ITT: Games that deserved their failures

ITT: Games that deserved their failures.

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You start.

I would like to hear your reasoning
>inb4 muh prey 2

He's right though. Naming it Prey was the problem here. Not the game itself.

yeah fuck you

>Having the game named like another game should mean it deserves failure

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That was Bethesda's doing retard

What kind of autistic retards actually care about the name?

>autistic retards
why answer your own question?

Original prey was shit and nu-prey was vastly superior

Eh, I liked the beginning part of OG Prey. It did get repetitive after a while and didn't utilize the technology to the best potential.

You're all retarded and don't understand why naming your game the same as another old unrelated game is bad for sales.

That's a reason why it failed, not a reason why it "deserved" to fail.

yeah I'm certain your dream game was going to come out within the next decade and not be a huge pile of shit
I sure do love over hyping concepts and promises

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The game isn't to blame and neither are the developers. Bethesda, the publishers of the game, forced them to change the name. If anybody's to blame for game's lackluster sales, it's Bethesda.

OG Prey was a fun shooter with fun gimmicks. Had a decent setting and pulled off some damn fine edge at points. I love both Preys but prefer the first.

Absolutely godawful gear seleciton. One melee weapon, piss poor arsenal of guns, very primitive psi system with only one pure utility psi and the rest being just different damage dealing attacks + dodge. Engineer "builds" are effectively non-existent. For a game that colours itself as a SS successor they did a horrible job at giving you gameplay options. The same can be said about upgrade system since you can max out almost all of them in a single playthrough.
Awful enemy variety and design. You have problems in the design of your game when Nightmare who is designed to be your ultimate nemesis is actually your best friend and source for raw upgrade materials. The endgame with infinitely respawning military bots is just beyond horrid.
Very mediocre writing with extremely weird priorities like giving a random lesbian pair more exposition than any other character.

The worst part is that you can see some genuinely nice ideas here and there like Gloo cannon or ability to hit digital monitors with crossbow bolts but ultimately they are just gimmicks. The core gameplay formula is just too shallow and casualized.

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Yeah, the weapon and enemy variety is pretty poor. I thought the writing was just fine, though. And I never stopped having fun with the combat and exploration, so I think the core gameplay loop was fine. It could've been deeper, I can acknowledge that.

thanks now I want to reinstall it


There OP. I un-tarded your retarded post.

Honestly? This right here. Remedy completely and utterly ignored all feedback related to Quantum Break

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it has literally none of the things people complained about in quantum break


Yeah, if you have shit for brain.

>reskinned doom3 good!

>OG Prey was a fun shooter
>DNF tier game
Jesus what a shit taste

Who says otherwise is a retard.

I love DNF too.

Its a good game

Randy you motherfucker
Amara porn when

A name is needed for advertising and searching for info on a product. If someone hears there's a new game called Prey coming out, and they didn't give a shit about the original, they won't even look it up. I did this myself the first couple of times I heard about it, only when I happened to get more information later did I realise it was a completely different game. For many people that will never happen, the opportunity is already lost when they hear the name.

>If someone hears there's a new game called Prey coming out, and they didn't give a shit about the original, they won't even look it up
Nigger what? I didn't even know there was an "original" Prey but I sure did look this one up because of the people who were making it.

>wasn't around for Prey
>Arkane fanboy

nigger, arkane didnt do first prey.

I don't really go for the whole FPS thing, bucko.

>One melee weapon
Name a single System Shock or Bioshock game with multiple melee weapons.
>extremely weird priorities like giving a random lesbian pair more exposition than any other character.
I for one am shocked that Danielle Sho (ShoDan) a supporting character in Project Danielle, has a major amount of plot devoted to her.

>Name a single System Shock or Bioshock game with multiple melee weapons.
Both System Shocks
The drill in Bioshock 2 also had a far better moveset and build potential than a fucking wrench
>I for one am shocked that Danielle Sho (ShoDan) a supporting character in Project Danielle, has a major amount of plot devoted to her.
In other word a shitty writer's pet whose writing reeks of a fucking Gone Home as admitted by devs themselves.

Shodan was a giant writer's pet, yes.

Yes retard, you are establishing expectations from the fans when you make a new title under an old IP. What are your favourite games? Let's use deus ex as an example, how would you react if they published a new deus ex that was a moba?

Pretty good for $6

A slant eyed obnoxious lesbian doesn't have anything to do with a malicious AI
The fact they've made her name into an anagram for it only shows how deep are they into their own asses.

It deserved low sales because they had some lesbian character maybe and that's pozzed and bluepilled. Haven't really played it but this sort of SJW tranny bullshit cannot be tolerated, not on our watch.

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You're fucking delusional.

Nice meme.

Remedy completely and utterly improved on almost every aspect related to Quantum Break. It's like you live in an ass-backwards universe.


talk about a hidden gem. man this game was fun i wish i could experience it again.

>Bethesda, the publishers of the game, forced them to change the name
They didn't have any name to be forced to change it, there were leaked presentations years before the game came out and it was pitch under the name Prey even back then

It didn't, great fun and a worthy System Shock inspired game
I hope that the remake and SS3 will match or supersede it

Yeah that's why its sales are doing so well. Are you all Remedy staff perchance? The game has basically every single failing of Quantum Break.

The studio is going to get axed.

nuGoW should have been a different IP or at least a different protagonist. I don't support this mentality.


>such a failure they are still selling the "limited" collection edition 3 years later

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>It didn't, great fun and a worthy System Shock inspired game
Whenever someone says "System Shock inspired" I need a confirmation that it isn't anything like Bioshock because Bioshock is dogshit.

Never fails to make me smile

dumb frog poster

It has verticality, well hidden but not annoying secrets, encourages exploration and has decent stealth mechanics
>inb4 system shock wasn't about stealth
It wasn't, but 2 is literally Thief in terms of movement and enemy detection so, yeah

It isn't one of those games designed be "experiences" because those tend to be the worst.

>Yeah that's why its sales are doing so well.
Yeah, the general audience obviously have a good taste in videogames, that's why Madden and NBA2K keep topping the charts every week.
It's funny how you went from vaguely complaining about the game you haven't played to sales numbers, because you're a stupid fuck with no arguments who was told to come here and shit on the game.

I didn't even look up who made the new one because it was called "Prey", that's my whole point. You didn't miss anything with regards to the original game by the way, it was pretty mediocre, hence why I had 0 interest in looking up what sounded like a sequel/reboot to it.
When I later heard what it actually was I came back to it, but it was only coincidence that I heard more about it at all.

Like, what, walking simulators?
No, anything but that, but the atmosphere and tension are pretty good

It's an immersive simulator. It's deus ex as opposed to firewatch.

>I didn't even look up who made the new one because it was called "Prey"
Then that's on you, retard.

Man, your life must be pretty dull when you spend 90% of it searching up info about every game in existence just on the off chance it's secretly an immersive sim.

Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

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But user, the company was already an established Immersive Sim maker. The NAME of the game has no bearing on this.

>fans of Prey 2006
those don't exist

Every SJW game.

this. nobody fucking remembers old prey except a handful of weirdos on here. the game has been removed from all stores for nearly 10 years now. get over it.

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It did badly because it had no PC release apart from a shitty obscure chink client.

they do exist and they are in high numbers believe it or not