>Western Video Game "Humor"
Western Video Game "Humor"
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someone post the webm
uh wont lie thats pretty based
what other giant open world game has fucking cool shit like that in it?
i enjoyed the first two games but this one relies so fucking heavily on buzzword meme shit that i wouldnt even bother torrenting this garbage
the first games had a couple references but overall it cultivated its own wacky whatever humor. this fucking sucks
also randy pitchford is part of a conglomerate pedophile ring so think before you give more money to one of the ugliest pedos on the planet
omg i'll buy 3 copies now please
i remember when rick and morty was new and threads about it would fucking hit bump limit on Yea Forums or Yea Forums then, as usual, it got popular, turned shit and now everyones like "man i never actually liked it, you guys are cringe lords"
now THIS is an epic gamer moment
I think the tone jumped the shark with 2's DLCs. 2 was still humorous, but not every bandit was designed to be a saturday morning cartoon villain.
true season 1 actually was pretty funny, though you won't find me admitting that in any form that can be tied to me personally anymore
there are few kinds of games
the ones where are chaming enough to spawn memes on their own
the ones that desperatedly cling on the other memes in order to catch attention of fleeting and instantly evolving young adult culture
and there are ones who reference rick and morty
Good thing this is an ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD where you can post opinions that nobody outside of the alphabet agencies can link back to you.
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It's too on the nose.
Oh, this lady likes coffee, well wouldn't you know it, there's THE COFFEE COMMANDER literally right around the corner, and he's got the coffee cup that she needs. Better go kill coffee boy and his coffee themed mooks. And hey, this guy wearing tighty whiteys mentioned something about his own ass. Well here's Buttman the Butt Bandit, who, completely unprompted, has decided that his own ass is better. Wowee, you need to remove his ass from the rest of him so that everyone knows who has the best man-ass around this half-kilometer of desolate wasteland.
the szechuan sauce thing killed the R&M fanbase. what people thought were radical and counter culture people, they were corporate bootlickers who literally worshipped a packet of sauce you can make at home
right, that's why I admitted it here
good job detective
randy here, i've already sent you an email to get you on board with the borderlands 3: buttman chronicles expansion writing team
you just know all the people working on this game hates nationalism.
counterculture is ok
it really wasn't that long ago people were spamming pickle rick here, I think because it doesn't get episodes often enough and is a cartoon in the modern age it gets shit on more online as stuff becomes stagnant.
>randy pitchford is part of a conglomerate pedophile ring
he wishes
>i enjoyed the first two games but this one relies so fucking heavily on buzzword meme shit that i wouldnt even bother torrenting this garbage
What the FUCK are you talking about, do you not remember the 2nd game? Even the STATS were buzzword meme shit. It had even more retarded meme references than 3. They're both beyond trash.
it turned out to be fake, incel
Open world games are made by retards for retards,what did you expect
best episode
Everything, must be serious at all times
These are video games guys
looking forward to season 4?
no one is saying that.
what they're saying is that internet memes and pop culture references are not a substitute for actual writing.
I prefer my videogames to have so staying power,adding memes makes the game age like rotten milk.
Video games can't be fun and light hearted, they must have flawless writing
by all means, shitpost instead of having an actual discussion.
Rick and Morty is not fun.
I refuse to believe this is real.
I want to kill myself.
The FIRST game had VERY little to no humour at all, while the second game was full of it it even beat Fallout 2 in terms of pop culture trash
>the board still posting stale frogs and wojaks actually trashing ANYTHING
Oh kek no self awareness
I havent seen it, I only watch anime
Same with anyone posting on Yea Forums, the international forum where foreigners meet and chat
These game development studios have no sense of standard. No decency.
both have shitty humour so they kind of fit
I doubt it was intended that way at first. It was probably supposed to be way more random than it turned out, since nobody remembered or fucking talked about that shit, much less was jonesing for it after all this time. Then out of nowhere this faggot brings it up and it keeps getting more hyped and important as the episode drags on.
That in itself is fairly funny, like if you were watching south park and completely against the narrative Kenny suddenly remembered how fucking hot one of those old ESPN fitness show chicks like Bodyshapers was, and took over the show intent on finding and sniffing kiana tom's workout-sweaty ass.
The problem was just it landed too hard for its own good. Same thing with the pickle rick shit. What actually happened(the way something so stupid fucked off into cascade disaster to end up destroying a foreign embassy) was fucking funny. The meme not so much.
>Man this humor sure is shitty and unfunny
Hey Randy
It's fake you fucking retards, and this is coming from someone who hates Boredlands
Look up the comments on twitter
Fuck off Randy
It was the time gap. The time between season 2 and 3 became a meme in it's own right so people who hadn't seen the original run binged it all to understand what the deal was. This caused the number of people trying to be in on the joke to cascade. By the time season 3 hit, you had people whose primary experience was the memes trying to be down with it, thus missing the point. So you get the people who are too dense to realize the points and just jump on board to be part of this edgy new meme thus the jokes land directly. What was meant to be "wow, this is retarded" is taken as "oh my god this is hiliarious". It's like people who miss the point of fight club and actually think it's about male empowerment and not that it was a direct counter-statement to what was proto incel culture
I only ever played one, but even that was a brainless shitfest of "wacky" characters. Game has basically no mechanics, no difficulty and no gameplay outside of giving you the good feels in your brain for seeing shiny guns drop, that are slightly better than your current one.
Borderlands has always been absolute garbage that should have never gotten a sequel.
Now what you fucking faggot? I told you I hate BL, you guys are having a tantrum over fucking nothing
>Go on lad! This one's on me
Get's me every time
Cry more Randy you pedophile faggot
The thing is, I can sue you and ruin your life for these comments
yes because we all know KYAA BAKA ECCHI is the height of comedy
Haha epic! Well meme'd my fellow 4channer xD
This isnt humor faggot, its a reference. Its not supposed to be funny.
Missing the point of fight club was the entire point of fight club. Or more to the point, the reason fight club was ridiculously fucking quotable above and beyond the quota any movie should have for that shit.
If you took a message beyond that deeper than "holy shit all that preaching and then fans go around acting exactly like that", you were part of the problem.
It is most importantly not real
Just because you have one of these doesn't mean you need to be this upset user
Are you in your late teens/early 20's? I ask because Borderland's humor has always been basically the same, if anything they really went all in with 2 on "heavily on buzzword meme shit". I think the humor didn't really change, you did.
Like how in 2006 I thought that demotivational posters were hilarious (ceiling cat is watching you masturbate XDDD lolwut) and now I just don't get it anymore.
daily reminder your single player onions experience largest audience are discord and facebook "memes" cringe boys.
That's because Yea Forums is full of kids who don't dare to have their own tastes. Hating on what's popular because it's popular is no more clever than loving what's popular because it's popular.
1 was fairly light on it, honestly, at least until the DLC. That got kinda gay.
2 was when they really started sperging out with it, yeah.
BL2 was fucking awful
both are shit you tremendous faggotron
The fanbase became legitimately pathetic, and season 3 kind sucked.
>Borderlands meme writing bad!
>WoW meme writing good!
Blizzard shills please leave
>The FIRST game had VERY little to no humour at all
what the fuck are you talking about
>muh blizzard
They both suck. But memelands writting was never good while wc3 and sc had some funny unit lines.
You the one shitposting by downvoting this thread, all games must have flawless writing for you because you cant enjoy a simple lighthearted game.
Top bloke
My opinion is objective truth
It's weird to think Rick and Morty was something no one had heard of when I watched half a decade ago.
IIRC the first game had more gallows humour and maybe it's just 'cause I was younger but it felt at least slightly less ridiculous than 2 onwards.
2 was just a shitfest of pop culture references and legitimately 12y/o level writing. 3 is somehow even worse desu.
See? Biased as fuck. As an example, both BL and WoW have achievements called "I'm on a boat". It's exactly the same level of slop but since Yea Forums - Blizzard marketers & Asmongold Defense Force likes WoW better one is fine and the other one isn't.
Played this game at a friend's house on his xbox with splitscreen. Man, didn't really enjoy it, even though I enjoyed 1 and 2.
>incredibly buggy for a console game.
If I open up my inventory/skills menu, the game practically freezes for both of us
>enemies are bullet sponges on "normal" from level 6 already.
I understand this game is based around bullet sponges, but already taking an entire clip of criticals to down a single level 6 mob with a level 6 pistol is a bit too much for me. Even with a sniper it took me 3-4 criticals to down a regular enemy, around 10 or more for a stronger one. It's pretty ridiculous.
You guys ever consider you aren't supposed to take it seriously, that's kind of the point of humor
Wow writting has been ass since release, wtf are you talking about?
Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.
Pretty sure they intended it to be funny, which isn't.
>season 3 was bad
It's bad writing even for a lighthearted game. It completely misses the mark with the majority of its jokes.
It's just not enjoyable, it's cringy at best.
>it's supposed to be bad
Your opinion isn't objective truth
Might get the GotY edition on Steam to have some mindless fun with friends. Besides that, it's not worth it to me to get it. Won't even pirate it.
same shit happened to the Saints row series
Nobody in the innumerable wow threads are complaining that they can't play the game due to the cringe writing yet that's more than half the posts in BL threads.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates humanoid pickles
what happened, bros?
Are you implying you can't laugh at something dumb
Bad humor can be just as funny as good humor, for example a retard falls on his face into his food he was carrying
It was retarded yet still hilarious regardless of the reason, it didn't need to be written by Shakespeare
Can't bad writing be funny
I think you're missing the point, something written with a bunch of stupid me messages isn't supposed to be good writing, it doesn't need to be written by Shakespeare, memos are often funny because of how dumb they are not because they are masterworks of language
I like 1 and I thought I liked 2 but after I replayed it a few months ago I remember how much the dialog made me want to just turn the game off. Outside of the handsome jack improv I couldn't stand most of the dialog.
TPS was alright but had the same problem of annoying bullshit memes. The last thing I want to do is play a fucking mediocre looter shooter that just talks about the current year
These posts are badly written
user why
>Can't bad writing be funny
It can. Borderlands 3 just isn't.
>blizzdrones eat shit
I mean, it's been proven fake yet you animals keep going on about it. What drives your petty little zoomer brain to continue despite knowing it's bullshit?
Actually they were written well autocorrect ruined my good writing
Because retards keep replying to it.
doenst matter you retard its still discussion why wuld i fucking care if its fake
Holy shit the absolute state of zoom zooms
>meet and chat with Brazilian monkeymen
>meet and chat with cucked marx loving brits
>meet and chat with sub 80 iq slavs
I went from being liberal to wishing for American imperialism to snuff out the untermench of the world. although i have found that i like Israelis more than i thought i would
>although i have found that i like Israelis more than i thought i would
oh nonono the k*kes have infiltrated your brain
Nice try jew
>Go to local mall
>See one wearing black Deviljho shirt
>It says
tfw i cringed so far with it
I clapped when I saw it!
it's fake
And most important of all, fuck retarded 12 year old frogposting niggers trying to fit in. Fuck them with a chainsaw.
Anyone else really disenfranchised from american culture? Everything is just so shitty and manufactured - the food, the entertainment, the people. I had one chance at life and I was born into fucking soulless burgerland
>I went from being liberal to wishing for American imperialism
Because you're a docile retard desperate to fit in somewhere, and the propaganda machine fucked you in the ass pretty fiercely. And now you just parrot retarded bullshit because you feel like you're part of some group. Many such cases.
I started watching it to see what all the fuss was about and I couldn't get through the first season.
Yeah that's kinda my point
I'm not superstitious but this is solid ontological proof of the devil.
hol up
so pickle rick is a cuck?
You ignoring BL2's bs aswell literally invalidates anything you say at all. refrain from posting.
What a fucking pedo
>Can't bad writing be funny
No. If you hit the mark with your writing, it's not 'bad writing' per definition. You get the intended response. With BL3, you know what the intended response should be, but it doesn't work. It's not hitting the mark, ergo it's bad writing.
You can write cringy and unfunny shit for a reason, but if it serves its purpose, it's not bad writing. In BL3 it's meant to entertain and make you laugh. It fails with the majority of people, therefore it's bad writing.
I hate how the reddit community completely made liking Rick & Morty equal to being a pretentious retard.
I just like it because of its retarded humor. It's not some kind of high IQ show, it's plain dumb fun and quite 'edgy' at times. I also like Archer for the same reason.
>Steamdrones hating on EG every single thread.
I would say the majority like it, but they usually don't claim to hold the objective good writing knowledge
At least we got Bushworld Adventures out of it.
I wonder how it must feel for the writing team to be completely outdone by australian shitposting
>Chinks hating on Steam every single thread.
It's in the title screen.
The majority will like whatever you put in front of them if the current market is considered
Yeah people sure are loving the 'humor' in BL3. Open your eyes, blind faggot. The series has gone down in terms of quality. BL1 was pretty funny. BL2 was way too much over the top, but could still garner a few laughs. Pre-sequel went further still and wasn't funny, and BL3 is following the trend.
A retard falling on his face doesn't need to be handcrafted into a masterful narrative to be funny
It is inherently funny, dumb things can be funny
Every meme on this site is stupid as duck but the vast majority of them are funny
>game calls you badass at every fucking chance it gets
>That was really BADASS
>A BADASS such as yourself
I think I'm already too old for these games, it just makes me cringe now.
>I told you I hate BL
Fuck off Edelgard
>This is shit
>"Oh well you must be a fan of other shit thing then"
It's not that you're too old to be playing it, it's that the guys making it are too old to be writing like that.
Oh no its too stupid therefore it can't be funny
The intelligence level of a piece of art or event doesn't determine how humorous it is
Shakespeare didn't need to craft a play with nuance for a retard falling on his face during lunch to be hilarious
We don't use the word fun here.
I think you missed the irony
isnt borderlands 2 that game you were all crying over a few years ago because someone found a creeper in it?
oh thats right, minecraft is totally BASED now! borderlands 3 sucks because it has new memes, borderslands 1 and 2 were totally based for including epic old school memes!
Never thought about it like this, it's true, seems like those 50 years old boomers who want to try and feel young and cool again and it just comes out forced and sad.
you forgot ADULT!
I ran out of games to play on my PS4 and was barely starting to consider picking this up but this right here is why I went just pass, I'll convince my friends to not play this garbage if it were fucking gifted to them.
Borderlands humor challenges your intelligence, it appears to believe you're a retard to laugh at the shit they throw at you.
>New memes
>Memes from 3 years ago
It should have none at all.
lmao, you are literally enslaved by your social circles, it's pathetic. Grow a pair holy shit.
>go to Yea Forums
>see picture of dark elf getting raped
>she has big tits and looks completely humiliated
Okay I've totally got a boner.
But a retard falling on his face IRL is funny, a game saying "Hah poop, oh and look at this [reference to pop culture]" isn't.
show me 5 pop team epic reference in a modern AAA game.
Nothing challenges my intelligence I'd beat you in any multi-player game with a week of practice just like I beat you in this argument when your personal taste got blown out of the water and you were forced to use ad hominem
Just admit you don't understand comedy
I find this really funny.
t. Zhang
The thing is funny because it's stupid
Jesus fuck, calm down child.
Nobody here bought this shitto game to begin with lol. Keep waiting.
>We still don't know if they got the green cube
>or what is the green cube
The game is shit man, its not like Borderlands 1 and 2. The optimization is also shit. What are you talking about? lol
If you understand comedy you're even more embarrassing as you somehow find the legitimate writing of a 12y/o who just found internet culture as funny.
Obviously it wasn't written by 12 year olds
It's actually killer more often than badass, that or i dont even hear badass anymore
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Borderlands 3's writing. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of social justice most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Claptraps' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Borderlands 3 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Handsome Jack's existential catchphrase "Buttstalion," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Anthony Burch's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens but definitely not on their Wii U. What fools.. how I pity them.
I have a Rick and Morty shirt that I bought during Season 2, but it just sits in my closet now because I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it after the szechaun sauce nonsense
the alt seem safe enough
This is fake you fucking retards
It was never funny and you're a faggot for ever liking it
>marx loving brits
Why is it so common?
>This is fake you fucking retards
we're going to bendigo morteh
we're gonna get me cuuube
Who's the C?
Did they cull "badass ranks" from the first 2 games?
>He didn't watch one of the better Winter shows
Badass ranks wasn't even a thing in the first game
The green cube is outside Uncle Barry's, user
forgot my image
When did people think it was counter culture? Pop media is never counter culture.
Borderlands is the Scary Movie of video games. It's a shallow lazy experience built on already outdated references which players 10 years from now will be ultimately confused by as they have no reference for it.
>though you won't find me admitting that in any form that can be tied to me personally anymore
Too late for that, Steven.
>first Borderlands and first Scary Movie were both kino
>the rest is pure shit
Holy moly this makes so much sense.
I usually compare the first 4 Scary Movies to Saints Row games.
Archer only had like 3 seasons that were funny.
>Virgin blood on the bedsheets
>First two are terrible
>3 and 4 are great
The power of Leslie Nielsen
Borderlands was the only good one of the series, and even that wasn't great.
Having just finished the main campaign I'm honestly surprised at how little in the way of pop culture memes really played a part. Outside of Streamer Culture and some Youtube Poops the story is fairly well grounded.
Side quests I can't really comment on, I stopped doing them towards the end of Eden 6 because I was so fucking tired of that planet and wanted to finish the campaign before it got spoiled, which was the right idea, because literally all the important shit happens after Eden 6.
How is pickle rick a visual gag? It’s situational comedy. He’s a pickle, that’s the joke. The dude who makes these is absolutely retarded.
When will Randy be publicly executed?
More like Viral-lands amirite
Cuckolding is a high IQ fetish.
Neither is yours, queer.
Don’t listen to Yea Forumseddit, this game is really fun. There’s so much shit they’ve packed into the gameplay, I’m 30 hours in and I’m still finding/leaning completely new shit every time I sit down and play it. If you’re bitching about the memes and cringe writing, no shit, these games have always had shitty writing, that’s not why you play them. Alternating between this and underrail has been the most fun I’ve had playing vidya in a long time
I don't get the hate for pickle rick. I mean, just dropping a pickle with a face in a video game is not a fucking "joke" and the BL3 developers and writers should be ashamed of doing something so fucking stupid, but I liked the actual episode of the show. It's not like the entire thing is just 30 minutes of characters sitting around going HA HA HE'S A PICKLE HA HA. The premise is just throwaway bullshit that's contrived to let the main character MacGuyver together a suit of power armor from rat limbs and massacre an embassy full of guards.
What you faggots don't get is that most people don't pay attention to this stuff when it's new.
When the first season hit I avoided all the Rick and Morty threads, it looked shit and unfunny to me. I saw a few clips, it wasn't funny and I didn't pay attention. It was only after the pickle rick and the sauce shit that people realized how fucking terrible Rick and Morty is.
I've still not watched a full episode of this reddit shit and never will.
Hey, the Detroit part was funny.
>I wish I lived in based japan, where MY people would accept me, and real life waifus would polish my katana while I watch anime!
>le whacky fooni mon!!!!!111!!!! XD
What went wrong?
Also, who's gay in 3?
literally never saw a single (01) episode of this thing
usually when you guys like something it's guaranteed cringe
It’s in your head actually, because it’s fake. And you’re a stupid faggot.
Enjoy working in a different culture.
Enjoy talking in a different language you learn up to 16.
Enjoy city life.
Enjoy being hated by most asians and hating most asians.
Enjoy being not you, because you won't be you.
It's actually a good show. I don't know why people get so fucking autistic about it, but then that's true of a lot of good things.
user, let’s be real here. You don’t have friends. And even if you did, how would that conversation go?
>hey user I’m gonna get BL 3
>oh? Why?
>uh, user, you send me memes on Facebook all the time why are they suddenly bad?
Can I get a side of punctuation with this shit loaf?
The genius thing is: since I never watched Dick & Shorty all these references wont make a difference to me, I don;'t recognize them anyway. Still insta-buying on steam.
It's because the RM fanbase made it blow up, which pissed off people who hate stupid humor unless it's meta and intellectual.
There's nothing inherently wrong about Pickle Rick, it's just a victim of the meme cycle.
What makes Yea Forums this fucking autistic?
regardless of quality Yea Forums started to hate it as soon as reddit started liking it. as always.
>part of a conglomerate pedophile ring
where do I sign up ?
Lack of moderation or any expectation of personal curation attracts completely uncensored opinion, most of which is overly blunt and inflammatory, mash thousands of these people into one website, then have a board entirely based around entertainment as a hobby.
Yea Forums could only ever be a cesspool.
>caring about story or dialogue
So far my favorite guns are the Vladof AKs and autopistols with rotating barrels, double shot torgue revolvers, Jakob’s repeaters. Ice and radiation are really cool additions as well.
How did we went from skyrim jokes to rick & morty jokes?
How did we end up with a bunch of you ESL retards
Yea Forums is spicland jajajaja *attach le pepefrog reaction xddd*
It makes me long for isolationism
>country becomes isolationist
>no longer has some of the natural resources needed for survival because no trade
>the only way to get them is to go to war now
>WW3 starts
good idea!
this post best post
If you are playing this game in any capacity you need to KYS
Why do you think so? Are you a moron with shallow humor standards?
I'm pretty sure there are Skyrim jokes are in BL3
Skyrim was in 2011 and Rick and Morty was in 2013.
Take a fucking guess genius.
>game puts players in their place
first season was great. second season was good but it had the first straight up bad episodes. third season was shit except for the citadel episode. it worked because it was just random garbage, and it was fun. but then they decided to develop characters for some fucking reason but they really don't have what it takes for it to work. everybody started hating on it though as soon as it was popular. kinda like Undertale. or almost anything, really. nowadays i have zero interest in the fourth season. they ran out of steam FAST
Are you literally autistic?
I unironicly like "Rick and Morty" becaue its the humor i like the most:
Fucked up trash
Thats the reason i also like Bojack Horseman
>euro post apo games
>stalker and metro, atom rpg
>focus on survival gameplay and bleak atmosphere, scarce resources which makes encounters actually tense, challenging and immersive, complex and morally ambiguous characters with subtle world building and lore that develop the narrative of how a paradigm shifting disaster would affect society and human nature
>American post apo games
>nu fallout and borderlands, rage 2
>everything is super wacky and colorful and epiccccc funnnn , every character is a lol random meme with giant weapons and a pink Mohawk, focus on how super powerful and badass you are pew pew laser guns AWESOME, literally designed for ADHD low iq kids
Why do Americans do this
Revisionism is bad for you and the people around you. Grow up, or die for the good of the world.
oh my fuck lol
Are you?
I still really like R&M, I just ignore the fucking memes.
probably thinking of the Prequel
Why waste everyone's time when you could just slap a onions wojak on a screenshot and call it a day
The incapability of noticing sarcasm even in the face of very obvious cues is either a symptom of autism or a case of being a brainlet.
Either way, upboat and kill ur'eself m'lady.
Absolutely disgusting, holy shit i dont have a reaction image for this kind of disgust. Let alone the animation and art style. Yeesh
Fucking Jews did this.
It's ironic that the monster is the most fuckable out of everything shown.
Fuck you
Body positivity is great, unless you're a male with short height or a small penis, then you should just kill urself.
I was actually waiting for >Japanese"Humor"
the third game has the best guns and gameplay out of all the games, only the story in the first was a competent plot
2 was meme trash presequel was lgbt propaganda and 3 is just female empowerment
if you're looking for gameplay missing out on the 3rd game is the most retarded choice you could make
What if you're a short male with a small penis?
Then you kill urself.
Is this the new politics thread?
I’m sorry do you think the US lacks resources?
it really didn't at all, claptrap only became hyper memed in 2 where he's always talking over the radio shit
>hates Slavs and mestizos but not kikes
Sasuga you faggot migapede
lose weight and become a cute boy
PTE was good though.
the absolute state of burgers lol
this is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen and I hope it's not targeted at actual children
Kreig better not be dead
What's wrong with Rick and morty anyway?
Go take a nap Gex
i want to fuck the monster thing
They're animals that can't wait for societal collapse so they can live out their psychopathic desires and get mauled by niggers.
Anyone else kinda find it funny that theres no higher tier swearing in Borderlands, theres the occasional "bitch" (probably no longer used for being a "sexist gendered insult") but no fuck or shit. probably for the better with how little restraint the writers have they'd put fuck and shit everywhere imagine a gun that just yells FUCK every time it's fired
Turns out people are idiots.
Whats that morose feeling you get when you see something you desperately wish was not real but know in your heart it is
For the owners of Rick & Morty I am sure it was just easy money to OK this.
But why would the developers of Borderlands ever want to subject their game to this? You would think that they'd think that they have already flanderized their own franchise far enough. But I guess not.
I want for the nukes to go off
Man if that's all it takes for you to feel dread, I wish I could live in your world
>enemies are bullet sponges
im surprised how few people have mentioned this so far, takes me way too long to kill even simple enemies
Ok 21st centry schizoid man
To severe, it's the feeling you get when you find out your buddy is in jail for something stupid, like some sort of second hand shame
It's been that way in all of the Borderland games, most fight with melee range enemies are just 2 minute back pedaling sessions
That's anxiety
I wish this could be like leftypol where I could post multiple MAGA nazi retards
lgbt was right, back to pol you racist hillbillies
Nah that's just borderlands. Theres plenty of western games that are funny. Eastern humor can be funny as well but 80 percent of it is anime trope cringe.
>i enjoyed the first two games but this one relies so fucking heavily on buzzword meme shit that i wouldnt even bother torrenting this garbage
The first two games were the exact same shit, you just grew up, kid.
because season 1 was the only remotely funny one
I fucking hate this trend of seeing retards like you go "WOOOW YOU GUYS USED TO LIKE [thing]" while ignoring the fact that the thing in question got a lot worse over time. It was the same thing with Undertale, where the demo was 5 times better than the full game.
Die soon, fag
You haven't even played it you fucking hypocritical shithead. The writing is almost the same as borderlands 2 and not nearly as bad as the pre sequel. The game is fun and that's all that should matter.
Aren't these characters like 14
The writing is awful as always and incredibly autistic, it feels like it was created by running some AI that took the script from Brooklyn 99 and a giant tumblr archive, nothing anyone says feels like something anyone would say in real life but turning the sound down and playing with music on is fine. The protags in this game have voice lines now and they actually aren't that cringe, although I picked the robot. Sliding and shooting feels nice but the guns lack a real punch to them as always.
t. user who got the game for free
Honestly the memes are so bad at this point that I now find it funny
Correct me if I am wrong here but wasn't the whole fucking point of Pickle Rick, the episode, supposed to be that he was distracting himself from confronting his shaky familial relationships? Like everything that happened to him was because he was doing stupid over the top science stuff to escape from dealing with his family falling apart and not trusting each other.
but the drooling retard fanbase completely missed this and just started worshiping the base level LOL XD RANDOM fact that he turned himself into a pickle and not comprehending the irony of people using rick and morty as escapism to avoid confronting their own problems in life
You don't understand. Borderlands' writing guide in their office just has instructions to shove in pop culture references, no matter how painfully outdated, carved in with a fucking Stanley knife over every piece of dialogue.
What's worse, BL3 or this?
I get that, it's just fucking sad that even the most basic stuff gets boiled down even further to something seals will clap at.
Imagine being this much of an uncultured shitstain but still acting condescending
the show is good, but the fanbase is not.
idc about any of this, just want to say pickles are fucking disgusting trash and should be deleted.
You rang?
>but this one relies so fucking heavily on buzzword meme shit
Nah, BL2 started the mess, its Badass rank challenges are especially littered with shit memes of the time. BL3 is just driving to the logical conclusion.
Simpsons in the 90s disagrees
It's peak zoomercore. They can't write actual humor or anything original so they just dangle a constant stream of references and old internet memes in front of your face, hoping the dopamine release from "HAHA LOL I KNOW WHAT THAT'S FROM XD" will mask the fact that the game is shallow and boring as fuck.
>rick and morty
wtf hahahahha
>yellow vests
>Borderlands putting memes in game = BAD
>based Hackideo Sóyjima putting Monster meme in game = GOOD
BL3 is literally just the American XC:2
i don't like /pol/ either but this post really makes me want to knock you out for some reason bro
There was legitimately nothing wrong with enjoying the first two seasons of R&M, in a vacuum (not participating in the fandom or getting overly smug about understanding high-school level science references). It's fine to "feel smart" if you get a science joke or a sci-fi reference. But people in the fandom took it to the next level and started unironically acting like they were fucking geniuses for watching it and understanding it.
To be honest it's just Invader Zim all over again, which had a similarly cynical and dark sort of humor and lots of pseudo-science jargon. And was also marketed to hot topic retards who felt edgy and cool for watching it.
Oil, in particular :^)
oh no non on onon ono
the sad thing is when i saw pickle rick for the first time i knew it was already going to be way bigger then it should have ever been. And it was pretty fucking stupid to begin with. It pretty much also summed up the rest of season 3 which was pretty dogshit and pandered far too much to fan service.
that guy in the tweet is just an annoying faggot
that guy in the tweet is such an annoying faggot
Westerners are fucking shit. They even ruin Yea Forums. I just had to read some thread were they argue that games are "political" because they have themes in it, and then a bunch of Europeans pretended they were brown people defending SJW. what the hell, fucking stupid westerners.
wwanted to show yall this
I still like Rick and Morty but this pickle rick shit is liked by exactly the kind of retards you would think it is.
>"haha yeah I do like Rick and Morty"
holy shit this thread sucks ass
kill me
>"cunt" is censored
this is. ... .. Awesome post more post post more cread i love you cread i lvoe cread cread is cool cread cread
Big Mouth
yes, it's Netflix
>n-no u
Kek what a bitch
Post examples of really funny humour,then.
is this japanese monty python?
Evidence of jews
Come on guys, Randy Pitchford would never stoop so low as to shove pop culture references into his magnum opus.
Retards actually play this shit.
Be the change you want to see in the world user rather than complaining about everyone else. If you hate fags YOU go get your gun and do what needs to be done. They will only proliferate if you and all your like minded friends do nothing but sit around on the internet and complain about them and make empty threats.
It's a risk to your liberty sure, but no man who has changed the world did not shoulder some amount of risk.
It speaks volumes about Boredlads when this could very well be actually in the game and nobody would bat an eye
Man and I thought Borderlands 2/Pre-Sequel were trashed with memes. There's not even an interesting Villain to pad it down either, it's just straight garbage all around.
Not to mention, it might as well be in there:
It's pretty eyeroll-inducing regardless of the intended level of irony. Which probably isn't much, considering this is Randy we're talking about.
Its a good game incel
Humor is more than just shit memes, you dumpling.
This bait is as caked in shit as the cocks you like to suck, homo
it's a jrpg parody
That's not fair user.
"play" implies that there's any gameplay to begin with.
You are a pussy. You are no threat to anyone and will never do anything notable. Absolutely worthless. You may as well just become a tranny because you are no better than them. Arguably worse. At least they have the balls to take to the streets and fight to be recognized as people. You don't have the balls the defend your beliefs beyond talking shit on the internet which is absolutely worthless.
They did their thing without driving the memes they created into the ground. Western studios just don't know to quit while they are ahead because of the demanding Jews.
Thanks for the Japanese reading practice. I've come far.
fuck off randy and release dnf 2001 for free you cheap fuck
season one and two were good but I just couldn't get into the third one
>You the one shitposting by downvoting this thread
Oh, you're copying this from Reddit.
yeah, im thinking this is badass
That's just the DQV protagonist, no? I haven't played the game but it looks like him.
Referencing one of the worst jokes of all time isnt funny
Season 1 was actually good, it wasn't taking itself serious, but when it did, it typically was for a joke. Then season 2 and 3 fucked it and turned it into another family guy and South Park.
Its the typical Dan Harmon approach.
Community was funny for a few seasons, then it start being serious and doing eps on depression
Harmonquest was alright, then it got serious and Dan kept talking about depression
R&M was a sill show with some creative jokes, then they give Rick depression and had "serious plots"
Dudes up his own ass.
>X is representative of the entirety Y
>tfw never watched 1 minute of R&M and never will
Depression is the millennial "theres more to me than you realise"
Harmon to a T.
"Oh you thought I was just a sitcom funny man? Get a load of this poorly written trite!"
Why do ESL retards post here? Go back
I give /pol/ a lot of shit but I think the reason they make me angry is because how often they happen to be right.
Having my naive belief that there is good in everything in the world challenged by undeniable proof that there are antagonistic, subversive and organized corporate sociopaths getting away with shit like this makes me angry.
It was always cringe-inducing garbage. If you enjoy something like this, you need to be quartered and fed to pigs:
How are you lads enjoying peak badass ludo?
nuchan memes are far more horrible than this garbage
Why are you faggots upset? This is the future you chose.
Seethe harder cockgobbler pedophile. You don't deserve to exist kek
Straight white male with more balls than you'll ever be capable of having in your entire life. I'd tell you to kill yourself but let's be real, you're too much of a pussy for that. Probably the same reason you're too weak to pull the trigger on anyone else either. Go continue to be a shitty "internet activist" on /pol/ and see where it gets you (nowhere).
Triggering trannies on the internet is low hanging fruit. If you want to instill true fear in them you need to take things to the next level and it's clear you are not capable of that.
Proof again that Yea Forums does not play video games.
press F for the interns who had to animate this trash
Am I back in 2017?
>underpaid Korean animators had to help with this shit
>referencing a TV show based around referencing pop-culture
Wonder how many degrees to Kevin Bacon this whole thing is.
>over 9 fucking hours of pure autism over a fake image
Good God millenials are fucking retarded.
cope harder, it's real
What the fuck is that garbage? Holy shit.
How old are you?
If you say anything younger 39 you're retarded.
I thought CWC started the whole pickle craze.
Every political post on Reddit:
>user disagrees with your comment
>checks your reddit profile
thats what generally happens once something becomes popular
the original crowd is forgotten for the masses, losing something of its originality
If you get banned from The_D you can still post outrageous shit without that retarded comment.
>not being a lolicon
Yea Forums really isn't for you.
reminder that BL2 had dozens of MLP references in it
Imagine writing all this bullshit over rick and fucking morty. kill yourself
I get what they're trying to do, girls shouldn't have to feel like they need labiaplasty, but goddamn this shit is cringe.
are you counting every single instance of a reference in gaige's skill tree/character as separate ones or are there a lot more that i don't remember
reminder that watch_dogs had MLP references in it
I absolutely love the rick and morty shitposting with pickle rick
I never watched an episode with my life but I just giggle like an idiot when someone makes a pickle rick thread
CP2077 also has MLP references
The oldest of the gen-z kids are in their early 20s now.
But I liked season 1 & 2. Season 3 was pretty stale. I bet you're the sort to defend the last season of Gang of Thots.
based CDPR
I liked that they showed that Dany was just an entitled, delusional tyrant. I liked that the manlet did the needful and executed her.
Clegane fight was also acceptable.
>best pone
No it wasn't.
People complained about the meme shit in Borderlands 2 back in 2012.
this is from the hero yoshihiko and the devil king's castle, parody of jrpgs in general but mostly from dqv
btw the whole scene is fantastic
this an official netflix-sponsored show that features animated child nudity
This is my personal underage cumslut
the freddie mercy parody from this show was pretty good desu
friendly reminder that epic paid upwards of 50 million USD for 6 months of BL3 exclusivity.
friendly reminder that peak user count of BL3 on pc is less than 250k.
friendly reminder that BL3 was built around twitch integration and now just 2 days after release viewership is tumbling down hard.
Based MIGAPEDE tranny.
Something about Tiny Tina though
gifs you can hear
rookie mistake user, but CB2077 is, indeed, being developed by CDPR
government will crush your skull
I've never been me for a day of my life.
It's absolutely not targeted at kids or adolescents, it's targeted at adults and it's basically just a huge joke about remembering how awkward puberty was for everyone.
No they won't because, first of all, I'm not the target demographic so I'm going nowhere even if they manage to coordinate some kind of purge.
Second of all they're not going to be able to coordinate any kind of purge. There's enough resistance in both between congress and the people of the US in general to make it impossible for Trump or his legion of followers to actually commit crimes against the people. If it was going to happen at all it wouldn't happened immediately within the year or two after 2016. It hasn't started yet it will not start even if he wins another four more years.
You either go down as a martyr to motivate others to take action or you do nothing and get cucked by your own inaction.
why are tattoos so fucking trashy
>features animated child nudity
>but the artstyle is so disgusting that even lolicons can't get off to it
bravo netflix
It's not real you faggot
wouldn't be surprising if it was though
it got worse with each game
are you actually defending people who post on T_D, let alone defending people who post on reddit?
get the fuck out of here
>making a distinction for T_D posters among other reddit users
founds the redditor, fuck outta here
was hitler actually right?
this isn't r/fuckepic on reddit, plenty of people bought the game, but we're all busy playing instead of recording for sour grape cucks like you
If he was trying to kill as many germans as possible, he was definitely right to send them in to stalingrade, and to waste resources on camps instead of just conscripting soldiers out of the strongest.
That redhead is hot. I want her to take a dump on me.
Nope, as a mason he was just a stooge for globalists.
true. sounds almost unbelievable doesnt it
The fuck is wrong with her face
The art direction got JUST'd. They probably hired too many freelance patreon whores
Not really, you could say the same if you look at Mao or Stalin. Some of what they did, in hindsight, seems absolutely suicidal.
They drink their own kool-aid. When everyone treats you like you could do no wrong, you start to think you can't possibly fail.
Of course. Well, not like I had much interest in 3 anyways. Did they make Moxxi uglier?
Is she not supposed to be a disgusting whore?
Those types who have to show off their enormous tits usually have a lot to distract away from.
>Did they make Moxxi uglier?
Everybody's uglier, except that fat bitch in the desert.
Moxxi looks like a tranny
She wasn't super ugly in 2. Feels like they made everyone's nose in 3 more bulbous. Like Tannis.
If I wanted gameplay I'd just play Destiny DeSu.
om nom nom
Need an edit of this with him looking at low-effort wojak shit memes on his laptop.
this is bad even for borderlands
name one thing about Rick and Morty that is counter culture. atheistic nihilism and drug and alcohol abuse is the norm nowadays. This isn't 1970
>atheistic nihilism and drug and alcohol abuse is the norm nowadays. This isn't 1970
that's pretty much his point, bud.
Pretty sure the message is that rick is a fucking retard, don't be like him or jerry the cuck. And that is a bit counter culture.
Then again, if saying fuck you to society isn't counter-culture, while embracing society is definitely not counter culture, than maybe we just have too many subcultures for there to be any such thing as counter-culture.
remember when Yea Forums could enjoy things that had politics they didn't agree with and not go into an autistic fit at it?
because it's not like someone photoshopped a pickle rick into Nier Automata and said wow look at this Easter egg, this is actually within the realm of possibilities.
>Make a post in one sub
>Effectively get cross referenced by other subs and instant banned for posting in a sub
Plebbit isn't a forum it's a leftist censorship shithole owned by a gorilla fucker
The main character is an anarchist, that's not counter culture anymore.
fact: the writing in CONTROL (not dialog, but memos/etc.) is the funniest of 2019 so far.
yeah I think borderlands is well within your demographic.
Just fucking kiss me user
it was only 12 years ago, user
Wait are you telling me you think atheistic nihilism and drug and alcohol abuse weren't the norm in the 70s?
You're still retarded for ever liking Borderlands.
OK. So what I said was:
If rejecting society (anarchists/punks/etc.) isn't counterculture, and accepting society (normies, wagecucks, people trapped in the ratrace) isn't counterculture, is there anything that IS counterculture anymore?
You mean like how every website has a honeymoon period before it goes to shit? I also remember animeposters spamming every thread like they were wojacks. Was that "based"?
Imagine your debut album, the first fucking song in your band's career, being fucking 21st century schizoid man.
Ah, you're a newfag then. Nevermind.
But anarchism isn't counterculture. It's the political equivalent of a kid throwing a tantrum.
you're not disagreeing with me, yet you used the word "but"
>you can't criticize the old culture or you're new
A kid throwing a tantrum isn't a very good "message" user. Especially not if these are like 5th generation posers
> post yfw you gave randy pitchford's mom pickle dick last night
The very first special gun you get in memelands 1 is called bandit testicle or something like that.
Gaston > desu
>Not enjoying a good Slayers reference
Fuck you Yea Forums
> new
seriously user you're such a baka. why did you actively dodge multiple non anime sites to come to an anime site if you hate it so much?
Yes, bitch.
I grew out of anime and so did most of Yea Forums.
Imagine thinking you're too mature for cartoons and yet you still visit this website. lmaooooo
You virgin!
Fuck off coward
Life was simpler back then. I remember pissing myself laughing at this
> grew out of anime
Yea Forums is literally still anime themed, with anime mascots and anime boards.
You blow in from somewhere retarded and too stupid to go to one of the many non anime related sites or something?
>are you ACKTUALLY
fuck off retard
>borderlands 2
>not relying so fucking heavily on buzzword meme shit
>Yea Forums is literally
Fuck off newfag
Eat shit weeb, anime's dead
all feminists are child abusers
He was a warmongering retard, and to many that seems like a good thing so maybe he was
I heard about the memes but I watched Rick and Morty on my own and thought it was gud
To be fair, you kind of need a high IQ to understand Borderlands humor.