Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

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i hope Yea Forums unironically does not care

Yea Forums unironically does care

>he doesn't know

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but only ironically

It's post-ironic though

everyone knows it's never getting cracked yes

can you shut the fuck up we've had this literal thread at least 5 times in the past 2 days with the exact same image you fucking reposter

Yea Forums unironically thinks that Octopatch Traveler will be cracked

Cry more

>I-I don't even care about that know your meme shitty ass game
>I-I'll wait for the crack! Epic isn't getting my money!
>meme meme meme meme meme!
>I'll just wait another six months so I can see if I can still pirate the Steam Denuvo version, faggots. Thanks for beta testing!

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you sound like a faggot. shut up.

This thread again? Why are you so obsessed?
Are you a chink shill?

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Are you a Steam shill?

I'll wait as long as it takes, randy and gearbox are not getting my money

I unironically don't care.

but the game is sjw garbage why do you want to play it so bad? typical entitled manbabies

Literally who cares about this casual shit

Why would I even want to play it now? Maybe I'll pick it up in a few years when all the DLCs are out, the devs got rid of deadnuvo and their horrrible 600 mb executable with VM and constant 2 mb/s upload, and finally when hardware can actually handle running it.

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that's a lot of excuses for you being poor and not having a pc made in the past 10 years poorfag

>being poor
I play all the games I want, just not trash.
>not having a pc made in the past 10 years
Not even a 2080TI can get 60 fps at 4k.

Keep seething, shill.

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meme resolution, works fine on my PC 60 fps

Sorry I play good games

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what are you playing right now user?


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You couldn't pay me to install this garbage game, to be honest.


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>Imagine white knighting a billion dollar corporation and their cuckold CEO

Are antipiratecucks the ultimate cuckolds? I just can't fathom how someone can spend so much time and energy online trying to defend multi billion dollar corporations that see them as nothing more than a source of juicy shekels.

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you dont like shooters? you want Yea Forums to like you? you're still a fag

I like shooters.
Good ones to be precise.

Its the same as the other two borderlands especially the first one which had an aggressive shill campaign going on here, except this time instead of being on gearbox psyroll they are on chinas funny money or social credit. Some of these niggas may be risking the death penalty unless they sell this dumpster fire.

Pirate cucks waiting to play a game are the ultimate cucks.

>Yea Forums unironically does care
Really? Tell me why should i care. No seriously. Why should i give a flying fuck for an epic exclusive featuring denuvo? Why, when i have a ton of games on GOG and free to play games like Warframe on steam? I am dying over here to hear your reasoning.

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>wanting to play BL3

but why

no one gives a shit if you care or not retarded faggot lmao

cause you're posting in this thread about an uncrackable game how much you dont care
cope more poorfag

You're trying way too hard to not sound like you care my man.

Its been 2 days faggot.
Cope when its cracked in 2 more days.

Yea Forums has been an even bigger hive of shills than reddit ever since gook mo0t took over.

All I want to know is why are people so excited for another looter shooter? Is it because of the retro gamecube-era visual style?

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>implying Yea Forums even wants to play Memelands 3
You'd have to pay me to play that trash.

it doesnt have to be
>new denuvo acts as a keylogger
>literal malware
>illegal anti tampering method
>denuvo will be forced to take it down
its only a matter of time

Ok 720p poorfag

>game won't be cracked
>happens to be a game pirates don't care about

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1080p 60fps should be the standard dev aim for, 144 hz monitor with 144 fps is all you need.
4K is marketed towards retired boomer retards who like catchy marketing terms and only watch football.

>>happens to be a game pirates don't care about

I've heard this excuse with tons of games like Octopath Traveler. What games DO they care about you stupid anime posting retard?

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I doubt that has Denuvo

>Game that people actually care about
>won't be cracked
The retardation of EGS shills....

I hope it gets cracked so I can dab on EGS drones. But I'm not gonna play it even if someone buys it for me, so in thz mean time I can dab on steam drones instead.

Life is good when you're not a retard.

>Life is good when you're not a retard.
Sorry to hear that life isn't good for you. Hope things get better.

Apparently you cared enough to reply.
I don't care about the game. I care to see Denuvo and all DRM into the ground. Know the difference.
Are you blind? How am i a poorfag when i am preordering Cyberpunk 2077 on GOG? This is not about money.

It is

So which cock are you sucking on right now? Gabe's or Tims?
Must suck having you mood depend on things you can't control


>Kiwifarms hates EGS

I think I made the right choice supporting Epic

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Because game of year stupid steam shill

>wanting to play redditmemes 3

what the fuck happened to this board

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Stop from stealing not illegal dummy steam

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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Hello contrarian.

You buy when come steam stupid shill

>wait a year for all dlc to release and bugs to be fixed, then pirate

thanks for beta testing buyfags

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So how good is Borderlands when playing solo?

I played the first one with a friend online like 10 years ago but I don't remember anything about it, except for the fact that it was one of the most fun experiences I had online in my life.

Now I have no one to play it with, so I wonder if it's worth to give the franchise another try but by myself.

>9000 days and counting
>after 9001 days
You know that's what is gonna happen.

I'm not even pirating it until they can disable the keylogger. I'd sooner buy a fucking PS4 game than give money so Epic can put a keylogger on my computer.

Of course it will be cracked, the question is when.

I don't think most people on this board still want to play another memelands entry though.

what did he mean by this?

Fuck off, gook nigger.


>pirating a 75 GB meme game
Hell naw

stop posting 9gag memes

Why do people even like borderland? Its just a boring grindfest with cringy dialogue

You first

>implying 9gag makes its own memes

Already been cracked long ago.

I'll buy the GOTY edition plus all DLC for 5$ in a few years. Maybe.

What are the chances Randy paid scene groups to delay the crack?

Its simple, i just play another game while its released.

Its already cracked tho.

It's all but inevitable that it will. Just a matter of when

Apparently the issue is that the denuvo on bl3 is basically spyware, moreso than usual. Needs a constant internet connection and reads other programs you have running on your computer. If it thinks your doing something it doesn't want you to, it panics and just shuts off the game.

This is exactly what I told my friends, god knows they'll still be fucking playing. Even BEGGING me to play. Why do I hate people but need to hear myself talk

Isn't this a good way to stop cheaters?

Just join another lobby wtf

The best 2 factor security to date:
Step 1: Make the game as shitty as possible.
Step 2: Use invasive DRM that not only requires an internet connection for a single player game, but eats up 10 times as much CPU power decrypting pirate tests off their server. Also make it a chink store exclusive since Steam doesn't allow you to imbed spyware in the game.

Even more uncrackable than Handegg. Also I love how Yea Forums doesn't say a peep about Borderland 3 until the shill contracts get drafted and suddenly the board is flooded with le memeland3 is le uncrackable le china win again! threads.

Reminder that Randy is very proud of having CP on a personal usb

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>Because game of year stupid steam shill
Says alot of about our current state of gaming then. Yikes!

It definitely will given its popularity, but not quickly as expected. I hear they're using some new tech.

Game will be forgotten in a month, it's just blowing up on twitch and people in general are bored. Plus coop can make a shitty game sorta fun.

Wasn't CP and you losers repeating it over and over wont rewrite history. You can lambaste his taste of questionable looking camgirls, but she was still 18+.

shoo shoo stinky chinky

>my enemies hate eating shit
Wow I must consume shit then, that'll piss em off.

Also this is where you reply with "Jeez Randy stop posting here" or something.

All of the code is designed with the cloud as a requirement (much like google stadia)
even if you do crack Denuvo, you still have to reverse engineer the serverside parts of the game, so cracking borderlands 3 could take years


>borderlands 3 could take years

I hate Randy, I hate Gearbox, I want to see them fail. That's my only interest in this.
I couldn't care lass about Borderlands, if by the first DLC of the first game you didn't realize it's a trash cocept, you're mentally impaired.

got called out and is getting mad about it being 100% right

I love it.

If not years, then not at all
there is a reason why people couldn’t just rip their old World of Warcraft installation disks to immediately recreate Vanilla WoW
Private servers had to rescript tons of things because so much of the game was serverside, and blizz deleted all of that serverside stuff with Cata, so they had to rescript the game again
Its the same with borderlands 3, but worse, now, you need a 2mbps connection speed to even play the game, because so many instructions are being streamed to and from your client.

>Oh no I'll just have to enjoy something else from the tens of thousands of free games, books, and shows I have access to.
Who the fuck even plays new releases nowadays?

Imagine having faith in denuvo

>you need a 2mbps connection speed to even play the game

proven false. Just stop, it's embarrassing...

In this game? Why?
In other games? Nope.

>Get stunned by some random pleb
>Shoots all his ammo in me
>I am resistant to it and have purple blue slime regenerating me
>Pop my purple heal
>Using abigger gun
>Puts me in crit
>Instant full heal
>Gives up and says ''I'll let you live this time''
>Gold core a hostile mod
>Transfer mind
>kill him despite originally being pacifist

tg xenobio is so fucking broken when games last long enough to use it
everyone else can't be healed by proper mediciation and here I am with multiple on-demand or automated better than old medbay heals