in florem

Tiz and Agnes were shipped together since the first game
Edea even said him that if he won't confess he will never find a person like Agnes again.

I thought BS was set in the distant future and ba'al were relevant as fuck (the fish thing appears in a windows fighting airships). Then nothing of that happened and I am still mad.

The musketeers didn't exist in the original script.

>I thought Magnolia was Edea and Ringabel's child

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The stories aren't interconnected, and even if considered as self-contained they feel too episodic thus making the game feel really really repetitive. You do a 1-1.5 hour quest for a character, repeat for other characters, then start the cycle all over again. Other than the story/quest structure and pacing it's fine.

that seems highly plausible

I am sure SE sabotaged the series because "it could take people away from final fantasy". They cut away thier budget for the sequel, fired the writer and got a "team of writers", REVO was busy and they hired a shitty replacement, they allowed draconian levels of censorship in the west (they even censored the fucking artbook) and made a shitty phone game.

>Ringabel will never get his own game about the Sword of the Brave
Come the fuck on.
The finale of Yoko side quest is still among the best romantic moments in any JRPG ever, despite the flaws of BS.

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Is Praline's song in the second game supposed to be ear-rapingly bad or catchy? I still can't make my mind up on it.

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This game was complete shit but that ng+ bait was probably the best thing about it

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Considering there's going to be a new Octopath game for mobile, I wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case.

first one is so catchy in english

you're actually retarded and just butt mad people don't like your empty JRPG shit games
Both games are tedious as fuck to play, but at least BD/BS have actual storylines that are engaging

At least i got this out of this Bullshit.

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I was defending the Bravely games user. Ala vache

At least it has better dungeons than octopath trashveller

>the stereotypical Native American character was turned into a stereotypical cowboy
You can't make this shit up

i just set my encounter to 0% up until save guy and grind to proper lvl using the 1 turn battle bonus xp system.

she was supposed to be native with a gun?

This. Bravely Second is big improvement. And thing that people caleld "censorship" about bad ends was actually GOOD.

not to mention she had a new york accent. Amy is still best girl in Bravely Second though

She has a rifle, native americans with rifles were actually a thing. Now you instead have a cowboy with a rifle instead of a revolver, which is fucking BULLSHIT.


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i dont even recognize the left character anymore. its that chick with the cooking guy right?
what the actual fuck

also has shamanism as their ability which fits with native americans but has nothing to do with cowboys.
They really ruined this class just because someone was butthurt i guess.


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>Yew is fine compared to Tiz in the last game (and this game, for that matter)
Tiz in Default was kinda shit, but he's absolutely based in Second. Yew is a completely retarded omega male, Edea is self-explanatory and still hasn't grown up mentally, and Magnolia is just your brainlet love interest. Tiz is the only stoic and somewhat logical person in the band.
That being said, Second's spotlight really were the villains.

why did they give her a hat what the fuck

Fuck off with your censored game.

butt hurt about fucking what?????
do people just get into localization so they can have the power to change games to their liking???


There's this one screenshot I really wish I could find. It's a Twitter post from a localizer saying something like, 'I hate when I find something disagreeable in a game I'm localizing until I realise, hey I'm a localizer I can fix this!'. Surely someone here knows what I'm talking about.

i need to learn japanese

>start playing Bravely Default
>way early in the game, just got Ringabell.
>Changed Anges to a white mage and Tiz to a fighter to try and start a balanced team going
>Anges has zero fucking skills to use, white magic is present in abilities but grayed out, can't be selected, meaning she can only attack for like 4 damage
>can't get past like the ruins of centro keep at like level 6
Am I just a fucking shitter? I genuinely don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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You and me both mate. Artistic integrity and the understanding that the East and West are fundamentally different cultures doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. People get triggered too easily, unfortunately these people have influence over localization.

Go back to the city and buy spells you dum dum.

you gotta buy magic spells from the shop in town

I can agree with this.

Shame Janne and Nikolai aren't permanent party members.

>the party has a better dynamic in the goddamn demo than in the actual game
I will never not be salty

>marry the Pope for maximum Holy Matrimony

>in the original concept art Angelo was a shota that she had intense thirst for

This is like the old school Final Fantasy games where you have to buy spells. Difficulty shouldn't be a problem until Chapter 3.

>Denys would've just let one of the few underaged members of his group get Ara Ara'd

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The main gripe i have with this games are that magic is garbage, even in the second where they tried to improve it.

Honestly all jrpg magic system are pretty trash

The greatest sin of Bravely series is lack of porn and quality fanart.
It's curse of being 3DS game.

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Magic is retardedly overpowered in Second. Like FF6 or Demon Souls level

mm. i mainly did magic, maybe because i like it. but then again i currently have yew doing black mage with spelcraft ability and bishop second job plus an astrologist giving him +50% magic damage.

what are some good jobs? i dont deal much damage with normal attacks

best magic combo?

Just enjoy the stuff we do have

Wizard + Anything

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the ninja make every physical class way better that magic ones.

wizard as main job? i just maxed spellcraft and now dont use the wizard job itself anymore

its been literal years since I've played either, but my Yew Wizard+Black Mage was effectively my only damage dealer and was sufficient to clear everything on hard except for the superboss

Bravely Third when???

I made Yew Summoner/Bishop with Spellcraft, I think.

I think what I used for a while was this.

Yew: Summoner Lv. 11/Bishop Lv. 11
Abilities: Steady MP Recover, Spellcraft, Good Measure
Strategy: Benediction Mist on the party or Resurrection Mist on the party + Benediction Wall on the Enemy. Deus Ex to max out M. Atk, and then use Good Measure summons to damage the opponent. (Ex.: Deus Ex + Deus Ex Rain)

Edea: Fencer Lv. 11/Hawkeye Lv. 11
Abilities: P. Attack 20% Up, Barrage, Adrenaline Rush, Power Up
Strategy: Harpoon + Warhead of an element the enemy is weak to + Soaring Falcon + Bloody Wolf. From there, just use Wolf Fang and Goring Aurochs for damage.

Magnolia: Performer Lv. 11/Freelancer Lv. 11
Abilities: Encore, Prolong Support, Limit Breaker, Stand Ground
Strategy: Build up 3 BP by Defaulting, then My Hero + Mimic x3 until BP is at one. Default to 3 and repeat. Occasionally uses Examine to show enemy weaknesses for Yew to target.

Tiz: Thief Lv. 11/Pirate Lv. 11
Abilities: P. Attack 20% Up, Triple Wield, Big Bad Burglar, Barrage, Slow Parry
Strategy: Debuff the enemy with Pirate skills, steal with Prince of Thieves, then spam Steal Breath for damage.

I eventually improved it, but I don't have my information on-hand.

i am so mad i couldnt get the summoner because who fucking tears a man away from his waifu.
just got my ass handed by her in chapter 5 as well. probably need to level my lvl 1-2 jobs before fighting her.
but i abused the thief and extra item damage to grind fast anyway. i got like 40 pantheon wrath's in the engine room 6 every time i fought 3 of those machinations. and the imperials where weak to lightning so i could just have everyone use them for a 2.4 times 5 battle xp.

probably also why i never need money because i just stole the items from the bosses.

so are you supposed to beeline directly for the bosses in the second loop of the first game or is there relevant side content first? already got vampire and whatever the hell you needed to kill the dragons for

or would it be better for me to just restart the game? haven't played it in like 2 years and don't remember anything about my party other than that I was using spiritualist agnes with free MP to do ridiculous BS

Chapter 5 is a near copy of Chapters 1-4

Chapter 6 there's several key differences, and its a sort of 'last temptation of christ' thing

Chapter 7 is a sort of comic relief chapter, when the Asterisk holders start ganging up on you. Notable fights are Girl Power and Ominas Crowe summoning Bahamut

Chapter 8 introduces a boss rush that contains the game's most notorious fight

Short answer: You're only missing out on boss loot in Chapter 5 if you just zip to each of the crystals

Do everything, nerd.

when i played the first game ages ago i wanted to do everything but i couldnt figure out how to get in the castle and did not look up guides yet.
did all the blue markers but thats it
man i dont remember a boss rush, what notorious fight ?

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was that a main story/blue story fight?
i dont remember this one

its chapter 8 user

so its after the final bossfight?

no. i'm beginning to wonder if you ever actually played the game user

Imagine being this much of a retard

Imagine not being patient enough to finish the 1st game and never getting to listen one of the best boss songs

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do you remember every fight from a game you played 5 years ago? i lately picked up pearl because i remembered i bought it second hand then looked at my save file, seemed to be familiar but i started a new one.
after 30 minutes i stopped without saving and loaded the save file. after walking around for 20 minutes i kinda start recognizing the pokemon in my party. but that is one game i will never get how i put 40 hours into it yet literally dont remember playing it.

i finished the first game, what has that to do with the cryptic way to proceed the second game?

nothing, but it is retard to start a thread because of that instead of just looking for information on a guide

You do not, I did though because I had started playing it again on an old save that I hadn't used for 3 years so I completely forgot how to use SP.

All of Bravely Default's boss songs were absolute bangers, they really should have brought Linked Horizon back for the second one
And don't get me started on the character themes


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It's an optional fight.

if it was assigned a blue flag i am pretty sure i did it

Bravely Third fucking WHEN?

>120+ hours played on Bravely Default
>keep losing interest halfway through Bravely Second

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i just checked out my levels, i thought i didnt get the true ending because i am now lvl 50 after my bravely second during keiser speech and people keep saying lvl 99 in the first game.
turns out i am lvl 99 on the characters and i dont even remember all these classes.

also the overworld music is so fucking good in the first game

i never finished bd because of bs like

I think there's some crystal equipment to be stolen on chapters 6/7 though.

Dude, I can't find any I formation about Octopath mobile other than a Japanese trailer. It's supposed to be out in 2019, but there's no fucking way it'll be in the west this year, huh? Don't even know the subtitle.

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from trailer it looks like they just reusing areas
and monsters

and 8 people in fight it overkill

Wizard and time mage lets you get 9,999x4x4 easily.

>There are people who don't think that Ringabel had the best character theme
What the fuck, bros?

because the vocal version of Baby Bird is best


all the vocalized versions are great, can't believe I didn't find them sooner

If they made a third entry, would they find some new way to fuck up an otherwise decent experience?

They completely remove the sexy evil fairies and the 4th wall breaking