Where can i find video game coverage to determine whether something is worth wasting time and money on...

where can i find video game coverage to determine whether something is worth wasting time and money on? specifically looking for pc-centric coverage

>Yea Forums is retarded
>steam reviews are useless memes
>corporate media are paid advertisement
>youtubers (that ive seen) are consoleniggers

what is an honest, hard working white man to do?

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follow your own gut
if it's too hard, I suppose you can watch gameplay videos. If it looks like something you want to play yourself, here ya go

>what is an honest, hard working white man to do?
Type in youtube search bar " gameplay". You don't need pretentious accents or ecelebs telling you what do to.

watching a clip of gameplay doesnt inform me about the options, controls and all the gameplay options
>You don't need pretentious accents or ecelebs telling you what do to.
nobody does that. people look for information not opinions. it just sounds like you parrot the opinions and are just projecting now

there's this guy on youtube who makes these really informative gaming videos. His name is totalbiscuit and you should check him out :)

>options, controls and all the gameplay options
do they even matter? I mean, if game is fun to play, who gives a shit?

Sucks that there is no one to replace him.

You know how 90% of the time you KNOW you gonna love or hate a game just by looking at some gameplay? If so do that and put 10% worth of your games money on things youre unsure about.
Works 50% of the time all the time.

well the problem is that if the controls are bad, or the performance is bad, or there are some bad gameplay elements, then the overall enjoyment is severely diminished

>nobody does that. people look for information not opinions. it just sounds like you parrot the opinions and are just projecting now
Not that guy but if you already know this why the fuck do even start this thread?

to look information??

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lol anybody remember this ?

oh the irony

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If you want a TB replacement just watch Worth a Buy you fag

What you really want is a list of youtube channels. Next time be upfront faggot


i dont care if information is written or video. you can also give a list of review sites if any credible ones exist

you might be retarded op

How do doctors test you for ass cancer? Ever since he died I've been curious about it

They stick a finger up your bum and give you a prostate orgasm

shit samples

but these should be visible from gameplay footage?

youtube is 30fps, you arent the one controlling the character and you have to watch for hours to get an understanding of all the gameplay mechanics

Just fucking pirate your shit first. Sure, it might not give you an accurate depiction of a game's performance, but it'll help with the gameplay. Unless you are one of those online only multiplayerfags, in that case you can consider an hero yourself.

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People who point this out are perhaps the biggest hypocrites alive, how many times do you tell other people to kill themselves and such?

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This, WaB and 21Kiloton

Not by telling them to catch cancer you fucking inbred

Just pirate the game and play it first.

its their flaw, they lash out at TB so they can drown their own flaws


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>telling people on a public forum under your real name
>telling people in person or anonymously online
>"same thing bro"

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>as long as nobody knows its me its fine to say.
>as long as i can get away with it, crime is fine in my book

It's not a crime. TB didnt commit a crime either. But the public record of this historically ironic tweet deserves to be shared for years to come. It will likely help people realize not to say that shit anyways so I dont see why your getting all moralist.
Get cancer and die.

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youtube has had 60fos since forever.

>Yea Forums is retarded
>asks Yea Forums for advice
you might be dumber than you think

No one now that TB is gone. The bastion of light is gone and we're just going downhill now with reviewers desperate for confirmation just bend over for corporations. Or they just hate on everything because it's cool. rip TB

No game is for everyone, nobody is going to like everything.

You need to think about what types of games you like, or want to play.

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Blood work and physical examination of the rectum to check for swollen nodules.

Jeff Gerstmann, at least until he keels over in an apathetic heap one day

ACG's reviews are YouTube are pretty good.

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and everyone will be a cuck, never allowed to share their mind because some dumbfuck might dig up 10 year old twitter posts about what you said.
this is absolutely bombastic.

Yea Forums is good at digging up a few good games every once in a while
you just need to be able to identify if they're your thing
for example I can't stand the isometric crpgs and I've given op on trying them even when Yea Forums spergs out that another one that's great has come out
on the other hand I knew that Rain World would be my thing very quickly because Yea Forums hadn't lead me astray on indie platformers
the same is true for trusted youtubers, Sseth is legit, but I'm not going to play underrail because I know better. I know it's not my game.

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>animeposter being useless

Well if you know what you like it's easier to find a Youtuber with a similar taste to your own.

Like if I were to namedrop the Youtubers that I follow, you would probably find it pretty different because I like anime, and you don't. And that's OK.

You're autistic or something. He was really mad about some personal shit in his life and he lashed out through a harmless online message. He doesn't "deserve" any punishment.

We didnt give him cancer. So I'm not sure how you read into my post that I think he should have face any repercussions for what he said. But it is a spectacle to behold.
I dont really care for the digging up past shit yoy described. But people starting now should know better than to publically say shit. No one 15-20 years ago really considered it as much.

I never said he did.

Liking anime is not ok

Maybe if his writing wasn't so try hard cringe

Just mute and close your browser nigger. You dont have to be toxic online and he absolutely was.

cringe lmao

I bet I have a cooler job than you, drive a better car than you, live in a bigger house than you, have a hotter girlfriend than you, and

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You said it deserves to be shared for years to come, in other words he deserves punishment.

Anonymous people endlessly repeating a decade old message is far more toxic and pathetic.

Skillup is decent, though not the fastest reviewer out there

I love Jeff, but god damn the people surrounding him are the mirror image of nintentoddler wojak's

Are you saying he somehow gets a pass because he's not anonymous? TB was great when he only rambled about games. Outside of that he was extremely toxic, slipping into SJW in his latter years. He didn't deserve it but i wasn't really sad when he died

OP asked about someone covering games
this guy is "Yea Forums - e-celebs and twitter dramas" tier

>...of the developer

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You either download a demo, if one is available, or buy the game and refund it if you don't like it.

>Fog on Tyne is a game about dirty Geordies. No, come on Mack, don't say that! *ding*

No I'm saying his toxicity was understandable because his wife was getting deported (I can't remember the story) and he was in a temporary state of anger and lashed out and even apologized for it later. Compare that to the people here spamming the message and their reason is "it's funny and ironic lol."

man, I miss TB.
Didn't agree with with a couple of things he said (most were at the end of his life), but he was one of the only non-shill gaming personalities out there. Just looking at how many youtubers take mobile game sponsorship nowadays makes me sick.

I remember when he guested on a lowtax video and yelled "THIS GAME GAVE ME CANCER!" while playing a shitty game

I miss him so much lads.

I put every game I hear about that I might be interested in a list. Then when I want to play something new I'll usually have a rough idea of what kind of game I want to play and pick a corresponding game. Then I think back to what Yea Forums, reddit and youtube said about it; look at the steam reviews and opencritic; and on the basis of that I'll either play the game, return it to the list and pick another or erase it from the list.

>on par with TB
fuck off and go spam your stupid bell you nigger.

For some time I thought fat Sterling might replace him in field of early impressions and news coverage, but in the long run his personality is just exhausting.

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youtu.be/uPGaSAkmY6o this guy

Just watch a gameplay video and determine if it's something you'd be interested in yourself. Reviews and reviewers are so pointless these days.

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Not every game is Fortnite or Tetris 99 you fucking zoomer.

I'm not gonna watch 12hrs of some rpg to determine if stroy gets good and loot system is balanced.

You clearly are a kid or unemployed to think critical work of this kind can be substituted by watching shit, not for vast majority.

People value their time, I'm not gonna go through half of a book to see if it's a boring hackjob, not gonna sit through 1hrs of a movie to see if lead actors suck or not.

Unfuck yourself.

Just read the metacritic reviews and see how they're describing the aspects that are important for you in a game. Discuss it online if you still can't decide, and if you end up making a mistake, just get a refund. It's just video games, it's not some big decision that'll affect your life

You caught me. I magically gave him cancer using voodoo.

Why did you suddenly change your posting format? If you truly valued your time you wouldn't spend so much time needlessly adding in spaces. Kind of counterproductive for someone who considers their time so imporant.

Pirate game
Play for yourself
If like it, buy it (yeah really)

Literally the easiest shit. Pirate and try it. If its good, buy it.

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Try Ross's game list accursedfarms.com/games/ it tries to bring attention to some of the interesting stuff that doesn't get too much coverage.

what fucking posting format you lunatic?
I made two posts, in first one there was only one longer sentence.

Wasting time adding spaces? Are you some elderly boomer that stares at keyboard and hits buttons with perfect 90' angle? It take's like 0,12sec to hit enter with my finger.

You have nothing to repsond to except why I don't write text in one chunk?
You dumb fucking nigger.

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At least he talks about the PC settings. ACG doesn't.

Also Sterling is a piece of shit.

I'll be honest, you should be able to make your own judgement pretty quickly having seen a few mins of a game and general reaction to it. That said, I like Worthabuy and Skill Up