Why does this game make me so sleepy after playing it for an hour?
Why does this game make me so sleepy after playing it for an hour?
because you are most likely underage
Dunno. Maybe you should see a doctor
I have astigmatism but I don’t think it’s that
It's not your kind of thing. My attempts to play Minecraft, Witcher and Steins;Gate resulted in the same boredom. Play something else.
Im on umineko ep 3 and i have the same problem, although when it gets going neat the end of an ep i cant stop.
Also i have no fucking idea how go explain what is happening in this game. Probably fucking aliens
You may have sleep apnea.
I recently finished the first game of the remake. I enjoyed it but holy fuck did the last case drag on way too long. Took me like a month of casual play just to get through that one case.
probably african sleeping disease
it wasn't in the original game
the original game was on the gameboy advance, the series get picked up in the west is when it got ported to the ds and they add in an additional case as an extra
hence the case seem a bit so distance from from the first 4, and if you can recall it was the first case in the series seriously utilize the lower touch screen as well because it was specifically made to add for the ds version
Yeah I knew it was a later add on, as made obvious by the extra mechanics. But what really stands out is that it's like 4x the length of the other cases. Kinda' loses its momentum.
...BTW are the other games (2 and 3, iirc the remaster is a trillogy) good?
Really seems like a perfect port on Switch. Surprised what a good job they did with the HD art.
That was to compensate that for Japan, it was the only new case.
yeah, both are good imo
3 even has Yea Forums favorite, the charming masked man chain coffee drinking godot
i only get to play the first edgeworth investigation game
havent tried the sherlock holmes spin off yet
2 is mixed, it has what's universally agreed to be the best case in the series, but also the universally agreed worst case in the series. 3 is pretty great overall.
yeah the DS gimmick case sucks
>but also the universally agreed worst case in the series
the circus one? big top iirc
Big Top gets a lot of hate but the universally agreed worst case is 4-3
i'm playing 4-2 right now, you're telling me it gets worse?
Oh, yeah buddy, sorry. 4-3 is way worse.
Hey, at least 4-4 has some good stuff (though it's kinda a clusterfuck too) so it's not all despair ahead
The only thing you have left to look forward to is the middle section of 4-4
Why was the supposed superspy so incompetent?
good to know. I was warned not to play Apollo directly after T&T so I refreshed myself on the first game instead. probably the right move since there are a bunch of references but most of the character designs still get on my nerves so far
why not play the 2 edgyworth games, bro?
good change of pace and style, pretty fun trying to prove people are guilty
I don't hate Serenade nearly as much as Big Top, Recipe, Kidnapped or DGS1's Kokoro. Those four cases make up my entire Shit Tier level for the franchise.
Yeah 2 and 3 not only are amazing games, but manage to improve the experiences of 1 by a great interconnecting story. JFA is my favorite VN of all time
JFA is amazing, don't let faggots tell you its not. They just don't think deeply about what it did for the series, tone, themes and characters and instead focus on there being one lame case
>no announcement at TGS
Agreed. 2-2 is one of the most underrated cases in the series too.
I actually liked Recipe much more on a replay, the chef is still annoying as hell but the way the crime and the framing played out is one of my favourites in the series
Also Tigre is pretty funny as a villain
Because every AA mystery plot is based around the real killers failing because of their regular mistakes and being normal people, and so when DD desided to raise the stakes of the plot for no reason, they still had this superspy act like a moron because they didn't change their mystery formula to account for the raised stakes
each game only really has 2 good cases with consequences for the main characters
T&T had like three that were very important. And 4 only really had the one and 5 had none
>5 had none
Come on man, Athena's past and her trying to save Blackquill, 5-4/5-5 was pretty good
right, I should have mentioned I meant of the trilogy. and yeah, the first case of T&T is relevant but mostly just a setup for later stuff
Fuck, why is he so cute.
>Surprised what a good job they did with the HD art
But they didn't. The HD art is fucking horrendous, that's why everyone always recommends to just play the games on DS
yeah it's funny, after the first game they never had 3 day cases again because they must've realised it was tedious, but going back to it and adding a new one, I guess they felt a need to surpass what was there.
Umineko's biggest fault is its pacing. Once you get past the lulls though, it's awesome.
That's pretty normal for where you are. If you think about it, things will start to click together around episode 4.
To be fair, Monkey Island does that to me.
That art looks horrible.
Franny is for bullying
I want to buy the game on Switch to support it but I'm not sure I could play it looking like that. I think it looks fine on 3DS though.
>those people in the background
I'll stick to sprites
Even the 3DS version is questionable. The Trilogy remaster itself just didn't port well. They should have done the same thing they did with the models from AA6 for the PC/next gen versions, at least it'd have looked better.
she's never going togive Maya's de Killer card to Phoenix, is she?
She'll do that when Phoenix tells Apollo and Trucy the truth about their mother
She can't now after she's repeatedly pleasured herself with it
Best girl
mommy gib milkies
What would sleep apnea have to do with someone getting sleepy when playing what's basically a book?
>we will never see best girl or best boy in the main series
Because it has the most boring, formulaic cases in the series, making it the worst game.
Was there any noteworthy news for AA during TGS or can I finally give up hope?
What should I play after trilogy?
Apollo Justice comes next. Edgeworth's two games also take place after the Trilogy.
Or you're a kid or you have 0 attention spawn. Anyway kys gamer