Is gaming culture toxic?
Is gaming culture toxic?
If anything it's become too soft.
wtf, i loved boothbabes. tits are great.
Why would you want video games to be taken seriously as an art form? It's just the digital equivalent of Monopoly
there's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping
Dobson is standing on a subway platform. His, sweaty, McDonalds grease caked hands holding his DS. He drops it. As he strains to bend over to pick it up, the train approaches.
You approach behind him. The train is almost here. You give a hard kick right to Dobson's ass, causing his small, 5'6" ball frame to go rolling onto the tracks.
He explodes in a red mist he the train goes wizzing past
Dobson is finally silenced.
>And don't get me started about the hatred towards "booth babes" at conventions
nani? was this a thing?
Most american politics boil down to guys having a problen with women deep down, wtf.
Yes. Coming from feminists tho.
Imagine being such a sheep that you hate yourself because you saw someone else hate you.
>I fell for that misdirected hatred
>I'm not proud of some of my earlier work
>I moved beyond that and have more empathy
kek, is this how he justifies the inflation shit when people dig it up?
"I-I was only jerking off to that because the proto-alt-right brainwashed me I swear on me mum! I grew as a person since then!"
Dobby found a new franchise to latch on. Not a big surprise here.
>i'm new to videogames but i should be able to criticize everything and tell you it's all bad and needs to change and you can't disagree with me
Gamer zero. Yea Forums resident mk ultra.
He'd just inflate himself and bounce harmlessly off of the front of the train.
Dobson edits will never stop being funny.
The comics he makes for that show are fucking atrocious.
I don't want Dobson dead. He's far too entertaining.
lol since when is c-um b-rain censored as Gamer?
The fuck is wrong with this man?
By and large? No. Unfortunately there has been a vested, or rather financial interest in proving it otherwise and over time it effectively killed any chance of being able to discuss any element of this topic.
Also lol Dobson.
>move beyond that and have more empathy towards people
Here's Dobson and empathy on the anniversary of Robin Williams' death.
The bottom pic reminds me of that fucking wojack edit
Imagine being so turbo autism that you even tell off a gay guy that enjoys this.
Is he though? Because he really isn't a lolcow like chris and his comics are all much less entertaining than their edits. Dobson i generally just a passive aggresive cunt, but he's just so persistent. He is always there, wallowing in his own artistic shortcoomings and bitchin on twitter, but nobody follows his exploits. He is just kinda there.
Seemingly less than 24 hours after it became buzzword of the month
Sometimes, take fighting games for instance. Truly a horrible group that lot is.
Not really. The gaming community is honestly about the same as most online communities.
It seems to be mainly people coming into the space that have an aneurysm just because someone said they were bad at games or called them a mean word once who think it's "toxic". Other people aren't responsible for them having incredibly fragile personalities but they don't really seem to get that.
I like how he's just now touting 2011 era tumblr politics. How can one man be this irrelevant?
Within roughly a day of it appearing, that should tell you a lot on how hard it got forced.
Define "toxic" in this case.
from what I've seen
its the casuals that are toxic
when games started being cinematic
yknow, when the INTERACTIVE medium started getting non interactive, and shit games like tlou appeared, every fucking casuals started bragging about how its flawless and started taking down anyone who says otherwise
Then When they felt like they don't want a shit written movie anymore they jumped into dark souls and start bragging about how hard the game is (apparently, punishing games with a difficulty curve=hard) and again started attacking anyone who says otherwise
video games are art, but they're not art when they do the exact same shit as any other medium
Stalker is the greatest example of this, it has one of the most beautifully crafted worlds and you can easily lose yourself in it, if they relied on cutscenes to show you the zone it'll just be a movie
gaming should've never became mainstream desu
I find it funny. Funnier than Dobson at least.
I dont get it.
Hes upset that the community wasn't accepting because it didnt want fucking faggots like the exact ones that came in and started hating boothbabes, but it's literally only the people hes saying should have been accepted
>Art is not free from criticism
>"Soul Calibur is kinky as hell but both men and women are objectified in equal ways"
>He doesn't know about the Soul Calibur controversies
>He doesn't know about MGSV's extra costumes and camera angles
Based retard
gamers are insanely friendly. just add people while playing a game and then talk to them, then play with them regularly. they are not picky.
>reinforces a viewpoint about how women should be treated
Where does he derive the "should" here?
Can't he just say "it reinforces a viewpoint about how women are treated" instead?
What makes it imperative?
I think it's HILARIOUSLY fitting for sooooo many people here. you people can't go one thread without making a hilarious and original comment about how you want to fuck X video game character or anime girl
user that bar is so low you might as well need a submarine if you want to fail.
what's wrong with a heteronormative male perspective?
I like how he just assumes there's something wrong with being a straight man who likes straight man things as though it's a foregone conclusion
Yes, and while there is a lengthy and intellectual conversation to be had about it, and if it even needs ‘rectifying’, this is clearly a dob thread, so I won’t even bother.
And it keeps going
He's just obsessed with being correct, no matter how wrong his argument is.
Not only that but he tells off a gay guy who says that he enjoys it and doesn't find it a bad thing right here
>gamers were against Jack Thompson
>then they were also against other nuts making baseless claims about games
What point was he trying to make here? What the fuck?
Whether it's fitting or not is another question, it's just that it was getting pushed really hard. That said, when it comes down to it, I'd rather get rid of the pretend-contrarianism on Yea Forums, instead of whoever people like to fuck. At least that's easy to scroll over, but the level of pretend-retardation has gone through the roof in recent years.
The point is that games do not cause violence, that is lunacy.
However, they do cause sexism and that's just science.
The final one
it makes gamerz defensive and that makes it funny.
>equal representation is making multiple characters do the same thing
sounds like he hates diversity
>The hatred toward booth babes at conventions.
That comes from your side you degenerate inflationist fuck.
>this whole post
>'I Don't Like This, So It Shouldn't Exist'
I sometimes think Dobson doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. But the guy is such a raging asshole its hard to sympathize.
>these are the kinds of questions i want people to ask
>"can you see his dick?"
yea, asking the important questions here
It's a shame it's only deep down.
>when I noticed how virtiolic and toxic gaming culture was
It's not really. If you take the gamers rise up memes seriously, sure. For the most part people just want to play game, and some guy will curse you in a multiplayer lobby. I don't care what pretty words you pick, you have to grow up past that. A stranger calling you a retard in an online multiplayer game is a footnote. Now it's front page material. Yeah, there will be stanky butts that make discussion go to crap at an accelerated rate, both due to genuine stupidity and "pretending to be retarded" kind of stuff. See Yea Forums. Also, no one is forcing you to go to these gaming forums or keep voice chat on. It doesn't mean that suddenly it deserves a societal shift. Grade schoolers took it fine, but 20-30 something year olds can't.
>would WANT the medium to be taken seriously as an art form
Why should you care? Why the hell should you find satisfaction from your hobby being treated as "verified" and "professional"? Game developers try to offer a game players find fun, and players try to play game they find fun. That's all.
>pushback against "filthy casuals"
That specific phrase is a meme, and there is genuine worry about appeasing the main stream. Many series went to crap trying to appease the mainstream to the point where they lost all brand identity. That's the complaint, not that gamers are inherently noninclusive.
>let alone a women
Oh yay, the women card. Those discriminating gamers, am I right? Gosh, I hate it when women criticize video games. PS: your statement might be kind of true if your basis is the stereotypical Yea Forums or /pol/ crowd. Doesn't hold much weight, though. Golly I inherently hate women reviewers hatred towards booth babes
I have a weird feeling this person will find this thread, so dumping this here. Why your being stupid with reasoning. No gamer discrimination.
This guy belongs inside mental institution
Geez, identity politics cripple your common sense. I still fail to see any problem with sex here.
Will Dobson ever get laid?
His comparison isn't even apt. The stuff he's asking about the Raiden segment would only be "equal" to the stuff with Quiet if she was fully naked at some point in the game and you could see her nipples and vagina, which she never is.
It's a terrible attempt to throw exaggerated "gotcha" questions at the people he's arguing with in the hopes of grasping upon something that would make him right.
You're allowed to defend yourself from clueless boomer conservatives but have to bend over and take all 12 inches of the left's cultural engineering.
I think the most retarded part is how he made a comic dismissing some people's questions and telling the to "google it" but here he doesn't even google half the shit he is spewing
>Does he blush and look around coyly
Yes, but not coyly, embarrassed
>Does he pose for you
Kind of
>Does the camera leer at his naked body
>Is it framed as a joke or as gratuitous sexual gratification
>Creeped out or turned on
Again both
>When snake's crotch is grabbed is it sexual in nature
Yes, sexual
>Is it uncomfortable
>sam punches you for staring at his crotch
is this real?
You know
Playing the vidya gaems
The great thing about video games isn't playing them for fun, it's showing everyone online that I hate them.
>lol u losers play games fucking wow
>I play games I'm such a nerd lol xd
>but not like those losers im cool
>there arent more games for me everything should be for me not those losers me me me me me this is my hobby now not yours
I wonder how Dobson feels about Atelier Ryza
Gatekeeping is how you stop something from becoming a giant pile of shit. We learned that lesson far too late.
He just has a raging hate boner for Kojima at this point.
I'm surprised he didn't just outright complain it's not the DIC cartoon design
heh, "dic"
Holy fucking hypocrisy
I don't even like Kojima that much but this faggot is OBSESSED
He hates everything anime
>there is naked Raiden in 2 and BB gets his dick grabbed
Jesus Tom
You know what the nice thing about entertainment is? You don't have to consume what you don't want to. You can just not experience it. You are free to ignore every piece of entertainment on the planet for whatever reasons you choose.
And the world is full of people who actively seek out entertainment they don't like motivated entirely by their self-important indignation at other people enjoying it.
this, almost every friend I had was a gamer, and almost half of them traded insults with me and we called each other niggers and faggots and even told each others to kill ourselves, but in the end of the day, we were just joking, we became great friends and we didn't end up making the headlines of retarded game journalist articles.
Casual gamers? you'd be lucky if you weren't mentioned by name and got banned
You're not really grasping it though. If there's something in entertainment that I don't like, it means that it's bad and shouldn't exist. The fact that it does, and other people like it, is a personal affront to me.
wtf is he talking about, feminists killed the entire booth babe profession and a lot of womans jobs
What the fuck?
americans from brooklyn ARE just italian stereotypes, aren't they?
tick tock normies
>publicly state opinion
>ugh why do I have to hear other opinions
Feminists SAVED them from a lifetime of being objectified. They are just thankless cunts.
>oh noooo people are going to disagree with me when I post something controversial publicly
Dobson is such a fucking faggot
You dont understand user
This is about defending virtual women from Kojima's tyranny.
>what I take away from that is that most Metroid fans have never played Metroid Fusion
Imagine being so blind as this man as to miss the hate that this shit got when they did it in Fusion.
Oh I get that. It's where the "self-important" part comes in. Suddenly they become the heroic force in their own little play, fighting the good fight against the evil that is plaguing the Earth. But how can they be heroic when it's just a piece of entertainment? Simple. It isn't just a piece of entertainment. It's toxic. It's problematic. It's oppressive. It's a serious threat for a real hero.
If anything, Other M helped me appreciate Fusion a lot more.
never forget
It doesn't even look like he's replying to the same thing.
Other M was so terrible it started making Metroid fans treat Fusion as a classic, too bad Dobson doesn't realise it himself.
Holy shit I remember way back when when Fusion was the black sheep of the series.
>Taken seriously as art
What? Why? Art is faggy, especially modern art. I just want to come home after a long day and shoot some aliens or race car.
This isnt about that, its just Dobby with an ax to grind against Kojima because that dude holds onto anger like he holds onto calories.
>Not wanting to shoot cars and race aliens
Get a load of this loser
Trash talking has been done for fun for a really long time. It can be a good thing if you're not taking it seriously.
>The winner would be decided by the reactions of those watching the exchange. The winner would drink a large cup of beer or mead in victory, then invite the loser to drink as well.
Can someone tell why these people are obsessed with video games being taken as seriously as "art?"
Why are they so desperate for validation from people outside the industry?
Bitches coming into male spaces and then changing everything to suit their own tastes until you're left with something that's completely different, disgustingly warped, and entirely devoid of soul is something that should always lead to them being beaten to death in the streets but instead you get betafaggots bending over backwards to cater to them in the hopes they'll get some coochie. Literally all of the people that contribute to this should be ruthlessly genocided
why the fuck do I get warnings for posting on shit-for-brains boards like Yea Forums when I've never used them? Mods?
nobody wanted video games as an art form except hack artists who couldnt cut it in the real world
>People in 14th century treated their wives like shit
>So no man ever can find a woman sexually attractive ever again
Dobson is full of hot air and has an over-inflated ego. He goes around puffing up his chest and floating out his terrible opinions, thinking it'll help his popularity blow up but really it just deflates people's interest in him.
I find Prime to be a little overrated too. But this is just retarded.
It's like he comes from a bizarro world where right and wrong are reversed.
fucking told
They couldn't make it anywhere else and settled on video games, the only medium shitty enough to accept them, so they want everyone else to think video games are important and deep and artistic instead of just admitting they're failures.
>popular atypical
What a fucking retard
>Guy A: I THINK X!
>Guy B: I disagree.
How come these people who criticize the most cry foul whenever someone criticizes them?
I just want to remind everyone posting ITT of a very important fact;
No matter how shitty your day may be, no matter what may happen to cause you to feel depressed or miserable...
You aren't Andrew Dobson.
Remember that whenever you feel down Anons.
Probably because video games only now being art means it's okay for them to have shit on them and dismissed them before. For video games to always have been art means they have to admit they were wrong before.
>Why am I not allowed to bitch about this?
>He says as he bitches about it
Motherfucker try talking about the dancing Israelis and not getting your life destroyed. This fag deserves to be murdered on a livestream in Minecraft.
>it was the same popular atypical FPS shit
Did this retard think atypical meant typical?
How long before Dobson's skeletons comes out and he's discovered to be a sex pest? These ultra 'woke' outspoken male feminists have a habit of leading double lives.
We never should've stopped beating up homos and yids.
thank you
The man pretended to be a teenage girl while drawing inflation porn. He's already a confirmed sex pest
This nibba gay
Women have to let you near them for it to work.
But user, I am Dobson.
They're both pathetic in this case. The guy bragging about his own unpopular indie webcomic is just as sad.
And that wasn't enough for him to get 'canceled' by his peers?
Prequel is pretty popular for something that never fucking updates.
He doesn't have peers
There is a 13 year old girl on my block who has this exact same body.
Based. Feelsgoodman
>gentrifiers are hated
who would've guessed
The last time he went to an art exhibit at his old college he apparently found out that women thought he was being creepy and flirty with them.
Dobson has no job and no friends, he has nobody around to really cancel him. He's just shut out from life. You know he is almost 40?
>Is gaming culture toxic?
Suck my dick faggot
I don't mean it in a pervy way, just thats literally the exact type of body she has.
Do you live in Toon Town?
Treating Dobson like he matters enough to be killed is a kindness.
Dobson is a fucking cunt in the sense that he cheap-shots a lot, Kazerad is just covering his bases by revealing everything to show he has nothing to hide and therefore has reason to go after Dobson, he won the argument by putting everything on the table and showing Dobson how much of a retard he is. In most arguments Dobson wins by using cheap shots, but in that particular scenario because of Kazerad's "bragging" he wasn't able to.
I see it more as a viable strategy than outright bragging. But that won't work nowadays because Dobson will just straight up block you, probably to stop another incident like this from repeating.
Yes, he is. Why the fuck would you be mad enough at Dobson to want him dead? Dude is just a retard. Existence is one constant wedgie for him anyways.
>Even Ubisoft shits on Dobson
>Ubishit actually BTFO'ing Dobson
>actually discussion taking place
>no jizzbrain spam
>plenty of shitting on whores and fags
Hmmm looks like this thread is getting JANNIED
This one should be updated with Calm Thine Tits speech bubble
based faggot
i dont understand the "i hate shooters cause my bullies liked them" mentality
Yeah I'm not clicking that faggot
I almost feel sad for the fucker. But he helped bring about the "believe all women/male gaze/toxic masculinity" culture hell scape we all now live in so fuck him.
>he really isn't a lolcow like chris
That's like judging a young composer for not being Mozart. There's a place for all kinds of lolcows in the world, not all of them need to ascend to CWC levels.
I ain't clicking on that shit.
>>what's wrong with a heteronormative male perspective?
nothing unless it involves promoting violence against people who are not part of it.
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Gamer "culture" is way too open as it is. Used to be the home of the rejected and ostracized. Now these very same founding members are getting kicked out of their refuge by the same people they ran away from in the first place.
This sounds like someone that needs to kill them self. This supposedly happened back in 2013, 6 years ago. What's keeping him going?
The most infuriating part about this is that Dobson is the exact type of person who says "Believe women!" but immediately says that the women who accused him of flirting are either lying or simply mistaken.
He even says it scared him, but this wont change anything. He wont have a second thought when hearing men get accused of something, he'll go back to chanting BELIEVE WOMEN
Dobson's like some hilarious self parody.
A feminist who shouts about how awful men are for making women uncomfortable in spaces.
But he goes out and he's the one making people uncomfortable. He's the disgusting creep feminists talk about.
His options are to either acknowledge he is that person, or to say that maybe the culture of people being uncomfortable is overblown.
He can never do that, so he's on self imposed exile.
>be an ugly creep
>behave like an ugly creep
He's had at least one gf in the past, might even still be dating her for all I know so yes he's had more sex than the average poster on Yea Forums
Imagine being at computers
The fuck is with all these Dobson threads this morning?
>SJWs kick out booth babes
>Therefore, those that aren't SJWs hate booth babes
What level of delusion is inflation-man on?
These undesirables should fuck off out of my hobby. I don't give a fuck, I'll gatekeep all I want. Just because they're unhappy with themselves and their lives, doesn't mean that they should ruin things for the rest of us.
They can scream all they want behind their computer screen. I'm not budging.
why would he even say that to her? does he even know her? did he expect a different outcome, where she would laugh at his line then permit him to fuck her?
She dumped his ass years ago dude
>Blames himself for something he didn't do and apologises to people accusing him
For Christ's sake man have some goddamn dignity will you
gamers should die
there is nothing as 'gaming culture'.
not for long
>Hatred towards booth babes
Nigger what, the only people who hate those are crazy SJW.
wow no matter how pathetic of a fat retard I am, at least I'll never be THAT pathetic of a fat retard
Doesn’t happen.
>bottom nazi is white and not obese
He's not even correct. Sure you follow orders in Fusion, but only in terms of directions, you don't magically get upgrades just because Adam allows it. It also has a proper justification for stripping everything from you, that being the X infestation and following removal of various suit parts. Also while you get orders, you eventually do whatever the fuck you want as you realize this AI is not as much on your site as you're lead to believe. And when Adam finally does come through, he seems to be a guy deserving Samus' respect, unlike the Adam we see in Other M who is just kind of a prick.
On top of it all, Samus has personality in that game. You get these inner monologues in the elevators and shit and I'm pretty sure one of them mentions fear when it comes to SA-X, so Samus being afraid is not something Other M invented. And of course there's always the personality through gameplay aspect, which has been Samus' primary expression. To disobey orders and do whatever it takes to do the right thing is full of character.
I never really got the hate for Fusion, from what I gather it's just people being pissed it's more linear than the other 2D games and it has some text, but I never gave a shit. Then again it was my first Metroid game.
>don't get me started about how much gamers hate booth babes
Excuse me? What the fuck are they talking about?
There is definitely something in the water in America if thats a 13 year old m8
no. socially isolated and sexually frustrated gamers are the problem.
the comic says real nazi, not LARPing amerifats, to be fair it's not a dobson exclusive fear of crazy militants
>Within roughly a day of it appearing
holy shit lurk more
>especially the villain grabbing snake's crotch to "find him out". You don't see how those things could be viewed in any other light outside "that crazy and wacky Kojima"
It was a bisexual sadist identifying the man desgised as his gay lover wasn't his gay lover by dick size. With that setup Dobson should be praising the game for the LGBTQUWAP framing gay lovers as having that strong of a fucking bond or some shit.
>praising the game for the LGBTQUWAP framing gay lovers as having that strong of a fucking bond
>I recognize that bulge!
Fuck off nigger, that is exactly what happened and we saw it
Your ebin meme forcing throughout the boards was gayer than the thing you tried to force, good job
Jesus christ that's hot
Absolutely, and gamers are the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth behind gamblers.
>the hated towards "Booth babes" at conventions
I thought old Dobby hated booth babes because the objectified women?
These days yes. Dare say anything that upsets some mentally ill faggot and see what happens.
Kazerad is a treasure and a true sage
Can't wait for next update on Prequel
Alcoholics/drug addicts are stupider.
because idiots like dobson yourself were oblivious about it for so long.
The world is shit. You do the math
Just drop the fucking nukes already
does he not understand that's the reaction the characters would give and that it's not just fanservice? it partially is but quiet and venom clearly had a flirty relationship so this is entirely in character
sam would probably punch anyone for staring at his crotch for too long, its just his character
Just dropped a nuke in my pants
>the toxic culture of men trying to pick up women
Fucking Dobson
Shut up nigger
Yeah okay I get what you're saying user but whyyyyy did he make it to be that way hmmm? Why didn't he make a game that literally fits all of Dobson's sick twisted fantasies in the most particular of ways hmmmm? Why did Kojima choose to be LITERALLY Hitler hmmm?
Im never sure if he has garbage taste or is just actively seeking to be a contrarian.
God bless the Lion
die slow nigga
He's probably posting them himself so people will go and bully him, because that's better than being lonely apparently
Someone post a picture here, I am not clicking that shit
Just make a fucking webm you fag
the link is just to some tiktok/instagram website of some chick dancing with big hips you aint missing much
It's a kid wearing a high-top showing a ton of midriff doing some retarded thot dance. No it's not twerking or something crazily nigger-tier sexual, but it's certainly proof that she's being raised by faggots who should be shot in their heads.
>Sadly not everyone has been able to do that kind of important self reflecting
This actually happened:
>Dobson bitches that Ms Marvel be made LGBTQ because of some things fans think due to reading the "subtext" says she's at least bisexual despite the comic never confirming this
>Some replies asking why not making her asexual and that everything doesn't have to be about sex
>Dobson tells them that unless confirmed by the comic it isn't true
This man is a fucking tool
man this time line is fucked up
All culture is toxic. Seek the uncarved block. Merge with dust.
He's right that all art can be criticized and that everyone saying "it's just a game" are just hand waving any criticism.
No. Gaymers have gotten incredibly soft and can't even handle banter.
You can the Jews and their golems for it
Jesus Christ, how contrarian or retarded you have to be to said that the game that almost single handedly kills a franchise is the better one.
The whole "games as art" shit should be punishable by death. Imagine some faggot saying that chess or checkers is "art". These people should've been beaten to death in the streets long before throw bullshit became a mainstay in vidya circles
You're just an idiot.
I find huge whiny diatribes toxic.
They just said it's a game so don't take it so seriously. Not that you can't criticize it. It's a proper response to someone acting like it's real people discriminating against each other.
Slit your wrists, you muttbrained faggot.
>site build on the premise of talking about anime and sharing porn
you may be retarded
>the toxic culture of initiating a relationship
Like seriously what? If the guy doesn't initiate things and ask the girl out/pick up then the relationship literally never happens because women almost never take the initiative in these things.
Is this how all orbiters think? Just never actually ask the girl out but instead orbit her hoping that maybe she'll ask you out if you kiss her ass long enough?
>N worderUSA
Honestly this seems to explain everything. It explains why they think "girls only go for assholes"
Don’t even need to post the image
Especially against people like Dobson.
>is never seen without his air-pump for some reason
Should happen
"assholes" have confidence, confidence is a pre-requisite to talking to someone you don't know, talking to someone you don't know is the first step of a relationship.
It's hardly a unified theorum of galactic gravitational tides.
>hatred about booth babes
Well, at least he tried
Assholes have confidence, but not every man who has confidence is an asshole.
Exactly that.
You're on Yea Forums dickhead, what do you think?
Can someone post the comic about the powergirl cosplayer fantasy? And then picture showing reality? Threads about this guy should always have that one
I crack up at the fact he had to draw the approval of a woman next to to his fursona.
>You go, totally justifiable violent bear!
The joke is his bear doesn't exist and it's silly?
I like the edit where dobson gets the shit beat out of him.
kek I love this photo
>I never want my actions to be misconstrued in that way ever again.
>Unfortunately the only way to prevent that was to remove myself from public interactions entirely. Which sucks.
Oh my god he's so fucking close to figuring it out