What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Based Tifa killer

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There doesn't really seem to be a reason for all these channels to be owned by them. They were all better when they were free to do their own thing.

>movie shit
>video game shit
>bought a bunch of other groups but didnt give them any support
>all on screen personalities turn into smug rich scumbags

>acquire castle super beast
>massive cuts just months later

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I grew up

Morty getting killed by his girlfriend.

Papa Bruce left FH

Success and fame.

Naah that was just funny.


she got boobjob
treating animators like shit

Are any of the people that made the first 2 seasons of RvB even around?

I liked their podcast until i turned into PlaneTalk

>Get acquired by Fullscreen and become more and more corporate over time
>Want to expand rapidly so hire a ton of staff and buy partnerships with other youtube channels but don't have money anymore so start shoving ads into every single video eventually getting so desperate as to unironically shill dick pills and underwear
>Start shoveling as many videos as possible out the door to try and recupe losses
>Make a dumbass movie
>Keep throwing garbage at the wall be it random podcasts, gay animations, """"game shows,"""" to try and see what sticks
>Make dumb cg mecha show and hire a ton of actual legitimate actors for voices instead of cheaper voice actors.
>Have horrid reviews on Glassdoor with the most common complaints being unpaid overtime, clueless management, nepotism at all levels, and low pay.
>"Fame" goes to most popular star's heads so all they can talk about on podcasts are their maids, nannies, personal trainers, hundred dollar light bulbs, planes/airports, and more meaningless rich people drivel

Basically the management still think they're a group of 10 faggots making shows in their apartment instead of a multimillion dollar animation studio staffing hundreds of people.

Geoff just know I hope you get out of there so the suffering will end. Run off to Cuba or something and bang latinas until you coke out on a beach somewhere.

cucks, user

They're still around. Matt went full corporate CEO so he hardly shows up anymore. Burnie went full Austin faggot and now parades around doing vlogs with his cell shaded Tesla and complaining about rich people things on the podcast. Gus just does the podcast now and really nothing else. Geoff was divorced by his roastie wife and is trying to raise his soon to be roastie daughter too, but he quit drinking so that's good for him, he still mainly does Achievement Hunter stuff. Joel is the best off since he left and now tweets about economics and China, still pops up every once in a while. None of them are really involved in the shows other than appearing as actors or voices.

Joel never left. He's head of advertising so he doesn't need to be on camera at all.

Bit off more than they can chew whilst being unable to shake off the 'five guys in a spare room' production mentality. Management and on screen personalities benefit from the overworked and underappreciated production staff.

Source: got a friend who was part of the layoffs last week.

Oh, my bad, I must've heard wrong. I stopped following closely a while ago. Still good for him to have a comfy position out of the spotlight.

They expanded beyond making dumbass Halo machinima. That's it. Everything beyond early RvB was a mistake.
They should never have hired that fucking Dead Fantasy idiot, what were they thinking

They were never particularly funny or entertaining

Geoff I hope you leave that toxic place and do something good for your soul


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>Movie: Failed
>Sequel to movie: Failed
>Their own video game: TORtanic'd
>RvB: Nobody cares anymore and is kept around simply because that's what made them famous
>RWBY: Absolutely atrocious but has the regular fans who will defend anything RT does to the death, deluding the creators into thinking they're talented & to not improve

Funhaus is their only entertaining property left and that hasn't been good for two years. They need to wake up and realise they're not suited for scripted comedy.

so that's why Bruce jumped ship

Divine retribution for fucking over Vic Mignogna.

This. Too many vanity projects by deluded amateurs who got their job through nepotism.

Played some of this.
It's genuinely worse than fucking Evolve was and doesn't do a single thing better than it whatsoever, and Evolve was a terrible game to begin with.

The only reason its reviews aren't completely in the gutter is because RT fans are a literal cult

thats one way to use his money

>all on screen personalities turn into smug rich scumbags
I wonder if that is what pushed Ray to leave AH.

Wasn't the last straw that RT wanted his twitch channel or something.

Got too big for their britches.

>"Fame" goes to most popular star's heads so all they can talk about on podcasts are their maids, nannies, personal trainers, hundred dollar light bulbs, planes/airports, and more meaningless rich people drivel
This. I remember one time, Gavin was bragging about he didn't give a shit is his latest iPhone got a broken screen because he could buy a new one the next day. It was so disturbing to hear that. I know he's insanely rich but he should be humble and think about the people who watch his productions. Burnie and Gus are like that too. The only guy who seemed "human" was Ray and he left a long time ago before they start bringing e-celebs and daughters of celebrities into AH.

I remember when he left, Geoff, Michael and Jack were all making fun of his streaming activities on Twitch, only to start livestreaming a few months later on Youtube. What a bunch of cunts, seriously.


You forgot that mech show

So did everyone else.

Geoff and sometimes Gavin are the last good things about cockbite studios since Ray left. Even Michael turned into a fucking bigger douche than he already was. At least before he was tolerable. And Ryan doesn't give off the same oomph as he used to, he seems over it. Fuck that place man. Fresh out of high school my dumbass actually wanted to work there as some kinda dream job. Fuuuuuck that noise now

There is one decent LP of this game


You're going to have to think of something better if you're trying to market yourself on Yea Forums.

They turned into cock mouths.

Is Gavin still around? He was my favourite

It was posted in a Yea Forums thread the other day
Nice readit spacing, though

What gets me with Ryan is that he genuinely seems like a cool chill guy but he's so obviously forced to put on the "le epic madman haha i'm so crazy" role all the time.
He'd probably get a decent following if he went the way of Ray and moved purely to solo streaming, though that jewish RT money is probably too good to pass up these days

Your banter is poor lol

well Death Battle completely took over ScrewAttack. They seem to be getting more views now though since GL vs Ben and Johnny Cage vs Captain Falcon.

Just take the L, buddy

I liked Nathan. I'm just gonna say everything went to shit when Nathan left.

They all just fall into their old roles in certain games. It's really just the games where those roles are ill-suited that turns out okay nowadays.

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Not him, but anyone perpetuating the fuck stupid le Reddit spacing meme doesn't get to tell anyone else to "take the L".

Fuck off summerfag.

Nice reddit spacing

main target audience was puberty ridden teenagers

>Jack has his own YouTube/Twitch Channel now and is getting popular on his own
>Ray left because they wouldn't let him use his Rooster Teeth alias with Twitch
>Let's play Minecraft 3953
>Let's play GTA Online: Shooting Niggers DLC
>Unpaid interns who are worked to death
>Most of the people you see or hear from the company are complete assholes except Ryan who's a decent father and Geoff who's shit at videogames but is stupid enough and dumb enough to be likeable. Michael is an asshole to co-workers but otherwise is okay outside of work
>Gavin could pack up shop and leave at anytime, probably will soon
I honestly think that Ryan and Jack might focus more on streaming or something, I hope they do. Jack can be annoying as he riles everyone up and then puts in some political shit, but Gavin used to do the same shit. Gavin will probably have jobs he can go to, movies he can work on and he has the SlowMoGuys. Geoff will probably retire soon or fall back into the more business oriented part of the company and Michael could go either way, focusing on family more than work or still working.
Honestly I hope Ryan gets out because I kind of feel bad that he's forced to play the crazy one.
RT as a whole has grown away from its community, which is why you don't hear a lot of drama like nudes exchanging. Even if they did grow back their bonds with the community, they'd never do it because most of them are married or have been rung dry. Maybe that's what's making them so stale now, that they've grown away from the community they built around them.

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The hiring
>Generation 1
A group of friends fucking about
>Generation 2
People who liked the group of friends fucking about and sought out a job to be in that environment
>Generation 3
People hired by a more disconnected generation 1, but still had an idea of the atmosphere they needed to replicate
>Generation 4 and onward
Soulless hires from now disconnected execs

Once 3 and 4 got into positions where they could impact the production, their material spiraled into soulless shit that was either lolsoquirky or trying far too hard

This dumb vapid bitch.

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Yeah she comes across as very shallow on the podcast(s), tries to act chill but is a psycho cunt who encourages nepotistic practices.

And she's a;





Everything other than the first two seasons of Red vs Blue.

Female employees.

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The drunk tank was fun while it lasted, but it ought to have been slowed down once everyone got the good stories out of the way

>>all on screen personalities turn into smug rich scumbags
Fucking this.
I used to listen to the podcast while working, but had to stop when it became all "First world problems"
Or talking shit about apple products but keep using and buying them.

too big, too weird
>Machinima isn't as big or popular as it was
>you can't support a studio on minecraft LPs and achievement guide videos haven't been a thing in years
>so they acquire other content creators to make a big network, but those all fold up or lose their members because they pick them up at a low point
>go overboard with hiring a bunch of fuckers while bleeding out and have to fire them
>RWBY is what it is. Maybe it's bigger in Japan
>their other shit is of carrying quality, I think people like Camp Camp? RvB is still going? Their game has no players and no content.
good for them for building what they have, I hope it stabilizes and keeps working. Mostly because CSB are with them now.

In winter 2003/2004 thereabouts I was freshman in college and ordered the season 1 DVD and a shirt from them but had to cancel the order because of a minor emergency draining my bank account. I emailed them and I want to say it was Geoff who emailed me back saying no problem and the order was cancelled and I wouldn't be charged. Fast forward a little bit and I get what I had ordered along with a note saying college was tough and to come hang out when they came to a convention at my school.

I honestly blame Austin for them becoming shitheads. Austin turned from a pretty mellow laid back place in central Texas to complete shithole. The wall doesn't need to be built along the Rio Grande, it needs to be built around Travis County.

I want to put her in a box and kick it

The more I hear about RT, the more believable that letter becomes.

>Bought a house
>Getting married
>Started his own company
>2 Cute dogs
>Michael Seethes knowing people just want him back all the time

Ray fucking won

Hardly. I would say the number one problem is the core group. They are all legitimately assholes interested in money and have been since the start. Interacting with them for years since the first community site made this obvious. The only people who were reasonable were Jason and Geoff. Burnie, Gus, and Matt aren't Ha-Ha assholes. They pretend they are now because its good PR..
What Rooster Teeth is now, was always their goal.

RvB is such a clusterfuck of nothing which is confusing because thats how it started and it was great then. i guess originally the show had no plot and a cool ass story just built around their dumbass ideas but now that theyre trying to do that around this already ridiculous plotline it just isnt fucking working out

Why did Rooster Teeth blow up and not my mega64 boyz?

I mean, both channels have cringe fucking videos that are shit, but the mega64 podcast (+ whatever roccobotte does) is fucking lit.

is it deadweight Shawn that is holding them back?

Since about the end of season 1 Burnie and Matt would make comments about wanting to make something more serious and heavy. Which is the only reason why we got the Washington and Texas mini-series. They went over really well and then you saw the big shift during the end of the Blood Gulch and then the tonal shift thereafter which is where it got alot of new fans and many old fans stopped playing attention.

Marketing and liaising.

>dur my vagina
>sex lol
>stupid pun
>muh dick
>sex lol
>muh vagina
>stupid pun
>sex lol

it's all she has leave her alone

They were two different beasts from the start. Matt worked in a TV station and Burnie, Geoff, and Gus worked for an IT company. All the while making connections and friends.
Mega64 are literally just what they are.

>Is Gavin still around? He was my favourite


>West Coast faggots and whores working under a Jew
It was doomed from the very start

mods are you okay? I've gotten two warnings in the past few hours for posts I didn't make

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They expanded, and spread themselves too thin.

>produces most videos
>edits most videos

>complains about podcast length because he has to upload it to youtube after maybe adding 1 or subtitle texts for advertising at the bottom of it
>doesnt do shit now that they have garret for costumes except for showing up to "work"

This. RWBY, while a huge fucking moneymaker, was the beginning of the end for RT from a "soul" perspective. There was a solid year where Geoff just wasn't "there" outside of lets plays, Joel transferred to their other office, and Jack started becoming the figurehead for their gaming shit. That dude's insufferable as fuck.

i kinda wish he died in that home invasion, he is a huge douche bag

I don't know about RT as a whole, but the issue with Achievement Hunter is the people. Ray leaving was bad, but even worse is all the retarded D tier shitters they've added since then. Why is that fat cunt Lindsay allowed to be in any video? She's a comedy vacuum and terrible at literally every single game. They hired Alfredo for shit like Destiny and R6, both games are boring as fuck to watch and the dude has zero personality. They replaced Mica, who was fucking terrible, with some other black chick, who is almost as fucking terrible.

Ryan's streams are pretty good. He gets to be himself a bit more.

Roccobotte should've broken out and done his own shit a long time ago. He would've become big by himself, maybe not hollywood big but he would probably be top-tier on youtube.

The entire gang of other people are literally dragging him down. It would be best if he did his own thing with maybe re-occurring likeable people like Garret.

>All those horror stories
Unironically what else do you expect from a roastie jewess

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>what went wrong?

Do people still watch their stuff?

Wasn't this company started by the Red vs. Blue guys? If so that incredibly cringe shit explains it all.
>go to a lan party in high school
>play a few rounds of Halo
>"bro you guys gotta check out this show based on Halo, it's hilarious!"
>cue some dumbfuck of the group pulling up RvB cancer and quoting every line

Least a couple of the worst


OG RvB was classic. I hope people stopped inviting you, killjoy

Nah, it was cringe since day one. Get some taste in humor any day now, user.
>implying we didn't have lan parties nearly every weekend throughout high school and phased out the RvB cuck

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Don't post pepe when your reply might be confused for me. You're making me look bad.

Nah your a fag. Imagine being proud of phasing him out. Just imagine.

>Jack has his own YouTube/Twitch Channel now and is getting popular on his own
How could a "toxic" person like Jack be popular?

>admitted to only date jewish men

>coping this hard because he was the rooster teeth fag his friends avoided
Imagine liking less than Rick & Morty tier comedy made in some neckbeard's closet. I bet you'd play videos for your friends and watch their faces for their reaction to the epic funny parts, too.

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A friend introduced me actually. I guess I just wasn't as insular and cool as you eh?

>Fun fan game
>Gets bought out by RT
>Drops the ammo types
>Drops lite-rpg mechanics
>Drops weapon transformations
>Adds shallow MOBAshit
>Suddenly Multiplayer focused
Reminder that Rooster Theeth ruined Grimm Eclipse

Everything beyond RvB season 5 was awful. Trying to take the story in a serious and action focused direction was a total mistake and Monty's animations did not fit at all.

Monty brought everyone down to his level
which was shitty
Glad he's off the project

And that project was breathing

What's Geoff up to nowadays apart from getting divorced? He always seemed so genuine and down to earth

I like Camp Camp. Is there anything else of worth on their channel?

>I guess I just wasn't as insular and cool as you eh?
You definitely weren't as cool as me, this is true.

Never forget BASED Ray for drop kicking her.

retards didn't know that streaming was going to be big, ray knew it was going to be big, but the retard company was like "huehuehuehue"

Her not being in Cross Tag and her probably not coming back in Volume 7

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Hey man! Nice spacing from reddit! I was a bit worried I wasn't in good company.

>Jack has his own YouTube/Twitch Channel now and is getting popular on his own

latest video has 35k views LULW

I mean its something considering its supposed to be a twitch highlight or VoD channel. I dunno, I consider 35k popular because even one person looking at me makes me feel popular. I dunno. I don't play the YouTuber game.

Got clean, sober and fit.
Got a new GF who seems "normal"
Trying to get his daughter to be not crazybitch like is ex.
He might be the only person worth giving a damn about, besides Ryan. Rest oh AH not worth it

So was the whole thing with them being mostly unpaid labor true?

>bought screwattack, delisted all of their old videos, and turned into the death battle channel

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Haven't watched any videos with him in but from random Twitter RTs or whatever he looks like an incredibly vain person with Reddit entry level humour. Am I close?

Right on the money. He's even dating the company's resident fucktoy

It was certainly the revamp it needed at the time though. However Monty's refusal to improve his mentality or actual software kept them creatively stagnant until he died.

The only original guy to stay humble after all these years. So is Gus but he hides it through many insecurities.

If he breaks away, being with his insane wife 24/7 will be the literal death of him.

they stopped trying to make good content and started trying to make money and follow trends.

RvB has virtually no comedy in it after like 2011

RWBY had insanely huge potential but the writing was garbage and it took until Season 6 for the show to attain any form of quality aside from a pretty good R34 fanbase from 2015-2017.

Achievement Hunter died when Ray left. Now half their videos are short as fuck, they constantly have Lindsay and other painfully unfunny people join them, Ryan's "I'm mad muahahaha!" routine got old as fuck by 100th episode, Michael's a douchebag now, Jack is unironically based though, and Jeremy was never bad. The problem is it's too obvious now they're just trying to pander to the Fortnite 12 year old crowd with how tame and unfunny their content is now.

None of their movies / shows they've produced have been particularly good. Day 5 was alright, everything else is pretty shit.

So many staff members now that nobody knows who 95% of them are, so all the fun of the 20-30 person company they used to be is gone

Most of the main people that everyone liked are cucks or cunts now

Pretty much any video game they create or have a hand in creating becomes abandoned mediocre crap after a few months. Look at RWBY Grimm Eclipse. It had potential and wasn't awful at first, but they pretty much did 1 or 2 updates to change things then for over 3 years all that's happened is they add costume packs every year or two to keep making money off their fans.

Funhaus was good for a while but became stale as shit in the past couple of years.

I miss the 2011-2014 times when Ray was around, everyone in RT was actually pretty funny/chill, AH was still fun, and all we had of RWBY was a trailer for Ruby that actually looked promising.

Did anything of quality ever come out of Rooster Teeth?

Making Mile their head writer when he has no earthly clue how to piece a story together. What the hell does Burnie even do there now he does nothing on the creative side?

>Sequel to movie: Failed
I literally thought that hadn't released yet, turns out it's been out since 2017


What went right? for at least the first few years

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Almost none of them saw RT as a real business when they first started, Burnie had to pester the rest of the OG crew to take their shares of the money. All Gus wanted out of it was free alcohol and videogames from sponsors

I mean that's like 70% of their hires after 2010.

I am happy that Brunce escaped.


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Meh... I still enjoy them. Even the "b" team, Jon's jokes usually don't work with me tho... But I fear that with Bruce leaving Lawrence will burn himself.
In some recent videos he seems already tired.

I'm happy he's moving on to his own thing but the A-Team lineup of him, James and Adam can't be replicated.

I'm just waiting for the release of Woolie and Pat's Funko, to see that other weeb consume himself in hatred

I'll probably be called an incel but how can the women be worse in almost everything at Rooster Teeth?

I forgot they got bought out by RT. Whatever happened with that?

Which member of rooster teeth is their version of Sips?

As everything in the RT universe, maybe in 2043 we are going to get something out of it.

I've recently been going back and watching old videos of theirs, it pains me to see the state of them now compared to how they were back then. They lost everything that made them human in an effort to pump out more content and make more profit, but now that they have all of these resources, everything they produce is garbage. The old talent has been worn down from being in it so long, and the new "talent" are all vapid cunts.


RT Shorts were my jam back in around 2012, they were pretty funny when it was just a few guys fucking around. RvB became more about being edgy than funny by that time though. Damn it. Why must money corrupt everything?

They went political. Never go political.

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They are going to announce 5 new characters next weekend. One of them is probably another RWBY character. It's probably down to Penny, Pyrrha, Cinder, Roman, or Adam.

Did people hear Gray left Rooster Teeth?

He apparently left weeks ago, before RTX, which was why he wasn't there. Guess that means no season 2 of Gen:Lock. It was too expensive, got delayed a lot, had to do a lot of reshoots, and didn't make much money.

They unironicallly killed off Monty so they could be seen as saviors of the RWBY anime

I don't even know who this is. That's how bloated the company is now.

>can't have political opinions
I'm sorry, did they hurt your feelings because they don't like Trump?

Holy shit, wasn't he one of the higher ups from their animation department? He was on that RIP Monty-cast years ago.

>You can only be political if you agree with my opinions beforehand


Didn't they announce Neo?


>Staff member dies
>Have an impromptu sponsored podcast to capitalise on the news

The scummiest thing they've ever done imo

Why do these idiots always conflate immigrants who follow proper procedure and come to a country on legal terms with "immigrants" who flout the law, ignore procedure, and reap the benefits of a system they don't even pay taxes into? No one cares about people immigrating legally, but every time you say you're against illegal immigrants these liberal morons immediately bring up legal immigrants as if it's relevant to the discussion whatsoever.

He was the head of all the animation department without actually having the title.

Yes. And 5 more will be announced soon.

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It doesn't matter whether you like Trump or not. As a company you should stay politically neutral.

who died?

>impromptu sponsored podcast
They took a week off after it happened and when it came back it wasn't sponsored. youtube.com/watch?v=YPr-XTFvktk

The one after that was back to sponsored form where burnie talks about niggers and hitler with gavin's shitty slutty wife.

They Killed Monty, now his spirit haunts them

So how many fedora's do you own?

Oh fuck, I forgot I have adblock on this browser. It is fucking monetized, what a blunder.

shoutout to when Geoffs daughter liked him

They wanted to do that whole "we own everything you create" shit and he wasn't having it.

Red vs blue was faggy nerd humor from the outset, nothing ever went right to begin with and every product they push is awful

>make the main premise of RWBY in the opening trailers about fairytale inspiration.
>never do anything with it whatsoever.

do you even know where texas is?

Does she not? I remember her being around and on videos a few times recently (after the divorce) and she seemed pretty happy.

They're not all from Texas though.

None of them are Texans. They're all bay area queers.
>Buhbuhbut they've lived there for x years

Consider the following: most of their content revolved around the Xbox, and the Xbone ended up being trash.

All the on-screen personalities are texas/southern/new england locals except for the handful of people like SP7 that were acquired from CA.

Arkos is best ship!

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Do you even know what Austin is?

So why did Geoff and Griffon get a divorce? She just wanted to live the roastie life or something?

all of the core people are from texas or the deep south. if you honestly believe no name employees from outside of that region actually have an effect on the way the company is run you're actually retarded.

Not true Geoff is an alabama nigger

half of them were either born there or moved there at a young age, the rest moved there for college from new england or the deep south and stayed.

yeah basically

>random nips using pirated MMD can animate batter than rooster teeth

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Doesn't matter, they're by area queers. Look at how their business is run, the way they speak, their politics. They arent Texans, they're fags



Jesus, what the fuck is that phenotype? He looks like a Dr. Seuss villain.

I thought MMD was freeware?


>no true scotsman

>getting outdone by free software
that's even more embarrassing.

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>fallacy fallacy
Weak bait. They aren't Texans

Lmao I'm genuinely not surprised this dude turned into a tranny

Who was he before?

A dude whose legal first name was 'kdin'

What horror stories?

Not Camp Camp, that's for sure

Literally the only good thing and half of Death Battle that they still produce that's good.

I hope Eric jumps back to Mega64

What the fuck did you say about me, you little commiefornian? I'll have you know that I am a sixth generation Austinite and graduated at the top of my film class at UT Austin and have been involved in numerous travis lake level measurements, and have over 300 confirmed SXSW press passes.You're a fucking tourist, kiddo.

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Whatever happen to the smart loud guy, Joel or something? I remember that old podcast they had he would go off about gold.

Is Jack a manlet? Looks like his legs are two inches long

It's the cargo shorts, leg socks combo - an old magician's trick. I think all the OG crew is 6'+ except for brandon who is a bastard child.

Just a bunch of stories about her sleeping around the offices and fucking up the dynamic of the whole place bc she's a neurotic kike raised on birth control

I'm too old now

All the single digit employees are OG.

Nah you're right Jack is nowhere near OG

>Day 5: Decent, then failed
>Gen:Lock: Failed
>Nomad of Nowhere: Failed, then creator got got
>Crunch Time: Actually really good, but season 2 literally never ever

Watching the IG episode where he talks about the layoffs made me feel for him, which is tough considering he's such a faggot.

Kinda funny because they barely had to work in the MMD models since those are stolen

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Jack is a faggot and always was a faggot. He was one of the first new hires and everyone hated him. He's not an OG.

Wrong. It's cali-lite. Fuckin wannabe-clever idiot.

I hope not. He reminds me too much of myself and thus makes their podcasts unwatchable.

have you never seen a mexican before??

She does seem to be coming around to the fact that her absentee mother is not actually that cool and her father who completely fixed his lifestyle for her is the better parent.
But I don't snoop too hard on that sort of stuff so could easily be wrong.

I'm a dirty spic and even I was always blown away that Gus is also a spic. Dude looks like a fucking bridge troll.

>gray is gone
>now roman is literally never coming back
feels bad romanchads

I follow both Geoff and Griffon on instagram and over the past year or two there has definitely been a shift. At the start of the divorce Millie was always with her mom doing dumb roastie shit but now everytime they're together she looks pissed.


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They were mildly humorous when they used to make achievement hunter videos. Idk what they are up to now but rwby is ass.

can you share an example picture?

>Retarded FGO nigger enters thread he knows he doesn't like just to complain about it instead of just hiding it.
Makes sense.

>makes show with Miku Miku Dance assets
>people consider it good
>the standard for quality sinks just that much further

Please note this is just baseless speculation based on the twenty minute videos you watch, as opposed to their actual lives you have no input or influence in.

>Retarded user replies to a non-video game orientated e-celeb thread thats just people shitting on RT and RWBY and is somehow ok that this is the fucking norm of the board now

Rent Free faggot. Rent free.

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what?! why would they ever join these leeches? they're the ea of youtube? suck up channels to spit them out and kill them

They were those story things so they only lasted a couple seconds and disappeared.

>pretends shitposting hasn't been the constant norm

Of course it is, retard where do you think you are?

greed pure and simple, once they got a taste of blood it was over ever since.

but i want to cry about shit i dont watch

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Grimm Eclipse was the one that was made by one guy as a fan game that they then acquired and rushed it out and charged money for it all while not bothering to make it any better right?

Isn’t it a bit suspicious how not even a few days after Warner Bros acquires the company theres huge lay-offs? Its almost like WB is trying to do us a favor and KILL RT so we don’t have to deal with Shit vs Piss, Cunt Camp, and Weaboo TrashBY for the rest of our lives.

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There is a HUGE difference between Shitposting and e-celeb threads. Ones allowed, the other is something mods fucking hate.

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Because you faggots tend to make mountains out of molehills with this kind of shit and it's tiresome.

They're a game studio too you fucking idiot.

He can still voice him in RWBY Chibi. And if he will appear in a Neo flashback in the main show.

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>is something mods fucking hate.
which one is that

So is Warner Brothers faggot and I don’t see any Animaniacs threads here

Buy Vicious Circle on Steam today!

Shut the fuck up

Thoughts on Michael? He seems funny but I've heard he can be a bit of a dick at times.

Imagine getting so upset over people insulting your imaginary friends that you enter a thread just to whine about the jannies. Absolutely pathetic.
Imagine liking random faggots from Austin so much that you have to construct any opponent to them as obsessed.

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There isn't a huge difference other than that you, as a Moe shitposter, happen to dislike the flavour of shitposting happening there. The sole difference is just that you dislike it, in fact. You and the mods I suppose but mods are selective people no matter where you go so I'm wholly unsurprised that one brand of shitposting gets a pass over another.

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I used to love Michael and was a huge fan of internet box podcast. Stopped watching RT all together after RWBY. Did he become a cunt like the rest of em?

>unsubscribed from RT after Ray left
>unsubscribed from GameGrumps after Jon left
>unsubscribed from Giant Bomb after they split coasts
>unsubscribed from AVGN after episode 100

I am BASED and FORESIGHT pilled

That would be like making a camp camp thread you retard, which would be off-topic. Making a thread about the studio itself/company is not the same.

Imagine thinking RWBYshit is allowed on Yea Forums

Selling out.

He was always a cunt. Much so that it brought out the cunt in his obese hog of a wife

Buy Grimm Eclipse on Steam today!

You're right let me rephrase a bit. He was always a cunt but is he a faggot now?

So who’s best RWBY girl and why is it Nora?

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Yeah Michael's a dick, especially to Jon Risinger and sometimes Gavin, but he was pretty funny. Haven't watched RT in years though so I can't say what it's like now.

He married a woman. Total faggot move.

If you want a taste of modern day Michael watch the fuckin Off-Topic podcast. Watch like a few minutes or something.

>Jon Risinger

Now THAT is a humor vacuum. How on earth does he keep getting on camera work?

The last time I watched the podcast he spent 30 minutes talking about wiping his ass and then talked about how nice his nanny was to stay overnight to take care of his kids. Just watch some of the podcast and you'll find out quickly.

I was wondering why it was so terrible, I kept wondering “why the fuck does this make my eyes bleed?” And “who the fuck made this piece of shit?”

So whens the Camp Camp mobile game happening?

What about CAMP CAMP??

Not guy,
But I remember Michael and Gavin having a very great but UK relationship where they always made fun of each other. I also haven't watched in years tho

If you want more of that shit. I’d say watch Play Pals, specifically Super Bunny Man. Thats where the UK relationship shines.

Well yeah Gavin and Michael are good friends but that doesn't stop him or anyone else from having fun at his expense.

God I used to think Griffon was so hot but now she looks like an arby's roast beef sandwich in human form. Geoff made a good choice.

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holy fuck, what happened to her? meth?

I don't even have a reaction image that can properly convey my disgust of having to look at this image.

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She's been travelling in a van with a bunch of other roasties to chainsaw events where she blows old bearded men for chainsaw lessons.

i mean i wouldn't doubt that, but that wouldn't physically age someone by like 30 years ...r-right??

remember that time he was bitching about culture appropriation at e3 18.

50 y/o women actually look like that without make-up

Oh shit I remember how this one backfired because they had Barbara in the video where she talks about being an immigrant from Canada.

>let's acquire a podcast of a group of two massive faggots in their lowest point in popularity
w h y

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No because I stopped watching like 5 years ago lmao. Glad I did too.

If you're dying just absorb all the competition so it makes you look like you're on top. RT did the same thing to SP7 and Cowchop.

WHAT competition? CSB poses no threat to ANYONE.
Woolie's and Pat's individual channels are barely breaking 10k views on their new videos, they're fucked and they don't care

Got an Instagram Story of her in a bikini with her tits bouncing as she walks. Her face is busted but her body is still good. I'll see if I can convert to webm and delivar.

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>Jon Risinger
Are you talking about the new soundcloud rapper Lil Cuck?

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It's hilarious to even think that Rooster Teeth consider two incompetent layabouts like Pat and Woolie as competition.

making fart jokes while moving the camera up and down in halo and becoming popular solely because the normies just liked that it was halo.

Is this man 5 feet tall?

Why are you even on this site?

How insecure do you have to be by posting half nude photos to your audience of obsessive children for some semblence of validity?

Who is next to fall user?

Ross Scott?

She also said stupid things like only cops should have guns. Can't blame her. She's still Canadian.

>She also said stupid things like only cops should have guns
Sounds like a fair opinion tbqh
Not everyone likes guns like rednecks in america

We get it bro you're a cuck

Why do you keep



This ?

Are you a faggot ????

You have to go back

No, not everyone enjoys having a mass shooting occur every single day despite being a developed nation.

Go back summerfag

>Not everyone likes guns like rednecks in america
If you ever had to deal with american cops, you'd want a gun to protect yourself too. Can't really help that a country with 10x the population of canada also has 10x the retards.

Have you ever heard of paragraphing?

Then maybe you should try to get the blacks from shooting at each other on the street every day. The school shootings media loves to prop up are a very small minority in the overall statistic.

He spaces his question marks. He's ESL.
Like fuck he's even remotely familiar with literacy.

She's a teenage girl, it's cool to hate on the responsible parent that makes you stick to your duties, while idolizing the distant parent that only turns up during special junctions in your life. The vast majority of people grow out of it.

Yeah either you’re a dumbass 15 YO or you’re baiting me because only redditors type like that ergo reddit spacing

Everyone on this website is, at heart, a teenage girl who delights in gossiping about strangers.

They actually took it. The RT twitch channel is Ray's old channel.

Isn't RT's thing rtgamecrowd, and ray's was always brownman?

What went wrong

>rt has become egotistical, no-talent leftists wholive in an ideological bubble and are dying a slow death
>DigitalPh33r is a canuck cuck
>Machinima has collapsed due to it's own incompetence and greed

All the big names of the Halo Machinima era are dead

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Ray's original channel was Roosterteeth Ray or some shit, and after it start to gain some traction RT took it over and made it just Roosterteeth. So then after he left Ray went on to make brownman

>Demo Disk
>Dark messiah
>Drunk gameplays
>Google trends hosted by Lawrence
>Open Haus

I've been thinking about how can I give money straight to funhaus peeps, not roosterteeth.

They stared hiring their GFs

its been awhile but didnt they say they put the money from this into a fund for monty's family?

Machinima only took off because MS decided to use it as a marketing tool, and Valve in a move that forever changed how the company deals with shit, decided to forbid it
(for a time).

It was only a matter of time before it either became super corporate itself or fizzle out entirely due to the corporate sponsor deciding to stop giving money.

Are you for real? That's scummy. Has Ray ever commented on that?

It's not all bad.

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He spent a whole year being moody in all AH videos until he finally left. Pretty sure thats why he left to begin with. At least he made up with the main cast before he left.

They basically got way too big for people who had no management skills to handle. They're probably going to get absorbed into another part of Warner Media.

Elyse is a special case.

Pivoting from being "the Halo machina channel" to "the awesome we do everything gaming media pseudo-anime house" killed them. That's what they get for selling to Fullscreen. Also Monty Oum was a total hack but not even he deserved to go out the way he did

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>Anticlimactically dying from a cat allergy shot because your insane gf refuses to understand why you wouldn't want a cat around you

That's no way to go

>hy you wouldn't want a cat around you
He wanted the cat around and loved joe the cat. It's why he got the shot in the first place. I don't mean to sound like some faggot redditor bootlicker, but it really is a far cry away from his GF sticking him with an epipen and causing his death in some soap opera fashion.

Bloodfest was an over 600'000 USD loss, Gen:lock was worse, Lazer Team 2 had Youtube write the cheque and did so poorly they refused to sponsor any further content. Vicious Circle had barely over 300 total users at peak and currently has 0 people online despite them shilling it everywhere. Gray blamed the company for his shitty idea failing so entirely so he left. Also they had layoffs in March too, so this isn't normal downsizing, it's a purge to try and get them to a manageable size before being integrated with Warner Media's stuff

He wanted the cat because Sheena wanted it. That's the power of the pussy whipping. She wanted him because he had money, connections, and was easy to manipulate. I love cats but I'm allergic to one. If my girlfriend insisted on getting one then we would have to break up.

I completely and utterly missed that they even made this. Bravo.

>it's a purge to try and get them to a manageable size before being integrated with Warner Media's stuff
I wonder if I should start archiving the content I enjoyed from them before they go tits up and unlist everything from youtube

>Gray blamed the company for his shitty idea failing so entirely so he left
I'm going to guess that he was "asked to leave" behind closed doors.

I think they might've started unlisting to draw attention to the sight. They already don't do RWBY on youtube and Gen:Lock stayed first exclusive until that shitlog got microwaved and shipped off to Toonami
I'm actually sad we won't get a season 2, because we still don't know what the main characters motivation is or why the bad guys are supposed to be bad

>the best person at RT is never there

Reading this thread made me remember the phase where I used to watch all new AH videos back when Ray was still there. What a massive waste of time.

Soon as Ray left I stopped watching. Everything felt soulless.


where can i watch the drunk tank

literally any podcast app you dumbass

>name company Rooster Teeth
>find out Roosters don't actually have teeth

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Was never funny. Even RvB was reddit humor trash

i feel so bad for geoff your wife turns into "this" thing and becomes super pc and forces your own daughter to hate men and her father.

Last i watched off topic geoff had a new girlfriend and millie is spending summer vacation with him.

I'm surprised he didn't have full custody considering the mother is constantly on the road.

This is a sad thread.
AH used to be fun as shit, then I discovered Funhaus, which was way better, especially after that jew left, and bigmouth started to fuck off from vids. But now Daddy Bruce is leaving.


do you guys really dislike seasons 3 -5? I thought the first 5 were good and then it shit the bed trying to tell a serious dramatic stoy

This. Although admittedly Chorus was a fun ride.

>forces your own daughter to hate men and her father.
You ever meet a 14 year old girl?

That's just Gavin being Gavin. He's always been like that, it's not so much as a rich thing as much as he doesn't give a fuck. He feels like everyone in America cares too much about what people spends their money on. Which you're proving right now. I dint mean this to insult you, but it is a very American thing to care this much.

RT Podcast Episodes 1-120 were the drunk tank and audio only.

Don't know about them, but it sucks that Bruce is leaving FH. While the B-team isn't that bad, it's the Adam-James-Bruce dynamic that carried the channel and that shit's gone now. Also, I can't stand Lawrence.

They're so cringe. Watching that microwave heist really puts into perspective why AH is far and away one of the better things the company puts out.
RT side
>cringe disguises
>stupid plan that involves locking a coworker in a cage
>always loud and squealing
>couldn't do it alone
>just grabbed their target against his will
>did their job in relative silence
>decided that RT's idea wasn't funny enough and decided to steal everything out of some guys office
>did it all without being seen
RT is pure cringe.

> I dint mean this to insult you, but it is a very American thing to care this much.
I doubt it's an american thing, I'm not a burger. It's just that I don't come from a rich family.

Links my boy..

am I the only one who didn't like ray

It was just a marketable way of saying cockbite instead.

I thought he was ok at best. I always liked Nice Dynamite the most, with Geoff and Ryan behind

Yes. Fuck you.

Me neither, but it's a waste of mental power to concern yourself with the purchases of others.
And thank you ignoring my typo.

>not a single watchable video since bruce left
So this is how it ends I guess

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Dont remind me

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they stopped horse. i miss when they suffered during videos

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I know, I stopped caring about RT when I saw that these people were just superficial. I was never interested in their shitty CGI shows or their awful RvB series (it stopped being funny after they dropped the whole sitcom feel like in the early seasons).

who are these guys precisely?

The guys who made RWBY. Also a bunch of whores and assholes

they somehow got a show on toonami

old school halo machina people. also made Strangerhood which is my favorite

Both are owned by Warner. Putting Gen Lock on Toonami seems to be a tactic to try and drum up interest in the franchise since it has failed as an internet show.

i was planning on going back and trying to watch their newer stuff is any of it worth it?

Surprisingly yes. The latest arc is really fucking good. FAIR WARNING though, season 15 is absolute shit.

I know it's popular opinion to hate on AH after Ray left but I still think Jeremy as a main cast member was good content, before they started letting whoever walked in be in a video.

The Ray cutoff has more to do than just with Ray leaving. The reasons that he left are also the reasons they declined so drastically.

They don't suck because he left. He left because they suck.

god im glad he got out of the shitheap he was in

This, but Rey leaving certainly didn't help things, it even accelerated the downfall

When they tried to make a movie but turned out to lack both business smarts and to a lesser important extent, creative ability.

Lad, I come from a rich family and it's still a retarded thing to do if anything it's more American to go out and buy a new iPhone after breaking it instead of repairing it. First thing that got shoved down into my throat when I was younger was not to be retarded and break shit.

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At least Jon is still cranking shit out, for better or worse.

What if it was hairles


>after turning him into an obsessed stalker

Hey, the best LPs are the ones with very, very small view numbers. Refute it, you can't!

Watched for years, mainly the AH and Main Channel. For me it's become shit with all the terrible hires and soulless videos. They don't make them for fun anymore, just for a quota.

The amount of annoying people AH have integrated alone in Jeremy, Extremely Unfunny Trevor, Lindsey. Nevermind Miles and fucking Jon Risinger.

>gray is gone

wow epic thread guys you show them

Now that Machinishoah is dead does he own the rights to Arby n' Chief again?

it's literally in texas, dude.
settle down.

Because Dixiecrats are sheep and do not study what they are being told is bad or good and just agree. I mean they literally had the DNC rig the election and they still fell for the Russian lie. I have no idea how they can even still show their support or face in public after such an embarrassing spectacle

haha Yess I too trust the cops and government completely. they will never start rounding us up and killing us.

He left a couple of months ago or so.

They're already rounding up people anyways. What are the guns helping with, besides reducing the number of annoying american kids online?

>They're already rounding up people anyways
Citation needed, and if you say illegal immigrants than you're fucking retarded.

Yeah, but those are brown people so america doesn't care.

>Gives the actual answer
You're a fucking retard and nobody cares what you think about a city.

>Yes, it is I, captain Redneck,and with my gun I am going to stop the fucking united states army if they step out of line. My AR-15 will beat their fucking unmanned drones shooting from the sky.

Pretty much yeah. Machinimeme's fucking deadzo. What are they gonna do?

to be fair, Austin is considered a Cali colony by other Texans

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>be legal immigrant
>actual despise illegals more than natives do because I had to go through a fuckton of shit, pay a fuckton of money, do interviews, medical exams, fill in endless paperwork, and can be legally deported if I go on welfare and more while illegals don't do any of that and literally break the law from their very first step into the country but are pandered to, go up on national tv, are offered free shit and welfare that I'd be deported for taking, are all made out to be persecuted saints, and are constantly conflated with me.
>wow user, how can you hate them? You're an immigrant yourself!

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>thinking drones are the only problem with the most funded military in history by a gigantic margin.
>Unironically posting this and implying they'd still win
Maybe the reason the US keeps getting BTFO'd by civilian farmers is americans are just fucking incompetent.

Whatever happened to the more minor guys like Caboose or Tucker’s actors?

Not at all, dude was a douchebag

Not their fault he is a sexual predator

>americans are deluded idiots that worship guns and think too much of themselves.
In other news, water is wet.

Joel is caboose. The guy who played tucker was only a part of rooster teeth briefly at the beginning, though he always came back to voice Tucker

lmao is this some retarded boomer shit?

Joel is still at rooster teeth

Was geoff talking about the people in this thread when he was crying at the beginning of the most recent off topic?

I thought Jason Saldana was still an active member of RT?

Ah yes, that's why when half the country decided to leave they were able to fight back with their guns and win. Oh wait, they lost despite using basically the same weapons. The insurgencies in other nations are hard to destroy because they are in other nations you stupid tard. America knows America more than it knows Pakistan or Afghanistan. The glowniggers are very very good at their jobs and will decapitate any threatening insurgency the moment it decides to do anything. Just say you like guns and don't try to argue that you can fight against the most powerful nation in history you stupid tard.

I love that it has a Jap flag considering Japan is one of the most disarmed nations on the planet. I know it's some cumskin with a VPN, I just find it very ironic.

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Is brandon really considered an OG? I also kind of miss hearing his awkward stories about marrying into a mexican family that doesnt like him

I'm trying to go back and watch some of the older RT stuff, what are some of your favorites? This one's pretty up there for me

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Burger BTFO'd

I was there when it was just RvB and that weird Sims series they did. All I cared about RvB. And Rooster Teeth just kept making bullshit chasing trends and placating Achievement Hunter Babies. Now there's all these personalities at RT and I have no idea who any of them are.

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The only good member of Rooster Teeth is Erick

Wasn’t Joel like, an actual actor before RvB? What does he even do now?


This is the peak of Roosterteeth.

go on then, don't delay, please user

Post it bruh

Pls post it

If there is any salvation possible it would be AH becoming independent.
They could finally focus on being themselves again.

she dated garrett from mega64

Manalore teeters on the brink constantly due to being a Something Awfull goon. He has "I was really edgy but now I'm a good basedboy and reject my past" all over him

Seth is crashing due to not putting any racism in his videos due to one of his patreons getting offended.

Ross doesn't make real content any more just the occasional rambling Game Dungeon and a really dry monthly podcast where he talks to himself.

>People not wanting to make jokes where the punchline is "nigger" and actually make original comedy means they're crashing.
Leddit tier humour you faggot.

Bumpo for this

ugly broads with hot bods is my fetish

Because genki girl and pink

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Texas is shit.

rayquaza;s like the planet's antibody and deoxys is a space virus

People are tired of political you retard

pinpointing the exact moment the original feel died

>As a company you should stay politically neutral.

It should be applied to humans. Always stay neutral.


I'm starting to think Shane's letter and Kathleen's stuff was true.

Why did Tex's VA leave again?

Post'em already

Fuck you Texas, and fuck your Lonestar beer


potential pic of elyse sucking dick in this thread

36 pages. Enjoy. Take it with a grain of salt though. Shane wrote it while very agitated and depressed.

I know someone who wrote one of those bad glassdoor reviews, from what i know about the company it basically went from a great job, to being acquired by warner brothers and having shit go full corporate bullshit.

Warner brothers ruins everything it touches once they get a whiff of money coming from the body. See shadow of mordor 2, also WMG

Because they're the type of mediocre people who got through university by memorizing everything.

Legitimately fucking amazing the first year or so they started

I'm just waiting for the verbal confirmation from Pat that his annoying girlfriend is a literal whore. Seeing him try to eek out the I-don't-care act when he has to downplay that she kisses him with crusty cum lips (both pairs).

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>whose cock is that?
>Zack Anner's
First time Yea Forums has made me laugh in years.

>internet box
God take me back

I dont remember the last time i bought something to replace it instead of fixing it myself like a man

Austin is a cali settlement

This. Texas is getting pozzed out the ass.

>thinking balkanization is the same as a true pro gun anti gun civil war
Dumb retard NIGGER

The only thing rooster teeth did right was make me find out about internet box


Yeah it sure is great how the south was irreversibly destroyed for 1% of the citizens owning slaves

Theres so many fucking differences to your idea of a civil war '1865 style yea!' To what woukd actually happen. Your idea of an unstoppable force is splintered when you realize the amount of defection or incompetency the military would have the second shit goes down. Watch forward observer unless your gay. Also glowniggers are absolutely incompetent you fucking see it every day

Sure is. Fuck em.

It feels like its been years since I last posted there

Yeah, and fuck our economy too! Based Jackson almost nuked our entire country, but at least he stole the last bit of gold and silver from he south to pay for his retarded policies. OH, and all those slavers? They fled to the north and started up businesses as soon as the war was over. Thanks for killing all those innocents

They were actually having fun. They are not anymore and it shows


This shit will never cease to make me kek.

they hired 2bf without knowing that they are cursed.

Yeah fuck ourselves too, lets just kill each other and let the people responsible make money off of the chaos. Kill your mailman

She's getting fat working at Funhaus

How could I possibly know?

>Makes unfunny "jokes"
>gets pity laughter
>Starts to believe she's actually funny
Barbara is one of the most unfunny people ever

You're implying that such "shit" could happen in secrecy when the glowniggers are around. After the retards at Waco an hero'd, many anti-government militias sprung up promising violence if the government did anything. At first they were watched, just in case, but after the Oklahoma bombing happened they were systematically dismantled. No glowniggers aren't incompetent, you just never hear about them actually doing things because it's all classified.

To make the nation and military splinter would require decades upon decades of buildup. The Civil War is the result of a debate that had been happening since literally before the nation was born. What's happening now isn't even close to the brawls in Congress, Bleeding Kansas, Nat Turner, or Harpers Ferry. Call me when fags who actually have power are making threats against the government, all you have now are gun lovers making threats against the government with no organization, no leaders, and no radicalization. All bark, no bite.

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So who's was it? Surely not James's

>Big fan of Rooster Teeth during season 1-5
>Stopped visiting site because I thought series was done and just forgot about them
>Learn they amassed a horrible media empire
Pretty surreal
only heard about Achievement Hunter and Funhaus and all sorts of shit in passing. Never actually saw any of it.
Was any of their stuff worth watching after RvB season 5?

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Ah, well that makes things simpler. I never really paid much attention to gaming youtube because I assumed it was all shit.

Fucking thank you

Did Monty intentionally design her to look like the tit ninja?

I watched the first season of Camp Camp a while back and liked it, are the rest of the seasons any good? All their other shit is atrocious though.

For RvB, not much unless you're one of the fucking autists that gave a shit about the plot. Good fight choreography in Season 10 at least. Not outstanding but hey, I liked it when I was like 14ish?
Yeah, mostly garbo though. The golden age of Achievement Hunter is long over. Unless you want to sift through hundreds of fucking spam to find older episodes it's not worth looking at.

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>Started off as an escape from a hell hole
>tons of great content, best content doesnt even involve games
>fast forward years later, main crew is gone and interns replace most of the memorable faces
>history repeats itself, but hey, atleast james and aleks are still a great duo who are super funny
>the board games show was also really great, and hey they also host the amazon show which is super funny too!
>they even come up with a ton of super cool one off videos
>hey why dont we try to skateboar-
atleast alec and jacob are doing offcanny, which has been fucking great, they are easily the best interns to ever come along, I really fucking hated linsey, that unfunny cunt

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What happened?

james wanted to leave long before the skateboarding thing

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That just looks like a normal fall. Did he break something?

everything RT makes just seems like a lame kind of embarrassing rip off of something else


Dislocated his shoulder and snapped his ankle in two places requiring surgery.

Sure. Go ahead.

They are. Don't ask me how it happened, but camp camp is an oasis in the desert of garbage that is current RT content.
It's legitimately good and stays pretty consistent.

Fucking how?

Just look. He falls onto his ankle. 2:40 if it doesn't work.



>The Civil War was an insurgency

ah didnt do it cause the idea wasn't funny enough
it was literally revenge because chad (the guy whose shit they stole) refused to take a taco (or kolache? iunno texas food) that michael offered him

All true except for FH

Ray left and Monty died

I think she called Bernie's gf a slut or something.

as soon as rocco left it all went to shit

>Not everyone likes guns like rednecks in america
Not everyone likes drinking gallons of cum, but you don't see us trying to stop you from doing what you enjoy.

can't believe that he married a fucking whale

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Not him, but why is gallons of cum the first thing that comes to your mind in the topic of what people like?

>Bruce leaves
>two Wheelhaus videos
>they're both unfunny, especially the last one

I wish they would actually finish their projects. So many times they just stop then release a new video like 1-3 years later.
Spoole and Joel were already a tough hit but I don't think they can survive Bruce's departure

I'm sure there's a good explanation.

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Is anyone there NOT an intern? The fuck.

>being this mentally retarded

>lindsay not a whale

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kill yourself, fucktard

post more Alannah

>you not a retard

>le reddit XD

god damn loser, what u doing here Micheal ?

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god that's so depressing to hear now, the internet pre 2008 was so fucking comfy, it's all just garbage media now.

They're all fairly self aware (besides when they sperg out on politics). Compared to the RT people they're the most mature people in that company by a long shot. They treated it as a job too, which ironically makes them more authentic

Damn I forgot all about Zach Anner. What is he even up to these days?

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He was a minor actor, he had a voice line in Friends and Criminal Minds if I remember correctly.

I swear I read that same exact story about the college kid making a DVD order years ago.

Genuinely good. So that means it will get neutered soon. Also doesnt help most people I know what watch it pirate it since fuck First.

>No one cares about people immigrating legally
Go talk to /pol/ about that because legal immigration is arguably worse.

Was this directed at ProJared?


>Roosterteeth thread reaches bump limit and lasts an entire day.
Impressive desu.

That is how the majority of legal immigrants end up overstaying their visas. And most are from Asia.

I've been on Yea Forums since 2004. You've probably read it before because I've posted it before whenever these threads pop up.

Since this is autosaging I may as well.
There are considerably more legal immigrants than illegal immigrants and legal immigration is heavily normalized so there's no easy argument to kick them out. Things get even worse when you consider "skilled immigration" countries like Australia where they're non-violent chinks rather than muhammed and MSpedro13.
Legal or not, violent or not, they still replace you.

Might've had something to do with the time she tried to stick a dildo up his ass.

Hello, boomeranon. What're your thoughts on picrelated?
I used to watch those pricks over at Funhaus back in high school when Inside Halo was just turning into Inside Gaming, and once Joel left it's like everyone decided to take the faggot mantle at once and run with it at full sprint. Can't believe I used to love their content once upon a time. LA really is the seat of Satan. Hope all these fags get syphillis. It's funny because I introduced them to my normie best friends back when they were edgy as hell and weren't yet subsumed by the kind of soidrenched cuckery you might find in that kike Lawrence's Wolfenstein streams, and my friends weren't really keen on the content. A few weeks ago they came up on a discord call and I told them I wasn't watching them anymore because they're total bugmen, and my friends couldn't get over it.

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I have none. I never used youtube for anything except music until relatively recently when I started watching how-to videos on home maintenance and things related. I completely missed the e-celeb thing. I didn't know who the Angry Video Game Nerd was until e-celeb shit started getting spammed here and his movie came out. I never watched one of his videos until about a month ago. I never watched any of that and, I'm sad to say, I cannot tell you either of those gentlemen's names in the pic you posted.


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>the kind of soidrenched cuckery you might find in that kike Lawrence's Wolfenstein streams
What was that insufferable dweeb doing on his streams that was notably worse than usual?

Idk avgn either, boomeranon, it's okay. At least your gif game is good and not boomer-tier. Really, as long as you're not a jizzbrain kid diddler degenerate you're better than most of this site.