
Can we have a thread about what a great girl/character Bernie was?

>Crippingly shy and depressing, but for reasons that feel legitimate, was practically kidnapped to find herself in the school, clearly overwhelmed by everything
>While Edelgard is telling you to get the fuck over your father's death and Hubert is saying he "Doesn't do" condolences, Bernie forces herself out of her room into the world she's terrified of, to pay her respects to a man she barely knows, because she knows he means a lot to you
>Post time-skip everything about her shows her growth and development, even her new hairstyle shows she's begun taking care of herself
>Never hides in her room anymore, even if she's still sometimes frightened and prefers to be reclusive

Honestly, one of the best characters in the whole damn game.

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And this Flayn fish gif is better than the Bernie one.

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Built for Yea Forums cock

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don't care, give sauce

>the school
game dropped

I love Bernie!

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Well Monastary. It's an Officers Academy setting, so only a year long

Agreed. Doing her hair every day shows how much she's grown.
Even in her endings she's shown to be a loving and caring wife.

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game undropped then, I'm just sick of anime and anime derivative products having a high school setting.

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Made for bullying.

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use saucenao you triplenigger

Not touching ths game until they roll back the censorship

Fair enough. It doesn't have any school tropes, since it's not a typical school setting and the characters are all 18-28ish (there's a large range).

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I preferred Marianne by far but Bern was okay.

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they rolled back treehouse fanfiction

Good taste

The old line was closer in tone to the original script than the new line.


More like 14-18
Everyone older than that is a professor or a knight

Oooh ohhh ah ah! Me likey chest bumps! Oooga oooga! Me likey touch chest bumps! Touchie meat stick when Unka see chest bumps! OOOOOHHHH Unka feel white spit from meat stick!!!!! Unka COOOOOOMINGGGGGGGG!!!!!

>It doesn't have any school tropes

Thank god for that. If they tried to shoehorn Jap school life shit like School Festivals or whatever it would be so shitty.

Mercedes and such, there's a handful of 20+ girls.

And then there's a 5 year timeskip.

Bernie is for fire

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Krieg buddy
How are you, still a psycho?

How about my second favorite girl Annette?

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Post the line then, corporate boot licker.
Prove me right.

Bernie Bernie Bernie that's a name you should know!
Bernie Bernie Bernie she's the star of the show!
She's got more than you think!
She's got maximum stink!
Bernie Bernie Bernie's the one!

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My wife

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I'm not fond of school settings either and was worried it'd turn out like pic related. Fortunately the school setting was more of a base than a vehicle for anime tropes.

The oldest student is 22-23 lol. What are the age requirements for this weird dchool

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Still cooming

>I was tied up in a chair and got lost all the time, anyway, marry a good partner


>The oldest student is 22-23 lol. What are the age requirements for this weird dchool

It's an Officer's Academy, so it's not a normal school. It's somewhere nobles go to be trained for military leadership.

And honestly, I know people love Part 2, but to me Part 1 was super comfy with the Monastry schedule, new things coming every month and house competitions to keep the faction pride boiling over.

I was actually sad when we went from the light-hearted tone of Part 1 to the dark and serious Part 2.

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Part one was pretty good overall. I just wished the houses had a couple of missions exclusive to them during it.

>Part one was pretty good overall. I just wished the houses had a couple of missions exclusive to them during it.

Agreed. Playing BL I thought they would all have unique missions, since all the missions seemed focussed on BL characters.

Then playing the other routes I realised,"Oh nope, the BL characters are just the protagonists." Fair enough.

Part 2 of every route just felt kinda rushed. I also prefered if they dropped the schedule amd faculty mechanics in part 2. They try to justify making a base at the monastery because it's in the middle of everything but I think it'd make more sense if they simply made base camps like the previous fe games

Base camps would have been neat. A lot of the maps have big unused areas in them if you zoom in, so they wouldn't even need to make many new assets. It would be cool to have a base camp on the map you just conquered.

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