Which game has the best bird?

which game has the best bird?

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Asian women > white "women"

That's hot

>asian girl
>fully shaved

>Gook women
>COvered her face
Thank god

>same picture not found on google
>same picture not found on yandex
is that you

Asians will do ANYTHING for a gaijin

that's true, white "women" will never have the balls to do this


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I envy your ignorance

>asian girl
>fully shaved

asians are quite xenophobic

looks at you in disgust

>liking 3dpd

asian shaved girls are top tier, too bad she's fat and old

i think you are blind

Correct, but be careful, Redditors are are insanely jealous/threatened by Asian women, so they always hate these kinds of posts.

Yellow fever?
Yellow fever.

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Nice tummy.

If I pulled that off would she die?

Nah, I prefer Asian women, but they're honestly just a different type of cunt. I spent 6 months in Japan and every girl I got with had a bf, but decided to mention it to me afterwards like I'd be impressed they cheated. Then they talk about marriage after the 3rd time you see them, they're fucking weird.

Yea if you dream of having dicklet kids with a flat face. Lmao.

Cute and dorky asians

Attached: 1547714250984.gif (320x320, 1.58M)

>thinking about your kid's dick
what a huge faggot

>not just having cute hapa daughterfus

fake, jumpcuts make it obvious theyre using different people throughout that shitty webm

>6 months
That's an unusual length of time to spend abroad.
Mind if I ask why?

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>most aesthetic women
>they are all dorks

they don't look any better with make up


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warframe has zephyr. the birbframe

>Attention whore
you could have just said he's a namefag/tripfag

Lmfao here comes the redditor

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Thanks for admitting im right :^)

Who is she?


I guess it could be considered business. I was offered the opportunity to run a cafe there with a friend of mine. He's a local, and knew it was something I wanted to do, and I guess he got sick of his job and wanted to open one last year. I'm going back after the Olympics, it's all paid for now and we should be open by the start of 2021. It's most of my savings, and his, so I'm constantly anxious over it.

no it's me :)

slav > asian mongrels

and your children wont hate you like Euroasian Tiger

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>Then they talk about marriage after the 3rd time you see them, they're fucking weird.
Welcome to SE Asia.

It's spelled Mei.

Attached: Mei_Ling_face.jpg (163x285, 32K)

But they are basically just asian mongrels.

What's considered slav? Are Serbian girls slavs?

I spent some time over there for study and I like the idea of moving, but I'm 28 and poor so even though I'm conversational in Japanese I'm otherwise not in a position to realistically relocate.

I hope your business is successful.

is this that chick that constantly got beaten and gangraped by slav gangs

>posts an ugly worn out roastie defeating their own argument


No one going to post more like op? Female_pervert is the best.

Shut up and post sauce you gay cunt.

slavs are the perfect mix that dont end up looking like mutants

>met plenty of girls, multiple times
>none of them ever mentioned marriage
>tfw 27 year old and still single
What the fuck am I doing wrong then, huh user?

Asian women are only for recreational use

but isnt that a reason for white men to impregnate more asian women? itll make more slavs.

I'm not gonna post my real name on 4channel, sorry ^^

You've met boys. Get out of Thailand. That or either you've made it clear you weren't interested in a long-term relationship, or they don't think you're worthy enough (which seems odd to me).

What city do you live in? I’m in Osaka and my friend wants me to quit my job to open a cafe with him as well. Not convinced it’s a good idea.

its great isn't it

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me on the right

I've heard that anime plot before.

>when the White Chad replied to your dorky message

they literally look like monkeys

RIP the one they used for the blood sacrifice

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You dont understand do you.
it took centuries.
And slavic men are more compatible with asians,if you are an amerimutt or north yuropoor the genetic lottery will miss hard and you get disfunctional half breeds like Elliot Rodger

>yellow fever is terminal
I'm not going to make it, bros

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now this I can jerk off to

This is why we need to have WMAF breeding farms with selective breeding

W...where did the sixth one go...?

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