ITT: our dark gaming secrets

ITT: our dark gaming secrets

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I imagine the multiplayer was pretty fun. Wish it wasn't just fucking Tower Defense tho.

It literally figuratively objectively better than Metal Gear Blunder 5

I game with a 1050 Ti :D

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you can unlock hulk hogan in smash brawl if you beat the story with kirby's 2nd color 5 times in a row with no damage

1050 here but It recently shit the bucket
is a 580 worth it?

I legitimately want to give 76 a try. The world looks better than NV and 4. And the new enemies look interesting. Just waiting for the apparent steam release and actual mod support.

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I game with r9 380 which is basically the same. Nothing wrong with that.

>hulk hogan

Is the game fun if you ignore that it's supposed to be a Metal Gear game and take it for what it is? I'm considering getting it on sale.

the multiplayer and arcade mode were fun

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I enjoy playing video games

I wish 2k didnt fuck this game from the start. The original versions gameplay was great but Turtlerock not being allowed to put out a patch for 3 months/the word of microtransactions killed the game

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I play a lot of porn games but I don't jerk off while I play them.

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It's not fun user trust me

OP here
multiplayer is literally dead, and that was the only worthwhile part of the game. You're a year and half late, unfortunately

I bash Overwatch as a shit dead game but really im just salty over getting banned when i was literally the 5th best ranked Lucio player in the world. I truthfully miss OW and, and just generally shocked Blizzard would ban a player this good.

I cheat all the time in online games. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years and never got caught. I was pretty unstoppable with wallhacks and the spy decloak sound made into a police siren
I abuse quick save and quick load constantly, especially in stealth games like Hitman
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I cheated to get an A in 2 different computer science courses even thouguh I can barely program basic shit
I made it into Master rank every season I played Overwatch only as Mercy. I had to quit playing because getting yelled at for fucking up became too much
I shitpost as a hardcore Leftist and a Trump supporter to derail threads I have no interest in
Pic related is my 100% genuine opinion

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Understood, thanks.

i dont speak zoomzoom

the world is the best part. I’ve played it a little

I have 300 hours in deadfire and I think it is better than kingmaker. I also think serafen is the best written character.

Guild Wars 2

those numbers are from like 3 years ago too

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holy fuck what is wrong with you

Teach me.

I've never played a Mario game

If its cheap and hasn't been used for mining, yes

Battlefield 5 - 200 hours

I bullshitted through some of undergrad too

You may not have started out retarded user, but but I'm sorry you're beyond saving

I think that now that TORtanic is f2p it'sgenuinely worth playing if you're jonesing for a bioware style rpg, especially Warrior and Agent

I shitpost about games that I am interested in so that people will defend them and say what is good about them as a way of convincing myself to buy them

i came from 1050 to 580 and yes

I barely ever finish games that aren't RPGs. Most action games aside from like DMC and Platinum stuff are too simplistic and start to bore me after about 2-3 hours.

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I still own a physical copy of Madagascar on Nintendo DS.
I finished it twice

and I've never even watched the movie

favorite game on NGC is a shitty movie licenced star wars game.

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Is this Bounty Hunter? I remember liking that.

This is straight up good sense and the only way to get a real opinion out of Yea Forums users. You'll see people start threads about games they want to seriously discuss with a purposefully provocative OP because it wards off shitposters and attracts people who like the game.

More than half the serious discussion threads about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when the game first game out opened by making fun of it

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I have chronic pain and have used games as a way to stay sane for the past 25 years. If you have the ability to explore the world do that instead of playing games, you're very lucky.

I found FO:NV and Immortal Redneck boring

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Are you upper middle-class chinese mainlander?

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Lol how can pain be real just cut off your nerves. Like nigga just stop the pathways coming to your brain.

It is. Everyone I show it to thinks it's a big piece of shit so it's my guilty pleasure. I can't disagree with their criticisms but fuck I love it.

I frequently hack my consoles because the fear of bricking them and losing money helps me with my constipation.

send me this tier list

I think battlefield 1 has more soul than 3,4, and 5.

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I fucking loved battlefield 1. It was my favorite fps in such a long time.
Such a shame it died for 5.

I also put about 150 hrs in MG Survive and enjoyed the whole thing. RIP in peace.

Max Payne 3 is a good game though.

My dark gaming secret, you say?

I just can't enjoy or get into the Legend of Zelda games and I've basically tried them all. The only ones I played in their entirety are Majora's Mask and Four Swords. I can't actually get into and enjoy the franchise though. Would playing Breath of the Wild change my mind?

Breath of the Wild totally feels like a different game so yes, you should try.

I can’t play a game without a guide, I’m fucking retarded desu

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I like anime games.

I enjoy video games

I've never played a Final Fantasy game nor can I bring myself to care about the series.

It's never too late to bing bing your wahoo.

Yes you should, also you reminded me of another dark secret of mine

I never played a Legend of Zelda in my life until a year ago because I was convinced it was an action JRPG. I literally avoided it like plague despite being a huge Nintendofag for all my life (and owning almost every Nintendo console) because of this. A normie friend told me they were actually action adventure, so I played them all and now I love the franchise.

Jesus f christ

bet most of you never even heard of this shit

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Me too. It's legitimately the worst launch ever done, can't wait to play this mess.


That's a lotta stats for a porn game


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The only games that scratch my autism just right for watching numbers go up are porn games. The management/tycoon genre is on life support and the only thing keeping them going are porn games.

Can I get the name of that game?
I like stats.

If you combine every iteration of Pro Evolution Soccer I have probably played more than 10.000 hours.
I don't even do comp, I just get autistic on Master League and right now it is the only video game I can play for more than 10 min.
I don't give a fuck.

I probably have about half as much again on Destiny 2 across Xbone and PC, I just enjoy zoning out and chilling with my mates while playing

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I got it off google images, it's EratohoK. It's the Koei-esque strategy game of the Era series of tohou fan games. Infinitychan was the place to go for discussion on that sort of thing, but who knows when they're coming back.

the only fun I have in vidya these days is ruining the fun of other people's vidya

I have over 300 games in my backlog

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t. Zhang

so does everyone else because the vidya doesn't fucking stop coming

I have almost 1500h on Train Simulator. I do not tell people I'm into trains.

It does if you just stop buying or pirating and just fucking enjoy the ones you have.

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im missing a few myself.

ADD is a bitch

please explain

I can't genuinely hate a bad game if it's made by Kojima, and even if i recognize it as a bad game, i will not admit it. (except MGSV, but i have the Konami excuse)

And i believe the fact that Death Stranding will be 10/10 and revolutionary

You disgust me on a physical and spiritual level.

I played league of legends for 3-4 years, it was the only game I played and I didn't even play it with friends.
I've since sworn off solo multiplayer games.

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Sometimes if I want to play or buy a game but notice it doesn't have Steam Achievements I won't do it, however I'm also too much of a lazy shit to actually do achievements in the games that do have them, I've been working on this though, since I'm clearly missing out on fun games, I've started by going through all the games with achievements in my backlog

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i play games on my mac, its the only thing that i have at the moment besides ps4 and phone

Based Eratohok poster

After years of putting them off, holding a grudge against them and all in all not being intrested in them. I want to give those new Fire Emblem games a shot, even though I know they'll be hot anime garbage.

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I shitpost about games I haven't played and my 3x3 has only three games I played in it.

Man of culture
The discord for the Era games

my favorite game and one of the most moving and touching stories, in my opinion, is called Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll
the level of detail in the cinematics and animations was next gen and the ending will make you cry

I platinumed No Mans Sky

>tfw old videocard died right as bitcoining was driving 1060 and 1070 prices through the fucking roof
>settle for a cheap 1050Ti like a bitch
its trusty but getting GPU limited in an FPS game is complete ass

I hate cave story. It's okay but the hype kills it for me.


why are the fairies so fucking useless

I say anything, even garbage is worth a try once.

>I cheat all the time in online games. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years and never got caught. I was pretty unstoppable with wallhacks and the spy decloak sound made into a police siren

I hope you get hit by a car and survive with nothing but your shattered body in agony.

>Too simplistic
You just lack the intelligence and attention span to actually gauge depth in a system, and think more stats + big empty world = complicated

1050 ti is good.
A lot of bang for your buck.

What do you dislike about the game?


I cheat in Beth games for quick money and try to pull it off as "Oh dear my character got a surprise early inheritance!"

I pirated Nier Automata to jerk off to 2B, but I bought it after I enjoyed the gameplay.

It's the only spank-bank game I've ever bought like that. Also downloaded DOA 5 and Soul Calibur 6 just to jerk off.

Don't tell anyone.

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What the fuck is this.

Not entirely sure maybe the pacing.

When playing games I always feel like I'm playing sub-optimally and end up restarting and looking up guides

ew lol

I do pacifist runs of every single game I can, even if the game is obviously designed around not doing so. I also do lots of stupid challenge runs just because.

I did a playthrough of MGSV where I only extracted absolutely necessary targets, and killed no one at all, using fultons only when it's required and using horseback/chopper otherwise, without getting spotted a single time, going no traces on every possible mission without using a sortie, otherwise just perfect stealth no kills without a sortie, it took weeks of planning and was absolutely not worth it at all.

I do this is Stardew Valley, I reason that I should have money with me since I had a previous job and knew I'd be going to a farm so I brought some stuff with me.

planning it out is autism but seems like fun

Probabaly 900 hours in Skyrim.
Without sex mods

league of legends can be fun

this is coming from someone who barely understands it

I get what you mean but it is a short game so character development can feel a bit rushed

4000 hours in VRChat

all ASSFAGGOTS CAN be fun but most of the time they aren't

Well by planning it out I mean I made a ton of save backups and ran missions over and over again so I could get through with perfect stealth, while also clearing as many other small objectives as I could and picking up large diamonds and all the music casettes.

It's pretty epic when you get like 6 missions in and you already have like 9,000,000GMP.

You can't even stare at a bulge in that game how can it possibly be revolutionary.

I only play native warband without mods


How the fuck

No, it was good you fag

I used to do a ton of challenge runs as a kid as well and now I just don't bother anymore, I was planning on doing Deus Ex HR Pacifist and Foxiest of Hounds so I guess that's a start. It's fun in its own right and it sure goes a long way in letting you experience new things

After two thousand hours in Dota 2 I stopped because even though I was having fun plenty of times, there were also a lot of times I wasn't having fun and after I get out of my job and finish handling home and family stuff I want to have fun, not flip a cloin and hope I don't get some retard.

I keep telling myself that. but I'm a physicalfag and if i don't snap up the shit im interested in it immediately disappears and is replaced with a thousand copies of nba2k17

I love these series but have never finished a single game in them:
>fire emblem (beat one of the routes so I consider that done)
>dark souls
>dragon quest

What decks do you run fag? Is ANKI still good?

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Kind of odd to me mocking someone's intelligence when you didn't manage to read he fucking post correctly. Here, I'll help you out.>aside from like DMC

You'd fit right in with the total war and grand strategy crowd

I bought the collectors edition.

i bought a 'gaming' laptop and have no regrets
but in all seriousness i move around constantly and rarely have more than a few square feet of space so it was the only option for VIDYA GAM

I've done the same with a Gameboy Advance version

Every single nintendo game I only play for like 2 hours then drop it, except for Luigi's mansion

no clue if this is the thread to post this in but guess i will
>have a bird
>caring for him since grandpa died
>love him a whole lot, he’s a real pal
>bird dies
over a year later
>playing minecraft with some friends
>harvesting the jungle for more wood for my treehouse
>see a bird that looks exactly like mine
>holy fuck
>that’s him
>tame him, give him nametag so that his name is the same as my bird’s was
>makes me kinda happy because he reminds me of the good times with my bird

Ignore You can download the games at


I can only enjoy games if I had spend money on them.

Smoking cigarettes makes me terrible at video games because I always find an excuse to stop and have a smoke like whenever I get back to a town or whatever. Last year I stopped and beat a bunch of games including leveling on a WoW private server in less than a week and a half. I just autistically chased dopamine every waking hour and before I knew it I was one of the top 10 on the server to hit max level. I have since started smoking again.

It’s worse when I have to make a decision and I don’t want to get anything negative later on the game.

What’s the name of this game? I’ve gotten sauce but it was another game completely different

Iv been playing pc for nearly a decade now and i still get confused as fuck when i unplug my pc to learn it and then have to figure out how to replug it all back in, i like to take pictures of the back before i do anything

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>I have since started smoking again

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Not really a dark secret, but I get really triggered when people have 1000s of hours in a game, and I go "how the fuck" and they just tell me they really like the game.
Then I see them idling later "[Faggot69 is playing Arma III - 36 hours]"
I'm like... I know this dick head has not been up for 36 hours... his game times sre illegitimate. In the grand scheme, it doesn't really matter, but when I see that I have 400 hours in a game, it really feels like I spent a very long time with it.

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Read the thread, moron.

And I miss it every single day.

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it's not a "dark secret" but to others it would be
I've beaten Quest 64 over 40 times

My absolute favorite fighting game is SNK Heroines because it's so funny, colorful and idiot-friendly. I just wish customization options weren't so limited.

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>our dark gaming secrets
I enjoyed playing BFBC2 on 360 more than on PC.

I am responsible for a semi-popular online game to die off and I don't regret it, the devs were kikes

here's a hint: I distributed ways to break the drops system and nuke the market

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I put at least 300 hours into that all of it on MP.

I have never played a Mario or Zelda game

Or you could just give the name of it instead of being an attention-whoring faggot.

My old faptop kicked the bucket a while ago and I'm looking for a replacement. Is it worth getting if all that you play is old RTS and illusion titles?

How can you have 179 hours played, if you didn't even install the game yet?

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Payday 2

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Borderlands jokes unironically make me laugh.


He probably uninstalled it, the game then just sits there in the library with all the data in case he wants to install it again.

your postmade me chuckle, which is pretty hard with this depression

Awakening's alright, Fates is the waifu shit turned up to 10, but then Echoes dialed it back but it still is just kind of ok.

Three Houses is solid though. Definitely worth a play. I'll probably go back and do other paths after having enough of a break.

I wish DE didn't kill warframe. i had 1k hours and was enjoying it.
I wish MS2 kicked off more.

Masked heros had to add Neos shit to stay viable.

They had a real good run, but until we get other masked heroes they're just too slow.

Magnets are fucking fun as hell though.

Don't mix meds with alcohol bro

I enjoyed the game. I just wish they didn't lock secondary classes as post game content. Also not allowing coop to happen in the campaign was an insane missed opportunity.

is survive somewhat fun if you play solo? I wanted to pirate it

i've been off them for over a year.
I've matured enough that i don't need them, i simply live with the pain.
I don't drink alone too.

>guys i have a depression
fuck off no one asked

it's not really anything special at all, just way to unlock stuff and break up constantly repeating the co-op grind

Kinda but a lot of the content was locked behind the now dead online. Its basically a mobile game parading itself as an early access survival open world crafting zombieshit.

Don't respond then retard

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The only thing multiplayer gives you is tower defense and cosmetics. The single player is the real meat of the game. The game is fucking stupidly annoying in the beginning, but it gets better once you unlock better ways to manage/extend your resources. If you're gonna pirate it I def say give it a go.

I game on a Mac laptop with a shitty Mac mouse. All I play is cs go max payne 3 and insurgency

How do you have that much time into it?


I'm only playing it when the crack comes out

I paid $10 to get to 10th prestige and unlock all items in modern warfare 2 and then realized a couple weeks later it was a huge mistake because there was no more reason to play the game because everything was unlocked and the game felt boring so I stopped playing.

this is why most unlocks are a mistake

I like to collect stuff

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Delet this right now.

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>1050 ti is good

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I'm shit at Civ. I dont get the game at all.

If you're not interested in them then don't play them, holy shit.
This is such a nint*ddler mentality, don't let them bully you into playing their shitty games.

Forgive me

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It was overwhelming for me at first but just keep playing and it will eventually click, stop if you don't have fun though

I used a progression guide for both dark souls 3 and 1. For every single area.

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>1050ti gives me 40 fps at 1080p
>start using my old 768p monitor
>suddenly every game runs at 60 fps

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I have 2 gaming laptops and 2 windows tablets to game on trainrides and I love it

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no shitch?

I like Hyrule Warriors

No bulli ;-;

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preordered the new cod, the only other one i own a friend bought me from g2a when it was on sale on steam for cheaper and i still haven't given him the money

Aww dude they did like a free weekend, I got to play it, honestly it's nothing to write home about but I'd say it's worth it if you can get it on a heavy discount.
Even the zaniest of storylines you could find inevitable end up leading to nothing impactful and gives you just a handful of loot.
As an example, I found this super tall skyscraper full of high tech gadgetry and fought my way to the top, eventually after going through some puzzle to get the passcode to the top floor I found some secret pre-war plans for something called project motherlode or something, sounded cool, so I go through the whole mission and so on, and at the end this fuck huge drill bot bursts out of the ground and I'm thinking dang this is pretty cool, then it just gives me a handful of ores, the drill fucks off and that's the end of the mission.
Pretty much every mission is like this, you're not going to be effect any narratives or impacting the world, just earning shit to craft with and stuff which can be anti-climactic but like I said it's not fucking terrible if you're over what they did to the lore and so on lol
obviously it's more fun with friends cause I mean duh come on now

Did you max out every class or something? I felt like I played a shit ton and realized I only have 150 hours.

Eh, it's a fun game I like it.
Enjoy your time my dude.

I understand for 1 because it isn't as linear as the other games but why 3?

I have 3200 hours on Warframe

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I can't think of anything, so me racking up 200 hours in a game with 70 hours of content seems reasonable enough.

I liked Survive, it gets an unnecessarily awful rap for being a post-Kojimbo MG game that was made to cash in on the fad of survival horror/crafting
but I liked the multiplayer

I hate most of cod but play autistic amounts zombies. And I'm fucking garbage

That game used to be my brother's favorite obsession, I think he beat it three times.

>monster hunter thread

Fuck off Pat

I have 300+ games and I haven't played most of them
I have a hundreds of hours in guitar hero 2 and 3 on Xbox, just playing my favorite songs over and over

I will never get this... why buy games if you have no intention of playing them.

me too, it's good enough for what I paid considering i don't play graphic heavy games

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spent about 4K hours playing ranked LoL and i peaked at diamond 2 good news is i intentionally got my account banned and now im a free man

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I start them, but then I start another one. I'm trying to stop doing that. I'm working on it user, I promise.

Faggots falling for steam sales.

I platinumed Devil May Cry 2 twice.

Bro its called devil may cry 2 for a reason
you did good

It's probably closer to 400 cause my internet isn't great so I do offline mode a lot and I pirated it before buying.

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I got most of them for free or pirated them. I have 300+, I didn't buy 300+.

oh that's different.

I play games for the romance storylines because im so lonely and they make me feel less empty

I have 3000 hours on DS3, 2500 hours on DS1 and 750 hours on DS2. I could have majored in Law or something..

I don't know how I managed this

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What game do you have the most for? Is it skins and shit?

I've got 3016.

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I’ve played almost every single Zelda that’s been released but I’ve never finished a single one.

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I have no idea. I just remember buying all the dlcs for games I liked if they didn't cost a ton.

blessed image

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I was raised on all the games and tv my older brothers liked, I play mostly old and emulated games and a shit ton of Doom. I larp as a boomer even though I'm only twenty.

I probably have 2k hours in minecraft
Don't know exactly becasue I never bought the game

I made a youtube video with over 100k views of myself battling Red in Pokemon HeartGold. Even made a female youtube account for it. and now I'm a tranny

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playing pic related right now and enjoying it somehow
most because I met some cool people in pvp who took gear off to bring themselves down to my strength and we've been having some pretty even matches and its been fun
the grind is still pretty abysmal near the cap though

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I haven't finished a new game in 4+ years. Video games aren't fun to me anymore but they're really the only hobby that interests me. Send help

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I usually get the top tier of ladder in a game quite fast but Ive played over 2500 hours of league of legends and never got to diamond once

I've really enjoyed vanilla KH3, despite its horrible, horrible ending . However, I jumped into the hate bandwagon and shitposted in Yea Forums just for the sake of it . I consider it has major flaws, though.

>Send help

This is the size of my lewd game folder. I've cleaned out a lot of the bad ones, too, and I have a few in other folders or on other drives.

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>raised on RTSs from the late 90s because all I had was an old office computer to play vidya in
>have to larp as a boomer because all the shitters my age grew up on CoD 4 and similar hot garbage
I can still enjoy modern games just fine but I can clearly tell there's been a shift in the opinions on certain games around here and how said opinions coincide with the time people in my age range started feeling nostalgiafaggotry over mainstream console games that don't have much entertainment value for someone like me who's experiencing them for the first time now.

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Your reply doesn't even deserve a (You), literally contributes nothing

Based. What are your favorites

This is just one file.

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>and now I'm a tranny

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I was playing Warcraft 3 yesterday.

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I had nearly 200GB of doujins and 100GB of porn games before I started culling them out, now I'm down to 150GBs of doujins and whenever I feel like downloading any game I just have a good wank and step away from my computer because I really can't afford to lose more time making cards in Koikatsu or reading the "plot" of a game before a girl gets gangraped

Some games I would never play on PC I'm willing to play on PS3, like Fallout 3 and Assassins Creed

SW:BH was a great game though, loved once you got the jetpack it felt like the levels opened up a lot more

Being a game boomer isn't so bad. I'd say older games are better than current games.

my 1st souls gamw

I still use my laptop from 2011 for everything.
I finally put an SSD in it about a year ago after the Harddrive started to die, reduced the boot time from 2~ minutes to a few seconds, man I wish I did that sooner.

All I play is older & indie games so it still serves me well.

Does MGSurvive still get support and players? I played the beta on ps4 and thought it was fun but I never bought it

I mostly like old Illusion games, Artificial Academy 2, Schoolmate, Artificial Girl 3. I liked Koikatsu, but it felt like watered down AA2 to me. I played a ton of Corruption of Champions, but had too much furshit for me.
I have too many to pick from.

In multiple games I've secretly pretended to be both a regular player and the server admin/guild leader, and used this to my advantage. I've also made guilds on opposite factions, made them fight and pretended I was a genius commander for reading the other guild's moves and destroying them.

I dont play sex games even though Im a coomer.

I game with a GTX 670 2GB
I play most new games in 40fps med/low settings because that's what my pc can handle
I pirate almost every game, unless it's for a reasonable price or on sale
I kinda liked new AC games (origins and odyssey)
I bought a PS4 and sold it after a month
I have over 1000h in CS 1.6, and over 400h in both CS:S and CS:GO
I've never played smash
I hate platformer games
Xenogears and Xenoblade Chronicles are my favorite games and Xeno is my favorite franchise

I game with GTX 660 2gb

>And the new enemies look interesting
are you talking about the t posing zombies?
ah i mean t posing everything

GT 440 here

I autistically run private servers of some old games, some of which I've never even heard of, just to try them out, fuck with them if I can (source/file editing), and maybe rope friends into trying them with me
I sometimes dedicate hundreds of hours to this shit even though I never go anywhere with it because I'm too inept to commit to actually hosting

Pic related is what I've been fucking with for some months now, it's server software for smt imagine

Attached: Servershit.png (600x356, 27K)

cheating is just the way to go, doing the same

literally me, but I'm like 230 hours on ps4

6001 hrs in War Thunder

Every single time I am on the toilet taking a shit, I try to speedrun through Dark Souls 3 in my head. Why? I have no fucking idea, it just happens. I'm actually going to go take a shit right now, brb

I’ve never actually beaten oblivion. I’ve barely ever scratched the main quest and it’s probably the game I’ve sunk the most time into, outside of Pokémon sapphire

this is the most zoomer list i've ever seen.
>last of us GOAT
>detroit, fc5, GoW3, and bamham anything other than total garbage

>he didnt stopped playing cod after bo2

same but I don't regret it.

Attached: 1562508794838.jpg (640x360, 27K)

>First Kiss: Mara's asshole

a-user that's not how you kiss

76 never got a steam release? Lol. I'd try it if it was less than $20. It looks hilariously bad.

I don't hate most current games, I just think older games did it better. The only games I'm looking forward to this year are Doom Eternal and Indivisible, because I play Skullgirls.

How do you live with yourself as a human being?

Same. I'm a fallout fan so I should try it.

Is there a translation and full version i can get my hands on?

I paid $800 for a Vega 64 during the mining craze. Yes I'm retarded.

Attached: 1509927770955.jpg (635x634, 46K)

How you could break it?

Hi there Hodd Toward

I have 1000+ hours in 100% Orange Juice and rising.
I've been playing the same PS1 game weekly for 20 years.

Attached: 1458957840_poppo.png (500x500, 112K)


Why not just play ROTK, the actual game that eratohok is based off, if you're not after the porn stuff?

COD: WWII is the only COD game i actually enjoy, i also pre-ordered the special edition of Raid: WWII.

this use just a coping mechanism you don't actually believe it

I got a 1080 instead of a 1080ti and for some reason a bunch of modern benchmarks are just skipping my card and posting 1070.
Also running control on ultra at constant 60-90 With a double refresh rate monitor basically freesynced up. Looks p good.

I unironically enjoyed Battleborn (at least before it died)

Attached: battleblunder.png (1358x1381, 699K)

only an Asian could drink this much soi