FF VIII "(((they))) don't want you to talk about it" remaster's thread


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Other urls found in this thread:


I keep hearing that, the fuck did they censured?


Fuck off /pol/
No one gives a shit about the jews
Fuck off.


Siren (who never had any "pubes" in the original, as they like to falsely proclaim. She had a coral ornament perfectly shaped where it needed, no warranted censorship), Rinoa (who already was an absolute flat board from the start). Meanwhile, Shiva (and FF VIII's rendition of Shiva always was the most naked and sexualized rendition of her all designs throughout the entirety of the franchise) was "untouched", which clearly shows heavy bias. Selfie's panties were also censored.

I hate this slippery slope shit where they just look for content to cut out. Sad to hear Steam is removing bad reviews

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SE really fucking sucks at remasters (partly because they're lazy and outsource them all). I don't know why anyone looks forward to any of them. If you can't play on the original consoles etc, I'll stick to the PS3 classics versions of the PS1 FF games. Literally all of the PS4/modern versions are inferior

Not just reviews. They're also "silently" and "suddenly" (with no prior warning whatsoever) delete people's commentaries and downright ban them everywhere, for any critique towards this release.

>he didn’t read it
I knew most of this board were lazy.

>If you can't play on the original console--
Then play PC port of 2000. It's a definitive go-to version nowadays.
PC port of 2000 was made with leftovers from the source code of Japanese PSOne release, as it was the last one they still had on their hands at the time. As "bad" as some people tended to deem that PC port back in the days, it stand the trial of time and has proven nowadays to actually end up being the definitive version to play because modding community makes it so their quality mods work both with the Steam release and with the 2000's PC release, but unlike Steam's release the 2000's release is not an emulation. PC 2000 is the go-to, nowadays. It's still a correct Final Fantasy VIII, despite using Japanese PSOne version's code (and Japanese version is notoriously ill-known to be raw/unpolished/buggy/glitchy and exploitable, in comparison to the perfection that is NTSC-US localization).

There's no "bad ending" cut. They made it so you could get all the jobs on 2 loops rather than 4.

Costumes are jobs.
They removed costumes, hence removing jobs.



that sounds weirdly desperate just for a re-release. Is something else going on? Sure a company like Square Enix would be greedy as hell, but censoring any negative comments is an exaggerated amount of retaliation

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its an imageboard you stupid nigger

The remaster is shit.

Remasters are fucking pleb filters anyway.
>Can be played on PS1/2/3 from a disc.
>Can be bought digitally on PS3/Vita/PSP.
>Can be emulated on a fucking phone.
>Nah homie give me intern Mike and the poo in loo's hot take on this alleged classic.

Honestly I read about 5 lines but it seemed retarded so I had to stop

I've just pasted links from one of the threads, fuck off.

>very desperate
DotEmu in a nut.
Here's a slight update, btw:

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I'm playing it on Switch, seems fine.

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I didn't know anyone was clamoring for an FF8 remaster...

What is wrong with you people?

>Is something else going on?
Butthurt. Lotsalotsa butthurt.

You will too, when you'll see things such as these:



Stealing a modders work is where i draw the line, Squeenix, DotEmu and Access Games are pieces of shit.

100% chance this post was made by an anime, pony, or meme related avatar account

what you mean

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they removed all the 0.1 playtime reviews of retards crying about about not being able to see pubes. all the reviews that shit on the game for everything actually wrong with it are up.

rinoa? you mean her 3d model has smaller breasts?

Literally just siren pubes.

The rinoa claims are complete bullshit. People are complaining about like 2 smudged pixels that kind of looked like cleavage being less noticeable now because they slapped on a new model with slightly more texture resolution.

Number 1 in the JP switch eshop somehow

Found one more point of censorship in this garbage:
Gero Gero (boss in the train) is censored according to the way how he looks in the westerner releases of PSOne, which "blue and green" intestines instead of red like in the Japanese original. There's already a mod that restores original looks/removes censorship for that.

>they removed all the 0.1 playtime reviews
>implying people only play on Steam can't have several versions available at the same time
>implying Steam's release is somehow better/different

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See and slit your wrists, landwhale s-o-y fagshit.

fuck retards that try to hide names in screenshots

She had much deeper and revealing cleavage before (not like there was anything to see, anyway. She was always flat as a board. Even Selfie has bigger milkies), now they've "covered" her like they did with Tifa in FFVIIR. At least they didn't reduce the size, as there's nothing to reduce (you can't reduce that what's nonexistent to begin with).

No one "hid" anything, you retard. It was done solely for size purposes as there's stupid limits for images on 4chins.

Sure chen sure

I'm gussing this was out of laziness. It's hard to make that cleavage cut look decent on the higher quality model without actually taking the time to model the breasts properly, which is probably beyond their pay grade.

Whatever makes you feel oh-ever-so-slightly better about yourself, man. Your headcanon is your headcanon, after all. No one would take THAT away from you, that's for sure.

This entire release is "laziness" epitomized.

I hope people who use quotation "like this" are ESL and not just illiterate.



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Ok now this is actually epic no shitposting

typical cuck modder

Maybe. But that doesn't, in any way whatsoever, make it any less of a FACT that SquE/DotEmu stole his exact rendition of that content. They didn't even bother to hide/shoop it well.

what a entitled bitch. then do not buy the product, its simple.

Those are two entirely separate issues. That is actual censorship, the sidequest ending change was made in the subsequent JP versions as well as all others, including the western release, because it was a stupid design decision originally.

Believe me, BITCH, I'm not ever going to. And I'm not even going to pirate this garbage POS. I'm completely boycotting it. Besides, I have perfectly finely working PSOne's original and 2000's PC port (which is vastly superior to Steam's garbage in every way imaginable, since it still has original source code in it) in here. I can either play PSOne's original on actual console or via an emulator at any time I want to, or I can install and run 2000's PC port and apply modern mods/AI upscaled textures to it for the absolutely perfect (uncucked) experience. And you keep on eating shit and being scammed, kid.

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>I'm guessing this was out of laziness
And SJWs, and landwhale bodypositives, and trans furfagshitting s-o-ycuck zoomer toddler feminazi.

the image size limit is 10000x10000 and file size limit is 4GB. You're a legit autist mad you got banned from a steam forum for creating 50 threads about she trannys because you can't see pixalated pubic hair and didn't want your account exposed.

Complete and absolute miss on each and every field, kid. Buy yourself a working defector first, and then learn into comprehension second. Grow up.

seek the mental treatment you desperately need or kill yourself and save your parents any further embarrassment

I was never banned on Steam an I've never created any "50 thread about trannie shit", and more than so - I never even complained directly about Siren (saying "censorship sucks" is not same as saying "BUT MUH PUBES"). You're literally missing on each field and making a total idiot out of yourself on the web, kid.


>only knows buzzwords
This has to be a parody at this point

>"buzzwords" are literally ruining your favorite games
Whatever makes you feel slightly better about yourself, kid.

Well, that is why I clicked on this thread. I've never played the game in the OP. I just like reading retarded posts like yours so I feel better about myself.
Ending you posts with
Doesn't make you sound older by the way, zoomer.

I've been playing original (not Famicom/NES, but ACTUAL very first on MSX, non-fAtlus) Megami Tensei when you haven't even been born yet, kid.
Also, the mere fact you don't understand/don't comprehend that "kid" is a denotation of a state of the mind/thinking/behavior rather than a pointing out of your age, shows that you're actually underage and inexperienced in life. Grow up.

>"kid" is a denotation of a state of the mind/thinking/behavior rather than a pointing out of your age
Yeah, it usually denotes the person using it is incredibly obnoxious and arrogant and assumes themselves to possess wisdom they almost never actually have. At least, that's why I use it, kid.

I might be obnoxious and arrogant, but I sure as hell contain wisdom and knowledge (and actual experience) unlike your lame sorry-ass.

holy shit lmao


And there's some SquE's anal rooster bitch shiller on Steam's forums (and he's highly likely reading this thread right now) that tried to defend SquE by proclaiming it's the only track and only place in the game where that shit bug happens, while in reality it was already found out by several LP'ing people on YouTube that there's at least three different places in the game when this happens. What a fucking lying cuckold.

I wanna see selfies panties

The fan modding community does it for free.

You'd have to be playing PSOne's original (and only NTSC-US or NTSC-JAP, as EU PAL is an absolutely cucked garbage) or 2000's PC port, for that.

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And then SquE/DotEmu arrogantly steal their SUPERIOR content and sell it for dough.

Wrong scene. Her panties is in the FMV, not on the model (I never said they're on model, anyway).

Critics and user reviews gave it good scores because they don't give a shit half of the stuff listed there and just thought "WOW classic JRPG". People sure like going with the most complex reasons for shit even though the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Can you still use the scan spell or whatever it was called and rotate the camera to see her panties in all of its glory?

Which fmv showed them?

>gave it good scores because they don't give a shit half of the stuff listed there
Sooo...paid/bribed shillers, got it.
As for
>users/players gave it--
see pic-related:

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When she's falling down

I wish I was young enough to give two fucks about small design changes in a games remaster.

Probably. I didn't bother to check.

Show me an image. I’ve plays the game 100s of times on the PSX and never seen it. And doing a search for it finds just the battle panties.

>small design changes

--> . "Small" changes.

Damn that's some serious autism. Is that you, sunposter?

Literally the very first FMV in which you meet her at Dollet.

Seethe some more Barry :^)

Yes, small faggot.

??? Backstory?

Yes I know which fmv you are talking about I am just saying I don’t think it exists.

I'm Alex, but nice try anyway.

You're a small faggot? My deepest condolences (not).

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You have to be 18 to post here.

This reads like a Yea Forums rant

>show me
That's the original. Remaster censored this, presumably.

They didnt, this is from the remaster.

It's clearly misplaced and doesn't look like panties, but rather a part of the dress.

I am playing the game currently and have seen her panties in the remaster in battle

Screencap it, then. But at a correct angle (like in the original).

>just buy the game, bigot

I am at work, if this thread is still up when I get home I will do that.

>She had a coral ornament perfectly shaped where it needed
Pretty sure they were feathers, which, considering she has feathers rather than hair, makes them seem like pubes.

This, however, has been a standard way of depicting "naked" creatures. Just stuff their crotch with fur/feathers/whatever and don't ask too many questions.


>it's alright when Felicia does it
>Felicia was never censored

Ifrit is even worse than both Shiva and Siren but was given a pass.

Attached: FF8_Ifrit.png (495x890, 222K)

>gay agenda

oh shut up you fucking fagbag. you sound like such a little pussy.

Really, if the current job quest choices are any indication, the bad ends for them would have been so blatantly obvious that no one would have picked them except on another run to see what the dialogue for it was.

Redpill me on FFVIII versions, which are the best recommended? I'm playing on PC

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Emulate the original or get the steam version instead.
The remaster is unironically the worst version.

Attached: ff8 remaster comparison 1.png (1067x600, 1.05M)

PSOne's NTSC-US > PSOne's NTSC-JAP > PC 2000 > piss > PSOne EU PAL > Steam's 2013 emulation-instead-of-a-game > donkey diarrhea > Pattrick Boivin of SBF > Failser Agar of VGA > pseudo-"""""remaster""""".

If you wish to have the most cleanest and purest experience - play PSOne's JP or US release, emulation is allowed. If you wish to have the BEST and most fullest experience - play 2000's PC port with all of the best/modern mods and AI upscale/texture updates available.

You can absolutely ignore/boycott/trash away everything else.

>get Steam version

>Selfie's panties were also censored.
So just like Kairi via KH2.5 HD remaster (Selfie also got hit in KH1.5 too).

This ethics bullshit must have started happening around 2013-2014 then.

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Read the thread, it was already partially deconfirmed. Panties were censored, but only in the FMV. Japanese version had panties both in FMVs and in the game, while US release had them only on the model and EU PAL garbage completrely removed them from everywhere. Steam's emulation and this pseudo-"""""remaster""""" of a mod-over-Steam's-release both have panties intact on the model. 2000's PC port was built with original Japanese PSOne version's source code, so it's highly likely that the very first PC port has panties intact (at least on the model) too.

Modded steam version I mean.

It's still vastly inferior to 2000's PC port, as there's literally 0 lines of original source code and it's essentially sloppy emulation of a "recreation attempt". The shit is bugged, glitched, incorrect, and full of holes. No amount of mods could fix that, while almost all of the most best currently available mods are made in such a way that they fully support working with 2000's PC port. PC 2000 is THE definitive version to get and play nowadays, as far as PC releases in particular go.

But it's also impossible to find, assuming you don't want to pirate.

>The shit is bugged, glitched, incorrect, and full of holes
Mind expanding on that?

>This ethics bullshit must have started happening around 2013-2014
2012. Bravely Default. Never forget, never forgive.

>Read the thread
No one cares faggot. Its still censorship regardless of intentions.

>assuming you don't want to pirate
>year of our lord two thousands and nine teens
Come-the fuck-on. You HAVE to pirate nowadays, if you wish to get an old game in it's best form. Or AT THE VERY LEAST buy it on the GODLIKE GOG.

>Mind expanding on that?
See , or . These two, however, are a literal drop in the ocean...ocean of shit.

He was talking about the 2013 steam version, both of those are from the 2019 remaster.

Read the thread or very first sentence in OP's pic, retard.

>assuming SqEnix won't shove 2013 version or current 'remaster'

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"Heavy" censorship

It seems I'm forced to grab 2000 PC version and NTSC on PSX for my phone.
Thanks ppl.

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>get the two versions with scuffed midis
>inb4 the fan mod that's 144 bit rate music used in the wrong places
>inb4 the fan mod that put in joke midi tracks
Imagine being so autistic you advise people to have a bad time
Imagine thinking that eye strain makes for a good time

Then do the responsible and share a link for the 2000 version. That shit doesn't exist anymore on search engines, all of it is about the steam version or ps1 one.

GOG has original PC version, if I remember correctly. Either way, my point was more about GOG being fair and not ruining releases with DRM BS, which essentially means that if you paid for the game on GOG - you now wholly own those files and allowed to do whatever the hell you want with them.

I highly recommend you'd play PSOne's NTSC-US release on a PC, rather than a phone. This is because most emulators can't render PSOne's graphics properly and have "texture warping" or "polygon jitter". Things such as these been fixed recently with PGXP plugin, but that plugin, if I remember correctly, is currently only available on PCSX-R and Beetle (fork of Mednafen's PS core), and those two aren't available on smartphones yet OR they're running badly even on top SoCs. So it's best to play emulated PSOne's FF VIII on actual PC with emulator that's able to use PGXP.

>what are torrenting sites

What makes the original PC 2000 version different to the Steam 2013?

FFS, read the thread ( especially) and OP pic, troglodyte.

And, just so we're clear, GOG is the 2000 version, right?

--> .

...GOG doesn't have FF VIII. In any form.

Gotcha. Does it need any patching for Windows 10? Also which mods should I get besides replacing music with the PSX one?

>which mods should I get
For example. There's a fucking lot on that forum and others.

Thanks, that forum has a lot of stuff.
Does this also apply to FFVII PC? Is the original better than the Steam version?

>that sounds weirdly desperate just for a re-release. Is something else going on?
My pet theory is that SQE is having money troubles and betting everything on ff7r the remasters is them desperately grubbing for cash.

FF VII's HD remaster is vastly superior and is essentially the ONLY HD remaster which SquE didn't fuck-up badly, though it's slightly worse on PC and Shitch than it is on PS 4, so it's best to be played on PS 4. It's the definitive version to use/play on PC nowadays, though, and with quality mods applied it can look/play just as good as PS 4's release and even better (Gigapixel/ESRGAN AI upscale is not available on PS 4, after all, while PC has full availability of it).


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First and foremost, if you're going to 2000.

Are you blind? That's her dress.

I fucking hate Square Enix. Other than Dragon Quest and publishing some good games, they are a shit company.


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Thank FF IX, Spirits Within, and Toriyama, for all of that.

FF IX signaled the beginning of dark ages for the company.

Spirits Withing dealed massive blow from which they didn't recover until Advent Children at the earliest.

Toriyama ruined several key franchises (LITERALLY single-handedly MURDERED Aya Brea and entirety of Parasite Eve) and almost killed FF.

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He became a brown version of Cloud!

Damn new squall look so bad


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The remaster is bad but good god this faggot is a hyperbolic drama queen.

dont spin this dumpster as something /v must defend

T. Schlomo Shekelwitz

This is a thread about a Jap scam, but you exposed yourself anyway.

>being 100% right on each and every field is now "hyperbolic" and "dramatic"
Modern zooming milking cattle, ladies and gentlemen...

No shit this remaster is a travesty

Quite on contraire. It baffles me that Yea Forums hasn't destroyed the living fucks out of this garbage shit yet and didn't cause a class-action lawsuit against SquE/DotEmu to happen, alongside heavy doxxing of all people who made this trash.

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>LITERALLY single-handedly MURDERED Aya Brea and entirety of Parasite Eve
i need to go replay pe1,2

>yfw when you finally realize Parasite Eve II is actually unironically a fucking masterpiece, despite being very different from first Parasite Eve
>all it took for that realization to finally come through, is absolute massacre of the franchise, with no hope for any future (outside of complete remakes from scratch) for the series whatsoever

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>(outside of complete remakes from scratch)
they would just fuck it up.

They wouldn't dare, if FFVIIR proves to be successful enough. Parasite Eve's fan base was always just as vocal and relentless as FF VII's is.

>They wouldn't dare,
play tired birthday they would dare.

>at least the hair color is correct

>3rd Shitday
That was Toriyama and solely only Toriyama. That garbage has nothing to do with Parasite Eve's original team which worked their asses of on first and second games.
