Do any games still have actual good level design?

Do any games still have actual good level design?

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Speedrunners were a mistake

variety bad
hallway sim good

Isn’t this a good thing?

Prey from 2017 was the last time I was genuinely impressed with level design, I think.

its random

No I want my game to have no real challenge other than memorizing where things are.

Someone needs to make a wide open map game with nothing, hit scan guns, and just let people jump around and shoot

I have trouble walking out of my apartment and looking strangers in the eyes, I want my fps games to account for my disability

Insurgency/Insurgency Sandstorm/Day of Infamy

those games have incredible map design which perfect what the retard in the op pic is complaining for no reason about

Why do you need to master it?

He's a speedrunner.

>master the map
it's a shit fucking shooter if having memorized the map makes the biggest difference in your effectiveness

Imagine being this much of a shitter.
BF players have been dealing with this sort of map design for almost two decades and we can do over 5KD just fine.

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Speeding running was a mistake. It's called reflexes, see enemy, shoot it. It's not skill if you memorize the exactly were everything is to the point you can do it with your eyes closed

holy fuck imagine being this SHIT

>Day of Infamy
>incredible map design
Jesus Christ, some parts of the objectives are literally within spawn protection zone, and actually encourage to spawn camp to capture shit like last objective on Crete, how is this good design?

>picks a little bird
>gets two engineers to repair at every chance possible
>heh 5kd is ez

Depends on balance. In a game with low TTK it's usually not good.

Have you heard of R6 Siege

As infantry you cuck.

What the fuck does it matter in CoD? All of the enemies do piss weak damage and are dispatched with a single bullet from a full auto spray.

this but unironically

depends on what type of player you are. For a lot of people yes, for that faggot who just plays dust ii over and over again no

Have you heard of Quake

Ion Fury

don't say that name here, we're all proud trans woman

>Dabbing on shitters with GL and aek on bf4
>Dabbing on shitters with m16a3 on bf3

I never thought I'd see the day when I read about someone complaining that Call of Duty was too complex. It's official, video games were a mistake.

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its more challenging as the guy who can react quicker wins

Omg how dare you basically rape me with that sentence. I'm a proud Lesbian Pre-Op Trans Male who identifies as a Dragonkind.

>demands a recording of your hands
Never have I seen such self imposed spooking.

post the rest faggot

He's not talking about multiplayer

Titanfall 2.

Depends, could've been if it had cover in the center of the road and wasn't wide-open. But the level design has many other issues beyond this.

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>average BF shitter has less than 1.0kd even with vehicles.
>veteran BF shitter has 5.0kd only with vehicles.

don't try and fool us user.

>mastering a COD campaign level
literally what? that's SP? who even does this, what a faggot

yokus island express, blazing chrome, fight n rage all got pretty good level design in their respective genres

This guy gets it.

The outrage from this game from the fucking sprint and SMG streamers is amazing.

God forbid we have a multiplayer mode that actually makes you slow down and think about your movement s instead of just running about spraying an SMG

CoD is coming home boys

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COD maps are usually among the most full of holes with hiding spots everywhere compared to other shooters. It was no different back in 2003. They only get plain and barren when Treyarch is making the maps.

This is what happens when you take the pacifier away from a baby that was so used to it

People who now play Call of Duty are so used to a certain map design that when developers try to change it up and make it more complex people cry

Then again I think Activision actively pushed developers to make the maps a certain way so that the game could be easier and sell more course but I think they gave them some more leeway to make the maps and challenge players

In the beta on PS4 right now I see people actually slowing down taking their time which I have not seen in the Call of Duty game in so long since the minimap is gone

I might just have to actually buy this one unless they put loot boxes in it

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Is he saying that new CoD has good level design because it has the dated level design of a 12 year old game that didn't even have good level design at the time?

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>open field with a bunch of swiss cheese openings
>complex level design

hurd durf how am I supposed to win if I cant memorize where to throw grenades and aim

maybe you shouldn't stand there in the open you dumb fucking nigger.

Attached: Cod4_map_crossfire.jpg (1280x720, 214K)

This is good level design. CoD is finally back. Fuck esport arena levels


best map

all CoDs sucked after [insert you're favorite title hear]

But that clearly has more cover and is more readable.

>hurrr why isnt COD good

my guy are you from 2009, COD hasn't been good in 12 years

BO2 had the best SP

It's student level, the fuck are you on about? It's downright terrible and not for the reason OP listed.

cod1 UO had the comfiest multiplayer

VC is out there man

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Titanfall 2's maps were shit. It only became playable when they ported over levels from the first game.

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It's not good or bad, it's just a different approach. But it certainly suits CoD's style better to have basically unpredictable avenues of attack since the game is much more arcade-style.

TF2 has some of the best level design out of most modern shooters. If you don't understand this then you know nothing at all about level design.

Do you pay attention at all readability, line of sight, cover placement, visual language, lighting, vantage points, flanking routes, flow, framing, positive/negative space, leading lines, affordance and chokepoints?

>Biggest issue fans had with the recent games was repeating map design
>People wanted the return of maps that made thinking on your feet and not running the same lane again and again like a MOBA

Think back to Favela and how you would weave in and out of rooms and up and down houses to flank Snipers or ambushing people from above in Quarry. That is what people want again and little AW kids don't

That image is one of two maps I didn't like. I also didnt the one with a huge underground base built under the hill, with just a huge open field above it. Don't know the name


>unless they put loot boxes in it
you know this is going to happen

It teaches you to not stay out in the open like a retard such as in OP image

Favela still wasn't good but point taken.

>out of modern shooters
Compared to a real game, Titanfall 2's levels are garbage.
>line of sigh
>flanking routes
Hardly a thing when so many of the maps are either hallways or big open fields. Glitch is the only decent map that originated from that game.

Group up you fucking mong, having someone cover your six in this more 'realistic' approach to CoD gameplay and speed is essential compared to you fucking mad sprinting pieces of shit that run into bullets.

Cs go kiddies seething. You babies better not ever go to war because there are also multiple ways to get ambushed

>Play paintball
>Only two routes , one is a long corridor, the other is a mazelike house
>Go inside the house paranoid that you gonna get shot from behind
>Go through the corridor and get shot from miles away

I dont ever wanna go to war if paintball alone made me feel this anxious, the hard to breathe mask didnt help

That's one of the worse ones.

i would say it is. the problem in the op's picture is something you can mitigate by simply not standing in the middle of the fucking road. stay covered, slice the pie while checking each likely spot and don't play like a dumbass and you'll die a lot less than you would. of course you'll still die occasionally to something you can't predict, but that's in the name of depth (like how games with randomness inherently take more skill than games without it, even if the randomness fucks you occasionally)

some people don't like the idea of averaging out your performance over a set period of time and, and those people are autistic

Yeah but in real life, there is also the question of the enemy getting to the ambush point.

>like how games with randomness inherently take more skill than games without it

There are a lot of bad ones.

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>of course you'll still die occasionally to something you can't predict, but that's in the name of depth
Explain how that adds depth.

>Compared to a real game, Titanfall 2's levels are garbage.
Which you failed to mention, which hints at you knwoing you're full of shit since you either can't name one or are so insecure in your answer that you think you mentioning it would hurt your case.
tl;dr, you know fuck all.

>Hardly a thing when so many of the maps are either hallways or big open fields
They're very clearly sectioned off into Pilot/Titan areas (and TF2 has to open up so Titans can move around, which is an excuse OP doesn't have).
Even so there is a lot of cover for pilots and the only really open areas are towards the edges to allow for Titan's to fight in less claustrophobic situations (so not all areas for Titans are chokepoints).

But you made it clear that you didn't even understand half of the things I brought up, since you picked the easy ones you recognized (ignorance) and still misunderstood them.

But I'm just wasting my time here.

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The one thing I don't like about modern level design is the enviromental clutter. This + Visual Clutter in the HUD can make games a right mess nowadays

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>screen goes black

>Crash Site
>Forward Base Kodai
Absolute trash.
>Black Water Canal
Huge No Man's Land in the middle turns it into a campfest
Shitty spawns often ruin matches.
>Boom Town and Complex
Mostly work despite lacking verticality in a lot of places.
Only unconditionally good map. Well, except for it turning into Northstar-only in LTS.
I mean, it's fun, but it also feels low effort in a sense. It's just a bunch of walls upon walls upon walls. It's really fun, but I struggle to call it good map design. Although thinking about it, the titan lanes are weaved well into the maps and the tunnels through the big buildings in the middle really give a lot of options to get to where you want to. Still, Glitch wasn't even a launch map.

I really, really wouldn't call TF2 maps great.

>Which you failed to mention
Pretty much anything that doesn't adopt a generic 3-lane approach; Counter Strike, Quake, earlier Halo games. Levels designed around true flow, and not holding forward all game.

>CoD gets rid of lanes and also takes a few pages from Insurgency or the like by letting you do shit like crack open doors and push them open gradually

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Lane design is shit, but so is swiss cheese where anyone can be anywhere at any given point.

Teams spawn at opposing points (most of the time), don't just fucking run down the middle. Angles are everything, and that's why people tend to hunker down near objectives or cut routes through buildings and side routes with lots of cover. Since other people tend to think the same, you can gank them accordingly. It's classic MW design. A battlefield isn't going to be conveniently designed to let you survive out in the fucking open, the only time you should do that is if you have a teammate or two to cover the shots you can't and it's still a risk.

made a pretty horrible error in my post so rewriting it :)

they do. compare a card game where your deck order is random and a card game where your deck order is predefined. one of these games has nigh infinite depth and complexity (a 60 card deck has 60^60 different permutations, which is quite a lot) while the other can be "solved" within a couple of games. with randomness in play, you're forced to calculate odds and risks associated with each play you make.

to make it topical, if you're playing an FPS and you're headed into a room with 3 popular camping spots that you can't check simultaneously, you have to make a decision which one you'll check based on your previous experiences and make your best guess based on that. you'll also have to take other variables into account, like if one of these spots has a dude camping in it more than half the time, but that spot is far away enough to make it possible for you to fight back even if you guess wrong (since the guy will take longer to kill you), then it might be better to check one of the closer, less likely but more dangerous spots first. but if there's only one camping spot to check, then there's no decision to make whatsoever, you just check the one spot and that'll be that.

a game with randomness or guessing is thus always inherently more complex and skill-based than a game about with no randomness or decisionmaking. the only thing that would lead you to believe otherwise is if you're playing best out of 1s or something like that, where your overall ability to make decision doesn't have enough time to be averaged out. but that's why competitive games usually involve best out of 5s or something like that.

level design peaked in the 00's
after that it went straight down

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The problem with your analogy is that meta decks in card games are meant to mitigate randomness as much as possible. This is in spite of the game's mechanics. A game that is nothing but guessing or chance has no depth at all, because none of your decisions are meaningful.

>babby's first NWI game

>The problem with your analogy is that meta decks in card games are meant to mitigate randomness as much as possible

that's kind of the point of the game, though. you want to achieve consistency in an inherently random game. you can't have 40 lightning bolts in a deck anymore, which was the simplest deck to play in all of mtg's history probably, but you can have 4 lighting bolts, 4 vexing devils, 4 goblin guides, 4 searing spears and so on, which is trying to be the same thing as 40 lighting bolts, but isn't. even in a simple as fuck burn deck like this, you're forced to make some basic risk calculations with each of your moves.

>my opponent has a blocker up so any vexing devils i draw are useless now, so should i try to go for a win in case i draw one of my vexing devils?
>how many vexing devils are left in my deck? what are the odds of me drawing one?
>should i save my mana in case my opponent plays a powerful creature with 3 toughness next turn so i can bolt it, or should i spend my mana now to deal more damage overall?

and so on. you won't have to make decisions like that if you just allow your deck to be 40 lightning bolts, which is the apex of no randomness.

>A game that is nothing but guessing or chance has no depth at all, because none of your decisions are meaningful.

randomness in itself can't give meaning to a game, but it does add complexity to all its gameplay. a card game with no randomness is barely a game at all, it's simply a game about memorizing the best possible way to play and playing it out. you could make the argument that something like flipping a coin isn't skillful at all, but neither would flipping a coin that would show heads, tails, heads, tails in order ad infinitum. it does come down to context to an extent.

i hope you've enjoyed my speech about why abolishing randomness from games is pretty stupid and why only short-sighted people tend to suggest it.

>card games
>depth and complexity
Big yikes

>it does come down to context to an extent.
Which is why you shouldn't be comparing video games to card games. An FPS can work without any hard-coded randomness, where any variance comes from how players play. There is very much such a thing as too many line of sight options, and it can get to a point where there is no reason to have a map anymore because you can just see everything from a given spot.

>that desert tunnel map where 1 team has to exit the tunnel spawn trap while the other team in the other side of the map can camp/headglitch in all the buildings
Fucking yikes.

>Black ops fags that only use smg and lightweight are butthurt

>An FPS can work without any hard-coded randomness, where any variance comes from how players play. There is very much such a thing as too many line of sight options

again, context. having too little randomness/guesswork is bad because it makes decisions too simple. having too much is bad because it makes meaningful decisions nigh impossible (for humans, anyway). the argument was whether randomness adds complexity to gameplay overall, not whether too much randomness ruins a game (which it does). the whole point of designing good gameplay is finding a good balance between the two. going too far on each end ruins the game.

Guy camps for his 7 kill ai bot, his 11 kill chopper Gunner of spawn camp rape, got much nuke boys it's just how I remember!!!!!!

Removing randomness does not lessen the complexity of the game. If players are capable of differentiating themselves from one another, that is enough. See: Quake.
>inb4 retards get mad because i used the "q" word in an fps thread

Mfw I only use the launcher and 1 shot faggots who can do nothing and lose their killstreaks.
Mfw in domination shoot a missile at the flag and get like 4 kills

even quake has some guessing and randomness involved, like having to guess where your opponent is spawning and what he's going to do after that. taking out that aspect would make the game more skillful in a best out of 1, but probably less skillful in a best out of 10.

i wouldn't advocate for removing or adding randomness to quake because quake is specifically a game for people who hate RNG, but there's no reason an arena shooter couldn't have more guessing/randomness based decisionmaking aside from genre conventions.

I would consider randomness the player himself creates to be different from randomness provided by the game. A players' ability to be predictably unpredictable is good, while swiss cheese maps are bad. You can accomplish the former in a game with no sort of RNG.

I don't undestand. Why does having many places enemies can be make it impossible to master?

The fact that a bad map can be used as a good example speaks in lengths.

It still has the lane system, it's just going back to older level design where maps aren't symmetrical which is a good thing because fuck symmetrical mp maps.

Eat shit, been playing since original Insurgency Source mod

in some way yeah, but for the most part it's still just guessing based on some kind of quick maths you do in your head. how a player decides to act is still a type of information you have no real access to, you can only try to extrapolate it based on past behavior and how he's acting now. it's not random in the sense actual RNG is, but it nearly is. like, if you were playing football in real life, and the wind grabbed the ball in the air and threw it off course, would that be randomness or not? because technically it isn't, but you had essentially no way of predicting that aside from knowing that it was a somewhat windy day, and that you only knew there was a chance of that happening.

i would agree that guessing and mindgames fits into action games way more than actual RNG does, but they still often get hated by the same kind of people. a good example of this is chivalry's pro crowd making mordhau and stripping out all of chivalry's mindgames/guessing components, which inherently made the game less interesting (to me, at least)

It's funny seeing all the CoD pros bitch about no minimap and maps being to complex. They are so used to 3 lane maps and shooting red dots on a mini-map.

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but the new cod and Titanfall 2 (except 2 maps) dont have the three lane approach.

The only maps in Titanfall 2 that don't have a 3-lane design are the big open fields full of hitscan cancer.

This salty brit faggot is so funny to watch all he does is bitch about the game everytime he dies.

If I turn this on and see this guy has less than 10 views, then I will know it's you and call you a faggot.

>open stream
>first thing he says is complain about campers

it is, anyone who says otherwise is low iq

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So pros are mad they can`t hold down 3 lanes with a stacked team and farm nukes?

then you should understand how the gamemodes work

Why are there two threads about this?

this one was amazing, and a pinnacle of map design. It had an TF2 version too, which while less than balanced for it, was amazing fun as well. These days, playing any semi-modern game is a shitshow because of trash map designers who can't stop sucking 3-lane cock and in some cases, randomized spawns sending you right into an enemy spawn zone

Low TTK makes it a crutch for new players. So in the grand scheme, people who aren't hyper-competitive will like it because they have so many places to strike out from that they can kill a better player before they react.

For long term play, I prefer higher TTK with maps like these, like BC2 or the older Battlefields. It makes the combat more engaging when you get a chance to guess where the fire came from.

Laughing in battlefield

>stay covered, slice the pie while checking each likely spot
this doesn't work in a COD-like because the game will spawn enemies behind you. you can't defend any area of the map unless only one chokepoint leads to that area. as a consequence everyone in the CODMW beta hides in the second floor of buildings. is that the gameplay you want?

it's not complex and that's not the complaint. it's random. it would be complex if there was some logic to where in all those marked spots an enemy will appear. then a smarter or more experienced player could figure it out and play the correct move. but it's random so no amount of intelligence or experience lets you guess any better and you just have to avoid the situation altogether to survive.

all i see is the guy standing in the middle of the road. maybe you know, use the buildings yourself too? ZOOM ZOOM

>this doesn't work in a COD-like because the game will spawn enemies behind you.
only if your team is pushed all the way up.

at least half of your team will always push no matter.

exactly so pay attention to the position of your team on the map.
Is this your first CoD game so you don't understand how to compensate for spawn switching?

>then you should understand how the gamemodes work
>to clear the point and capture it, you need to enter the so called spawn protected zone which is somehow still part of the objective, and somehow manage to kill the foes in the protected zone within 3 seconds until you get locked out of shooting the gun because of spawn protection, while there's a message right in the center of the screen obscuring your view that you entered spawn protected area
Peak level design.

You are all little babies. In THIS game, you have a FUCKHUGE map in which EVERY corner can hide a motherfucker eager to take your life.

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also the character you play has a serious eye condition apparently.

Or developers could just stick to what works and what the majority want.

"playing it safe" is what's ruining the fucking industry kike

To those who tried the beta, how are the snipers? Are they as cancer as in previous games? I fucking hate snipers.

But MW2 invented the sprint/SMG racket.

they love the sniping community so it's about on par as Blops 4 and ww2

Fucking this.

So yesterday I posted how my best CoD memories were in the first MW on a community Hardcore S&D server where people's loadouts mattered and gave them roles, like snipers overseeing open areas, people rushing with smgs and mainstay combat fighters who moved inbetween the other two AND was told to fuck off because apparently that's not CoD.

Does this discussion show that there's a chance I could get a similar experience to the earlier game?

>playing non BR shooters

Disgusting, its like you fags hate actual fun

>overwatch players

Here, I did the same thing with the COD4 map. Circled is everywhere a player can hide, the only major difference being newer games have better lighting so they use shadow more.

Attached: codmap.jpg (1280x720, 266K)

No! Activision, what happened to LANES?! Why doesn't it have LANES?! I want LANES!

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Arcane are pretty good with their level design. Dishonored was good in that aspect and Dishonored 2 was even better.

I feel this. Games like R6Siege used to be great before they started catering to pros

Yes it is.

What's with chivalryfags? Mindgames are the only thing that separates good players at the highest level of play where everyone has pretty close to peak mechanics.

Are you FUCKING saying that I can't just hold forward unga bunga IQ-60 on my control stick and shoot whatever pops up in front of me until I'm shot in the back because everyone will be forced in front of me in a squared lane? I actually have to make choices between positioning and routing through the map?

then you want a low skill ceiling. random = braindead.

That's not random though, it's player's choice to take an advantageous position. Why didn't you take it?

that's the point i was making when i made the post. i'd say mindgames define as much as 30% or more of skill in fighting games. a good example of this is sonicfox supposedly dominating MK by being just really fucking good at guessing what his opponent is going to do, like he gets supposed 50-50s right 80% of the time. that's how it was in chivalry too.

mordhau does it differently though, there are no mindgames involved due to how chambering can be used to defend against attacks essentially risk-free. and that's why i consider mordhau vastly inferior to original chivalry, or rather the deadliest warrior expansion, which i consider better.


Realism mode is actually fun wtf

absolutely, positioning is extremely important in combat. the retard in the OP is completely out in the open for some retarded reason

Well I assume that this is multiplayer. So yes it is bad. Tiny maps filled with lots of players and spawnluck just rewards camping.

>Master a map
>at any point in a given match

He's talking about multiplayer you fucking retard.

He has his back against a concrete wall
Its an exaggerated screenshot, only a retard would stand where he is when there are two routes to his left and right you come out of

This guy is literally bitching about how he is too incompetent to play this game and thinks it’s a smart analysis.

>dude just camp lmaooo

No wonder battlefield has gone to shit. People think having an open and complex battlefield is too hard..

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This dude would have a fucking aneurysm trying to clear rooms in Siege.

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Kill anyone with a twitter account. They’re all fucking retarded and left leaning scumbags. WE HAVE TO PURGE THE FUCKING NIGGER INFESTATION.

Man the beta is shit. I go on TDM and they don't show your deaths. They're babying up everything and I don't like it. If you're shit, you should be laughed at.

just peak the corner one spot at a time instead of jumping out in the open and trying to cover them all in the same second.
wow that was hard

>if I don't get a killstreak every 30 seconds its a bad game
>if I have to think or actually cook a grenade its a bad game
>if I can't run anywhere without checking corners because of claymores its a bad game

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like I said the only way to play correctly is to avoid that situation entirely. but what does that leave? camping indoors. if the only places that can be reasonably defended are buildings then all the decent players will be camping in buildings. you only think this is fun NOW because there are noobs rushing around outside that you get to kill. give the game a month and the noobs move on to some other game. then see if it's still interesting to camp some building.

cant see shit: the game

but there is like 90% chance that someone will spawn somewhere around you if you wanna run across. So the best thing to do is just to not move and idk how the spawn system works but if you stay in a specific spot you will also be able to deny specific spawn points

wow i just love dying over and over and over by some guy you will never find all game

What is Halo, retard.

This is why I don't play Siege.
Just imagining that every single wall can be turned into a potential peek location can fuck off.
I play games for fun. No amount of tacticool shit can make that game not feel bad.

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They added sniper lense flare like in BF4

That's why it's fun though

if you dont move in cod you either end up getting flanked or (if you chose a corner) people will become wise to you and nade you out. So no one who has played cod for long just camps the whole match, since not only is it not fun, but it also makes you an easy target

that map was awful

it is. hes a zoomer

My loadout set in cod4 was only smgs, it was perfectly viable, even strong if you knew what you were doing.

what is fortnite

For me, it's Ambush

Attached: Bare_Load_Screen_Ambush_CoD4.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

pretty close if you can't build a spiral castle of wood in 3 seconds

That game takes no skill lmao

>if its not straight up twitch shooting Quake its bad
>if its like ARMA or tacticool in anyway its bad
Just stop playing shooters you queer faggots

>see if it's more fun when you're only playing against skilled opponents!

Yeah unlike your shitter self I prefer playing against competent people.

The final redpill is that realism sucks.

Dust 2 is legit one of the most balanced multiplayer maps and it has a good variety of multiple engagement ranges.

So it's just purely random and you can't really push safely without exposing yourself to a different angle?

I'll never understand why people like this, it's why I didn't love Insurgency. I once got like 9 kills in a row in that game because I found a decent place to hide and I took out a bunch of enemies that had 0 chance of expecting me. Maps with a million little spots to hide are just poorly designed maps.

That's what makes most of Siege's maps good though. vertical play by shooting out ceilings, blowing open walls to create new site lines or rotation routes.

Tower, and House can fuck off though. I'm also tired of having retard teammates die to runouts on Yatch.

the dilemma in fps is that theoretically we like the idea of realism, but it never translates into fun

Oh my god will you retards stfu about quake already

when 50% of your playerbase wants to play locker 24/7 thats going to influence design

Pretty much this, anyone that goes "yeah, but it makes it more realistic" when defending a game mechanic is a moron.

>Siege has 1 shot headshots and completely accurate fire on the first bullet
>CoD has 1.4 times damage for headshots and lazer accurate rifles

Really makes me think. bad games. peculiar choice.

>can't spring in circles

turns out real gun fights aren't "fun". who would have thought?

Don't play then m8 lmao Why cry like a baby in a thread about a game you don't even play?

This on Ground War while blasting Jai Ho, jumping on people's heads and knifing them.
Take me back.


relax with the scripted responses, activision blizzard marketing team. and then pick one:
>proving your skill
>playing a super short time to kill console FPS ported to PC

Tarkov is not fun, especially the grinding shit.

Which past COD does this play most similar too, even if its a far comparison to make?


top kek

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wow this COD is no joke activision is even getting those BF3 players who put shit on their EOD bot back in the day market HELL YEAH SUCK SHIT BF

These maps at least had a key feature in the middle of the map that people played around, which gave them a lot more logic when approaching areas.

I remember playing MW3 and a lot of maps just felt like random shit tossed everywhere so that camping was just a dominant strategy as you weren't forced to expose yourself so much.

Why Jai Ho specifically ?

That is literally the point of this iteration of COD. The developers have said they dont want 3 lane generic cod maps, because it's soulless and not how real life environment works, which is what they're trying to replicate.

I'm still pissed at 3 and 4 for not balancing vehicles in hardcore

That really don't mean anything, neither of those CoD4 maps have 3 lanes, but they still work out fairly well because they have pretty key locations on the map so you can orientate around them.

Random shit everywhere would be more like "real life" but it still makes for trash maps.

Hardcore is never balanced period. It's basically the go to game mode to have bad balance and a shallower experience.

>hardcore bad
You must just suck.. Hardcore is the experience where bullets actually kill people. You must be thinking of metro/locker 24/7 hardcore

>it does come down to context to an extent
you understand that an inherent quality persists beyond context, right? RNG isn't inherent depth, in fact it has to have a lot of context to be a meaningful amount of depth.

9 spawnpoints for a generic soldier is a centimeter more depth than curated spawn patterns for one, and if they're functionally lasers that take half a second to start draining your health at the highest difficulty, that's a huge cost in playability for that centimeter. is that worth it?

Titanfall 2 single player level design was amazing

>CoD4 hardcore
>Deagle and G3 both 1 shot people

It's dumb because there's 0 reason to use anything outside of those two guns. Hardcore is always the shallower version of the normal game due to the fact that you can pretty much just hit someone anywhere and secure a kill. It's like playing CS and having the auto sniper and the Scout also be 1 shot kill weapons.


>not knowing pre vs post contact skill breakdowns

le mow


claymores are objectively cancer

No. It never translates to immersion.
I can feel an immersive firefight without 30 min pre-misssion discussion and a 2 hour transition to a front.
All you need is to find a right balance.

Attached: S2_T8CItrBk.jpg (640x798, 150K)

A sprinkle of 'realistic' features can make a shooter more fun but proper ARMA-simulationist realism isn't fun at all.

COD 4 with an identity crisis
it wants to be more tacticool with recoil, slowness, and door mechanics.
but then it also has big maps wiith vehicles

its odd but i love it.

What if you actually do it blindfolded?

No, meta decks are designed to mitigate randomness because non-random games are easier to optimize aka play. It's easier to reduce an FPS map to a single corridor and just shoot down range and hit anything. It's easier to play a game of magic with a stacked deck that you know the exact order of the cards. OP is a fucking scrub.

Hey lil FNG, that's why attackers get 2 drones in Siege. That's one of the differences between those 2 games.

>he circled the same area multiple times

Are you hovering above a car, what?
>somebody shooting over the bus while hiding behind it
What? You obviously never played this game.

What? Siege, the most popular esport fps, has billion lines of sight, environment destruction to open more. Pros use lines of sight that go across the entire map through multiple walls. CoD is not an esports game