>P4 spoiler so common even google doesn't give a shit
is it weird that I've never cared about spoilers and read spoilers for pretty much every piece of media I've consumed beforehand?
not really, but redditors will tell you it is
Knowing that something happens is okay depending on the scenario, the important part not to get spoiled on is how it happens.
Reminder that P4 is all Chie's fault.
>uses google
Enjoy your censored results.
wouldn't normies be the ones who don't want spoilers?
Normie is whoever disagrees with my personal narrative so I look like the intellectual one.
I've always been able to compartmentalize information so spoilers are never particularly earth shattering. At worst they just make me feel dumb for missing something obvious.
Even as you play it's pretty obvious Adachi is likely the culprit from a meta standpoint. Everyone that has a portrait is either a teacher, that one fat student, a social link, or relevant to the plot so when you have to finger the suspect the list is really small.
And the gas station attendant is hilariously suspicious thanks to the controller vibrating when you shake his hand and because he's only out when it's raining which is always tightly linked to foggy days.
no normies are the ones who happily read in magazines and on social media what happens before it actually does like my parents who read what happens in their tv magazines before the show even airs later that week
"explosion at the warehouse?! x, y and z are inside! watch to find out who dies!"
the entire point of decent media is to make you feel something and if you already know half the twists and turns before you play/watch it any kind of surprise, suspense or build up is gone and you're going to feel less from it
i swear the kinds of fags who say stuff like this are the ones who will turn around later and complain an rpgs story was boring because they knew everything going in
>'a cute girl who could actually exist in real life.'
doesn't he have a social link in Golden?
Yes but the social link only raises even more red flags thanks to it being a variant of the fool for its ranks prior to the reveal and due to it having a very unorthodox schedule compared to other S-Links so you're even more suspicious about Adachi.
It occasionally sucks but if the media was good you generally don't lose anything. It's the kind of people who only consume or think about a piece of media once who tend to get upset.
I don't see it, where is the spoiler?
>The people who write and design modern Persona are out of touch with reality.
Shocking, I know.
Yeah in what world is an abusive cunt cute?
Bottom right.
I usually hear spoilers at a point when I don't care about the game at all so when I actually start playing the game later I don't remember the spoiler.
P4/5 were brainlet tier. They make all the characters so predictable that when everything goes down it's not even surprising.