Build a gaming PC for 1500$

>build a gaming PC for 1500$
>every good game is a PS4 (400$) exclusive

What are your biggest gaming regrets Yea Forums?

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I haven't played any PC games in like 5 years, I just built a PC with a 250GB drive and figured that would be enough only to find that each game is like 40 gb each.

>pc - $1000
>games - $0
>console -$400
>games - $60 each
>only 10 games and the price equals
good thing consoles doesn't have 10 games, that would be an embarrassment, wouldn't you agree?

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>play through a game
>uninstall it
easy problem easy solution

You seem to forget the $15 dollars a month plus tip to use their own internet as well.

Yeah that's what I'm planning to do. Still mildly annoying though.

Why would you pay full price for games?
That is just stupid. Have a little patience and you'll save a lot of money. It's not like anyone will give you any kind reward to play games at the release date.

Why did you spend that much when you could have spent like $600 and still gotten a better experience than console?

>bloodborne is every good game

why are consolefags always so desperate to pretend their exclusives are good?
is it like a penis envy thing and exlcusives are literally the only thing they have going for them?

This. My backlog is so big that I can't imagine buying every new game that comes out.

It's the only thing consoles have left. It's not like there's an advantage in terms of price/performance or convenience any more.

An acceptable RPM HDD is dirt cheap these days. Fuck, even SSDs are getting cheap. Got a TB SSD for like 120 last year.

I have both.
I spend more time jacking off on the PC than playing games though, the only reason I've upgraded my computer this time around is to get away from Intel since AMD is competitive again.

>every good game
lmao imagine actually thinking that, the only console game I'd like to play is Judgement and that'll probably come to PC

So you just haven't played any game in five years, because they're the same size on consoles as well.

PS4 has only bloodborne and death stranding as worthwhile exclusives. P5 doesn't count because it's a PS3 port


Buying Snoy product that helped them move to California and stop being a japanese company.
What the fuck? I'm never buying games again. PC pirate master race

>every good game is a PS4 (400$) exclusive
Wait a second...
There's fucking NOTHING

>with a 250GB drive and figured that would be enough
Maybe you should research things before making a purchase next time?

You can play it on PSNow, you just saved yourself a good $300-$400

Buying a Bloodborne box is my only regret

>buy a 50 000$ car
>realise all the places I need to get to are at a walking distance

Obviously you are not using the PC correctly.

you also need tv use console

A single year from the ps2 had way more and much better exclusives than the ps4 amassed throughout its entire life span. Consoles are a joke now.

Does anyone remember how people were boasting about how the ps4 was the platform to get to play japanese games? I still remember the threads citing metal gear 5, nier automata, yakuza, nioh, ff 15 and the like as exclusives that "would never see the light of the day on PC".

Bloodborne is literally the only must-play it has. If you just so happen to not like walky talky movie games, then that's over half the ps4's exclusives library out the window in a wim. Sony used to fund all these wacky crazy ideas with tons of original IPs, now everything is a sequel and every studio they have wants to be Naughty Dog. Playstation lost its flame.

My biggest gaming regret is getting a PS4.

Psnow only streams from your ps4 no?

>PC gamer
>buying a PS4 as my first console in my life
>Sony starts to censor games

Ps4 has no good game.

>$13 a month

WTF? Where do you get your internet?

>Know 2020 is where the good hardware will come out
>Rarely play AAA games
>only spend around $250
>still enjoying the games I want to play
No Ragrets here

You can do it on PC

>250GB drive
bruh, even the later 360s had 500gb drives

>buying a PS4 as my first console in my life
You made a big fucking mistake

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>What are your biggest gaming regrets Yea Forums?
Buying a PC gaming for 1200 instead of 1500.


Oof, I know how you feel. I should have shelled out the extra couple of hundred for the better video card.

imagine using your pc only for games

For the first time, my gtx 1060 climbed up to 80°C with Borderlands 3.

Reminder that the only PS4 exclusive this year is Death Stranding and Medieval remake.
PS4 have gone through over a FULL YEAR without any notable exclusive series ever since Spiderman on September 7th.

Please do blacked already Joosten.

PS4 exclusives:
Bloodborne - Not actually exclusive anymore since a PC gamer can play it with PS Now
Persona 5 - Not truly exclusive since a PC gamer can play it with an emulator
Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, Uncharted 4, The Last Gaurdian - Good, but can be beaten in one or two days. No replay value.
Infamous - Garbage
Horizon: Zero Dawn - Garbage
Gravity Rush 2, God of War, Spider-man. Somewhat lengthy, might keep you busy for a week.

And that's it for the PS4 exclusives. Basically, if you buy every single PS4 exclusive it might keep you busy for 1 or 2 months. Meanwhile, PC gamers have access to 98% of games from the last 8 generations thanks to multiplats and emulators.

Why would you buy a PC if you primarily like movie-games user?

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legit kill yourself


>Shadow of the Colossus
You can emulate that, you know?

You can, but the remake still looks better.

literally has less exclusives than the fucking VITA
gaystation 4 is a joke get a PC and play PS2 games this industry doesnt deserve a penny anymore

PSNow invalidates that since I don't want to buy a console for one game I can easily play already

Good luck playing Ps4 kino on pc. Oh wait....

I disagree personally

>Ps4 kino
It's hard to play something that doesn't exist

Bought a craiglist ps4 for 150 and I am playing GoW and spiderman. Kinogames. I actually love the ps4 except the 30/60 frames which feels god awefull, but able to play it bed/ coach is pretty nice. I wish they just made an playstation with pc specs

imagine spending $1000 on a console and it cant even play a 2012 trucking simulator or download .mp3s from the internet


I hope you don't mean death stranding, because that game is coming to PC.

Get RDR 2. That game is good

my friend was trying so hard yesterday to convince me death stranding is going to be a masterpiece

>PS4 has no games!!!!
Name three good PC exclusive games that aren't indie shit that came out during the PS4 generation. I'll wait.

Why didn't you listen, user?

>lol just go back and play all these old PC games bro
I can do the same shit with old consoles.

That's a loaded question. No good games came out during the PS4 generation.

All the good ones came out in 5th, 6th and 7th generations, and the PS4 can't play ANY of them.

5 years ago 250gb drives were still fucking small brainlet

how do I play movies ?

Yes, but you have to actually PAY for old console games on consoles. I can get games for free on PC. Also, old console games are unplayable due to low resolution and bad frame-rates. Emulators fix that problem.

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>good game
>PS4 exclusive

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top fucking kek!

>250GB drive
>40gb games
Wew lad... better not touch any AAA game in 2020!