Can someone please recommend me a controller that won't break within a week?
I got a 360 controller a few days ago and the right stick is already has a terrible drift
Can someone please recommend me a controller that won't break within a week?
Are you sure you didn't get a knock-off 360 controller?
I got an xbox one controller about 3 years ago and it still works perfectly.
stop taking it on the controller then
how the heck do you break a controller n a week , i use generic gamepads with x360ce and usually they break after 6 month or so
I've had a Steam Controller for 3 1/2 years in heavy use now and the only sign of wear is the top of the analog stick smoothing out.
how does one break a controller, never mind within a week?
I would recommend an Xbox 360 controller, mine has worked for 8 years
Total biscuits in the ground tonight
Everyone on Yea Forums have a good time
The F310 is built like a truck, unfortunately it's a god awful controller with deadzones that will blow your mind.
>xbox one controller
it's a bigger piece of shit than the 360 controller. I busted two bumpers already and the left analog automatically moves up when it's dead center. Microsoft has shitty controllers man.
I've never had drift nor have I damaged the functionality of a controller in my fucking life; I have a ton of 360 controllers, some ONE controllers, some PS controllers, and a Switch. You must treat your controllers like absolute shit.
Stop being a fucking gorilla with your controllers. No piece of fucking plastic will be able to withstand you putting all your tardstrength into it.
you're not supposed to sit on them, user.
but the analogs feels good inside my bum.
I had the f310 a few years back when I had a lot of autism rage. Would smash the controller and throw it across the room. I only broke it because I literally snapped the cord in half.
My Rumblepad 2 has been going strong for over 10 years now
I unironically got pic related. The joy stick keep getting stuck in the corner. It's driving me crazy.
I hate Logishit and I was using X360 pad and Xbone pad for years now but I recently bought this for the DirectInput switch. Shit is a must for older PC games
>square analog
I also unironically got OP pic and it's honestly 6/10
haven't had any issues for almost ten years now
only thing is the shoulder triggers are very tough in terms of pushback and your fingers get tired doing it repetitively
Still have the same 2 360 controllers I got at launch. They still work fine, the fuck did you do to them
Ever heard of Wings of Redemption?
I've owned both. The physically square analog holes on the rumblepad are a nuisance, but the F310 still thinks the sticks are in square holes despite being in round ones, so you can never go fully diagonal and the analog stick controls always feel slightly off.
Anyways, I'm not that user you're replying to. Both controllers are shit for analog control. I only use mine because I like the dpad.
I still have one, and it will most likely outlast all my other controllers.
Currently also got a 8bitdo N30 pro, which is neat. But it will break with 1-2 years of usage, because the quality isn't great.
Whats the best PC controller? Don't say the Xbone Elite because thats like fucking 100$
gamecube controller with adapter
Been using the dual action for over 10 years now. Absolutely unbreakable.
>Sperg and tear analogs almost out
>Why isn't this shit military grade so that it survives my tantrums
despite your anger issues, here are my recommendations
>Wii U pro controller with mayflash adapter
absolute beast of a controller that lasts forever on its charge, with the adapter its wireless and also works on PS3/4. the only odd things are the button layout (nintendo buttons) and the Sticks being both on top.
The Dpad is really nice too and its a big chunky controller.
>Hori FPS Pro
Budget alternative to an Xbox pad but i prefer it a lot, but i am a little biased towards Hori hardware
last alternative is just using a dualshock, but a lot of people have issues with those regarding weardown and shit.
also shit battery life when used wireless.
Don't get those wired Logitechs, even if that wasn't what you're playing on. I've had two where the wire broke where it came out of the controller. No strain relief. But I do remember having to take them apart multiple times to fix them from other problems.
I got an F710 wireless and the only problem I've had with it is freaking batteries leaking when I didn't use it for a while.
my main problem with the logitechs is that the dpad will get worn out and eventually break. the silicon buttons will break away from the base.
this could be solved if i only knew where to get a replacement for those silicon pads. because other than that i really like how the dpad handles.
anyone got a recommended pad for fighting games?
I have that one and don't want to miss out on the mode button anymore. Many, many platformer games only work with the thumbsticks and this button switches the d-pad with the left one. Fucking genius. I don't see anything like this on official console gamepads so they can fuck right off.
sega saturn controller with adapter
Hori fighting commander
No reason to limit the inputs, where the thumbsticks at?
xbone controller is the best of all time for anything that's not fightan
for fightan you want a hori fighting commander, a saturn pad, or a ps1 pad
Even though I love the Xbone controller to death, I know this feel
The bumpers just sometimes go fucky for no reason
I still don't think there's a better controller though
People fucking suck at making perfect controllers
Did you get a used 360 controller or something? Mine was robust as fuck and lasted me like 6 years.
The xbone controller bumpers are flimsy as fuck, i fucking hate them.
Xbox controllers are all flimsy cheap shit sold at a premium.
F310 will survive a lot of use and abuse, but it's a mediocre controller overall in terms of feel and control.
Literally anything else in the F310's $15-25 price range is objective shit.
Dualshock 4 is a solid controller in terms of build quality, but has some mostly subjective issues.
Most old 8bitdo controllers are cruddy, but the latest SN30 Pro+ is top tier, having fixed all of its prior SNES-style clones' problems.
what do these two little buttons do?
>playing fighting games with thumbsticks
I'm the platformer guy and I'm also not playing them exclusively. I ain't getting periphery for one genre exclusively, especially because there is no reason to cheap out and discard thumbsticks for muh retro look.
>I ain't getting periphery for one genre exclusively,
What the fuck? Are you a gorilla?
Get the Afterglow version of the 360 or the Xbone controller, the covering of the sticks will comes off quickly but the sticks themselves are really solid.
Hey, that fat fuck looks good. I'm gonna get me that shit.
The Heart button is by default the equivalent of an Xbone/PS4 Home button.
Star button is a modifier button. By default, hold a Button and press Star to switch that button to Turbo mode.
You can also change it to "Burst" for three rapid button presses, or a "Hold" toggle that stays down until you press the button again.
>budget alternative
Those are $50 controllers.
Nintendo Switch Pro or Wii U Pro. Nintendo builds their controllers very durable with fantastic battery life.
Is there a way to switch the dpad with the analog stick like said without using the software? I'm guessing yes since it seems like you can "upload" configs to the pad itself. Are these mappings switchable with a button press, like profiles? Thanks for answering, senpai.
for me it was 45€ to 70€ new dualshock, both on amazon.
a 25€ save is "budget" but you are right, they arent really that cheap after all compared to 360 controllers, my bad.
you posted it
Picture and home in switch mode. It's a great controller.
You could try not a disgusting lard and stop eating greesy food while playing games.
I don't believe so, or at least not yet. This software came out a little more than a month ago with the release of the controller itself, so it's basically brand new. Whichever profile you Sync to the controller is the only one it can use until you open up the program again and sync a different profile.
You can remap the dpad nauticals to something else and set macros to specific buttons, but the sticks themselves are isolated. You can invert the sticks X&Y axes independently, and swap the L&R sticks, but not swap the stick and the dpad.
To switch pad and stick, for now, you'd need some third-third party solution like x360ce or Steam Controller Settings.
>brand new controller
smells like shilling
I do it for free. I genuinely like everything about this controller after going through over a dozen others from random $10 Chinese knockoffs, every official console controller and a $90+ elite piece of shit.
Why are retards still falling for the xbox controller mem? They are known to have terrible quality and get stick drift and broken bumpers affter months. Get yourself a ps4 controller and have nothing to worry about
Probably because it works with literally everything out of the box.
isn't 8bitdo chinese too?
unironically this
i had an xbone s and traded it in to get an x
the controller's right bumper has already fucked up within like 3 months of use
i haven't even played it that much aside from use it for some light gaming and emulation, but it's very noticeable when i'm playing something like MGSV and hold down the right bumper, the scope keeps fucking up
I know someone who goes through 3-4 controllers every console generation because he wears out the sticks. The thing is that he doesn't play online games, just naturally violent with the controllers.
Stop throwing your controllers like a big god damn baby you big god damned baby.
If you said within a year, I would understand, but it breaks in a week?
Where the fuck do you buy your controllers?
Same thing happened to me and the problem was these flimsy ass microswitches they use. You can swap them out for new ones if you're okay with soldering.
How does this compare to the Wii U pro controller?
I see, i guess we can't expect too much from this one. If that's the case then my enthusiasm is officially at zero again. I guess i will stick around with my poor old logitech a bit longer.
Bought myself vanilla version on cable. Still waiting for package.
Dual shock 4
Call me when they separate plastic on d-pad so you won'd be hitting 2 directions with one button.
Controllers are made for humans, not landwhales with ham hands.
I'm talking about shit like pressing right button towards down part where it registers as down-right.
you think you want this, but you dont.
I use a DS4 and a Switch Pro controller depending on the game
This shit irks me for 3 years, I actually do.
Buy better batteries desu.
I'm using a DS4 on Windows right now and I can't pull this off.
DS4 doesn't work with steam link though
I have had the same Logitech F310 for like 5 years. Has X input and Direct input. Has worked with everything.
>buy 360 controller in 2010
>use it to this very day
What the fuck are you doing?
Almost every controller ever uses a single solid piece of plastic for its pad.
If you want independent pieces of plastic / a piece that does not rock in such a way that you get diagonals because your fat thumb can't stay directly on top of the pad, do some DIY.
Break open your Dualshock to get to the dpad surface and take a serrated knife or hacksaw to the spaces between the buttons (red lines).
Stop just before the post in the middle so that they remain as a single piece stably held in place inside of the controller shell, but now have some flex since only a small sliver of plastic is holding them together (green space). This dramatically reduces the "wiggle" actually causing adjacent inputs.
Of you can go a step further, cut the thing into four and get rid of the center post entirely. This will leave the four separate pieces loose and rattly in their spaces, but then you add some of your own spacers under/around the plastic pieces to have them set firmly.
so you want a joycon?
i love DS 3 but software wise it's a nightmare
Did you ever have any of those 3rd party PS/PS2 controllers?
Had mine for a few years but the trigger started behaving funny.
Does anyone know of any good N64 style controllers for PC?
>SN30 Pro
is this better than the pro?
>people defending xbone controller shit build quality
8bitdo dpads suck, don't buy them. Don't fall for shill posters either, they're all over Yea Forums
Right bumper is busted on my Xbone controller. The controller feels good in your hands, but the build quality is shit.
I've also had issues with the left analog stick on my Vita.
I don't know why it's so difficult to make a decent controller. Especially when console manufacturers charge premium for them.
What's bad about them? I was thinking of buying one.
they can't have you using the same controller year after year, they want you to purchase a new one like with everything except cutlery
just search xbone bumper broken and you will find posts with people who are on their 3 rdcontroller and just buys a new one when something happens.
also putting your mouth over the bumper and blowing really helps, of all the things
dpad is too sensitive, e.g. pressing straight right can register a down press as well. Shoulder buttons are also awful, and have to be pressed right in the middle or they won't register the press. Bluetooth connectivity is also sometimes a problem, especially when connecting to switch; sometimes takes a full minute to sync and connect properly. If you can get one very cheap it's not terrible, but to post it as an alternative to a first party controller is a joke honestly - their build quality is pretty cheap.
The Pro+ suffers from none of that, only the older SNES clones.
sure thing, shill.
there you go
Do you try to play zangief with awful lag or something?, there is no way to fucking destroy a controler that fast even if you were a 5 years old
holy fucking based, please tell me it roars when it rumbles
I've been using an Xbone one for my PC gaming, way better that steamshit. I've thought about getting one of those retro 6-button Genesis USB controller things for more authentic emulation tho
Will Logitech ever fucking update their controllers? Their newer wireless mice are fantastic but their sole wireless pad (the F710) still has connection issues out the asshole.
If you think the xbone controller is a good quality controller you're delusional. It's way less durable than the 360 controller and way poorer quality than the ds4. I have all of the above controllers. I like the shape of the xbone but the quality is micky mouse shit.
Almost makes you want to hit them with your boat.
>Can someone please recommend me a controller that won't break within a week?
This one.
this, I've had a steam controller for years, but ng+2 sword saint on sekiro finally broke one of the bumpers. he was a real bitch. luckily I had a spare steam controller.
Wired 360. Buy a real one this time and not a chinese knockoff.
this better not be fake user i swear to god