Let's settle this. Once and for all

Let's settle this. Once and for all.

Attached: Prey.jpg (1134x813, 158K)

Left > Right
Right > Left

you are actually punished for dying in 2017 :-)

old prey had an interesting premise but wasted it on a generic doom 3 clone, the old 3d realms version looked better

Literally chew ass forever from 2006
System shock wannabe

Right is objectively better, you are allowed like left more but you have to recognize it's inferiority


I enjoyed and finished 2006 and got halfway through a second playthrough. Wound up dropping the new one after a few hours. But it seemed like technically the better game. I just didn't grab me for whatever reason, but I'd like to give it another try at some point.

Right preys better, the only reason people give a shit about left prey is because they wanted alien bounty hunter sequel.

they're both forgettable generic shooters, 2017 just happens to have more comlexity in its mechanics

The two games have nothing to do with each other. I'm not sure why you'd compare them.

B-But the name!111!!!!

Pretty much. The name was co-opted and, while both games are good in their own way, they don't really have anything in common.

Main idea: Turns on subversion fleet (highly antiintuitive mechanics and designs, the opposite of what was commonplace), then runs every single one of the tropes it introduces into the ground, to make it apparent, that, by means of voluntarily giving a shit, player is, like a cockroach, capable to adapt to nigh anything, and that what seemed seriously wtf to you a mere two hours ago, now, two hours later, is like a water for the fish for you.

There, an actual central idea. Way more than can be said about zPrey.


In other words bPrey makes it apparent one's common sense is derived from one's own past. It is exactly this process of voluntary derivation, which I call "giving a shit" above.

Right is vastly superior.
Only issue with it is that it carries the name "Prey" and that the enemy design is shit.

Attached: Joseph_joestar_render_by_yuipuri-d90we55.png (466x601, 446K)

Right one is a pretentious timesink. Left one is an actual interactive artistic work. This isn't even about good vs bad. This is about sensible vs. senseless. The sensible one is bPrey.

Why the fuck do you write like this?
Go back to school lmfao

It is possible to have a game over in 1 but the spirit arrow bullshit was retarded when you got to the maingame.

you should be able to register your cd key on steam for oldprey

original prey's storyline and abilities are way cooler than 2017's, also you can just spam quicksave :-)

I don't feel any obligation to either report to you, entertain you fancy, or follow you directions. Fuck off.

Left Prey is objectively superior to the one on the right. That's the truth.

>your fancy
>your directions

Attached: 43655634.jpg (402x481, 70K)

Prey >Prey

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

Why don't you like, play and enjoy both. There's an 11 year difference between the two games, I think you have the time.

Two different games.
I like more left, nice fps but nothing more.
Right is too slow for me, the shooting sucks, the enemeies sucks, some power are cool but boring to play with, the ending part rushed af, gazillion audiolog and some bug.

Completely different games, but the new Prey is genuinely a better one and an underrated gem that got ruined by retarded marketing decisions.

>turn into ghost to get past a wall
>turn into a dildo to get past a wall
same shit
Old-prey had quciksaves as well. Also Mooncrash is a thing

Serious question. Do you have autism? And either way, what is this "bPrey" shit you're doing?

It's the same guy posting shit about the new Prey ever since it came out. He's literally insane.

Nevermind, I figured it out. Didn't see the "zPrey" with it. Still stupid though, and I'm still curious about potential autism.

Old Prey sold very well when it first came out. New Prey sold like shit and now its fans are butthurt and blame the old Prey for the flop.

That's like saying " you have to admit that donkey kong is better then wave race 64"
Their both really different games for really different people.
It only has the name in common

The new PREY is one of the all around best FPS of the the last decade but the enemies are SO FUCKING BORING. I have never in my entire life been so turned off of a game because of its enemies. It made me realize for the first time how important it is to have enemies that are interesting and engaging to fight. Its such a glaring flaw in an otherwise nearly perfect game.

Og prey was a weird ass fps with constantly changing dimensions and funky mechanics
nu-pray was a decent system shock clone
No idea why they used the ip for something completely unrelated

>No idea why they used the ip for something completely unrelated
"it's bethesda" should be a satisfactory explanation

I didn't play the new Prey but old Prey was one of the worst FPS games I've ever played. You don't have to try very hard to top it, really. And I know Arcane are a good studio.

How can they blame an over 11 year old game when the new game released?

only weird thing about og prey was the revive mechanic, no reason to actualy care about going ham on enemies or have any strategy at all.

When you are butthurt any target is a good target.

Shock games aren't chic anymore after Bioshock Infinite ruined it for everyone.

>Bethesda spend money on IP
>devs fail to actually do anything with said IP pulling a DNF wasting time and money
>Bethesda uses name they purchased so it wasn't a complete waste of an investment

Highly doubt I am the only one. If nobody started copying me, you could distinguish my posts by "vacuum cleaner simulator among cubes" slurs. I posted on nu-Prey on Yea Forums very sporadically though.

Anyway, I think I should really cram it. Neither Arx Fatalis or nu-Prey are games worthy of such an attention at the end of the day, in my opinion. What I really should do, since I consider them derivative timesinks, is to find actual primary sources behind their gamedesign and campaign pacing, and then concern myself further with those primary sources only, not with these knock-offs. Being treated seriously, you see, is a luxury Arkane simply doesn't deserve.

Repetitive linear shooter with interesting ideas and several memorable moments, worth a playthrough but not much more.
Good Immersive Sim, a worthy spiritual successor to System Shock and one of the best game of the decade. Already a cult classic.

And what I mean is not that, on an apparent level, say, Arx Fatalis is ThiefDarkProject Underworld. No those are apparent level superficialities. What I mean is discerning the logic by which that game actually ticks, by which it was put together - and then pointing to another earlier game it was (more probably than not, badly) shoplifted from without an ounce of actual creativity. It has to be something I have either played, seen or at least heard of, Arcanes don't strike me as types to play shit-tier Amiga or untranslated PC-98 titles to scour for sources for that damn inspiration. Whatever were those actual sources of inspiration behind their games, was something on the surface, at least, back in the day - or commonly known. That I haven't done it yet, is purely due to my having other priorities as of right now.

You can't compare these games. The only thing that these game share is the title. Each game is good in different aspects.