why does vinesauce still exist?
Why does vinesauce still exist?
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Because 15 year olds like when funny pizza pastaman does silly voices
people still watch him and give him money
Because he has a pretty sizable audience?
Vinny and Joel. Nobody cares about the others
Beecause he's a cool guy
He's got a good mix of long calm moments, but also makes funny scream and noises so he's good for a wide range of audiences
We joke about Yea Forums being a hivemind, which it isn't, but ultimately all of us share something that doesn't exist anywhere else. Our opinions differ but we've basically experienced the same shit by spending enough time here and that creates a connection. Vincent is one of us, except he talks instead of typing.
Also glitches are fun. Don't be the fag who just watches him play regular-ass games.
Anyone else noticing Vinny lashing out at fans more and more lately?
If you had a fanbase near entirely comprised of obnoxious faggots, you'd lash out too.
He's fed up with furries.
To keep giving me comfy background noise while I'm playing minecraft. Though I only watch Vinny
some of his streams are comfy
corruptions are always interesting to me, seeing the game create scary strange and funny scenario's out of something so uniform is always entertaining like sen was something straight out of a creepypasta.
he does?
thought he shekel'd all his junk behind jewtube red
It's so funny to watch a famous game shit itself. If you have to go in and fuck with the code for it to happen, fine. That's fine.
Absolutely. He's always made fun of his audience to some extent, but now it sounds like genuine hatred.
I wish this was still the case. Never thought I'd care but Vinny just sounds so depressed recently. Watching his Mario Maker videos and it just sounds like constant disappointment in his audience and a general distaste for life. Sometimes he gets really existential in a depressing kinda way, that makes me wonder if he's okay when he's off-stream. It's not really enjoyable to me anymore.
In a recent stream he said he had recurring dreams where the twitch chat was on in his daily life and followed him everywhere and made fun of him. Nigga has ptsd.
randomizers and chaos editions are almost as good but they tend to be controlled chaos for the part but still provide a laugh like seeing a massive dragon on outset or a Gannon parade float.
He's just being real. Pretending to be happy and liking your audience is gay af
Any suggestions of a particularly good randomizer run? I saw some of Zelda 2 but I don't have too many fond memories of that game.
His Minecraft streams he seems alright. The recent streams with the modpack with meat have been fucking hilarious
The other day someone joked about the Vinesauce condoms, he brought up the fact they still exist but he'd never hand them out because people would use them, they'd break and force him to pay for "child support". Everyone said that's not how it works, presumably just joking around with him. But his response was something to the tune of "You have no idea the shit I get blamed with on a daily basis, at least one of you would be crazy enough to try that, and it just takes one". He sounded so serious and sad about the whole thing that it did make me wonder what kinda e-mails he does get.
I mean, I don't want him to act and pretend to be happy, it just sucks to see him basically being terrified of his own audience as said
I think it's because I'm watching streams from around the June time period, I guess I should watch the absolute most recent stuff, thanks.
Ya, the last two Minecraft streams were great
I know what he means. I was in the same business over a decade ago and you think no-life losers have nothing better to do than shitpost or stir up console wars you clearly haven't experienced the mails they send out. Sometimes looking for a handout. Sometimes just to fuck with you. And your associates don't have the same experience with the dregs of society that you do, so you have to take all of them seriously just to maintain some level of authority.
the OOT one is pretty fun as well as the LLTP ones he did, there's also a super metroid arcade one that's interesting.
minor spoiler for lttp ONE RUPEE
I played a LTTP randomizer yesterday and got jack shit from doing 5 dungeons. Culminating in a chest with one rupee.
my ex tried to shill vinny to me all the time but whenever i tried to watch him he always sounded so fucking bored with everything he did, seemed depressed/angry all the time, ill never understand what people see in him.
fuck off rev is great
They deserve it. Anyone he has a large following has so many retarded people breathing down their neck that I’m sure 60% of people here would go crazy if put in the same situation. Fans are the most unrelenting, non-self-aware, inconsiderate scum that will bother their object of affection to the point of obsession. They need to be put in their place, but once you welcome them in your community it’ll be hard to dispose of these unhinged people
>it did make me wonder what kinda e-mails he does get.
When Jabroni Mike/M6000W started streaming he told a story about how Vinny would get emails involving jokes that MIKE made involving fatshaming and how ashamed they were of it, and this was back in like 2016.
If he gets emails from people as retarded as that for comments that he himself didn't even make, I can only imagine the kind of shit he has to read through now
good boomer discussion for background noise. Only downside is him pandering to his young fanbase with shit like SPEEEEEEN and some of the voice shit
Ain't that the truth. Nothing funnier than zoomers thinking streamers are their friends, instead of having nothing but utter contempt for them.
Please don't use that word, even ironically.
>tfw vinny may commit suicide in our lifetime
I'm 28 years old faggot, shut the fuck up
Not that word. The annoying one.
he'd quit streaming before he'd get to that point.
>implying he won't do it live
Too bad they made him read Homestuck
oh the S word? Like I said, clear pandering to the young fanbase same with the voices sometimes but fuck it's awful
he doesn't face cam typically so what would be the point?
>mfw saw someone bitching in chat about trannyspammers being timed out today
Reassuring to know that even furfag mods patience has a limit for this shit.
In his most recent Mario maker stream he sounded like he wanted to kill himself for the entire 30 minutes I watched before I turned it off. Was odd, sounded unusually agitated.
Do Vinny and Joel still browse this shithole?
t. allergic to bees
Maybe. It's not like they can say they do anyway considering the retard fans
Post your favorite vinny videos
I don't watch him that much anymore but wouldn't surprise me, aside of his large obnoxious fanbase he stated not long ago in a stream, either a minecraft or blasphemous one, can't remember, that he is overwhelmed with people's requests and with all the new games that are coming out, he barely has time for himself or keep up with the agenda.
grand dad
Because Yea Forums fucking loves Vinny despite also being completely assblasted at his fanbase. You fags are convinced he's super based and redpilled too, its hilarious.
dangling keys at children online makes bank
gram bag
I feel like Vinny has legitimately stopped being in touch with the imageboard culture long ago, since he had no idea why the chat was REEing when the word "normie" showed up in one of his Astral Chain streams.
>pee pee poo poo
Joel's probably still lurking, posting even