What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Ulfric_Jarl.png (600x1000, 1.03M)

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He was radicalized on /pol/

he was a thalmor mossad agent

He was racist! Didn't want the ethnic diversity of a multi-racial society and started a supremacist movement should needs to be put down! All races should be equal!

Attached: 1387335907227.png (550x585, 30K)

He desecrated a two thousand year old Nord tradition, was a failure as a general, only ever succeeded in killing women and children, and was captured almost immediately in the Great War and released by the Thalmor as a sleeper agent to stir unrest in the Empire.

There is literally no greater fuckup in all of Skyrim. Even the Stormcloak Jarls talk shit about how unfit he is.


Why does he do that hand thing?



He was gay

He redeems himself through the dragonborn and actually goes rogue. The Thalmor only succeed as long as the war goes on, but if his side wins they fail since humans will still have Talos in the north. With Talos and a suitable hero mankind can defeat the elves again, but without him all hope is lost for the empire.

Why do Nords worship Talos, a Breton?

Racial equality is why humans get to exist in a world with the mers after all. Otherwise man would be put down like the inferior chimp he is

>Angry snow incel throws a fit because of chad elves.


hes a useful idiot for the kikes

literally the david duke of elder scrolls

Nords, much like their real life inspiration are the ultimate cuckolds

Did nothing wrong.
>inb4 hurr talos should have joined the imperium who were thalmor boot lickers

Is that why he's a thalmor asset? nigga is practically a puppet for their bullshit

He was a sleeper agent?

he's an accept mostly because the civil war is supposed to exhaust the empire and give the thalmor a casus belli to invade skyrim for realsies
He was blinded by momentary honor and glory and gave the Thalmor more ammo against the empire

Brownperials, Darkie Elves and Khajiggers are infesting his homeland

>kill him
>when you meet him in Sovngarde he's so fucking depressed that he lost that he doesn't even try to get into the Hall of Valor, probably because he knows he won't get in for being such a wuss about losing

He never actually redeems himself because every achievement he has is on the Dragonborn's shoulders and the moment the divide in history represented by Alduin ends the Dragonborn is gone like the other protagonists. What's left is a military empty Skyrim (all resources used in civil war) with an incompetent buffoon as a leader, prime pickings for the thalmor

>He's a puppet
Imperial fags yet again still can't read

>he redeems himself if the Dragonborn literally does everything for him
How is that redeeming himself? Even if the Dragonborn opposes the Empire, why would they need Ulfric?

Yes. He got captured almost immediately in the Great War by the Thalmor and was tortured. He was also led to believe that he leaked secrets that caused the fall of the Imperial City - something Ulfric still believes to this day. So, Ulfric knows he was a weakling traitor who sold out his brothers in arms.

The Thalmor then let him "escape" so he could spread his anti-Empire propaganda and create a schism in Imperial rule in Skyrim. Now, Ulfric doesn't like the Thalmor, he doesn't realize he's doing their work for them, which is what faggots like don't understand when their dossier lists him as an "uncooperative asset".

But the fact is that there are three scenarios for the Thalmor.

Civil War continues in perpetuity, both sides wasting human soldier lives while the Dominion continues to recover and strengthen.

Ulfric wins the "Civil War" against Tullius and his Legion. The Imperials are forced to turn their whole military might against the Stormcloaks and absolutely thunderstomp them into a mud puddle. This still overall weakens Humanity since every Imperial and Nord death is a net positive for the Thalmor.

Ulfric loses, his Civil War ends, and the Nords rejoin the Imperials who invade the Aldmeri Dominion and Altmer mothers start shitting out half-human babies for the next several centuries.

In any other time I would have supported him. But the fact that he can barely hold his own (not to forget that he would have been executed if Alduin hadn't showed up) against a single Legion, just flat out tells us that his cause is doomed since The Empire will just redeploy other legions to Skyrim, which would also weaken The Imperial forces on the border with the Dominion. His cause is good and The Empire is fucked up, he just picked the wrong time for his uprising.

useful idiot

Talos is a horrible person that back stabbed everyone he knew and then proceeded to use genocidal Gundam to conquer SummerSet
Dragonborn isn't like that nor does he have said genocidal Gundam