He only plays singleplayer games because his fragile ego would get shattered by other players

>He only plays singleplayer games because his fragile ego would get shattered by other players

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw playing mp and someone starts bullying me

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guilty as it gets me in ways id rather not discuss
also guilty

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Yeah probably.

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>He only plays singleplayer games cause modern multiplayer games forces people to work together
>He doesn't want his experience to get ruined by braindead retards
>He doesn't want to play gacha infested games

who's that smug cun

I destroy everyone in multiplayer games though, including you OP. My bitch

>he never plays multiplayer because his internet cuts out every 15 seconds

what a loser

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yeah that used to be me. It sucks being slightly gifted as a child

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I only play single player games because they usually have more things to do than multiplayer or co-op games.



I'm likely better at games than you.

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I just hate competitive trash and e-sports, TF2 is still one of my most played games because it's pure fun

no stop

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I use to play multiplayer games, but I just hate the "Gaming community" now.

I prefer single player because multiplayer gets boring after a while, due to the lack of opponent variety.

Tyrannys out!

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I wish someone talked shit to be so I could at least talk to someone.


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>gaymer thread

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The fuck you say about me, you little shit?
You wanna fucking die?

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l o s e r

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stop ERPing

>tfw ranked anxiety
>still force myself to play because I enjoy pvp
>cry when I lose

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Single player will always be more boring because competing against CPUs is not satisfying at all.

I'm NOT erping. I just have a million umaru reaction images in my downloads folder.

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Stop kink shaming

>He only plays singleplayer games because his fragile ego would get shattered by 13 year old burdens with legs that tell him that they fucked their mom while screaming DAB ON THE HATERS

no, I love kink shaming

i prefer online co-op to online pvp

I don't think you know what that word means.

No I just get no pleasure unless it's a gg

>he said with an erection

You are competing with other players either way, CPU just structures challenges. I like that SP has clear goals, you can just get to a point where you can say "yup I've explored this game thoroughly" and move on whereas MP is just an endless timesink that never ends or feels satisfying

Dumb phoneposter

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>play multiplayer game
>say gg even if I'm in last place

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>every player online is 13 yrs. old
>every multiplayer game takes place online, never offline
>he doesn't know how to turn off people's mic
>he gets asshurt by generic yo mama jokes
Imagine trying so hard to justify your cowardice and being this sensitive

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>he plays MP
>it isn't 1v1

make me uwu

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Wtf I want to fuck a furry twink now?

The more the merrier

My kink is being shamed, please continue

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It's the other way around actually. SP has linear goals and CPUs are boring as hell to fight. MP has you going against more varieties of playstyles, humans will always be more unpredictable and can adapt to you so they're a more satisfying challenge. Improving in MP games and beating opponents you couldn't before is more fulfilling than beating up AI.

aaa i said stop....please stop...

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God this thread is fucking gay

>not wanting to fuck one before
lame taste

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how original, I've never heard that one before

I want to lick that tummy!!!

i'll stop if you apologize for being such a fucking loser

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>their fragile ego is easily shattered
>they play MP games anyway
Fuck people like this

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aaa ok fine! im sorry for being such a loser!!!
can you stop now? can i go play video games or something?

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wtf I'm gay now

what drives a man to become an ERPer?

Hello moeigger RPers. I am the shounenCHAD RPer and I'm about to hit you with my mega ultra kame ora rasengen plus ultra attack!

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a chastity cage i would assume


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What's wrong with this? You just need to lose over and over until you realize it's not a big deal. If you never even play it will only get worse.

I should have specified no ERPs as responses

Is it? If I stop playing a mp game all I'm left with is a feeling that there's work to be done because they have no real over arching goals, rather than an overall feeling of satisfaction about time spent. Though tbf its the same with competitive single player


>Ranked anxiety
Just drink water and take deep breaths bro

something in his brain... you know...

I've been playing the Modern Warfare beta and it confirms why I don't like multiplayer pvp: it's all the same shit
Nothing has changed, it's the same bog standard shoot dude and sit in box to claim objective shit I've played for over 15 years and I'm fucking bored

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It applies to just about everyone, but when you haven't reached that stage where you should be in control of your temper, it's something else entirely.

Trannies who chop their dicks off should be killed while cute twinks and traps should be protected

Prove me wrong

>people now bash good sp games now

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I can't. You're right and absurdly based.

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I have such a fragile ego it's sad. I get mad and smash things.

Ego has nothing to do with it. Multiplayer versus just isn’t fun anymore. No creativity. Just pay to win/micro transactions. Rather play comfy 4 co-op games. Halo 3/GOW tier co-op

>plays MP games because he's lonely and starved of attention
>plays MP games because he's unattractive and can live vicariously through a stick thin female avatar
>plays MP games because he's a sexual deviant and other people indulge his warped psyche through ERP

traps don't exist in reality


Girls (male) > boys > boys (female) >>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>> girls > trannies

This desu

>no real overarching goals
Ranking up, learning/mastering a matchup or combos, beating certain players, winning a tournament, etc.? I guess it depends on what MP game you're playing, but singleplayer games "goals" are so shallow and boring. Drive/run to this waypoint, defeat this CPU, talk to this CPU, bring item A to area B, survive this wave of CPUs, they're all just so dull in comparison to actually using your mind and reflexes to outplay a decent human opponent. Because you would still be playing against CPUs.

I'm a Jainist extremist so I believe in non-violence and avoid conflict.

>only multiplayer game I play is Space Station 13
>not very good at it to begin with
>even worse when I play a job that requires interacting with people

I can't

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you are just gonna end up browsing Yea Forums all day/night again anyway

ALL LGBT people stink!

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get this weebshit off my anime website

Lol homos

>Ranking up, learning/mastering a matchup or combos, beating certain players, winning a tournament, etc.?

Rank up? Now you have to maintain it or aim for higher. Beat a good player? Now you have other good players to beat, or the player you beat improves. Win some tournament? Big fish in a small pond effect. These goals always shift because there are no end goals for competitive games, there are only milestones and you're always left unsatisfied so that you will keep playing. It's by design, these games are time sinks that you're not supposed to be "finished with", only burn out over time as you get sick.

when did all weebs starting ERPing? how do I like anime without interacting with these "people"?

suck my dick fag lol

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You'd like that gay boy lol

no i can browse Yea Forums all day/night again AND make time for video games

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maybe don't come to 4channel?

yeah I would homo lol

This gut takes way too long to draw comics, he should just do commission and way shorter comics instead.

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>Lolo homos
You know it, senpai

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gee user, your mom lets you have TWO monitors?

>Yea Forums is the gay roleplay website

>he only plays multiplayer games because he needs to constantly prove his worth to himself
>doesn't play fighting games and instead opts for team focused ones with strangers so that their ego won't break from having to hold himself accountable when he loses

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I only play single player games because they are betterthan multiplayer. I used to play multiplayer but most multiplayer games pairs you with retards and I'm hyper-competitive.

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>bottom femboys
into the trash you go

It's bondage, gay website. It's all male.

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>top femboys


>top femboys
300% gay

>85+ iq femboys

femboys aren't real

>now you have to maintain or aim for higher
Yes, it's called a genuine challenge. Something that MP will always beat SP games at. Constant self-improvement, keeping your composure so you play nicely and don't lose all you worked hard for, it's very hard. But because it's so hard and intense it's that much more satisfying when you succeed. I don't feel that same sense of accomplishment by driving to a waypoint in an openworld SP game, or beating up a CPU. Because those are boring as fuck in comparison.

>Win some tournament
Whether it's online or in locals, this is extremely gratifying because you started from nothing to being able to outplay people consistently, not just by luck.

>no endgoals, only milestones
It depends on the person, maybe his end goal was to win that small local tournament. If so, that could be the end of that game for him, and move on to the next. Improving to a certain level could be someone's endgoal as well. And again, by gameplay alone human competitors provide more challenge and risk/reward than cpus.


They can be, with paper bags.

>not mentally-broken hypno'd femboys

explain me then

They have feminine bodies, but their faces are very manly 99% of the time

>not video game playing femboy to sit in your lap
Would be nice.

>fags like OP cant handle being called out for being shit players
at least I don't have to deal with single player

these two
bimbo femboys in heels pls

>They have feminine bodies

>average or big dick femboys
give up

I know I'm bad at MP games, I don't see the point in being proven right time and again. I rather just have fun.

good taste

multiplayer is trash though. you get shitty teammates all the time thanks to shitty matchmaking. your character is very limited by design in what it can do so that you won't be able to steamroll other players unless they're clueless about the game and how it works. even if you're good at the game your ability to win is more often than not incumbent upon your team and their competency. multiplayer is shit unless you're playing fighting games or you have a dedicated team who plays regularly and wants to improve.

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It isnt about ego, its just about having fun. Im easily pissed off, and playing online gets me riled up quickly. Its not about the challenge either, i love hard games. Theres just somethkng about people and the scummy way they behaive online that sucks out any enjoyment i might get out of competetive games

thanks for proving my point

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Are those belt buckle marks?

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>posting gay porn will prove something

>all teammates in all games are shit
This sweeping generalization is shit, and not all games are even team-based. And you can just find players to team with, or leave a game if you don't like teams. None of this means multiplayer games are bad, this is just you being a brainlet and making up fake scenarios to cope with sucking so bad.

not an argument

What did you want him to post you dumb nigger? An X-ray of a trap's body?

there's nothing to post because they aren't real

Thats a tranny those patches on its stomach release estrogen.

now THIS i can get behind

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how would you know, tranny?

Even the best trap body cannot compete with a real woman's

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It's not a shit generalization, it's true more often than not. You're just mad because someone called you a faggot for not staying on point and you took it personally. Even if you have a group of randos who actually know that they're doing, you're going to be at a disadvantage when compared with a group of people who have a synergy and not only know what they're doing but who can play off one another's strengths and weaknesses.

You're not gay, you're just lonely.

Because I was almost indoctrinated, but I stopped before doing it. I did research though before stopping.

I don't play competitive multiplayer games because that shit stresses me out. Shit like starcraft's multiplayer has me sweating and my arms shaking out of the stress of the competition. I play games to relax, not to stress out.

Is this /lgbt/? Is this Yea Forums? Caught in a bad thread no escape from their homosexuality
Open your eyes look up to their posts and see

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>I have lost so I must wojak
Like clockworck.


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if you're saying i wouldn't fuck a handsome man, you're dead wrong

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Yea Forums hates women so much they became massive faggots around 2013.

Gay men act just like women though. They even cheat as much if not more.

If I stop feeling lonely, will I no longer want a cute femboy to fuck my face and cum in my mouth?

It is a generalization and you're just mad because I called you out on how retarded it is. Proof enough is you have no response to me saying you can just leave that game with the shit team and find good players to team with. Every multiplayer game no matter how cancerous has some great players.

>You're going to be at a disadvantage
By your own logic all teammates are shit so why are you at a disadvantage if the opposing team are also made of shit? You even contradict yourself because you're seething brain can't produce any valid reasoning anymore.

>Multiplayer is bad because I have anecdotal proof that sometimes my teammates are bad
And singleplayer games are bad because CPUs are boring as shit to play with compared to outplaying actual humans. And almost all singleplayer games have shit AI anyways. Here's your last (you), brainlet.

just have sex with a female


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You get a short rush and then you're back to square one, grinding away at a game endlessly with constantly shifting goalposts. I guess if you have really low standards you could be satisfied by just hitting a certain rank, but in that case you're a casual anyway so whether you play mp or sp doesn't matter. If you have even the slightest inclination towards perfectionism in you, these games are the polar opposite of satisfying

They're also insufferably illogical and emotional.
Some faggot that lived on my block got his boyfriend cucked off of him by some giant strapping lad, who then moved into the cucks housewith his new trophy boy toy like the absolute chad he was.
Faggot jumped into a river and didn't float back up. Probably couldn't deal with hearing his "ex" getting railed every night.

No, because 90% of multiplayer games are infested with cheaters and/or have massive grind.

>>I have lost so I must wojak
>Like clockworck.

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You know how hilarious it is to see all the cope responses trying to say multiplayer is bad, at least you're honest about being bad.
>I rather just have fun
Clobbering cpus is pretty bland and underwhelming but I understand casuals are scared to take a risk and compete with other players.

I don't like multiplayer anymore because everyone meta games them, so they become boring. Fine in ranked i guess, but people do this in casual and shit too.

i mean if anything those latter feelings will probably go away if you stop watching so much porn.
has little or nothing to do with loneliness though. you still want a dick, you gay nerd


A Game of Pretend/Homoerotic Sleepover/Hardblush/etc. threads were a frequent occurrence by 2011, if not earlier. One of the reasons they aren't still prevalent is because mods have less tolerance for "Yea Forums culture" threads these days.

Not him but are you legit mentally impaired? Team play with random people is like rolling dice, you can get wildly different results and so can the team the results will never EVER be the same across the board, you can arrive at an average eventually but statistics mean nothing in individual games

>reverse image search
>It's a trap

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I don't even watch much porn, I use my imagination or read erotica instead most of the time.

How about
>He plays multiplayer games against bots because his ego would be shit on by others

>DUDE just go online and lose a billion times before getting good enough to win once

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>he didn't know

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Better a trap than fucking futa. Futa is trash.

Soi however might be vindicated eventually as AI becomes better and better at imitating human players, eventually surpassing them

>you can just leave that game with the shit team and find good players to team with
Every dumbass motherfucker and their grandma thinks they're good at anything you put in front of them. Doesn't make it true. Besides, you're missing the point because I already acknowledged this, retard. I said as much, that the only way to enjoy multiplayer is to find a serious team of people who are dedicated to that specific game and who want to improve.
>all teammates are shit so why are you at a disadvantage if the opposing team are also made of shit?
I never said that. I said that your teammates tend to be shit in comparison to some arbitrary standard, which is different for each game. Additionally, I also pointed out that you as an individual are always at a disadvantage because your character is more often than not designed to merely contribute to a team rather than "carry" on their own strengths alone. This makes gameplay a chore when you've got a team of retards who either don't know what they're doing or who don't care to coordinate with you in order to meet the current objective.
>singleplayer games are bad because CPUs are boring as shit to play with compared to outplaying actual humans
You're entitled to your shitty opinions, but that doesn't make them any less shit. Have a (you), fucking retard.

They have all the tolerance for "/pol/ culture" though.

t. former "Are you Marty's perfect BF" poster

most modern pvp games dont appeal to me now, the big focus on teamwork reliance instead of just letting good players shitstomp sucks
that and i have become autistic and basically only play SP/co-op grindfests

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>not liking both
you have the gay

It's actually just a shota.

Cry me a river.

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Nah i play single player when i cant find an MP with a balance for fun over skill, the superior methodology

I don't really enjoy the gameplay mechanics of that many online games I've tried, the only game I had a lot of fun with that was multiplayer VS. was Dying Light's invasions (Only playing as the Runner though) Dying Light's gameplay is sick, I wish it just had straight Runner only Deathmatch instead of me having to curbstomp Hunters.

>No tits and dick>Tits and dick
I applaud your shit taste

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Even better

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You fucking jizzbrained faggots are a plague on this site.

What's normal or moral or popular today is different to the past and it will continue to change into the future. You don't have to follow the trends. You don't have pursue what is popular. You don't have to do what others do.

Reject it all. People are controlled by mockery, by fashion, by normalcy. Why should you be? Why appeal to whatever is popular in this brief period of time?

Have you thought about this?

Hacka Doll #3 is a trap, besides reverse traps are better.
>Male mindset
>Male interests
>Athletic, fit bodies
>Not gay

Mario's a nigger

Didn't read lol.

this thread is turning me into a homophobe

shut the FUCK up FAGGOT

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What did he mean by this?

i think "if its cute i want to fuck it"

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based and redpilled

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This use to be the case, but now you have a bunch of rejects who wont stop using the same slightly edited pepe or wojack images which brings in more of the dumb posters.

Okay be honest, how many of your are filthy fujoshi that like fucking little boys or seeing them fucked by big boys?

delusion is so common it should honestly just be considered a normal trait

>Clobbering cpus is pretty bland and underwhelming but I understand casuals are scared to take a risk and compete with other players.
Fair enough, I'm aware that playing, say, Dead Space, won't compare to actually competing against other players. I'm just saying that I'm aware that I'm not good at most multiplayer games. I've seen that clear as day since UT 2k4, so I don't really feel bad about admitting it and just sticking to SP games or even genres without MP.

fujoshi are female so none of them

>i wanna play for fu-
Fuck off and die retard


That's something a fujoshi would write

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Literally anyone who is against multiplayer games play the victim card and make up fake statistics or generalizations like all players are kids or all of them suck. Just so they can justify being too pussy to actually face the decent players. They're not even taking into account singleplayer games other than a very rare few have enemies that are actually satisfying to fight. CPUs are boring because they can't adapt or be unpredictable the same way a human enemy can. More often than not singleplayer games just make them damage sponges or give them a big AOE instant kill for fake "challenge". You'll never find the exhiliration and fun of doing long sets with a rival player, trying to outsmart each other all the way throughout and pushing the limits of your reflexes. The strongest CPUs that read your inputs can be cheesed and wrecked with a single safe move or two, and it's not the same as two human players playing neutral game against each other. When will cowards ever learn?

>Clobbering cpus is pretty bland and underwhelming
Big deal, just do something more exciting
There are a lot of single player games that have difficulty which surpassed what humans are capable of. If you want dexterity based challenges things like Tetris and rhythm games are unparalleled, if you want something more strategic then you can join the millions who are failing to even come close to beating chess AI. And the best part? These things will only improve with time, because AI only improves.

Sometimes popular things are good. Sometimes they are not good. Sometimes they are bad.

Sometimes people genuinely enjoy something that's popular, independently of what others happen to think about it. Sometimes people genuinely enjoy something that's popular for reasons you may not identify with.

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>Why yes, I would date a cute girl even if she did happen to have a penis

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But beating AI isn't fun, it's boring compared to beating other people.

I prefer having journeys I can go on. I am incredibly fascinated with the history of games and the potential of games. I just finished my 400th game. There are just so fucking many good games and I want to experience as much of this newest most advanced medium as I can.

I can't do that when I am focused on "going pro". I wouldn't get any satisfaction from it anyway. But I am amped to start the 3DO library. I'll find one good game on it I'm sure.


>implying most people online nowadays can be classified as sentient

I honestly don't understand how some of these ''people'' play games

My heart rate doubles whenever I play a competitive game, I can barely play because I start sweating and shaking and I have no idea why. I play them regardless to try and get over whatever this is and it keeps happening and I hate my life. It's not a social anxiety since I go out often enough

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>The strongest CPUs that read your inputs can be cheesed and wrecked with a single safe move or two

That's because they are simulating human opponents which comes with a lot of complexity, rather than being free to just provide the player with a normal challenge like true single player games. Despite this however, games like chess have shown that AI can be far more capable than any human player, so if you desire challenge that's where it's at. There have been positive developments in Starcraft learning AI too. Problem is, the vast majority of people who play multiplayer don't play for the sake of challenge or anything like that, they play for the social element that comes with competition. That's why even if AI starts to surpass human players while at the same time learning on the fly and adapting, people will still play against each other.

I only play single player games because multiplayer games have been gutter tier trash the last few years. If a good one comes up they make sure to ruin it with updates.

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>no erection
He don't like it.
A good cuntboy should only get an erection when he is penetrated.

I play pvp games, just not ranked mode


I fucking hate reverse trap

What's the reverse trap tag on panda?

Do you know what a cuntboy is? They can't get erections nor are they reverse traps.

Thank you, saved me the time.

I don't play multiplayer games as much because I know I suck and my efforts are mediocre at best

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I get enough interaction with other people at work and I hate it.
I play games to relax and get away from other people, not interact with them even more.

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I used to enjoy interacting with people but after I graduated High School I really fucking hate doing it

Main tank here. I'm drowning in bussy every time I tank a dungeon. Starting too feel really uncomfortable around pug healers, can't help it that I need to boss them around cause they NEVER know how to play correctly.

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this image never fails to turn me on

It's scary as fuck

Please let me heal for you.

Choking is shit and I refuse to do it if someone for whatever reason wanted me to. End of discussion.

give me sum fuckin sauce

>have to close a thread after replying to someone

>tfw no healdom to command me to come tank and tease me during the run


here you go my degenerate compatriot

>End of discussion.
pfft, maybe for you. id totally be down to try this if i was asked, but i think id first learn how to do it properly

Give me one (1) good multiplayer game that can be played with shit/unstable online connection


I don't like multiplayer games because their gameplay bores the crap out of me. The community too is 99.99% of the time absolute dogshit filled with 10 year olds and retarded manchildren who screech at you when you win and call you a tryhard. Why, the only online game I've enjoyed thoroughly is Spiral Knights but that one is the exception and not the rule.

Sorry I only accept heals from people with the most sluttiest glam, then I pretend I don't know them and tease their outfit during the run.

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>no translation
What a pity.

Wow, hot. I can and want to do all of that.

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still fappable though

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tankdom and healslut shit is fucking pathetic and disgusting on top of being uncreative. There's so many more interesting ways to behave but people fall into their cartoon villain dom shit and their instant cock guzzling at the sight of someone giving them guidance. Fucking trash.

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have sex


very cute user, you'll make a great healsub one day

great examples.

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what about a tank who struggles with accepting his submissive self and secretly desires to be mindbroken by a cute healdom

That's already way more interesting and less constraining with where you can go with it. Gap moe

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I've never enjoyed a good multiplayer game for more than a few months. A good singleplayer game I can play forever.

>played multiplayer games almost exclusively in my teens
>got bored of winning all the time
>usually end up with a win-loss ratio of 3, or 4, or above
>literally cannot hold all these wins
>discovered RPGs about the time I turned 20
>now very rarely play multiplayer games, mostly just enjoying cooperative play when I feel like it

No, user. I am the bully.

The fuck is wrong with you roleplaying fags? Is this what too much multiplayer does to the brain?

i'd just rather go at my own pace with games, rather than in multiplayer where im forced to go at others pace

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I was hoping for stories about anons overcoming their fears of interacting in multiplayer games but instead I get this erp shit.

Fuck niggers, fuck TRANNIES, fuck the government, fuck Obama, fuck jews, fuck Israelv, fuck Europe, fuck illegals, fuck gamers, fuck Activision and FUCK JANNIES

You're describing a tomboy, not a reverse trap, you dumbfaggot

>All this negging ERP
>I'm the senpai-tier player who assures players mistakes are natural and learning is a process
>congratulate strong plays, reassure and gently direct players after poor plays
>always trying to put the group ahead of myself
>always trying to push on to the objective or goal for the others even if I have to eschew my own rewards somehow
Apparently I'm doing it all wrong?

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You sound like a complete snake. I bet you ninja loot and try to create a new identity once people know about your shenanigans

Those ears are fake, like, wtf?!
I bet her cock is tiny, too
Get this thot out of my sight

Sauce, OP?

>mfw only play singleplayer games because all good multiplayer games are dead

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what ARE some fun multiplayer games?? I just never played multiplayer because I didn't know what is fun



>role reversal
still the same

>he's a grown man who uses cartoon girls to express himself
Suicide, please. Im begging you.


Name 1 (one) good recent multiplayer game

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Give me a name please, I tried to reverse search but found nothing


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its still pretty fast to find matches in battlerite if you're from europe

Imagine deleting the post but not the thread
Jannies confirmed trannies

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Where can I find good trap hentai? Ironically haha

I enjoyed the knigh's & magic doujin on exhentai, I don't remember the title but if you search for "ernesti" you'll probably find it


I don't play online because is crowded with 12 yearold shits and I hate kids.

I kinda wanted to counter argue OP, but I'm afraid I'll just get btfo somehow.

source of this image?



I don't play singleplayer games because they're crowded by shitty designed enemies that provide no challenge and I hate shitty enemies. Even the hardest bosses in action games are cakewalks compared to any great competitive human player. Beating computer-controlled enemies is about as fun as beating low rank players or retards. See? You can trivialize both singleplayer and multiplayer games the same way (singleplayer have easy boring enemies easier than fighting kids, multiplayer has kids) But even if you do, multiplayer still wins out. You can kick players off, mute them, just find another game, you can't do the same in singleplayer. You have to deal with the yawn inducing cpu, and if you crank the difficulty they just bloat the hp or give them more moves. Playing against a decent computer will never equate to playin against a decent person, multiplayer is more fun.

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That's why I stopped playing online multiplayer unless it's 1v1. Few people online can accept that losing is usually because they were beaten by somebody who was playing better than they were. They'll never git gud because their ego holds them back.

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sad panda

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most multiplayer games aren't games

this thread is pretty gay

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people who only play singleplayer games use them as their safe spaces. Scared of ever actually getting gud and going through the trial of fire of getting blown the fuck out before levelling up

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tomgirl eng

Multiplayer games are a scam so devs don't have to make characters


You're a hypocrite if you're playing anything other than fighting games. Team based games are for cowardly faggots who sponge off the hard work of other people

Don't replay if it's gay shit

>ywn be a cute trap that gets manhandled by two big burly guys

This reality sucks.

don't dare to use Jahy-sama for your filthy shitposting ever again, swine

Literally this

>games that are out for a decade and every other player has over a thousand hours
hard pass

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>He doesn't play multiplayer just to report people and be filled with a true feeling of power and importance rather then pretending in some silly power fantasy

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Yup, right here