Crash Team Racing: Nitrogen Fueled

2 weeks of Grand Prix hows everyone doing so far? Get those skins and sweet car setups?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit game.

I sold it right after they've introduced mtx. Feels good bros.

Its a pretty fun game.

haven't touched it in weeks. the GP grind became too intense and the rewards too underwhelming to keep up every month.
it sucks since i really liked CTR.

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>the GP grind became too intense
You don't need to grind. You can get all the GP rewards just through casual on-and-off playtime in just 2-3 weeks. Have you seriously been forcing yourself to play every single day?

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Thats the worst feeling. Getting item’d back to back 2-3 sometimes 4x.

Easily the worst run I've had on N. Gin Labs.

I won four races in a row, pic related was probably my best one. But after that I just kept fucking up everything, and items really fucked me over in some races. I managed to get some wins by the end of it but fuck was it one of the more frustrating sessions I had.

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>still two more weeks until it's over
it's a good thing I blew through the Nitro bar in a few days because my god I cannot bring myself to care about this track or these characters
gib Brio pls

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The FUCK is this shit?

I blame him

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you'll have fun and you'll have no choice

>items really fucked me over in some races. I managed to get some wins by the end of it but fuck was it one of the more frustrating sessions I had.
Truly the CTR experience. Sometimes joy sometimes pain. Mostly pain tho.

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I'm sure he'll have his fun before I do

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Engine swap user actually made me want to play speed for a bit, wound up getting whacked more than I've ever been. I'll give Tiny another go before I switch back to best girl.

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Yeah that speed user is always worth a few laughs.
>engine swap so i can play characters
>speed is only viable class
>other classes cant u-turn
>Time Trials bro!
His schtick is still funny to this day.

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Real character ol' engine swap. I heard he rode fifty mile to find a U turn.

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he's not the engine swap guy, that's me and some other guys
don't get our autism confused with his advanced autism

Well he advocates for ES but also does his whole speed elitism routine. My bet is either from losing hard to one of the “lesser” classes or its just an act. Maybe both idk.

I do think engine swap is a bad idea in general, but man don't say i'm shit because I play a turn character. Post wins and losses and tell us what happened. CTR anons are really understanding even with the whole 'git gud' mentality.

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Same here. It feels like it would more harm than good overall. The games not extremely hard and learning classes takes like a day tops? Then its just application like anything.
>but man don't say i'm shit because I play a turn character. Post wins and losses and tell us what happened.
Youd be surprised lol. Tons of people look down on any class that isnt speed or accel or have beef because they lost to one and dont wanna admit it.

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>its just application like anything
I actually went to look at some of my time trials before I really bothered with U-turning and it's hilarious how I even managed to do some of them. 2:;30 DSD lol but it's just as you said, practice makes perfect.
>Tons of people look down on any class that isn't speed or accel
That's whats kinda fucked because I like all of them. And quite frankly, the most thrilling races I've ever had I didn't get first.

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Same here when i First did TTs I was horrible. Barely managed to beat some of them as Tawna and others I did “ok” on.
>That's whats kinda fucked because I like all of them. And quite frankly, the most thrilling races I've ever had I didn't get first.
The best races are always the ones you have solid competition on. I was going back and forth with some balanced players not too long ago and it was a breath of fresh air. When winning or losing.

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Rimba DLC when?

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Absolutely based balance anons. Liz still best though And that EA pic I could have easily been that Pura, shit was crazy. As far as TT go I went back and got better times on some of them. Looked at the leaderboard to see how I stacked up against other people and saw 11 second races. Kind of kills the motivation to get a good time.

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I'm excited for her GP She's gonna be accel don't worry

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i dont even have the game, i just want more porn of her!

i wan to fuck

Understandable, she's a cutie.

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It's another great day for fun online!

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which one?

I got the Crunch skin and I'm free from grinding

All the females. Pst more.

She's beckoning user. She wants you to play with her.

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Here you go

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My dream come true!

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Best motorsport

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I did some TTs as Liz recently and did better than most of my early ones. And skip bastards should have their times wiped for cheating. Hopefully Beenox fixes it but knowing them...I doubt it.

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Wrong picture fellow Bandicuties lover.

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heres your next CTR Racer that isn't from a grand pri- HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE RACER!

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>TT as Liz and did better
It's her smile, it makes time stop.

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I've got all the gp rewards and the pit stop is empty again. Yet, I'm still terrible at the game and can't get the platinum relics or even beat most of N. Tropy's time trial times, let alone oxide's.

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Hers and Tawna's are the only ones that look good I swear. If they didn't have a bun for Liz and Ami it would look a lot better.

What tracks give you problems friend? I assume your using the princess herself.

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Plat relics don't translate to actual races.

I'm a gigantic shitter and even I unlocked tropy. He's braindead easy user. I will never even attempt to do the oxide times or platinum relics though. Gold relics and tropy are my limit and I know it, I'd rather not spend days pulling my hair out for a skin I'll never use and paint I will probably never use either.


practice and have fun doing it!

after a while the tracks become muscle memory and you'll be a marsupial kart racing pro

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>It's her smile, it makes time stop.
Heh I love it.

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People think you're flexing when you do Digital Tropy with Platinum paint anyway.

I dont care if someone uses DigiTrop with Plat paint its the rage quitting that gives them or others bad stigma. And its more of a running gag than anything

Megumi invites you over to a sleepover. Do you accept? What would you want to do with Megumi?

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She's the real gem in CTR

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I raced a couple platdigi Tropy's the other day. One got first place and the other rage quit. Was quite a site.

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Speed players in general quit almost every race. It's never any of the other classes. Fucking speedshitters even quit during wumpa time, it's hilarious.

sight* I need to go to bed

I'm burnt out on Grand Prixs. I can't do it anymore. I can't even force myself to finish daily wumpa bonuses anymore. How do people grind for Nitro points in single player? I just want to finish this and take a long break from the game. I'm only 23k points in, I'm not going to finish at this rate.

Listen to homestuck. If she isn't into it, then maybe watch ami get hit by all the warp balls.

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Maybe you underesmate yourself too much. In June when I was trying the time trials, and before I knew about Tropy save fuckery, I had a really hard time to even beat Tropy by less than a second on Cortex castle. Now I have a 15-20 seconds lead to Oxide easily. I didn't spend hours in time trials for this, I just play wumpa time regulary. All that experience build up.

what did you do to finish in a few days? finish battle mode with an extra controller over and over for 7 points each?

This, online races helped me learn how to play properly and I saw some shortcuts I didn't even think possible.

Even if I regularly did play speed I wouldn't play tropy and the platinum paint just isn't a big deal for me. Maybe if online is ever super dead it'll be the last shit I do before I drop the game.

Kill yourself liznigger

Here you go

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Yeah I'm using Coco. Oxide Station is the only track I can't even unlock N Tropy's ghost. I'm also pretty bad at any wide open, simplistic track like coco park and crash cove. Yet I easily beat even oxide's times in something like cortex castle and turbo track. Also I cannot for the life of me manage to consisitenly do the lake shortcut in Polar Pass or the river jump in Blizzard Bluff.
Also for some reason I have a sliver star instead of a gold star next to one of the tracks, not sure what that means
Yeah I know, I just want the shiny paint

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>Tired of winning all the time
>Want to switch characters
>They all have trash stats

Engine swap when?

i consider if i need all the items on the tiers
for example: why the fuck would i ever want evil crunch or stickers?
the game is fun but they grind IS too strong, you have to make the best of it.

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>I'm not good with a class I'm not so familiar with


Well this was more along the line of you saying you were shit than unlocking Digital Tropy. I think you'll be surprised to see how easy Oxide can be, especially on the nitro kart tracks. And how much you have improved.

I got more (You)'s Lizbro what do I win?

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She sure is.
Figures. Ive seen a few rare good sports who dont suck and stick with races but I wish the rest werent complete sore losers. Whether it be Tropys, Cocos, Painter Dingos etc.

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>just the same handful of posters every thread
Dead game. Dead thread.

A furfag suit and a dragon dildo, now fuck off.

You win 10,000 coins and the eternal enmity of one whos been DNF’d by a turn player. Both are good rewards.

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this image

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It's all in the technique.
When the game came out and I was doing time trials I would watch videos of people beating tropy/oxide and mimic what they did.

Get your muscle memory going, and you'll be kicking ass.

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Platinum stars are the Oxide times you have bested. And Oxide station Tropy is hard, because his times is very close to Oxide. You actually need to beat his time to even unlock his ghost. Aim for 3:30 for the unlock I think.

>DNF by a turn player
You mean game journalists and underages?

Coco Park and Crash Cove you need to maintain SF from the moment you get it and you'll beat Oxide. Oxide Station is proper U-turning and building reserves. Don't try to powerslide the turns after the jump with the USF pad. You want to hop and U-turn a lot of that.

according to the nitro player count on ps4 this game is far from dead

fuck off

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bretty gud


user it's consistently decreased with every cup, even more so on other platforms. You're clearly in some major denial.

Its been the same posters here since launch since everyone else on here that likes kart racers is a nintendie too casual to learn this games mechanics.

What if Mario and Donkey Kong were in CTR?

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What about the Championship decal? It gets slightly harder every single GP due to player drop off.

here's your (You)

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>actually denying real life

Fuck off shitskin

Switch has been hovering around 100k each gp and it seems like this one will be the same. Still never had to wait longer than 5 minutes for a lobby on switch and I've been playing online since the second gp.

Last I looked the bone was 44k Probably slightly higher now but we have pretty hard drop offs.

For the nitro leaderboard? Surely that's at like 150k on xbone. The trophy leaderboard is only like 30k or some shit on switch.

Wanted to say, if you're on the fence about hunting down the candy kart due to being unsure of how well will it pair up with other things you peoplr could tell me which combos you want and I'll post them here.
Granted I don't even own most characters, but I have practically all the vehicle parts.

44k champion my bad. Last I looked it was 120k some odd for Nitro, that's pretty damn low.

How is a game dead with hundreds of thousands of players?
Also this.

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That's a steeper nitro drop than on switch, IIRC xbone was closer to 200k not too long ago for nitro. Switch has always been the lowest of the three.

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last gp it was 300k nitro and 100k for champ. Couple of people I was playing CTR with were waiting on Gears 5, Borderlands, MHW Iceborne so I assume that took away some of the player base.

That decrease by thousands with each cup.

I hope people are aware enough to realise there's no use in getting that one last cosmetic if it's going to cause you to drop the game.

Still pissed the switch playerbase is so low. Especially when MK8 is a shameless boring rehash.

Thats true but not enough to call it dead


That's not what 'dead' means.

Got any MK buddies that you can introduce CTR to? I know a couple anons said they play both.

i didnt even compelted the silver tier. i just kinda dont care for this grand prix.

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i skipped baby gp, and for this gp i've played as who i wanted to and didn't worry about nitro % boosting, have had more fun than ever

thats what i usually do too.

The two people I tried to get to play it said they hated the drifting and went back to MK.

See? He did get a legendary skin

That's a shame, it's a fun game even with all the horseshit.

Ready for Halloween costumes?

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i want it to be real

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>That cleavage
Not going to happen sadly.

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Only if they add in Dark Crash and Coco. If they don't I'm dropping the game.

thats a nice image

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Where did you get that photo of lizfag?

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Looks more like this

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The Cortex Commandos will rise anew.

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We lost too much charaterization because of the only winpose online. Wish they change that.

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Is this a new fetish?

Wish they added back wheel turning while waiting for the race to start. It's strange that they took it out in the first place.

>same pentanigger in the ninja costume keeps hosting lobbies then quitting if his track isn't picked
He's done it like 4 times in a row.

Maybe he just wants a friend. Ask him if he's ok.

Fuck off with your censored game.

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Honestly I can't tell.

Lads, just completed all the nitro achievements, and I am in the top 12,000, am I good if I don’t play again?

>am I good if I don’t play again?
Platform? You really shouldn't be, PS4 has the largest playerbase and even there you should be running in trouble the further GP goes.


That's all there is to it, user. Don't get your hopes up.

>played "don't drink and drive" through CTR with a mate who also has the mechanics down
>practically neck and neck in every race, victory coming down to who has smarter use of reserves for taking a swig of the grog
Give it a try with your mates sometime lads, it's an intense experience.


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Oh god, how I love Nina.

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>first 10 seconds of sewer speedway
>first set of crates, not even at the first ramp
>leave a TNT on a black Spyro right behind me
>instant quit
Lmao I love TT shitters ragequit reflexes, even more if it's a black Spyro that you know being a digitropy or a pentanigger in disguise

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I'll have sex with Coco!

There were plenty before mods started nuking the threads. Of course only the Discord rejects stayed.

Im about halfway through the gold tier. Kinda just taking this one slow. Still have a lot of things to buy in the shop but I’m sure I’ll get them all

I did that last GP and I was ok. I'm gonna do it again

Open your mouths, dorks.

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I want Tawna to step on me

I used to laugh but now it really irritates me because I don't get to race some of the better players a lot of the time.

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I heard from a friend that this game takes 2k+ hours to grind for all the content. Is it really this bad? I'm still on the fence on buying it.

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>tfw I haven't been bothered to play at all this weekend
Is this it? Am I just burned out now?

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People have cleared the shop and have a bunch of coins saved up with I'm assuming under 200 hours. The grind is way overestimated by people that don't play the game and just saw some mtx headlines.

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Imagine being such a basement dweller that a simple dance is considered sexy because a girl is doing it

Are you implying it isnt sexy? Cause that would be wrong.

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I really wish there was more shit I could be doing in the game. Imagine if this had a track creator. You'd truly have infinite ways to enjoy these mechanics.

Really missed opportunity.

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Imagine being so insecure and buttblasted by a sexy cartoon bandicoot

I need 12k green goo points to get the last reward and probably more to get the top 5%, it's a bit annoying but I should be okay

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Whats that have to do with insecurities? There's far sexier dance moves than Liz's dance. Her dance is on par with some kid dancing at a prom monitored by chaperones.

based ami

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We need online cups, mirror modes and other shit.

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Case in point,

you called it "sexy" , nice

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>Literally just one normal bomb hit
Are your online races so uneventful that you thought it was necessary to clip something as simple and ordinary as this?

Just for you.

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Why do you keep posting shit from some show no one cares about?

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i like it.

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As a kid I never caught on that Crunch was wearing a paper crown

You're overthinking the humor of the webm.

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>Her dance is on par with some kid dancing at a prom monitored by chaperones.
Theres no reason to take it out on Liz because you didnt get a prom date as a kid and watched everyone else have fun.

>online is still about people trying their hardest to fuck over players while the first one is building his blue fire under a blue bubble
I stopped giving a shit, leaving the starting line 5 sec after everybody and not bothering finishing the last turn if the first has more than a 30 second lead

There was supposed to be humor in the webm?

Yes. But like i said youre overthinking it either from insecurity or autism. Mix of both perhaps who knows.

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You got somewhere that has all of these Nina sketches in one place?

Cool projections and ad hominems pal

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if someone put there models in Haydee or Saintrow 4 that would be awesome

Okay but why post it in these threads? They are not related at all.

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I'm not the one projecting mate. And hominems are a thing take it or leave it.

Imagine an entire week where online is vanilla CTR. U-turns kill reserves again, and no sustainable USF.

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Ok but why tho

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I can't go back to that

here, I uploaded all I have just for you

Its an image board and you post images on it. Duh.

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Thank you so much!

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>can feel myself burning out, but I only have 5 sticker packs in the pit stop left to buy
>there'll still be multiple GPs after this

Free me from this hell

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Game's getting stale, that's why

You're a great guy, user.

If I had to guess I'd say we have two new GPs until either support is cut or they start reusing GPs. Depends on what Activision wants to do.

You guys are fucking furries

ok but would that really make it interesting? i dont remember much about the original ctr but how long did blue flame last

My pitstop looks like this since 2 weeks.

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I've fucked no furry, I swear.

More modes for races could be great for the online. Something like: no shorcut allowed, only tnt item, all boost pad give usf,...
Maybe a ctr mode where there will be numerous letters across the track, and if you already have a letter, that same letter become a hazard for you. That way it will change your race line, can't take a shorcut anymore or can't go on this boost pad anymore.
But if they put mirror mode already, that would be nice.

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Kind of a sad sight, imo.

I became so bored, I went back to using classic kart with no stickers or decals

I do that too but because I find the classic kart to look simply great. There's just something to it.

It's also functional; it's small, so it gives more road visibility, and if you have the nitro wheels on, lets you see the glow a lot easier.

Not likely. These threads would actually be lively like Spyro threads.

>racing on Electron Avenue
>race starts, throw a bowling bomb at a Tropy in one of the narrow paths, that wasn't boosted
>then proceed to trap the Wumpa crate after the skip with a beaker
Holy shit, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to be so ruthless.

I just wish it had a better engine sound.
The classic kart only has the intermediate engine sound from the original.
Accel and speed had really powerful sounding engines in OG and they're gone forever now.

Just wondering, is anyone who is still playing this and grinding the nitro bar/buying the costumes NOT a furry?

Were not furries we just adore Bandicutes

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>What about the Championship decal?
Most of the playerbase doesn't each Gold tier on the nitro leaderboard. All you have to do to reach the 5% is get to the gold tier by doing a few challenges a few times per week.

The engine sound actually makes me miss boosts a lot because it's so quiet.

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IIRC the retro kart actually uses the original engine sounds. It's only a shame they're locked to them.

Thank you for this.

It's been a rather common occurrence to not just DNF lobbies but to lap half the racers. I'm wondering if I should play poorly on purpose to give them a fighting chance, what do you think?

>retro kart actually uses the original engine sounds
Only the intermediate engine sound.
Accel and speed character had a different more powerful engine sound in OG.

Don't. By finishing quickly you also give them more wumpa over time. They would just try to murder you anyway.

That's a real shame, then.

are you blind?

hothead out

it changed, instead of having the lowest amount of coins, you now get the coins based on your ranking even if they don't finish
go crazy

No because they do this. 9/10 times for me.

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Why waste everyone's time like that?
That's just as bad as sitting at the finish line so they can finish
Faster you finish, the more races everyone can get in

Really? I haven't really tried getting them, but always did, even though I only got the last reward in the gold.

I've been away, what other characters are there alongside SPyro in this cup?
Spoonfeed me!

You deserve it for being a liznigger

Gnasty Gnorc and Hunter. That's it, they don't even get legendary skins.


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>when he's the salty faggot that can't win against skilled players

Because I imagine people are playing to win, not to just farm their Wumpa time, and I don't see a hopeless race being much fun to them.

What the actual fuck?
Where's the bunny girl?

Then they should get better if they want to win

>when he's the salty faggot that can't win against skilled players
Projecting again. We really gotta get you some help after all those turn dnfs.

>winning anything
Thanks for the laugh

She wasnt planned. Sorceress and Ripto. Sorceress prob wouldve been speed and Ripto Accel. Also heres your scrapped Legendary.

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No more, user. That's it.
The other characters get generic fantasy themed skins that are pretty good, however.

because both things are racing furries.

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i dont even have any idea what is desu. my point was images get posted around so why would anyone complain about remba being posted.

>no Egg Thief
>no Sgt Byrd
>no Bianca
>no Moneybags
>no Ripto
>no retro Spyro skin with sunglasses
This sucks, man.

just a generic cgi toon

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Guy's got a point there

maybe beenox will pull through in the rerun and add some more. y'never know.

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Given the steady player drop off I'm starting to doubt we'll get reruns.

Well they gotta add the other datamined characters. Must be the reason theyre saving them.

>Gnasty Gnorck
That guy is a literally who.
Should have added at least Ripto as he had SOME characterization, God forbid one of the S3 friends.

>someone was paid for making this.

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>I'm starting to doubt we'll get reruns.
it's the opposite man, ruruns require no work and unlike people got used with the wow excuse "they need money for servers" it's almost free, it's an easy way to grab the attention of new buyers

Do they?
How do we know that wasn't just information added to mess with data miners?

You'd think so, but weren't some of the datamined characters removed from the game data? Maybe they're just scrapped.

Its all from the games files itself.
Well theyre scrapped in the sense that they werent shipped with the current GPs. And thats only been for two so far since Baby Cortex/Tropy were also planned.

What are your favourite music tracks?
I just love OG Sewer Speedway it feels so nostalgic and comfy.

Attached: 3 liz on podium.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Gotta say, one thing I didn't notice as a kid that I'm really appreciating now is how the soundtrack has bits and pieces of the main series' music in them, like how you can hear parts of Pack Attack in Oxide Station.

Now that is one pretty podium.

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I like the difference between the two. Though I have a slight preference for slide coliseum.

i understand this reference

and i dont like it

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Eat fresh.

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I strongly disapprove of this.

>3 new classes added
Would be cool, someday...

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Think about it logically, not just for the sake of having more. What would they even add? Turning but fast? Slow Speed?

Actually if it was just a badly done 2d sprite in the cart I would actually like it.

posting 9gag memes is not an argument

Blue orbs shouldn’t last forever prove me wrong

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What would be the point ? Speed would still be the best. If they want to touch the classes, they can balance the fourth already in the game.

These would all play much differently from each other and wouldn't need testing, considering the current classes already stretch stats to the farthest extremes.

6/7/2 would be a counterpart to speed that actually is designed to pull ahead but not to corner, as more Accel gives stiffer cornering. It would also not lose speed when powersliding like Speed does (this is not a lie, test it yourself).

5/2/4 is a proper 'Balanced' class, and truly works as a counterpart to Accel as it trades most acceleration for extra cornering (I may revise the turning to be 6 as it gives a bit more of a handicap).

4/4/6 I could see being given to exactly one character to give them their own unique playstyle apart from other Turning characters.

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Wich character get them ? New one ? Old one ? Are you the engine dude ?

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Out of Time is my all time favorite in general

This is actually a more interesting proposition than anything engine dude has come up with, so I doubt it.

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>Wich character get them ? New one ? Old one ?
Every character. Actually, these COULD be engine swaps, but instead each character has one swap option, and it creates new classes at times.

6/7/2 is an Accel character as a Speed character for example, but instead of just becoming that character, you still have your own feel and your own class.

It could be chosen based on home track too. Ripper Roo swaps to Speed, since his home track is for Speed characters by and large, (and not just to shut that one guy up) and Tiny could be swapped to Balanced since it was the most consistent class to set WR times with in Tiny Arena in the original CTR.

>Are you the engine dude?
No. I just want to see the game experiment more with the classes... Idk man.

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doc I don't think I want my dose today

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Too bad.

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Remember when people complained before launch that players couldn't collide with each other online? Remember how orbs initially couldn't hit everyone unless they were juiced, and this was also changed?

We should track down these people and kill them for being so fucking retarded to suggest Beenox was ever wrong about the way things were.

You should know by now, all speed characters must be bullied relentlessly.

>almost beat the 2nd ranked player in trophies on ps4
>get fucked over by a warp orb
Fucking bullshit honestly

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten

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>pierced nips
Damn shame

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Guess the thread is just getting nuked now.


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I got burned out, but I'll try to get to gold tier by the end, and to pick up a few things from the shop. I already got the last two champ decals, and I don't even really use the kart, so I'm not gonna try this time. Doesn't help that Monster Hunter has been taking all of my time

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I'm abandoning my goal of reaching top 10 people on the nitro board out of boredom
I'll just stick to top 5% since I don't really feel like playing the game that much right now