Bros... I thought it was just a walking simulator?
Bros... I thought it was just a walking simulator?
>that tweet
Was it autism
The private room is necessary for me to fap and not be seen.
>Kojima is a sjw now
*sigh* I wonder who's the next one to go...
damn kojima is great
are those emotes edited or is kojima really that autistic?
Whatever you say, cuck.
I get it now.
>the game is meant to empty and boring
We've seen nearly an hour and a half worth of gameplay footage for Death Stranding at TGS 2019, yet none of it is interesting.
Who the fuck is going to have fun spending minutes at a time massaging their shoulders? Listening to music at a shelter? Sitting in a hot springs? Doing all of this pointless shit in this Private Room?
The shooting and stealth all seem elementary as fuck. There aren't any deep combat mechanics to learn or master. The enemies are simple and dumb. The one boss we did see is a boring damage sponge that just takes 10,000 grenades before it dies.
You wish it was going to be hard or stressful. Some nigger will clear the game within 24 hours, from one end of US to the other.
Youre literally coping
>the game you feel very lonely
I have already that.
Thanks Kojima
I think Japanese people are just dumb. My boss is Japanese and constantly sends me texts containing a farmer, cactus and cereal bowl emoji. For no fucking reason.
>energy drink ad in the game
I'll bet you can dab, too.
What? He just reminds you to farm your cacti and eat your breakfast
they're all emotes directly related to concepts in the game, don't see how that's autistic
I still don't understand if this dude is legitimately on the spectrum or if he's a hack with a narcissism complex big as a building
At this point I don't think I'd be too shocked if you could do that in this game, in a fade in fade out kind of way.
wtf, this changes everything
It seems like STALKER really is a game DS tries to be.
fucking based
Can this narcissist just fuck off. He makes garbage and somehow everyone sucks his dick.
I really liked the weather changes in MGSV and i think it would be really interesting if Death Stranding had more deadly weathers.
>Seething Xtranny
I don't follow memes.
I appreciate what you're going for with this post, but do you really want to constantly be identified as the same person saying the same thing on an anonymous image board? It's sort of getting repetitive.
Why does kojima pretend not to speak perfect English.
>Walk around in a large open ended environment doing nothing
>b-but it builds atmosphere and tension
No, you're confused again Kojima. You're thinking of Alien Isolation which has cramped corridors and a creature crawling through a vent creeping you out.
Literally mentally ill boomer.
Or they could show some gravure, like in Yakuza 0.
>Who the fuck is going to have fun spending minutes at a time massaging their shoulders? Listening to music at a shelter? Sitting in a hot springs? Doing all of this pointless shit in this Private Room?
The same kind of person who enjoyed the giant nothingburger that was botw
>Be Kojima
>Get black card from Soni
>Spend all budget on travelling and fucking white bitches
>Sony gave warning
>Lie about travelling is part of development
>Fuck around for another year or two posting burger pics on twitter
>Sony final warning
>Still wasn‘t sure what game to make
>"Oh wait, all these years I‘ve been travelling alone, I can probably make a game out of it"
>Be travelling simulator
>Too lazy to make cities and landmarks so mountains will have to do
>Need some kind of main story so you‘ll be a postman making deliveries
>People actually buy this scraped shit and call me a hack
I don't know man. It seems like it has too much stuff to do.
Fishing minigame confirmed?
This is just post-apocalyptic Animal Crossing, isn't it?
I can't help but read it with an italian accent.
Oh fuck I can't unhear it now
>you feel very lonely during playing
More confirmation that the entire game is just empty landscape with no interesting locations
There are no npcs to interact with so no
>nature surrounds you
>not even a single trace of wildlife on the open
wrong. it is THE WALKING SIM everyone and their whore mother will talk about for a long time.
This right here
>gives you stressed
does he translate his own tweets? i thought he couldn't speak english and has someone else translate for his english account?
>I don't like thing so I cry EssJayDubya wah wah wah wah wah
Yea Forums is so desperate to shit on Kojima and DS that they are just throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks.
Trust me, those people would love if Kojima became an SJW just to shit on him.
He can speak english, he doesn't do so on-stage anymore because of the "did you rike it" memes.
>room temperature armchair analyst can't process what was shown in 80mins
stop wasting oxygen and inhale some bullets, brainlet.
>Too lazy to make cities and landmarks so mountains will have to do
Even though we saw two trailers where Sam was clearly in a city, and a port in the 1 hour long gameplay video?
Did it come down to having to outright ignore stuff shown in order to shit on it, MGS redditors?
he also teased a mini game with those little green figurines behind Sam's bed.
cringe meme "game"
Kojima can do no wrong
see ya next threads
every time
>any criticism of botw must be a sonyfag
The game is garbage, I paid full price for it and wasted my money.
haven't touched a console in nearly a decade, you reek of cope.
>using "sjw" in 2019
bet you watch mundanefat and quarterpoundering too you fucking six year old.
>The same kind of person who enjoyed botw
So everyone with refined excellent taste. Nice. I'll be sure to check it out.
We don't deserve him lads...