This week you've been at your most delusional yet, Banjokes. I don't care how many SFM videos you upload claiming he's in, stuff like that is NOT legitimate proof your literally who bear is in the biggest video game crossover of all time. He's western, boring and irrelevant and there's nothing you can ever do that will prove otherwise.
This week you've been at your most delusional yet, Banjokes...
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking hate his face.
And he has fingers...Fuck you for posting this.
What legitimate proof is there that Steve is in
What legitimate proof is there that Banjo is in?
Answer my question then I'll answer yours
Can't wait till steve gets in smash. So I can beat the shit out of him with my elite Banjo
Have sex
Cant wait to stream a 99 stock battle of 7 level 9 stephens vs a single poor little level 1 bancringe
Hello smash/Steve thread, this is your resident Steveposter.
Holy fuck
Have sex.
>Australia time happens
>Steveshit begins
Have sex.
Stevefags eternally btfo'd
Have sex.
Moooooooooooooooooooooom hes posting it again
>its another stealth bancringe and copezooie falseflag thread
big yawns
So kind of you to link to my profile! I'm happy to take in a couple more heathens for the purification process.
why u gotta remind me of steve's shit covered dick cum
Reminds me of when the ugandan knuckles meme finally died, and a handful of people were still trying to keep it alive by showing up in rooms and trying to spout the usual handful of sentences they spout, but everyone just either ignored them or told them to fuck off.
Here, let's get something out of the way right now, you neanderthals. I'm objectively smarter than all of you. If you were to multiply your current collective IQs by 100 to the power of 10, you would only have a sliver of the intelligence I possess over you. That being said, let's address the actual topic of the post: Me properly spreading my word. Yes, I use Facebook. Yes, I use Twitter, and yes. I use Discord. Guess what, faggots: it's all a means to an end. I have to make sure i'm constantly in your mind, 24/7, dancing away like the beautiful ballerina I know I am. And I know, I know, you're smirking to yourself right now, thinking in that dense fucking skull of yours "Man, this guy is such a retard!" when in reality, your fate has already been sealed. You acknowledged me. You've already given me all I could possibly want, and for that, I cannot thank you enough.
P.S. Yea Forums isn't a cool, exclusive club. This board is evidently dominated by sperglord zoomers and boomers.
P.S.S. Don't bother replying. I already know I'll win any potential arguments.
Infiniminer was better.
>Can't give an actual argument
Looks like I win :))))
Steve. Is. Cringe.
Absolutely false. Infiminer is a shitty no name game that - if objectively better than Minecraft - would have been recognized and sold more than Minecraft could ever dream of. Alas, it was not. It had the elements for success, the ingredients that Notch tastefully pulled from, but alone it was lacking.
CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! (that's the sound of me breaking your spine figuratively with my words)
Alright, we're done here. Anybody else want to try debating me?
>gets exposed
>goes into ultra defensive mode and acts as if he already won
Anthony please kill yourself
based steveposter. can you meme Reich into revival?
Fake news, chump.
I don't think I gave you permission to use my first name, did I? Underlings are to refer to me as NIMBUS, my screen name, in case you couldn't tell. Anyway, what is there to expose me for? That I use Facebook to piss off as many retards as I do here? Please. I don't need to act like I already won when there was no argument to be made in the first place.
Steve is a nigger you cuck retard.
Steve is indeed darker skinned!
Why do the images you post look different from the Steven in-game.
Except that he's not as in every promotional picture and artwork he's a white hetro male.
Stop trying to black-wash everything, cunt
Nice comeback you pleb.
I want you off of
Luckily for you, it's about time I sleep! Good night, you pathetic worms. It was fun sparring with incompetent buffoons, maybe one day I'll meet someone actually close to my level of intellect to debate with. Toodaloo!
I wish Steve was my dad
I know this is b8 but I couldn't resist
>I'm objectively smarter than you
>Yes, I use Facebook, Twitter and Discord
I really don't give a shit to be quite honest
>And I know you're smirking to yourself rn that I am a retard
Not smirking but I am thinking it
>/v isn't a cool exclusive club, it's dominated by sperglord zoomers and boomers
We can agree at least on this. I'm only here for leaks
>Don't bother replying
Aaaand there it goes.
At this point, to keep the meme alive, you just want for it to be acknowleged. I'd be sad for you if you didn't genuinely ruin Steve.
At this point you're genuinely shitposting to the heart, and I don't give a shit about it. I just hope the mods wake up from their eternal sleep and give you what you deserve Anthony, Nimbus or whatever the fuck ya wanna call yourself.
Grotesque Steve is dead.
Real Steve still has a chance.
And most importantly, BANJO IS IN
This is coming from a guy who wanted Bomberman, so I have nothing to lose by telling you to fuck off. This behavior is the exact opposite of showing intelligence, and by not having a proper counter argument at every answer you prove that. You lost. Get. Over. It. And. Grow. Up.
>P.S. Yea Forums isn't a cool, exclusive club. This board is evidently dominated by sperglord zoomers and boomers.
Agreed. Both age groups have such shit taste in everything, it's almost scary.
if ya knew it was bait you shouldn't have replied to it, much less as extensively as you did
seriously, you're veering towards copypasta with all that
why does steve make libtards seethe so much?
>there are people who genuinely believe that banjoke will be in every smash game.
All Banjoke had going for it was that it used the same formula as Mario 64, yet Mario 64 was still better. How the hell do people like that series again, and why were they even put into Smash?
Isn't Steve supposed to have a beard?
Don't question it.
>dancing away like the beautiful ballerina I know I am
And Zachary Barth (creator of Infiniminer) actually still makes games, unless Notch who sold out to Microshit and complains on Twitter all day about how depressed he is
Hey Steve, why don’t you stick that finger up your fat ass
>there are people who believe conker has a chance
Be grateful you got Banjoke. Cause that's the last western rep you're getting.
>The last western rep
Well, I guess Steve is not in either!
>conkerposter implies that i'm a stevoid
Only thing I have in common with them is that I didn't want Banjoke in.
Steve has a big wife.
do you fucking think I was born yesterday? It’s obvious as fuck that you’re falseflagging
>Inb4 muh first party cuck excuse
it's like 10:30pm don't pin this on us
>the last western rep you're getting
really now
Yikes, you can’t get more retarded than that
>why is this meme, which is purposefully made to be obnoxious, annoying people?
Shut up """""""Steve"""""""
why pretend banjo isn't in when what you should be doing is asking for him to get banned if anything.
Didn’t he get confirmed from the direct?
>she is eating the emeralds now
Insider here. Crash in november, missingno is in
It doesn't matter because banjo doesn't have a new game.
rip in pieces :(
You're like an Egyptian swimmer: neck-deep in de Nile.
you can't make this shit up
Ya 4channel, We have a ID-10T error over here >478065948
oh its this skitzo havent seen you in a while i would suggest taking your meds
post that webm
you know the one