Why aren't you trying out Deep Rock Galactic?
>loud, stinky, friendly dwarves
>mining between shootouts with L4D style swarms
>cave spiders instead of zombies
>4 roles that are completely unique
>each gun feels like it has weight
>each of your tools/weapons on all of your classes are useful (100%)
>good perk unlock system
good weapon mod unlock systems
>salvage, rescue, egg collecting, material mining operations
>good lobby to fuck around in when your friends/randoms are afk for a break
It's fucking good. The community is good too, willingly helping out new players so always join in with other people.
Why aren't you trying out Deep Rock Galactic?
I downloaded it last night but you can only have 4 people in a group and i was the 5th... so i played it alone and no one wanted to join my game
i made it half an hour into my first mission and got cornered by a swarm and lost everything
>Why aren't you trying out Deep Rock Galactic?
Playing Vermintide
Are bugs the only enemies? I'm already bored of them
Just join a public game you dope
here's a better advertisement
>it's less than a gigabyte
>Are bugs the only enemies?
Basically yeah. Spiders, bee-like things, and cave-jellyfish
joining a public game doesn't sound too fun with this game. It's like Left 4 Dead, I don't wanna hop into a lobby with a bunch of people that expect me to know the game and know all the ins and outs of it and will kick me if i don't know it all by my second mission. Would rather play something like this with friends. But, limit of 4 players at a time. Oh well. Maybe next free weekend
You're a moron
I don't have a mic or friends who play shooty games.
Shout and salute are the only communications you need.
Cause it's fucking boring. The mining and exploring is fun and all but the gunplay is bland and the class system means there's too little variety.
That and the fact that you run out of ammo in 10 seonds straight so you can't really have fun blasting shit but have to be careful aiming your shots and conserving ammo.
why didn't they drop the free weekend with the deep dives update?
all of this has been done before and done better
Yeah how dare that new guy not want to jump in with a bunch of butt sniffing randos?
Viscera cleanup detail was pretty fun for what it was.
Looking forward to the update. I've dropped 16h on it since last year and it gets samey after a while with lacking variety. Still a nice little game and I play it for a few hours after most updates. The game needs way more content though.
Fair as fuck opinion. DRG needs a more high moments with gunplay.
Nothing is like l4d. Once renown on Yea Forums in the olden days for having among the worst online fanbase to play with randos.
As long as they avoid bullshit like versus mode the game will be alright. Watching you real fucking close Vermintide
too low dmg output on guns for me to have fun
I did, played 7 hours straight with my friends. It's super fun
Yea something about these games and versus mode attracts the dredges.
because it just straight up crashes my computer lmao
Im doing it now, been giving an eye to this game for some time, because I enjoyed Vermintide and Left 4 Dead games. I have just done the tutorial. Should I keep with gunner, or should I try another class?
Definitely try them all so you know what each teammate can/should do when you're playing something else
I automatically ignore any game that describes itself as "badass".
I played a few hours and got bored, just like I did with the previous free weekend
One of my favorite games.
it'll probably be dead like vermintide after a couple weeks
Nope. They're dropping one of their biggest updates later this month.
Dwarves in sci-fi setting wearing power armors look like gay homosexual faggots. Absolute cringe.
Probably because all the new players wouldn't be able to experience the new content because you need at least one promotion to do them.
is it me or the framerate in this game is choppy or maybe it's the mouse scrolling?
>knife-ears LOL hate elfs XD
t. leaf lover
I love it but this game have some serious problems. Mouse settings completely fucked, from what I can tell you can't tell what levels people are, you can only tell if they have stars or not so they could be lvl 25 or 1
Boy yesterday I played with a scout who was a real salty little bitch.
>drop into Hazard 3 mission after not playing for a while
>him and two new guys
>we go about doing the mission, Gunner isn't all too great an anything but shooting
>as soon as he calls for the escape pod he ditches everyone
>try to climb back up with the other two, time runs out as one of them takes a nasty spill and we drop down with him whatever
>back in lobby only thing guy says is "maybe you should go back to the first difficulty"
>mission 2
>we gather the morkite and start making our way out
>ditches us AGAIN
>Driller makes it back to the ship okay but Gunner got trying to climb up
>go back and help him out, throw lures, PLATFORM
>we make it 10 seconds too late to the escape pod
>as soon as the lobby loads in it shuts down (he was the host)
Wew, I also misread his name early on as 'Simpleton'
Anyways, that's the only time I've had a poor teammate.
Quite a few tend to do that in this game. I always try to help people if I can but sometimes people are just so bad it'd be risky to try to save them. Had a game today with 3 retards that kept ignoring the nitra so we ran out of ammo and we only needed one more blue thingie to win
>t. m*r
Play on a lower difficulty and people won't care. They will also be newb.
>The Goldless
>clearly dressed in gold
Dwarfs stupid??
>haz 5
>turrets run out of ammo
I think they are calling him a poorfag
update when
>being hunted by tons of enemies
>everyone's out of ammo
> bulk detonator spawns outside the escape pod
>playing with newbies
>three detonators spawn on top of each other
Any tips for tunneler? Also, ther is no way to make palyers visible for other, so one doesnt get lost?
>scout leaves everyone at the end
>dies alone
>we tunnel back to escape pod
Seen scouts do this way too many times even in haz4.
No it fucking wasn't.
>Paper work
Fuck off.
>first person
Why would i want to play a game when I have to spend my real life in a shitty first person game 24/7 anyways?
>Any tips for tunneler?
Make stairs and bridges for your team
Drill up to minerals if you're missing engie/scout
Focus on excavating gems and dirt blocked tunnels
Make bunkers during swarms (drill out a tunnel and satchel the end)
Prioritize killing swarmers, naedocytes, hives, and breeders
If you have the flamethrower burn down cobwebs
You can destroy environmental hazards by drilling through them and hives by drilling under them
Lead the team out when you call the pod. Get as close as you can safely then drill the rest of the way
>Also, ther is no way to make palyers visible for other, so one doesnt get lost?
Press ctrl to see teammates, you can call to other players by pressing X
based dwarf miner user
>playing anything below hazard 4
>not playing exclusively haz 5
youre trash and you know it
I would if I had a team
Anybody want to play? I could host a lobby.
I dont have a good PC. Ps4 release when?
It's fucking hell with randos
is this better than killing floor 2?
i only play with randos and it ranges from ok to great
grow some skill you noodles
how so?
Big talk coming from anonymous person, what class do you even play? Show your weapon unlocks
18 euros isnt bad, but I expected a better sale. It is worthy for tjis game?.
>what class do you even play?
the ones where i dont have three stars already, driller and gunner
>Show your weapon unlocks
i unlocked everything, credits are meaningless to me until next update
150 hours playtime
Small men are disguting
dirt is better than KF2
I really wish the game wasn't filled to the brim with ebin sick jokes and maymays.
Sounds cool but how is the single player? Can't stand online coop
is it a free weekend or free to keep weeken
The most meme thing I've heard so far is "I can't feel my beard!" Everything else seems regular dwarf shit.
Lackluster. You get a little drone to accompany you but it's really not worth it if you're playing alone.
Free weekend, all day today but then you gotta buy if you want to keep playing
Free weekend, as in you can play it for this weekend but it gets removed from your library if you don't own the game.
Is this game good if I have no friends? I dont mind joining public as long as its fun.
I don’t have a mic or any friends to play with.
you've been done before and done better
No weapon DLC and they figured out how to get enemies onto walls while tripwire claimed it was "impossible"
Yeah, it's a small game so most of the randoms are people that know what they're doing.
Shit. Like, literal shit. Out of 300 hours I've played solo maybe 2 hours, and I hated every single minute of it.
You don't need either of those to play
pssst you get a health bonus if you unlock all the armor upgrades
wow, what a fucking slut.
Is there some multiplayer etiquette for this game? Got kicked by a rando not too much ago and I wonder if I did something wrong
That depends on a lot of things honestly. If you're low lvl don't join hz4
That I understand, I'm only joining h1 and 2 for now
Don't worry about it, if you didn't do anything stupid you could get kicked for no reason at all.
Okay, thanks, this game is pretty fun I'll probably buy it later
>first online round after the tutorial
>encounter a geyser
Is it fun solo?
don't call the FUCKING drop pod when there's still gold to collect you dipshits
Game has a disgusting lack of space goblins.
I want to like this game and there's a lot I like about it but at the end of the day I just get really bored after a couple missions, the random generation makes everything feel the same and there isn't any variety.
They're adding more random encounters and stuff underground called machine events
Can't wait for this free weekend to be over
>Oblivious engineers who never put up plats
>Scouts who hold onto their flares like fucking jews and never do any mining
>Gunners who can't aim or use ziplines to cross
>Hoarding flares like Jews
I mean, they're dwarves.
>defend this point mission
>game spawns one of those huge bugs that explodes like a nuke
>oh you were away from the point, mission failed