Is handheld only game is dead? Now people can play game from console portablely with Switch and Stadia streaming...

Is handheld only game is dead? Now people can play game from console portablely with Switch and Stadia streaming. Is there any reason to play games that exclusive to handheld console anymore?

Attached: Nintendo-3DS-PS-Vita-Handheld-Consoles.jpg (1920x1080, 519K)

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if you dont play video games sitting in a comfy chair using mouse and keyboard youre a zoomer nigger cunt fuck NIGGER

Not everybody can afford a 2-in-1 tablet just yet user. They're also still quite shit. I doubt the Pro 7 will make the execution of it any less shit in about a month.


>tfw I shitpost on a PC while sitting on a comfy chair
>work on a Macbook
>game on a Switch
eat shit mustard

I play on my PC and occasionally I play on my New Nintendo 2DS XL.

>stadia streaming
god that sounds just awful. who wants to stream video games over a wifi connection, let alone a mobile data connection?

I just downloaded vice city stories and driver '76 to my vita today so mine are very much alive
>playing stadia on train
>not using train wifi since it's most likely shit unless you live in a scandinavian country
>train goes through tunnel
>game crashes

The Vita and 3ds were 2 of the worst handhelds to date. Most people should have seen this coming.

I still love my 3DS

God I hope not.. but those things aren't what (temporarily) has killed the handheld gaming era.

it was never alive to begin with.

Attached: 123.jpg (906x449, 46K)

this. handheld was never different from mobile gaming. anybody that fell for it is an idiot.

Switch Lite is handheld-only.

Handheld is dead outside of Japan because almost nobody else in the rest of the world uses handheld for its ideal purpose, direct-link multiplayer. They want online infrastructure.

>Stadia streaming

speaking of streaming check it

>My new 2DS XL
Looks like we have a time traveler here

a hacked vita is perfection

hacking it doesn't make it have any games

So, the entire library of PSP, PSX and retro game is not enough for you?

That's everything I already had on my PSP.

>it was never alive to begin with.
>even though Nintendo has made a metric shit ton of money from their portable gaming consoles
There's a massive and eager market for this and nobody but Nintendo is taking advantage of it. The PSVita could have been something great but Sony got cold feet and did nothing with it. Now they'll never go back to portable gaming and would rather sell you 4k televisions for their consoles.

Attached: Game-Boy-FL.jpg (2820x3420, 2.29M)

it does exist, user

I don't understand this post. I buy games on the Switch over my PC only for the fact that I can play them anywhere I go. Why does it matter if the Switch also has a TV out mode?

>anywhere I go

Such as? (Hard mode: has to be outside of your room.)

I have a hour long commute to the aerodrome and another back. Depending on the weather and other human factors I might have to wait six hours before doing anything related to my job.