Yep, GunBound was a good game

Yep, GunBound was a good game.

Attached: boomer.jpg (800x600, 64K)

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oh dude those songs tho

What mobile did you guys use most? turtle for the sky bomb was a blast.

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Literally boomer

back in the 90s I didn't know the cartoons I watched were japanese
then in the 2000s I didn't know the games I played were korean
damn, sure I was a dumb kid

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Back in the day when the Ragnarok be hitting just right along with Gunbound and Gunz: the Duel.

Attached: gunz-the-duel-review.jpg (1024x768, 107K)

What made this better than worms?

Probably jus tthe fact it was free and had an easy to use lobby system


I played Gunbound and Gunz a lot but I couldn't get into Ragnarok because around that time a friend invited me to a lineage 10x pirate server and after the first impression we decided that moving back to a 2d mmo was silly.

The thing I miss the most about Ragnarok honestly is the music, but fortunately I can listen to that anytime.

If you got the skills, gunbound is better but sometimes worms is more fun. I like both.

>Aduka only s2 ss
>some faggot uses s1
every time

nothing feels worse than an underlevelled thor.... except S1.

>tfw Ragnarok belongs to Chad and Stacy now
I like the song though

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*carries your team*

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Aduka room only
no costume

Man Prontera really that big in Korea? Blessed.

+50 pop lets goooooooooooooooooo

My favorite was the frog, I love how I could hit shit that would normally be impossible by rolling snot.

aduka and boomer were unga bunga tier

all the galaxy brain plays came from raon and nak players
fuck man

So how many times have you people used dragon or knight

>grind until I got the costume/accesories that gave you the most shield
>find out shield is worthless
>go back to playing in the no stats lobbies

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my fucking guy

>pick A.Sate
>have no idea what the fuck I'm doing
>somehow drill a hole underground and make a tunnel because bad aim
>firing that one tracer shot that shot a laser from the sky and one shot someone when they were on a killing streak
figuring all that out as a kid was dumb yet satisfying

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When you told the homie to leave to lobby to spam the room number for 4v4 Score

Dragon maybe twice, knight like 5 times.

God, once I was in a tag game so I dug a trench for myself under the enemy and swapped to A. Sate and just destroyed them from the underground. Only got to do it once because after that I pretty much only played Score.

When boomer gets high angle backshot whirlwind in a single dual s2

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>"No DTing!!!"

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Damn, I used to follow this too. Just like 15 minute no rush.