So when will this turn good?
After so many years I have finally managed to buy a switch with mario and zelda. Mario was pretty fun, I was expecting a 10/10 experience after the enormous shilling everywhere, but honestly it is so fucking boring so far...
So when will this turn good?
That game is as fun as you make it. It opens for a lot of creativity
if you like challenging games then this game is not for you
>objectively good gameplay is boring
user, I...
I'd say I had the most fun in the first 20 hours, after which it does get a little less exciting.
The main problem is that the divine beasts are all really easy to access and beat, and are the only real obvious objective throughout the game. So you'll end up completing them all pretty quickly, and after that the game becomes kinda aimless while you wander around picking up fetch quests, not wanting to end the game by taking on Ganon yet.
My other gripe is that early on, combat is incredibly fun because you're constantly having to loot weapons during fights and use them as quickly which creates a really unique combat experience. But later in the game it becomes kinda generic because it gives you good weapons faster than you can use them and you always have an inventory full of super durable 45dmg+ swords and shit.
It seriously suffers from not having temples, although crossdressing is fun
once you fuck around in it with no clear and concise goals
when you stop being a boring person with no sense of exploration or creativity
>with no sense of exploration
I love exploring, but the exploration in BotW is just shit. The amount of unique and interesting content to discover in the open world is just pathetic.
now you know why I dislike it, and say it's a weak entry to the series
Im having more fun hunting for memory pieces than divine beats.
Hmm, maybe I should give that a go. I've only found the ones I have accidentally.
The first few hours of the game are pretty good, you're confined to this little landing does a good job of introducing you to the game's mechanics and giving you a taste of what's to come, and you look out at everything in the distance and relish the idea of getting to explore it... but then you do, and you realize that there's literally fucking nothing interesting whatsoever. It becomes an Elder Scrolls-lite with fewer RPG elements. You spend most of your time running through nearly-barren fields collecting herbs and mushrooms to make mostly identical concoctions that reduce damage or heal damage. the shrines are repetitive as fuck, there are only like 15 types of enemies, you don't value anything you obtain because it's either breakable or consumable, the divine beasts are a joke... the whole game is just a mess. What made the original Zelda formula so appealing is that it offered this fine balance between freedom and linearity -- you had a world to explore that was littered with secrets and interactivity, but you always had a clear goal in mind and the story helped funnel you towards the next step. BotW threw that concept out the window and said "hey, just do what you want", and it was the worse for it.
I really thing exploration the the main thing of this game. Running around searching for weird stones and unusual formations in the landscape for korok seeds etc. I also stopped doing shrines and only get them for the teleports. Food can get you to 20 Hearts easily so I see no need to do them.
The artist guy in kakariko and around the stables straight up tells you where to go, but the real fun and challenge is triangulating the sites based on the terrain and background
Yeah the artists straight up tell you where to go but thats not really a challenge.
>you look out at everything in the distance and relish the idea of getting to explore it... but then you do, and you realize that there's literally fucking nothing interesting whatsoever. It becomes an Elder Scrolls-lite with fewer RPG elements
That's what pissed me off so much. Curtailing the Zelda Formula for jackshit, and watching the raving reviews. Felt like I was playing a different game than them.
"Feels great to just explore the land"
but it fucking does not. It doesn't.
>he falls for the Nintendoshill brap of the wild trap
The problem is that this game was not designed for you, the Zelda fan, it was designed for people who like sandboxes to fuck around in -- i.e. normies. These people don't care about interesting level design, a sense of achievement or progression, they care about being able to marvel at some retarded physics puzzle or colorful vista and then yuck about it on reddit. It's sad, but this is the direction the series has taken.
>Raving reviews
This is why you don't trust critics.
A game like BotW is easy to review and talk about (without slipping up) for critics since it generates anecdotes and you can play about as much as you want in order to review it and get a roughly complete picture (since everything is equally pointless) and the difficulty is largely self-imposed.
They don't like BotW and what it did because it's an amazing game, they like it because it made their job easier.
A good game requires you to give a fuck about it passionately to get invested in its mechanics and structure, you can't just do it as a job and that's basically anathema to game critics since they will slip up and lack vocabulary and experience to talk about it.
The 2nd one is fix'd in master mode pretty much
Pretty much everybody agrees the endgame is weak and it needs more challenge and dungeons (even reddit).
Oh yeah, how so? I really detest having to pay DLC prices for something which takes no effort to make and should've been in the original game but would maybe consider it if I decided to replay one day.
Unironically one of the best games ever made and a once ina lifetime experience.
I love listening to morons trying to rationalise BotW in their minds.
Its like listening to a child trying to convince me The Godfather is a bad movie.
>the-the first 40 minutes are all about a wedding!
>just scenes and scenes of people talking!
>there's no tits, explosions or car chases!
BotW is one of thr most acclaimed games of all time and rightly so. Perhaps when you mature and gain an understanding of game design and appreciation of the work gone into BotW you will understand its praise.
>I love listening to morons trying to rationalise BotW in their minds.
>BotW is one of thr most acclaimed games of all time and rightly so.
>gain an understanding of game design and appreciation of the work gone into BotW you will understand its praise
We're talking about Zelda Breath of the Wild right? The game that took longer than four years to make? God fucking damn it.