CAn't believe leftist ruined Bloodlines 2
CAn't believe leftist ruined Bloodlines 2
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uhhh can you please delete this, it doesn't fit my political agenda? thanks
Is it even out yet? How do you know the lefties ruined it?
>the voerman sisters were problematic
vtmb2 is going to be shitty. outside of politics the game just looks either lower quality or that they've missed what a lot of people liked about the original's atmosphere.
>exactly one minute apart
Imagine how fucking sad must it be to spend sunday morning/afternoon talking to yourself to fight an imaginary boogeyman.
How have you not kys yet?
>there's literally no difference between being gay and non-binary xir anti-droompf landwhale commie
user, I...
>5 posts
>5 posters
user, i...
Pisha is best waifu
there isnt
violent lesbian, whadda yah know
I'm convinced that most "controversies" here are started by mentally I'll trannies like OP so they can get their victim complex mentality going. Seriously this is the first time I've heard someone whine about this game and wouldn't you know, it's a mentally ill tranny roleplaying an alt right faggot.
>Seriously this is the first time I've heard someone whine about this game
you must be new here
>trying this hard
enjoy your sequel
The blood around her mouth is especially thematic.
>lesbian with blood around her mouth
Huh, never caught that one before. Makes me think of the intro to Blade where they show Quinn getting a blowjob right before sprinklers start spraying blood.
>CAn't believe leftist ruined
Why not? It's all they ever do
>there are no gays/lesbos on the right
G-gays are ours guys!!!
>Not knowing how many rightwing faggots exist
>not knowing how many TERF dykes exist
>Not knowing fags arent considered special enough by the uberleft and are being abandoned in lieu of the genderqueer
Actually even the time of trans being special is up. Its all about the genderqueer shit now. I've seen too many alt right trannies in my time.
Wait, that screen shot isnt from the first one? That looks like assssss
Pisha is hot in a fearboner kind of way and she's also a completely unapologetic cannibal killer.
VTMB lore dates back to pre-christ biblical times, nobody has ever gotten their knickers in a twist over babylonian debauchery or hot lesbian vampires and to assert such is completely disingenuous. Sexy femme fatale dom lesbo vampires are practically a genre staple of vampire fiction in general
Sexuality in general is an interesting lore topic for vampires because in addition to literally losing their capital-H-Humanity in a fucking quantifiable manner they're also BORED and IMMORTAL. A vampire deciding to bat for the other team after a thousand years of carnality is not fucking controversial, the Tzimisce turn people into goddamn furniture for christ's sake
People take offense at how forced it is in the portrayal of hip, woke fledgelings with nothing better to do than continue their fucking political agenda even after joining the Masquerade because it's dumb and cringey
some people will never understand anything, like you OP
>some people will never understand anything, like you OP
It's from the first. Not sure if OP is trying to say the original is leftist in the same way 2 is going to be, but just that a writer shit on some things that people love from the original, like the Voerman sisters, should show it's different.