It's time to discuss the best RPG of all time

It's time to discuss the best RPG of all time.

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i used the upgrade of the armor you start the game with through all gameplay and dlcs as exclusively sign user on deaths march

thats not witcher 1

>best RPG
>combat is shit
pick one

Every RPG has shit combat.


it's too bad the FF8 remake is a downgrade

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>combat is shit
Yes, do you not play RPGs or something? It's about immersion and roleplaying, not good combat. One of the most popular RPGs is KOTOR and it is so fucking awful, SO fucking awful gameplay wise. Like holy shit, but it's a proper RPG nonetheless.

how its a downgrade? seems exactly the same but with more polygons

That is not The Elder™ Scrolls® IV: Oblivion

>worst alchemy system of all 3 in the series
yeah nah mate, it's shit

Wrong image

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We need more "character on bridge with tower" posts to mack the Gothic 2 autist.

>core gameplay is bad
no its fine because other games of this genre are also bad!

>good combat
choose both, call it Nier Automata and you have the best rpg of all time, happy?

worst game of the trilogy, gotta be!

I liked this game

Damn you're ugly.

skyrim > trash > witcher 3

based as fuck

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Am I the only one who had fun with the combat?

The combat is serviceable, which is more than most great rpgs.

you literally don't play RPGs lol

No, New Vegas for example has actual build variety even if the combat is kind of crappy
Meanwhile there is only 2 ways to play Shitcher 3, crappy meele build or super broken sign build both of them are super boring especially for a 130 hours long game

t. odd

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>character on a bridge

how did this shit become a meme?

>even if the combat is kind of crappy
There's variety in every single RPG. But in DAO I just choose mage and literally solo the entire game. In Fallout I just run and gun and solo the whole game using any specs I want because they don't matter except for dialogue fluff and lore, which is THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME.

The game's story seems really fucked up once you read the books, like Emhyr wants to rape Ciri and the game gives you the option to just hand her over to him. Also Triss is a fucking weirdo who tried to suck Geralt's dick after she took a dump in front of him.

Nice kill shot desu. They probably won't post in the thread again.

he's a skyrimshitter, ofcourse he's gonna reply.
his reply is going to contain the following
>i can pick up shit inside skyrim's 5 houses
>skyrim's few generic NPCs have schedules
>several lies regarding TW3 gameplay comnig from someone who obviously hasn't played it

>that time when Yea Forums circlejerked Witcher 2 just because it had graphics better than consoles despite it being on consoles

>can't roleplay

Skyrim felt so empty

>my game has larger cities therefore it's a better RPG despite this having nothing to do with gameplay, quests or rpg mechanics
>muh one thousand npcs and buildings that do nothing


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Zoomie, out!

I kind of wish they had made Novigrad change depending on your endgame choices, like there should be Nilfgaard soldiers/banners if you kill Radovid & Djikstra.

The combat in Witcher 3 is fine. Not great, not terrible.

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Novigrad has a laundry list of cut content, so I'm not surprised if something like that was originally planned but just didn't make the cut. For example the wild hunt was originally going to attack Novigrad at one point in the main story but it got cut which is a shame.

Kingdom Come begs to differ


it's shit, because the game is 100 hours long

>Kingdom Come bugs to differ

>Book Triss: I will never wear a plunging neckline again
>Game Triss: Better get my tits out at every opportunity

fucking lmao

Witcher 3 is not an RPG. It's an open world, Telltale game with combat.

>Good idea
Allow players to choose dialogue that they'd actually want to say whether it be good, evil or neutral aka any RPG worth its salt

>Bad idea
Force the player to play someone that at worst, can only be chaotic neutral cause the character is still a good guy that can't do anything bad aka Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having character stats that define your character and allow for non violent approaches aka Fallout and Planescape Torment

>Bad idea
Being forced to play a single set character that does nothing but sword fight aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Being able to roleplay a character of several races, genders, etc aka Dragon Age Origin and Morrowind

>Bad idea
Despite the lore saying otherwise, force the character to play only one character aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having multiple characters that fulfill multiple roles your main PC can't aka Baldur's Gate 1/2

>Bad idea
Being a multiclassing Mary Sue aka Geralt in Witcher 3

>Good idea
Having Batman vision in a Batman game aka Arkham games

>Bad idea
Having Batman vision in a non-Batman game aka Witcher 3

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Mass Effect 2?

Lichdom Battlemage

I thought this game was total shit but then a friend kept bugging me about playing the Blood & Wine DLC. Surprisingly, that one is actually decent, at least as far as the main questline is concerned. Really nice characters and atmosphere. Side quests and the actual gameplay are still pure ass though.

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Why is magic so shit in this game? I just wanted to do magic only run on the hardest difficulty, but it shares the bar with stamina

>rpgs can't have defined characters
Jesus wept

Witchers have really limited magical abilities, they can do minor spells/mind tricks but that's about it. If anything the game amps up Geralt's magical abilities way beyond what they should be.

why did your friend befriend a complete pleb like yourself


Not really an RPG.


Fuck off shitter

>>rpgs can't have defined characters
>Jesus wept

I'd say bad RPGs have pre-defined characters.

Yes, I consider Kingdom Come to be a bad RPG by that metric.

this but unironically

I want Vivienne to crush me with her thighs

I was being as unironic as a heart attack.

Am I the only one disappointed that there was no option to romance Cerys? Granted, Geralt is like 80 years older than her but still

How come a literal villager, a smith's son is pre-defined? It's as generic as it gets considering any works of literature. Henry is like clay, you shape him the way you want through the ingame actions

The Skyrim "cities" ain't acceptable in any scenario, they qualify as villages at best

you're braindead and I'm willing to bet not a real hardcore RPG player as you're trying to come off.

I mean, I'd say Kingdom Come does a better job of being an RPG akin to Deus Ex - but you can make JC your own with the color selection. How many games let you play a blond male? Blond JC a best.

You'd be wrong, but nice try. I bet you got filtered by Fallout 2 and its references

Post steam hours.

>Steam hours

The best RPGs are all pre-Steam, zoomer

Though you have some decent ones with REAL role playing like Underrail (a game only you heard about due to a youtuber)

>The best RPGs are all pre-Steam, zoomer
and they all made it to steam.
come on dude, post steam hours, BTFO me.

>Deus Ex
Not giving Square my money
>Fallout 1 and 2
Not giving Bethesda my money
>Planescape, BG1 and 2
Not giving Beamdog my money

You are partly right about that, of course numbers don't mean anything. Todd does it as well on the other hand ("over 200 hand crafted dungeons" lmao).
The difference between both is just that The Witcher feels more alive, it feels more real.
It can be kinda dumb from time to time, but seriously. Look at Skyrim. It's dumb from start to finish. I won't claim I haven't played it for a long time, but it's still kinda boring desu.

>oh boy so many sigils and spells to us-
>end up using only one for the entirety of the game
God that game was a trainwreck.
Kill yourself.

>backpedals into an entirely different argument instead of stating outright in the first place that he's pirating
so just like I deduced, a LARPing zoomer.
Opinion discarded. Don't bother replying.

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Whoops wrong sreenshot.

*rapes your face*


Pretending Steam is the only place to play games makes you the retarded zoomer you actually are

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>game is shit because is not straight forward 20 hours long with cut scenes

It's one of those 360 images right?

I have a few somewhere with Skellig and Velen.

>roleplaying game

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>focus on doing all the side shit cause I know I won't care about doing it after I finish the story once
>burn out just after the portion of the story where you reach skellige
Anyone else have this issue with games?

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thats not gothic 2

We get it you just want FPS with rpg, now can you go

Dragon's Dogma

I liked it and would rate the base game 7/10 while the two DLCs make the whole thing 9/10, but I wouldn't call it best RPG of all time.

Ursine armor best armor.

A RPG doesn't need a party system only because DnD did. An RPG can have a defined character.

>A RPG doesn't need a party system only because DnD did

You're right

>An RPG can have a defined character.

You're wrong. With a defined character, it strays more into cinematic shit like Mass Effect or Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Deus Ex is the only defined character RPG I've played that's not only worth a shit, but also great - but you can also name him and customize him and the gameplay can be defined your way by the way you play and your upgrades, etc.

Witcher 3 is a wank fest over Geralt. Mass Effect is a wank fest over Shepard. Awful games.

What to play if you completed it and all Bioware RPGs as well as Obsidians?

I can't believe they fucked the saga so early. We only got 1 good game and I hate them for that.

>finish all the POI in Velen and Novigrad
>go to Skellige
>look at the map

What were they thinking? There is nothing interesting in the sea. All POI are simply loot, sometimes defended by the same enemy type. They even scrapped the only deep water enemy (sea wyrm) originally planned, so there was no reason not to cut down the amount of junk on the map.

How about not

tell me why

It's not even an rpg, let alone action/rpg
It's an action/adventure that fails in both direction: shitty combat and awful main quest on on par with openworld that inly hurts the game.

Geralt have motivation that is different than the player's. That is all. Two previous games had an excuse of amnesia and you could slightly shape Geralt. In 3 though, he is a fully fledged character with his own goals and motivations.

i never want to hear you say

Shiet negro

i want it that way

Witcher 3 is an action rpg, just like Skyrim.

Even me2 is more rpg than witcher 3

What exactly is wrong with the combat?
Theres plenty of different enemies you have to use different tactics on and its not just you spamming a single button over and over.

hit, dodge, hit, dodge

that would be bg2


Thats on you for not doing anything else.

If the combat system is dog shit enough that you can play it at its simplest, it's the games fault.


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Why is it bad for giving you the option? Would you rather it be like in Kingdom Come where you either do as the indicators say or your fucked?

Real talk.
I am very much impressed by Novigrads scale and size and I do specially adore the areas of the farms and small villages in front of it, the markets within the walls and the areas around the heirarch squares too.
But in all honesty, I am actually a bit disappointed with the more posh area across the bridge where the church of eternal fire is located. I mean the only reason for you to go there is to grab that place of power, but beyond that, the whole church is nothing but a solid brick. I mean, I thought you could explore the church's inside, talk with the clergy's get called a monster etc etc.

Yeah, that is my biggest gripe in Novigrad really. CDPR really got lazy making a proper church and just let the worshippers do their thing in the open.

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I pick best rpg therefore the Witcher 3 is the best rpg and because I didn't pick shit combat, it also has excellent combat.

Next time put more effort into your shitposts, retard

Pretty much all the best RPGs post-2000 pick both though? Kotor, VTMB, NV.

w3 is truly a good game. Even the expansions are fantastic

Not an RPG and DD has terrible combat.

>taking on and playing a role isn't roleplaying
hoo boy, what are they teaching in school these days


Im replaying it right now
And I gotta admit
Its pretty fucking good and I dont know why Yea Forums have a hateboner against it, I guess discord trannies are really real

The entire novigrad part if top tier content

Still mad

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>Cant continue seducing this hot cunt because she said something morally dubious

The only disappointment I had
That and not being able to tap the succubus or corianne

>good idea
leading a proper life, playing video games and enjoying them, looking after yourself.
>bad idea
letting other people live inside your skull rentfree, pasting soemthing you wrote a year ago dozens of times in multitudes of threads, being a tranny.

>Hurrr bad combat
Good job npc

>The Witcher 3

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This. For example I love the RPG DOOM from 2016 where you take on and play the role of doomslayer. By far the best RPG of the decade.

not him but doom doesn't have the other array of RPG elements in it unlike TW3.
You need to try harder.

>you 'play a role'
>it has skill trees
>it has a player inventory
nah, it's as much of an RPG as the witcher basically

>array of RPG elements in it unlike TW3
and which would those be lol

are there quests in doom
is there a main story in doom
is there an RPG background (lore, world inhabited by faction(s)) in doom


i liked skyrim way more.

>when zoomers assume RPG means open-ended self insert
Who do I blame for this

Novigrad was the highlight for me.

you posted the wrong bridge

>witcher 3 has excellent combat
How, it's servicable at best, even on Death March it feels like shit
>levelling system means that exploring means jack shit as the lvl35 armor/sword you find cannot be used and will probably be mediocre once you reach that level
>no proper moveset, Geralt just spin around as you use Mouse1, his attacks will change depending on the relative distance to the ennemies, not by your inputs
>Geralt will also autolocks, which is really annoying when facing multiple opponents.
Witcher 3 was pretty good overall, mainly thanks to it's music, dlcs and sidequest, but combat is certainly not one of it's pros

Holy fuck, what is it about this sword that i like so much? I love how when you equipped new sword in gothic 2 notr you felt so powerful and it also looked cool.

wait what? now you contrarians are trying to say the witcher 3 has bad combat? you fags were not saying this 4 years ago. cringy ass little contrarian PUSSY i'll rape you into the dirt./

>contrarian tries to argue that the witcher is not an rpg
wow. what a waste of time. have sex

Im not going buy your game again todd

The amount of fucking COPE this post spawned in this thread Jesus Christ

Its a parroted criticism of tw3 I dont even bat an eye to this copy paste hot take but it seems like people never learn

really because i've never seen it up until the last few months. pretty sure it's just trolls saying this shit

Nah, it has been around for years now

Its been around since the game came out dude, calling the combat dark souls but worst was premium bait for awhile

Demon Souls?

>we should only talk about top-down RPGs where 99% of the game takes place in text!

basically, yeah

lmao. even the decent parts of that game are nowhere close to best anything.

I find it funny how much flak witcher combat gets on Yea Forums when TES have the worst combat in a modern rpg yet people at worst make fun of it and move on

Toussaint is a gift that is given once every decade or something
what a gem

people say dark souls has good combat but its literally the same thing as witcher 3, dodge and attack

Pic unrelated

>pic not related

That's not how that meme works, fucking retard