Why did evolve failed?
is the genre of Players vs monster dead or was it something within the game itself?
could there have been some change to make sure this game did well?
Why did evolve failed?
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didnt this game have an assload of dlc and microtransactions
What was the name of that one shill who had a meltdown when people stopped showing interest? Sirais or something like that? Would love to see the archives again.
>launched with DLC called the "Hunting Season Pass"
>everyone thought it was a season pass
>it wasn't and they gave no refunds
Gee, I wonder
Dlc killed it. Phase 2 was almost perfect but bleed player base too fast. it was an almost perfect game but became perfect much after the hype had died.
also someone please post the image about the bus, I need a laugh
Most developers struggle to balance relatively symmetrical multiplayer. I can't think of a single one that exists that I would have any real confidence in as far as balancing dramatically asymmetrical multiplayer. One versus many games have no longevity at all as a result.
players vs monster player is a fairly niche genre and hard to do right
what if the game didn't have them?
let's say the devs took all those skins and shove them as random rewards for completing task or something like that?
How bad was the playerbase by that point?
I mean, i still play it and im having funbut im alone vs bots
Literally evolve. Even when I went Gorghan (my main) I would sweat seeing a Parnaff on the other team (nigger would ripp and tear my ass hole even with a perfect set up).
>How bad was the playerbase by that point?
sub thousand, dropped to under an hundred in weeks.
>I mean, i still play it and im having funbut im alone vs bots
Me too. Its basically a perfect game to me. Abe, Parneff, Ghorgan
Don't mind us, just playing an intense competitive fps.
what other games are there?
i know there's one about movie killers, like with freddy and what not
you might want to save kala while you still have time before she gets lost to the void then, really doubt they will give support to a dead game
I remember a friend played it a bunch and it seemed a little unbalanced. They constantly had to rebalance it, didn't they?
Also, a lot of people heard about the DLC before the actual game. I remember seeing ads for the Behemoth before the game was out. It had way too much DLC packages on it, the whole Hunting Season Pass that wasn't a season pass, etc. I remember thinking it was kind of dumb for a $60 game to launch with almost $140 in DLC, so I didn't get into it. I think that was more that than the asymmetrical gameplay.
both Friday the 13th and Dead by Daylight are successful. Hopefully Project REsistance ends up being this sort of asymmetrical multiplayer too,
I never understood Kala but respected when people dumpstered me with her.
DBD is the cloestest I've come to evolve which I think is what your talking about but it balance is way more fucked where one killer dominates every match they are in (nurse) meanwhile survivors dominate any other match up.
the game is really fun, and there are a lot of details that really make it for me
but i get what you're saying about the skins
no i mean literally, save whatever file you have kala in, either Xbone Steam Psn and so on
they delisted kala sometime ago from the store, you delete her, she's gone son
Horrible DLC practices.
And it was hell to balance.
>I remember a friend played it a bunch and it seemed a little unbalanced. They constantly had to rebalance it, didn't they?
No the balance was almost perfect, even objectively bad kits like that one space viking guy could work perfectly if you knew what you were doing (so it became skill based rather then character based)
All I remember was that before and during launch, there was HEAPS of talk about DLC. I don't just mean players and reviewers, the devs were talking about it a lot too.
>phase 2 still didn't have the option to have five friends in a lobby where anyone could be chosen as monster
retards blew it
I eventually played it when it went F2P since I had a friend that was really into it. I liked it, I've always kind of liked that kind of stuff. Like Depth was a really fun game too, and I enjoyed them both. But there weren't a lot of people playing at that point, so it usually came down to me and a friend just going into a lobby with AI.
But yeah, any game that aggressively markets DLC like that isn't something I really want to put any money into most of the time. I don't know if that's why the playerbase seemed so small or not, but it's at least my reasoning for not getting into it at launch.
There were a lot of reasons
>God awful monetization. Essentially a f2p mobile game model attached to a 60-90 dollar game
>Playing as the monster was fun but also too easy. The idea was to get big then fight, but the monster was so much faster than the hunters that this was a non issue
>Hunters guns felt awful, jetpacks had very prohibitive fuel and I think there was a limit on sprint as well. All of this together made it so it was extremely hard to actually catch up to the monster as long as they had a brain
>Monster became unstoppable at stage 3 and was worthless at stage 1. It should have had more stages with a bit less feeding between them but maybe more overall. Evolving should also have alerted the hunters in some way when it was happening. Maybe a noise that was hard to pinpoint
Overall it was pretty fun but they did not plan it out well at all
Unbalanced as hell, it was brain-dead easy to win as a monster unless the enemy team were pros.
They spent all their time marketing it as the next big esport rather than actually making the game. The horrific dlc plan for the game cemented it's demise.
>Hunters guns felt awful, jetpacks had very prohibitive fuel and I think there was a limit on sprint as well. All of this together made it so it was extremely hard to actually catch up to the monster as long as they had a brain
T. absolute shitter.
>Evolving should also have alerted the hunters in some way when it was happening. Maybe a noise that was hard to pinpoint
You mean that map wide roar that occurred direction-ally allowing you to hone in on the cocoon? Oh wait you were a shitter I forgot.
I think the balancing might have been more bugfixing. I remember hearing something about Kraken being able to do some things he wasn't supposed to be able to do that just shredded people. And then when they fixed that something happened that made Behemoth broken good or something. It's mostly hearsay from the friend that actually played it though.
not all guns were bad, some just had some trick to how to deal some mean damage, the jetpack wasn't so bad, you even had a perk to help you with it and there was not sprint limit
>people were actually shocked at the horrendous overpriced dlc in a game published by 2k
Kraken was good because they could animation cancel a lot of there high damage abilities, when fixed it caused a bug where behemoth could cancel their charge into instant rock charge (if I'm recalling correctly)
Neither made the mosters OP actually but it did make them much easier to spook unprepared hunters.
the kraken has a thunder attack, after a small charge it would deal a lot of damage in the center and would push Hunters away from the hit
instead the push was weak as hell and it would push you INTO the thunder for another hit and so on, direct hit with that would kill you
instead of fixing the push they made the damage fall off from the center of the blast
wich messed with the "Magma bomb" from the behemoth
I really just want something expanding on the lore. They have enough to build a 40k style table top game atleast.
the lore we got so far wasn't even complete, they had plans for a phase 3, but dropped it after everyone stoped playing the game
Wich included a list of everyone who died, a new map for the campaign mode and a look at full monster kala
>Wich included a list of everyone who died, a new map for the campaign mode and a look at full monster kala
Every day I wish for death
Parnell is the closest to Doom guy we will ever get in a multiplayer game.
>Parnell wished for death to atone for his crimes
>no one else wanted him to die since he was objectively one of the few good hunters
Off the top of my head
>Wraith and Wraith were OP for months, game was very clearly designed around the Goliath
>tedious tracking mechanics
>forced esports
>DLC monster was OP, new hunters were a mixed bag
Also, the marketing done by the devs was basically a textbook example on how not to communicate with players.
>devs: we've made the game so that it's extremely easy to add DLC and maps without limiting players who don't have X DLC!
>devs: So, here's this new monster we're working on, he'll be available a few months after release. And if you preorder now you will get him for free!
And so on
The devs of DBD have also made or are making deathgarden, seems to be a sci fi twist on the formula
there's more!
>If he's alone wth the Jackal/Kaira/abe he comforts them to make them stay calm
>Gets both angry and sd when he's the only survivor
>is the only hunter who diretly rushes into a fight in canon without thinking
>he saw the jackal die in his arms and told them the evac was just around the corner, and that he had enough "juice" on his shields to keep him alive, so he could sleep the rest of the fight off
Both of these things were a lie
Death garden is really good but way too confusing for new players. they are making strives to fix this though.
It was built from the ground up to utilise microtransaction DLC. It was doomed from the outset.
Ah man Jack dies? Thats too sad. He was just a nerd trying to play hero.
This is the problem with the game they built this cool universe but were too early for season passes and shit to keep it going so the universe was written by people who cared but will never be expanded upon.
he had to die to keep the sad tone of shear's destruction going
Also, reading back all the stuff like that really made me remember some old stuff, like the fact Lennox was Jack's mother, or that Lazarus Offed himself with his glove to turn himself into a walking bomb
>like the fact Lennox was Jack's mother, or that Lazarus Offed himself with his glove to turn himself into a walking bomb
Stop I'm going to try. This game has the same tier of wasted potential as Destiny but with out the redemption arc.
y'all mean *Parnell???
I'm very very drunk.
This game is like an old lover tier for me, it hurts to think about yet you can't let it go.
I remember grinding a bit to be able to get Hornet Wraith, either way since the servers are dead no more skins are usable. And trying to start playing the Legacy version even for a more complete vs bot experience seems too hard.
Where can I find all this lore that I've never heard of before?
this game literally had $100+ of DLC at launch
if you bought the base game for $60 you had about a fifth of the content
It was like that for me as well for awhile, then i let it go. Then paragon became that. Why do the best games die young
from the wiki if it's still up
the roadmap they had for phase 2 if it's still up
and some of the writters on twitter awnsering on QnA's
because the mass public are idiots.
Evolve and paragon are true really complex games you had to sink many hours into before you :":":":"understood them:" even at a base level, so they really never stood a chance and every update to make them more mass appeal made them less special.
*weak points you then auto shotguns you to death*
netting personell monster
Here are the actual reasons
>DLC left a sour taste in people's mouth
>rounds were heavily biased towards monster at casual skill to moderate skill, and overwhelmingly biased towards hunters at higher skill levels
>in order for monster to succeed he had to be good
>for hunters to succeed they ALL had to be good AND relatively coordinated
>if ONLY the monster was good/decent/ the hunters were bad, rounds were just the hunters running for a long time until the monster turned on them at its leisure
It was all take two publisher's fault for being greedy jews, the game was way too overpriced for what it was, it wasn't inviting players which you need to build the playerbase, it was chasing them away screaming HAHA POORFAG!
what are you smoking and can I have some? I agree with everything else though
hey hello it's me the monster nobody fucking played
>mfw all i played was Goliath and stomped teams all the time
Is there any way to play it still? i missed when it went free to play on steam, and now it has been wiped from existence
on consoles they are cheap as fuck right now, but you'll be playing vs bots
and you can't acces Kala, she got removed from some stores
Awesome game but they got greedy, the DLC was outrageous
With £15 for new monster, then £15 for 4 new hunters and everything being so expensive, it just lost players too quick
Gorgon was actually my favorite, since the graphical downgrade and season 2 rebalance she was the only one capable of stealthy gameplay
>mfw actually did the drool drips down onto hunter who looks up right as I'm jumping him
How was this monster? I stopped playing before it released and only ever read about it's skillset and web swinging after the game was long dead.
Was it as fun to play as it seemed or just a really shit monster compared to the rest?
>what if the game didn't have them?
Well then, we're never gonna fucking know now are we? Their bullshit DLC scam gave left a bad taste with everyone. Even when the game was F2P, no one wanted to touch it. That's how bad they fucked up with their initial launch that no one was willing to play it when they gave it away for free.
The real reason it failed was because it was $60 for 5 variants on the same game of hide and seek, it was insanely overpriced and once you played one round against each hunter/monster you've seen all there is.
The microtransations were majority cosmetics and hardly worth talking about as a result, but the negative press from retards who didn't know this was another nail in the coffin of a doomed game.
Bots are too strong help
F13 was hardly a success outside of its Kickstarter days. The devs are incompetent, every patch made the game somehow run worse, and they did nothing to fix bugs and exploits like Counselors warping to a roof where Jason can't do anything, or Jason falling off the fucking map.
And no, the fucking Lawsuit did not kill this game. No other licenses were affected after the ruling and F13 just recently got a Switch port. GunMedia still had a bunch of stretch goals to fulfill and the game was already dead before they hit their first major milestone. They saw a way out by using th lawsuit as anecdotal excuse and a bunch of fucking idiots bought it
Forgot to mention that the trapped was the lynchpin for the hunters, if they dropped the ball for a second the monster would win the game without fail. How important they were cannot be understated they won and lost the game for hunters, everyone else is secondary.
If you can't contain the monster you lose, plain and simple.
Yep, on launch and was incredibly expensive too.
>is the genre of Players vs monster dead
There are a few asymmetrical multiplayer games at the moment, some are pretty successful.
limited gameplay on launch of a $60 game
assload of micro-transactions
had huge potential but dumb fucks making business decisions killed the playerbase before they could fix it
It seriously pisses me off how many people keep repeating the licensing lie, so it's comforting to see someone who hasn't fallen for their bullshit.
Yeah but all the ones i know let you use only boring humans and shit like that, even Dead by Daylight is mainly those. The charm of Evolve was using something as big as a room to kill people. Even all the AvP games have died like 9 years ago
>Even all the AvP games have died like 9 years ago
There's an upcoming Predator game that's exactly this genre, but I'm pretty sure it's the same devs who JUST fucked up Friday the 13th and abandoned it, so be cautious.
more like impossible to balance
Stealth focused asymmetric games are some of my favorites.
Spies vs Mercs is easily one of the best game modes ever made.
It is. Stay away. I don't think they have actual programmers on the team. F13 was made strictly using Unreal's Blueprints system.
As cool as Predator is it suffers from the same issue i mentioned. The cool thing about multiplayer AvP is playing a xenomorph and killing no one while being executed multiple times by Call of Duty players and Predators that you literally never see on the map until they kill you.
Another dead game, that is more similar to Evolve but was free, was Covetous(nobody played it even when it was alive anyway). Had maps like every pvp shooting game and you could play the soldiers or the monsters. Like Evolve you started weak, but really weak. Like, a fucking baby monster smaller than a human. Protecting your hive made you evolve into bigger and bigger creatures.
I mean, Jason already fucking played like the predator in his own game. There's no reason why he should have a fucking pin point heat vision mode AND a TWO teleport methods. It makes the entire stealth mechanics rhey built into the game pointless as Jason will literally B-Line towards you.
Why were the hunters even killing the monsters on their own planet, i don't remember.
What does Evolve Legacy contain and what's the difference with Stage 2
>To this day no one ever beated me when I played as Behemoth
>Once I defeated a entire team while in stage 1
Feels good being a Behemoth Chad.
That was just a colony, but the monsters actually weren't from that planet, but eldritch creatures coming from a different dimension to kill life on Sheer and colonize it.
>As the battle goes the monsters evolve to adapt the enviroment and defeat the hunters
>Some of them dies
>Monsters starts to sub the war
>Hunters changes(Bucket start using a combat skeleton, Abe becomes a renegade, etc)
>Kala becomes a monster and connects to the Queen
>Queen is giving birth to mal monsters, mas she is much smarter then the others
They had a cool lore, almost a mix between Pacific Rim and Aliens.