bruh why does CoD suck so bad now? why are they returning to 2007-2009 map designs instead of making 3 lane maps with no way you can be ambushed wtf???
Bruh why does CoD suck so bad now...
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CoD was never good. There were good CoD games, but the majority of them were bad.
Good CoDs were 2, 3, 4, WaW, Blops, MW2, Advanced Warfare, and now Modern Warfare reboot.
>CoD 3
>he got shat on in the comments
>E-sport mobafags complaining that they have to actually learn the map and be mindful of spots where people can hide and shoot you from
>Rather than sucking up and getting gud they double down and complain even more
I'm thinking I should pre-order if the game makes e sport lanecucks seethe this much
>cod nostalgia
piss off
stfu fag
>I'm thinking I should pre-order
I love how people who don't play cod or care about it feel like they absolutely have to defend something people who do play cod don't like
>Good CoDs were 1 and 2
>have to move the mouse to shoot an enemy
preorder cancelled
>CoD was never good
it was great on the ps1.
>everyone in the comments has no fucking clue why this is a bad thing
>"just see this as a new challenge and master the map"
why don't these faggots understand the first thing about designing something like this? Why don't any of them get having to keep track of a million possible cover points makes the map significantly worse? Is everyone on twitter just fucking retarded?
>everyone in the replies saying "ummm actually sweaty it's complex and realistic therefore its good"
jesus christ have these faggots ever even played a video game
man should just go play chess
please tell me this guy is some youtuber or some shit and the reason why 13k people agree with him is that they're fans.
Imagine being so bad at video games you can't adequently observe the entire screen for enemies.
I like how he complains about angles from the front, but three lane CoDshit spawn flips so fast you're likely to be shot from behind by someone literally spawning behind you.
>games need to be giant corridors where only sniper rifles work
This is a legitimate complaint. The reason they make the maps like this is to basically promote luck-based gameplay.
I haven't played since Blops 2, and if I was to give a breakdown on the reason why it's falling off I could go into great detail. However the primary reason is the game speed increased a lot, I'm thinking in my head that Activision did some tests on how people responded to getting a kill after 5 seconds/ 10 seconds etc and that is what has guided much of their game designs on. This began with MW2, I specifically remember the design which made me quit COD was putting cold blooded/ ghost on prestige level for Blops 2, by the time I got there I was too pissed off. Camping and even controlling an area was too hard, people were respawning and would keep running at you until they got you.
If i want to play the Beta on PS4 do i need anything? Because i got an email that said "Free"
but is it really "free"?
Nope don’t even need PS+
Oh shit thats cool thx user
>same thread again
There is a reason why people dont play CoD though, so if they change those reasons and people actually like those changes then of course they will defend it
Are you baiting?
imagine being bad at cod
this bitch never played cod before
wasteland grenade spam GANG
I get the hate for call of duty but the OP ac-130 in mw2 with its shitty spawn points was a lot of fun
This is why I don't like the new level design in Call of Duty 21343465456. Enemies can be too many places at any given time. It's impossible to master a map where you have to account for ten different areas at any given point in a match.
The real question:
How are shotguns in the game? i 'm a shotgun only player
If you didn’t think MW and Blops were good, you probably just don’t like cod.
It’s Quake levels of autism. They want to always 100% of the time know exactly where every enemy player should be, so they can just sprint around and never get caught off guard. It’s like they don’t even want to play the game, take it slow, check corners, and win by simply being better at aiming than the enemies. They want to hop around a corner and point their gun at the one spot an enemy would most likely be standing.
The beta is actually good, I’ve played well and this is coming from someone that had a KD of .71 in WW2
>I cant play this unless everyone is being funneled down 3 lanes
we should thank the cod series for containing these brainlets
>shorter ttk encourages better aiming
From what I can tell, about the same as other cods. Not really good enough to justify being a primary, as even at close range, dead center shots with the pump action, it usually takes two hits. You have to be very close for a 1HK.
If you and your opponent see each other at the same time, the player with better aim wins. You certainly don’t win fights by missing.
What about people who do play cod though?
This year's cod isn't cod, it's siege TDM
God another shitty Cod than.
I hate this i hate this so much.
Why are the devs always listening to fucking SMG and AR fags`? Every single CoD in the last 5 or so years (exception WW2) had shitty shotguns because this autistic fags complain that you get killed in close combat by shotguns
longer ttk means you have to hit more shots against an enemy who knows you are attacking him and is trying to escape/fight back
it's not just about the pathetically easy task of hitting an enemy who doesn't know you're there
>unironic COD shill thread
>for the 1000th time this month
fuck off already
actually play the beta yourself retard.
the problem with shotguns in every CoD the past decade is desync issues out the ass causing inconsistent hits.
>another cod thread
>another retard opening cod thread and whining about it
fuck off already
unironically kill yourself for liking shotguns
Destiny 2 tried to solve this issue by making long corridors where teams of 4 would shoot at each other with pea shooters to see who gets the first teamshot enemy down. This was all for the sake of a premature dead e-sports attempt. It almost killed the franchise. Vanilla D2 maps are pure cancer
I actually need Ps+ and i dont want to waste 8 fucking euros for a month playing CoD Beta when i'm literally close to another exam in university.
Okay another question:
Are the chats open again or are groups again only hearable to their respective groups? Becuase i kinda miss open chat
you have to 18 to post here underagefags
cod2 sucked it was just cod1 rehash with regen health and peashooter guns
>I actually need Ps+
you've already been told you don't
makes sense now why you like shotguns
Lmao kid you know who i am?
I'm the reason people stop playing these games and the only reason i play is to get people angry. I dont play CoD for fun i play it to make people angry and get bombared with hatemails
Pic related my Black Ops 2 stats
Just like my favelas, I like it.
we are talking about actual level design not random computer generated shit
holy cringe no wonder you're a tripfag lmao
>everyone makes fun of an actual moron
>for years
Because they're the kids that do nothing but run and gun with an automatic shotgun.
This thread isn't actually about cod you moron, it's about the guy in the twitter screen cap being a retard.
its very sad but we shotgunbros have to accept that shotguns will always be nerfed to shit compared to other weapons in games
i'm gonna jam a fishbone down your cockhole tripfag fuck
So people who grew up on MW2 are now old enough to post here. Strange
>it's siege TDM
not even close
Esports faggorts need to go die, I'm sick and tired of every map being 3 laned trash
Call of Duty is degenerate. It's just a Skinner box. Theres no deeper thinking pr creativity, you just run around until you see them and either kill them or get killed so you can keep running around.
As a shotgun bro this thread just makes me angry that I share my weapon preference with tripfag cancer
Literally git gud
>E-sport mobafags complaining that they have to actually learn the map and be mindful of spots where people can hide and shoot you from
And it almost always the same spots too across the board, just keep an eye on your mini map and see where your teammates get killed
Yeah pretty much. I play shotguns in every FPS though and i dont get the hate. A shotgun should be in most cases a 1 Hit kill close combat and even this wasnt possible in Bacl ops 4 except with heavy modifications. Yet Smgs have a higher Damge output in close and middle range combat.
What kind of bullshit is this? I just want a weapon that is good in close combat and shit in middle and long range yet i get denied by nearly every developer.
funny how i dont see any of you MUH VIDYA GAEMS in blatantly off topic threads and twitter screencaps
He's not completely wrong. All this does is lead to campy and slow gameplay because the enemies respawn faster than you can advance.
He shouldn't be running around in the open like that, he should be making a beeline for that blue house's interior or the yellow house on the right. A problem isn't the games problem when it one of your own making. Sub optimal cover and concealment is to encourage players to use their fucking heads for once
Playing the beta for a good few days I was kinda overwhelmed with how many routes and angles of attack and approach every map had, but you get into the groove of things.
>it's not an arena shooter
>you are not bouncing all over the place dodging lasers and rockets, you can sprint at a reasonable pace
>you will die extremely quickly
>everyone uses hitscan weapons
Don't go running around like a retard, stay with your team so you can cover sight lines simultaneously as you move around the map and take positions, and keep an eye on your radar.
>i dont see any of you MUH VIDYA GAEMS in blatantly off topic threads and twitter screencaps
i am always there saying "not vidya", dont worry
>Lmao kid you know who i am?
Anyone who says this is irrelevant and a cunt
it's a fun game, CoD 4 on PC was the most based shit ever with all of the mods. Zombies on the volcano map, paintball, promod, etc. etc
>you don't see people defending things as video-game related in threads that aren't video-game related
What a fucking surprise.
And on top of that this is technically a twitter screencap thread
You're a bigger idiot than the tripfag
Is this an open beta and is it on pc?
t. zoomers
>Lmao kid you know who i am?
>playing Treyarch's shit on PS3
learned my lesson with BO1 and never bought their pieces of shit games ever again
didn't you just post this thread?
>clearing angles from the middle of the goddamn street
is this how call of duty works?
small three lane maps with no points of strength or verticality is what killed COD you dumb fuck. What made the MW games great was that they weren't twitch shooters; you could actually equip sniper rifles, assault rifles, and LMG's, without getting cooked by smg shiiters in tiny maps.
Here is what I don't understand. We are at COD....what....18 now? How do these betas still have weird issues that should have been ironed out years ago? Like connection issues. Like matchmaking issues with parties. Like how the semtex bugs out now and the warning display doesn't go away after it blows up. These betas are fucking weird because every year things are broken that shouldn't be broken. Don't these developers use the same code they pass to each other? If semtex works in one COD game why does it break in another?
Insurgency sandstorm. Pleb.
Full console retard.
New engine this time though. They're finally moving away from IW which they've used since COD2, the one built off Quake 3's. This one at least has some plausible excuses for some of the weirdness.
>position yourself at the bottom of a valley for easy surrounds
Only works when you can cry into a radio for an A-10 to come and save you from your dumb decision
Just play sandstorm
LMGs and sniper rifles have never been good in any call of duty game. They have always been meme weapons that you use when you're 10 times better than your opponents and can afford to handicap yourself.
At the same time you can get one shot by a sniper rifle at a close range where as the shotgun would only slightly hurt shit is baffling, why can’t we just go back to mw1/2 shot guns
lmao there are actual sandstorm shills, a game that runs so bad kek
>not even a 2kd
Who cares about runs bad, the game is bad by design
nah, play INS2 instead
I played like four hours of this shit yesterday and was pwning all kinds of noobs. If you can't win you must not be a good gamer and leap frog is calling your name.
Nobody wants to play with someone who has the advantage of knowing the maps inside out.
He's absolutely right. Doesn't matter how good you are if you have 20 potential spots to be shot from but can only realistically cover 3-5 of them. Nevermind all the other garbage cod does to make it easier for shitters like auto aim and air strikes.
Nice Aryan genes
fuck man I love this map. Also the reboot in COD4 "Chinatown"
Why where old FPS maps so good and comfy?! Even though they were more simplistic, hmm
Imagine complaining about more options in your repetitive team shooter
Disagree, definitely have many fond memories with a LMG in genuinely useful tactical situations in COD4, WAW, MW2
>playing COD in the first place
End yourselves. And I know for a fact a lot of you were Overwatch shitters too. You disgust me.
Tranny silhouette
>sniper rifles have never been good in any call of duty game.
only an underage wouldnt remember mw2 quickscoping
git gud
it's a meme you dolts
>durrrr I'm a huge fucking retard
Thanks for telling us. What exactly did you think I was referring to when I said "meme weapons that you have to be 10 times better then your opponent to be effective with"?
Well to be fair that map fucking sucks
CoD is basically the Mario Kart of FPS my dude, kids love it so much because it does a LOT of work to make sure its very easy to get at least one kill before you die.
In my experience for the average person, playing CoD boils down to
>Run out and shoot some guy that didn't see you yet
>get shot by some guy you couldn't see
>repeat until bored.
This guy gets it, also I'd like to add it is not punishing to the player when you lose.
>I have to check 8 or 10 angles
>check 1 or 2
>get a kill
>die to some guy in angle number 9
>literally nothing could've been done better
The player doesn't die and blame themselves, nobody ever feels bad when they die and when those deaths amount to losing a match because you say to yourself that you did everything you could've possibly done in any of those given situations and you're right about it, you can't possibly have fought against 10 angles at the same time and you made the only decisions you could've made at any given time.
COD is a lot more fun when you have a party of 5 or more. Then you start controlling entire building and winning games like 75-20 and it's fun.
The Rpd and AUG in MW2 were real good.
>tfw want to try out the open beta but know i'll only play like 2-3 matches and then delete it
it really doesn't feel worth it to play any call of duty game when they are pretty much going to be replaced within a year
quickscoping was legitimately broken then and was nerfed hard but I wouldnt expect a literal middle schooler to remember that
Who the fuck cares i always use the most fucked up guns in COD and just have a fun time dicking around going negative KD ratio
>CoD on PS3
So you played on easy mode? Show us 360 or PC stats or fuck off, troon.
>it's not an arena shooter
>Don't go running around like a retard, stay with your team so you can cover sight lines simultaneously as you move around the map and take positions, and keep an eye on your radar.
Yes, and that's why it's shit
PC fats played BO2 somewhat.
>fps on console
cod is precisely for console noobs
COD is a console nigger franchise, you plebeian. It has been this way for over a decade.
>We are at COD....what....18 now?
>One dude having a seizure
>The other one at 4 horizontal sensitivity
oh wow that's so cool
don't respond to gladium
you'd have to adjust your style and play more cautiously essentially making it more realistic though that makes cod a schizophrenic experience
The 2v2 mode is good fun, especially when you're playing with a friend and can yell shitty half formed strategies at them two seconds before the start of the round then run forward and still get shot instantly.
I'm enjoying the beta right now. the gunplay is the best it has ever been. KBM on the PS4 works surprisingly well too. I know a lot of people are throwing bitchfits over the harsh ttk, but I like it. It rewards smart play and punishes the spergs who jump around in broad daylight.
Well i was going to buy it anyways after a week or two to see how it plays through youtube videos, but if the maps are finally not 3 lane garbage anymore and it's making mobafags seethe I might just pre-order the game and enjoy it as early as possible
>Realism mode is great
>finally die
>Theres killcams
is realism mode just hardcore but with a new name?
The RPD in CoD4 is a 100 round point and click death hose that can't be stopped by walls, you are full of shite.
Multiplayer was dope
not if you have a 2 bar connection lmao
>having to keep track of a million possible cover points makes the map significantly worse?
>can finally get some guerilla tactic in a game about being a guerilla soldier
>"fuck guerilla"
good. no more camping. git gud
I randomly booted up CoD4 a year ago and got like 9 kills in a row with the RPD and I never let off the trigger. People just ran right into my line of fire because they heard an enemy. Shit was hilarious.
It makes your game much more RNG based than skill based. If it's impossible to account for every angle while advancing then you're just going to be forced to expose yourself to angles you can't properly defend from.
>my tiny brain cant handle more than 3 possibilities wahhh.
these are the retards who play cod everyone
Game is only fun if I win really easily every time
probably because of headglitching and in general people getting killed from weird spots
It actually was dope because it was pretty much Battlefield without aerial vehicles