>"y-you can't be a fan if you didn't played the games"
>he never played the games
"y-you can't be a fan if you didn't played the games"
based secondaryfags
cringe yikes gatekeeping tryhard primaryfags
>you can't be a fan if you didn't played the games
It should be that way with everything, if you don't go out of your way to see and play everything or almost everything a franchise has to offer then you don't really like that franchise in the first place. If don't you play the original content and just see what the fandom makes then you don't care about the franchise, you're just latching on it. You're the same as the dudebros that play only fifa and say that they're "gamers".
Im not one of those niggers who plays fifa and cod, sometimes on a platform says that they can't be a fan if you didn't played shit, but in truth, they never played the games at all, instead they just post shitpost and waifucancer, i see only a small potion of post that actually played the games and they didn't complain at all, sometimes they recommend instead of btfo.
Im literally watching walkthrough of a series because i don't have a switch and im interested this franchise, im became a fan of it, im posting series related and talk to them, posting fan art, etc.
I might have a switch and im really excited to play that game when back then i watched this on youtube.
What is wrong with a secondary?
I literally love Touhou even though i never played the games back then when i didn't have a pc instead i watch walkthroughs, fanmade shits, tcrf of IN, etc.
And this is a fucking sin, isn't it?
>Hey whats your favorite?
>TF2? Great i love this shit too!
>Then whats match did you win?
>Ehh... I don't have a PC but i love it.
>I watched GMODS, fanshits, many many maches, mods, i might have a pc then we can pla-
>You are not a fan, you a flaud, a retard!
>Shut up, imbecile! I hate you!
>Hey i-
>You lied to me!
Also, 50% of fanbases don't play games anyway and they also the same people who loves shit.
Its better than Markiplier forced to play Undertale by its fanbase.
Whats the difference beetwen a secondary and a primery?
We all love shit.
>Use to think "Why do so many retards care about this shit"
>Then got into Yoko Taro games with Nier on 360
>Loved it
>Played the other games
>When Automata released I had to explain to tons of idiots on Yea Forums that it's a sequel
I now see the way, fuck secondaries
I've watched enough streams of BotW to know that I love it. I don't ever need to play it, i've already seen all of it
Why is that people always force to play a game when you don't have the requrements while in truth they didn't actually played the game at all?
I just wait to buy that shit if i had money, until that, i just watch that walkthrough and i realised that its shit.
Why do i waste the time a 60$ game when theres a previous one that is better than the latest entry?
Better fangames.
>Whats the difference beetwen a secondary and a primery?
One is more invested with the franchise and the other not that much. That's why i don't call myself a Touhou fan since i didn't play all games and still have to 1cc a game, Yuyuko keeps kicking my last in her last spellcard. Of course that the people that are really invested with the franchise would get mad at you when you don't try the original content. That's why i always encourage to at least try the games. But there are people that don't make that effort and just keep latching. In your case you played the games when you got your PC but can you say the same thing for other secondaries? I like Touhou but not because of that i will pretend i know everything about it when i don't and call myself a fan. I don't like people that keep being ignorant and act like they are not.
doujins count as primary material
source: my dick
I've never played a 2hu game in my life and I still call myself a big 2hu fan and there's nothing you can do about it.
People love feeling superior to other people for meaningless reasons
As long as you're respectful to the original source then there's no problem with enjoying it without having played the game. Touhou is special since the games are so-so, and the fanmade content is vast and high quality, so more people end up enjoying that instead. Just accept your status as a secondary and ignore the fags crying at you for not having played the vidya, since 99% of 2hufags never do anyways.
>That's why i always encourage to at least try the games
50% of the /jp/ section, they piss secondarys off when they didn't play they games instead of what you do, atleast a few of /jp/ they admit thay they never played games.
I remember a thread on /jp/
> "can i be a touhou fan even though i never played the games?"
Man, it was a shitstorm.
2hu has evolved beyond the shitty games, it's not necessary to even play them anymore.
reminder Smashfags are the worse secondary fags to deal with
you saw how they shat on Terry and Erdrick and overhyped Joker because of a non-existent port
I played one and it was boring.
reminder Smashfags are the worse secondary fags to deal with
you saw how they shat on Terry and Erdrick and overhyped Joker because of a non-existent port
>I literally love Touhou even though i never played the games
Then you don't actually love Touhou. You love Touhou fanworks, but not actual Touhou.
You can love a game for it's setting, lore and colorful characters. That's why people read 2hu manga despite the fact that nothing ever happens in them.
>posting two same posts
>posting two same posts
>you don't love this shit, you just love this shit's fanworks.
One of the most retarded post i ever seen, its so retarded that i can't even cringe.
Probably a connection gaff.
Maybe so.
Maybe so.
Isn't a bit early for a cringe thread?
Thank you, that's was the point i was trying to make here. That's why i compare secondaries to dudebros, since they mostly the same. People that aren't invested with the thing that they claim to be in love with and just toss it away when they don't care anymore. When you don't make the effort which it isn't that bigto try the games it becomes clear that you don't really care and you are just latching on Touhou. You're just a ironic weeb that happened to come across with the franchise.
>Isn't a bit early for a cringe thread?
>Yea Forums
touhou is memeshit faggot ironic weebs pretend to like because its popular in Japan
the new nip toho memes are so low quality
take me back bros...
I agree. Cookie is shit. Those are just regular 2hus with voiceacting
My point doesn't go against that one as long you try the games. If you don't like Shmups then there isn't that much you can do about it. But even if you don't like the genre you should try games. Hell, you could even play HRtP since is basically Arkanoid and you would be already better than most of the fandom. But if you don't make that effort then the most you can say is that you like Touhou. To call yourself a fan when you don't make the effort to be one is retarded.
>touhou is memeshit faggot ironic weebs pretend to like because its popular in Japan
Touhou hasn't been popular for years. The people who like it don't like it just for being popular anymore, since it isn't. Same reason why many doujinshi artists who used to draw 2hu jumped ship to Kancolle and Fate
Mainline Touhou games are shit anyways.
what a cute fucking cake
Fate is a fad just like Kancolle was, Touhou autism is eternal.
>1000 million touhou doujins out there but reddit says I can't make my own manga unless I'm murata himself
Gatekeeping is 100% acceptable when it comes to secondaries
>"I love AC/DC!"
>"No, I've never listened to their songs, I just like the design of their t-shirts"
That's how retarded they sound
>t. couldn't get past stage 3
This, toho will outlive them all
Sorry, the mainline games just aren't fun, and if they aren't fun, why bother?
My time is much better spent on replaying Double Spoiler/Impossible Spell Card or crushing discord scrubs in Hisoutensoku.
Play the games
>mfw im gonna try to make a doujin for next spring reitaisai
What is the "effort" you say?
Playing the original, even though there's the manga, music and shit.
If you really love these games then fine, me to i love the games.
But you making me that the games are the only way to prove that your a touhou fan is retarded and toxic.
There's official mangas and shit.
Hell, this has a yukkuri child education in japan!
Did you played the games faggot?
If yes then good job, your a "touhou fan".
You made the "effort".
Big deal.
This is so retarded that made me want to see you more.
>It should be that way with everything
So you aren't a car fan even though i never drive one?
God I love this manlet so fucking much
I already did bitch nigga. I think secondaries are not doing anything wrong even though I played and beat all the games (on Normal)
is this the boobhu thread?
i hope to make a sfw doujin of her and maybe alice
>Play the game then your a fan
>It has everything better than the games
I don't know whats worse.
The fact that Touhou has a shit fanbase or primeries are the worse than autists or the fact that shitposters are worse at making jokes, atleast the Final Fantasy fans admit that they never played FFIX.
its going to be a lot of work but i think it will be extremely satisfying in the end! wish me luck
I have no idea how that happened either
>tfw the only mainline FF game I've never played is 3
>I think secondaries are not doing anything wrong even though I played and beat all the games (on Normal)
What secondaries do is something you will see in any fanbase. Generally, fanbases are divided into three crowds: the fans, the casuals and posers.
Started digging into the hobby but settled with entry level content. Have no interest in digging further and are satisfied with where they are. Considered subhumans by fans because of their poor knowledge on the topic. A methapor for it could be a miner who just wants to dig a shallow hole.
Dig into the hobby by themselves, don't need outside influence to do so. How deep they go varies and they will compete based on how much trivia they know about the topic. A metaphor would be a regular miner who keeps going down, finding rarer and more valuable gems(information) as he digs deeper.
AKA primaries or fans of the fandom. Rather than digging at all they are more interested in something associated with the hobby. They get shit from both fans and casuals as they are seen as outsiders who can provide the least to the group. A metaphor would be a guy who likes to dress as a miner because he likes how the costume looks.
So basically, this isn't exclusive to 2hu. You go to /mlp/ and tell them you don't watch the show or go to /vp/ and tell them you don't play the games. Same result.
Playing the games is the most basic thing you can do. I am not asking you to 1cc LoLK on lunatic with your eyes closed, hell I am not even asking you to play the games 6 hours a day to become a true scotsman. I am asking you to simply play the games in the same way someone would ask a Dragon Ball fan to watch the anime or read the manga. Just pick a game you like and play it, otherwise fuck off.
>AKA primaries or fans of the fandom
You don't know what "primaries" means.
>posers aka primaries or fans of the fandom
Primaries are fans of the source material, secondaries are fans of the fandom. Posers and casuals go hand in hand
That was a typo, I meant secondaries.
You can do it!
This is how retarded you sound as he said. To claim that you love franchise yet you don't play the games is retarded. To me you just sound the same as a dudebro that only plays fifa and says he is a big videogame fan.
>Playing the original, even though there's the manga, music and shit.
Yeah, that's the effort, the first fucking step, and it isn't a big deal.
>But you making me that the games are the only way to prove that your a touhou fan is retarded and toxic.
Except that wasn't my fucking point. My point is to TRY them. You don't need more. As long you try them then you're more invested with the franchise. But when you go out you way to put excuses to not try them it seems to me that you don't care.
>Did you played the games faggot? If yes then good job, your a "touhou fan".
I did but not all of them and i don't go everywhere claiming to be a fan when i'm not like the retarded secondaries and i just like Touhou.
>So you aren't a car fan even though i never drive one?
No, you aren't. You just like cars. A car fan would be informed with everything about cars and drive themselves and try as many models as he can.
Go fuck (You)rself.
>creating content
This anons living the dream
>Just play the games
>but i don't have a PC
>then fuck off
If your really simply ask to, not a life and death question then you just
>meh just buy a pc im wait
But no you just said
>otherwise fuck off
Also, it has more than just the games right?
Touhou is a special case because the fanshits are high quarity and they go to this instead of the officials.
sfw romance or sfw non-romance?
you can do it too
probably comedy
I'm in
im not too autistic enough to do romance stuff (i would like too) but my first manga i dont wanna go into that just yet. gotta make it easy.
ITT: People scared of the "hardest game ever" meme post excuses so they can not play games with stupidly simple control schemes.
Don't get me wrong, you can wait if that is your problem, I am talking about ditching the games completely.
>Also, it has more than just the games right?
>Touhou is a special case because the fanshits are high quarity and they go to this instead of the officials.
The games and (arguably) the print works are the source, it's what really matters at the end. Fanworks take a lot of liberties and are as relevant to the games as Twilight is to goth culture.