Why is RPG a dead genre?
Why is RPG a dead genre?
Because everyone thinks they need to be open world
I'm playing Octopath traveler right now and it's pretty awesome, I dunno what you're talking about.
There have been several great RPG releases these last year's, faggot.
One cancer of many
Because they take many hours of investment and require the player's attention for most of it, coupled with the fact that any proper RPG forces you to make choices either in story or regarding your character. No point in investing that much into a game's development when the masses are satisfied with buying skyrim tier shit and have the attention span of a goldfish.
Because you won't buy Greedfall and instead choose to play KOTOR 2 again for the hundredth time since the only thing you actually value is nostalgia.
mars war logs > greedfall
game producers are hacks, they just copypasta whatever sells the most thinking it will lead to success in their game without understanding how it integrates
>gta had x and y and sold ZZZZ, put it in our game!
Retards will buy half assed product anyway so why bother with making good rpg
because niggers "buy" fifa and they can "only" "make" one per year
It's not. Several notable RPGs are coming soon.
Honestly, because root connection to tabletop has been lost as fewer and fewer devs come from that hobby to video game development.
Name 3
Because it is hard to include lootboxes
This and make them WRPG's not JRPGs.
Just finished Kingdom Come after buying it rights before free weekend on steam ended and had a blast playing it. Too bad it's just one brilliant game in the pile of garbage that gets realesed most of the time. I guess real, challanging RPGs are a niche that doesn't bring enough big boy bucks to be profitable and interesting for bigger/better studios to develop and release
I like greedfall so far but it's not exactly much more of an RPG than newer Dragon Age games or something. It has a dialogue wheel except it's not a wheel shape and character building doesn't seem exactly deep. It kind of feels like a better DA:I where they didn't choose to make the combat too much of a bastard child between classic and action and went more in the action direction. Parrying is too fucking easy btw
Shareholders no longer tolerate pandering to niche markets in any studio with the resources to make large scale RPGs.
Outer Worlds
Cyberpunk 2077
Dying Light 2
Cyberpunk is an action adventure game according to the devs themselves.
Congrats on finishing that game user. It was a lot of fun, but I only got about 75% through it, kind of lost me in the second half. Plus the game became a bit too easy with the better gear and good alchemy.
>Outer Worlds
Utterly shit
>Cyberpunk 2077
Utterly tranny
>Dying Light 2
The only good looking for now
The only problem I have with the game od the fact that it has like 3 or 4 consecutive ending sequences. I literally thought "yup, that's the end" 3 damned times. But overall it was a very enjoyable experience: the fighting system was superb, challanging, hard and at the same time fair and simple, with enormous potential of getting good even from the beggining. Quests were decent to great, had some twists and turns, some were plainly fun. World was excellent, not too big, not too small and decently filled with activities. As for the role-playing elements, they were mostly about your choices and decisions about the way you do stuff. Oh, and the fact that you start as a shitter and everybody can and will fuck you in the ass if you got too cocky is just excellent and reminds me od Gothic (in a good way). Overall, 9/10 would recommend. Wish for a sequel even
Greedfall (although that just came out)
Disco Elysium
Copper Dreams
Outer Worlds
There's a Paranoia game in the works, too, but I can't remember the name off the top of my head.
>Disco Elysium
God knows. It's been SOON(™) for a while.
The stories stopped being good and people are no longer as tolerant of shit gameplay as they were back in the 1990s.
Probably because studio execs are tasked to squeeze the maximum amount of profit from their product by the share holders.
This means online + lootboxes and/or an item store. You can figure out why this meshes bad with a typical RPG.
Fucking loved DA:O I even like the fade. DA2 destroyed everything. I'm still fucking mad
Look on their twitter retard
>cyberpunk 2077
Gameplay doesn't have to be garbage though. If we talk about classic turn based rpg gameplay, it is hard to get it done right and interesting nowadays even to my old fart self that grew up on that shit. But RPGs aren't defined by that. There are action and turn based RPGs that have good gameplay, the problem stems from the fact that most big western devs aren't willing to invest resources to a proper RPG, when they can make a buck by selling trash instead and take much less risk.
Bless fucking Japan still pumping out some good shit on occasion.
All the good writers are relegated to well, not writing while we have fan fiction for ten years.
You wanted an answer. Women are going to write for like, ten years. They're going to do it horribly and then make men do it as if they did.
Only western rpgs are dead, but they've objectively been worse from the very beginning so who cares
Good female writers are about to get shot in the gut. They need men.
>59% on steam reviews
I disagree. On the basis that I've banged two of them and their shows are fantastic.
I mean, I'm 6'2 and took them out on dates but....
Are they not good female writers any more?
If my fucking them is bad then I'm going to make it a practice.
Difference being, they actually have something good to say and honestly, sex is not a determiner.
Why do you fags believe this when we have tons of sequels to iconic RPG in the horizon? System Shock 3, Baldur's Gate 3, Bloodlines 2, not to mention original RPGs like Cyberpunk 2077, The Outer Worlds and Greedfall that just came out. It's like you idiots have to play dumb in order to be miserable about everything.
Western AAA RPGs are ded .. (since they are just glorified shooters now)
if you look to Japan or non AAA games its fscking alive and doing great tho
on a side note: Did you play Kenshi yet? Or one of the dozen time sinks Atlus created the past years?
They fuck everybody but you should consider their written skills
Or you know not because fuck em
It's hard to figure out the point. I found it on Rannoch when the Quarians and the Geth made peace. Tali thought that was cool.
I thought about a kid, coming into her twenties, trying to find suit configurations to be with the greatest universe creator ever. One that made peace with the geth. Tali and him were close. Just being there, on the citadel. Best mods ever to possibly let her be normal.
Bwcause 80% of the market are overweight fat american kids in cargo shorts and equally overweight low test Marveltard millenials in their 30's who need their FPS games so they could feel manly for a couple of hours. Something they will never be in real life. Rawr.
Greedfall is kino though.
Bait post from a faggot who probably didn't even play Underrail or Age of Decadance. How tiresome.
reading too hard
Jrpgs are fine, who cares about western trash