
Greedfall thread
I hope they make a sequel

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Sell me on this game, is it comparable to Risen or Elex?

Those are the games it gets compared to most often, yes.




Is it possible to have Merchants to friendly before you need to gather the armies? Or will they always go hostile?
I can't find a way to raise their reputation anywhere in-game.


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>not playing a STR and CHA trurbo dyke with two handed heavy weapon and a heart of gold

>*Tips +1 intuition hat*
>*Insist [Charisma 100%]*
>*Puts hands on hips*



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Take a drink when:
>De Sardet introduces themself
>A native calls De Sardet 'On ol menawi' or 'Renaigse'
>A bit of poison on my blade, then LET'S GO

>>De Sardet introduces themself
>>A native calls De Sardet 'On ol menawi' or 'Renaigse'
You're going to die from these alone. Especially if you invest into Charisma.

Take a drink when:
>you open a door
you end up wasted after the first governor meeting

As much as i want to play it v,you lied to me about outward so i wont this time. Not until it goes on sale.

>the retarded camera wooziness whenever you open a door
is there any way to turn this off, any way at all please, please I fucking hate it

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is there a point in taking siora with you? previews made it look like you need her because you dont speak native but every fucking tribe I met speaks english

It honestly reminds me, on a mechanical level at least, of Rogue Galaxy. It has my recommendation just on setting, it's probably one of the most intriguing fantasy settings I've ever seen.

Not taking her with you when dealing with tribal factions can lock you out of dialogue options, also, why wouldn't you take her with you? She heals and restores armor. You need a pretty specific build to do that yourself.

She doesn't translate for you, if that's what you're asking. But she's very useful in combat and helpful when you're dealing with the natives.

I encountered I think 2 instances where Sardine spied on natives asks Siora what he just heard and she translates it.

Tell me about greed. Why did it fall?

O-Oh. Let's pretend I said that she doesn't usually translate their babble.

Because being powerhungry is never good.

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It never fucking happened to me. Should you be friendly with her or something?

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>find some miner town
>talk to npcs
>apparently there's some unexplored ruins
>they tell me it might be accessible through the mines
>oh interested
>notice merchant sells a quest item "new cog" so I buy it just in case I end up needing it
>find the door that needs new cog
>can't place new cog
>maybe game is buggy & I need to craft it so craft a second one
>go to gate again
>still can't open it
>look it up online
>turns out you need to get the quest from some random NPC before you can actually open a gate

wanna know how I know this is a shit RPG?

Never trust the turbans. That's the game's moral.

There are several instances where she vouches for you when speaking with tribals, but i assume a high charisma skill would get you through anyway.

Really? I can't remember that. It actually annoyed me when i was spying in some natives and i couldn't understand their babble and couldn't ask her to tell me what the fuck that was about.

I dont think so. I had her on Nice though.
One instance was when I spied on the native rebels near Hikmet.

Not for me. I bought the cog as well in advance, and could slap it right on there. But i also found a note in the village that talks of the cog and another in a crate right next to the gate so that might have done it.

how does spying work? is it predetermined?

Yes, there are some quests that create some spy points as way of advancing.

>wanna know how I know this is a shit RPG?
You played it for a few hours and took at least a passing glance at the skills? The game has some good stuff in it, but it's a """cinematic""" WRPG at best.

I just foudn the note outside the cave as well before finding your post & just not to be a retard I ran back inside to see if I could place it now & I still can't place it anywhere

is it placed in some obscure location or is it actually at the gate? since there seems to be some contraption right there to open it, I would assume that's where you place the cog

(also the cog you find at the gate is broken and the note is a recipe on how to repair it iirc)

What are the ending slides for Hikmet?
I got the one that says they are still tense with the Natives, and the Governor is supporting unethical research.
But i think i solved all quests for Hikmet including Aphras quest that gets you into the research Lab and free the prisoners.
Is there a better slide that i missed? Ironically it seems to be better when the coin guard takes over the city.

Yeah the crate has only the recipe i think. And the note in the village talks about how they are collecting money to buy the replacement cog.
I don't know man. There's a contraption left of the door and i got a prompt to interact with it.

Did you kill Asili? I think he basically gets martyred if you kill him. I spared him, but then put his ass on trial, and I got a slide about how they start caring about ethics and get some oversight so they don't go full mengele.

I expected that might be it. I killed him because everyone says he has friends in high places so i assumed he would just weasel his way out and continue if i don't fuck him up. Oh well.

And nobody but the miners talked to you about the ruins?
might be because of my reputation with factions evne thoguh they're still all suspicious like they are at the start, idk

>'On ol menawi' or 'Renaigse'
What the fuck do these mean anyway?

i'm only a bit into the game so I'm not sure but I think on ol menawi means someone who has the islander's mark and renaigse is just another word for foreigner

Renaigse just refers to all the illegal immigrants who arrived with the ships.
And the PC is an on ol menawi because of the moss growing on her face.

>on ol menawi
it's because the mark sardine has on his face. something like bonded one
literally means baka gaijin

Ar you now happy user i bought the game

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Not until you enjoy it.

[Charsima check successfully passed]

>want to start another playthrough with a different build
>can't imagine playing this without the mage quickdash

>not getting quickroll

>falling for viral marketers

Cant recommend replaying the game with a different build. Its too samey.
I also switched builds in the middle of my first playthrough to keep combat fresh.

How much does the game vary by difficulty?

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More enemies.

>Interact with the dead drop to see what's in it during Enemy Within
>"Better not touch it, Nobody should know that we have discovered the box"
what do?

So the ending is basically Bound By Flames but Constantin is Vulcan?

Does Siora only have one companion quest?

I was able to interact with it after spying on the person who did a drop there.

She has three, but they come pretty late in the game.

Spy on it

>do collectibles quest
>heres 50g for your efforts :))))))))

more damage, health and balance
on hard and extreme more enemies

extreme must be a bitch though
>be me walking through the map with boat wreck right before final mission
>go check on those skull guys near the chest
>not skull anymore punks, my time to bully you
>dude with shadow burst nearly ohkos me all the same

I went to the place where I first spied it during Secret Service but nothing happens this time. How do I spy on it again?

Fuck rewards in this game really

If I remember it correctly, there's a second line when you first interact with the box that says "Let's wait until someone uses it" or something

This game is too easy. Greatsword + Guns + Stasis is broken. I have access to heals and armor buffs. Access to permanent stun. Access to the absolute highest damage tools available. So far I have killed all bosses in seconds.

Anything that has ranged attacks gets blasted with my Rifle. Any time I get hit I heal and restore all my armor. Oh and there is no downside to using heavy armor. You aren't slower. You are tankier and have more HP.

I like the combat desu, very good game

Switch to extreme

The issue is mostly about finding enough points to cover everything. You needed Agility for your greatsword, Accuracy for your guns, Mental Power + Willpower for spellcasting, and Endurance for heavy armor. The only thing your build didn't lean on was Strength.

You stupid retards convinced me to get Remnant and that sucked dick, why should I listen this time.

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>no downside to using heavy armor
>using armor for the stats
if it's not /fa/ it's trash

What stops you from trying it on pirate?

because I'll give you a banana

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yeah, this. i went with alchemy and guns cause i thought it'd be cool, but alchemy is literally just poison/magic/stasis coating/trap/bomb.

You don't need any Mental Power / Willpower for Spells since Stasis doesn't require any of that. Nor does the heals or buffs.

Guns already do broken damage, so there is next to no point in levelling them. All of this is achievable with just Agility and Endurance.

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It's pretty mediocre.

I am on Extreme.


It has some problems, but after playing all three it's the only one that feels like it was made by actually competent people.





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>find a scythe
>oh shit rad
>It's a str weapon
>get a odachi
>it's also str weapon
fucking whyyyyyyy

Wait how far into the game are you.
Gun damage falls off hard without any Accuracy.

Remove stasis

I gave the scythe to Kurt.

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So what happens if you don't mark the crates? Does it impact what will happen later with the """"guard""""?

>humans and islanders are fighting
>show up
>literally kill every human for the islanders
>"ey whose side are you on xdd?"

I'm saying you don't need it all early on. Later on of course you'd need more, but later on you're swimming with points. Endurance, Agility and Accuracy are more than doable.

I did the same but still. I hope I get some cooler looking longsword later on because I've just been using this arena longsword since the start.

I finished level 37 and had Agility 5, Accuracy 5 but only Endurance 2.

Unironically, what a bunch of faggots

>thought De Sardet would be just meh
>first hours
>flaunts his legate title every second he gets


Uninstalled it after I realized 90% of NPCs are mutts and niggers.

You trusted your cousin, right user?
Even until the end, he was thinking about you.

Daily reminder that the Theleme was actually right for once.



Why was sardine not capable of doing what Constantin did?
Seeing fichtemen go all reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee was fun as fuck.
The dude rubbed me all the wrong ways, trying to be some sort of ancient tree god but sounding like some random hobo.

Well, at least he loved you the moste, I guess. Good night sweet prince.

>What a shame

Literally can't.



Ah, this one. Go to the admiral and talk to her.

No. He threw a bottle on me. I insist that he must be slain.

so can we essentially blame the towelheads for starting this chain of events

He didn't know it was (you).

Bridgenigs deserve the malachor.

So I have to talk to admiral to interact with the box? I also tried to intervene at the spot and got the letter from him then talked to admiral but somehow De Sardet forgot who he was leaking info to.




I [INSIST] that we should blame Constanza's parents for this. I'm gonna kill his faggot of a father.

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>better than ACodyssey
based or redpilled bros?

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burning bridges digging ditches

>highlvl cry about easy
Okay, show us how you complete the arena at 10 lvl on extreme.

>So I have to talk to admiral to interact with the box?
Yeah, I think the game should've tell you that.

>ok gotta ask sensei to help me on the mine issue
>hes on the 3rd floor
>sensei: please grab me the documents from the archive please
>archive is in the basement
>go to archive, grab documents
>go back to 3rd floor
>senesei sends you to lady morange
>get sent to morange
>get sent to mine guy leader
>get sent back to sensei
>get sent to archive
>get sent to morange
>get sent to mine guys

literally cannot contain the rage i am feeling right now

>Guns already do broken damage
Did your gun can do 3k from single hit?
Onehanded can.

i skipped their faction quests, what happened

Greedfall, greedfall
Hope they make a sequel
The races aren't equal
Kill the native people


Alright, so is this game eurojank like PB stuff?

I'm not sure if this quest is a genius example of real life bureaucracy or just a joke.

I found it kind of said there never was a quest chain for the New Serene doctors to bring them to justice and see whats up with them.

They gave malAIDS to you and your brotha as soon as you arrived.

The drink you and Constantin were given upon landing was mixed with concentrated Malichor by the orders of a renowned BA scientist. It's why he became sick and the only reason you didn't get infected was because of your bond with the island.
Even in light of this information, the BA attempts to defend the poisoning as "in the name of SCIENCE"

Pissed off Sardine the best Sardine.

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I am actually surprised morange wasnt involved with this.
The moment Constantin greeted her with
>ahhh so you are the person I am replacing!
I expected shit between them to explode.

Which makes me think. Are Nauts resistant to Malichor because they're liked to the sea, which is also a kind of nature?

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Morange is pretty based. Literally the only person who didn't want to fuck natives up and tried to learn their language and culture.

well shit
all the more reason to hate their faction


Dont forget
>I totally knew nothing of this lol
>just like I didnt know of this thing
>oh yeah THAT also happened, didnt really know about it LOLOLOL :)
Turban leader is really bad at this diplomacy game.

>their cute,goofy stance at the beginning was to contrast the shit they were pulling

To be honest, their shit started to show up during Charlatan quest.

It doesn't tell that.
I went back to admiral and only said "Investigation is going well." still can't interact with the box.

I meant the bird masked men
It's a weird bug. Try to interfere, maybe?

wait, you guys didn't save the charlatan guy?
You do know that he can help you and your cousin right?


He's playing incompetence rather than treachery.

Right there with you, user.

The malichor is caused by spoiling and destroying the earth. The Nauts spend most of their time at sea, so they aren't affected.

I wonder if this is happening due to bug on previous quest where it tells me to spy on it twice. Even after I find out who gave out the order and got info. And as said I can complete the quest that way by interfering but then De Sardet forgets about Bridge's involvement completely for some reason.

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Their ships are wooden tho.

He's making shit up. The Charlatan doesn't appear later, regardless of the decision you make.

I was playing up my status as Legate at the time and thusly deferred to pertinent and immediate knowledge of the situation - and I had little reason to believe that the Charlatan's reasoning(oh by the way I tested myself so much I became allergic) had any merit whatsoever beyond the fact he was indeed an expert Alchemist
so I got hoodwinked, but eventually took it out on the Bridge later because goddammit I just wanted cool science turban bros but nooooo they're slimy faggots

Taking stuff from nature is alright, just keep it balanced. The natives hunt game and use stone and wood, but that's fine so the Nauts can build boats without issue as long as they don't overdo it.

I remember killing a guy in the wilderness who looked exactly like him

There's only like 20 faces in the game. You've probably killed a lot of guys who look exactly like him.

Still, it's weird. You can poison anyone but tree hippies with that shit towelfags made, doesn't matter if they did anything wrong or not. Does The Nature take factions literally?

Not just face, his outfit was the same.

Can you? The bridge faggots had nauts imprisoned as well as natives, so I don't think that powder Asili made would work on them. I would speculate that it has to do with the environment they spend their time in. Natives and Nauts spend time in "pure" areas, like Teer Fradee and the seas, while the continentals have basically wrecked their places with industry and war.

Well, it's pretty understandable with the natives, but how soon do non-seaborn gain immunity for the malichor?



>i'm scared, cousin
>please, help
>it hurts so much
>i don't want my mind to go before i do

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Impossible to say, maybe never, maybe immediately. De Sardet is immune to the Malichor despite living her whole life in Serene on the continent because she's a native by blood, so it might take generations for immunity to settle in or leave.

Don't let all the INSISTING distract you from the fact that Petrus wanted to give your mom the Enlightened D


our mom was pretty damn hot

I wonder if the half-bloods (half native/half continental) have the same tier of immunity like our Sardine. Same for half-Nauts who aren't sailors.

I wish Petrus would want to give Sardine a bit of Enlightened D.

>the cure is not to heal the earth
>the cure is to get everyone a native waifu/husbando to immunize the next generation

Never forget an ancient wisdom

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>expected to COLONIZE a native
>actually have to fuck a continental to retain the meme

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>Pertus loved you momma and you looks a lot like her, and treats you like his own kid >implying
>Kurt literally raised and trained you, almost like an older brother to you, but romanceable
>Constantine is >my dear cousin >UNITY
>Siora looks like your own sister, but romanceable
>Vasco can help you join Nauts when you learn you're a seaborn, which makes you a named brother/sister to him, but romanceable
Frenches, what the fuck.

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The BEST kind of love.

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give me blatant incest and i'll consider it

Too ~problematic~ for euros. Back to horsefucking in CK2.

>you never get to fuck them back
Missed opportunity.

Also what the fuck is up with the super prominent volcano taking so little time in the game?
It does nothing but provide the final battle ground.

>lizard thing does its erratic tail whip thing
>doesnt touch me
>still die

Omae wa mou poisoned

what if you play as a girl?


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>start off on Extreme as wizard
>using magic and hammers
>slowly but steadily pushing through
>get 2h hammers and heal
>hit for over 500
>laughing at how powerful I am at level 11
>looking through talent tree at what I want to level next
>notice that 2h swords get a damage boost and that stasis rips through shields
>save my game and respec
>spec for 2h Swords and Stasis rather than damage
>suddenly I'm getting through shields even easier and hitting for over 1.4k
This is rediculous. I just killed some tree monster at level 11 in a few hits and tore through every single arena challenge at level 12 on extreme.

Whoever balanced this shit needs to get their head checked. Soon I'll have Armor Buff and since all I do is get Agility and Endurance, I am always in the absolute best gear for the area I am at.

ESPECIALLY if you play as a girl. I don't think he's interested though.

He's a bit overprotective. On the other hand, who isn't for Sardine.

is elemental damage in addition to the normal damage stat or is it already added?
I can't tell if this thing is decent or dogshit

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I want to tell Sardine to drink a heal potion!

Its in addition. Basically it deals 264 phys damage which can be blocked by shields, 70 shield damage and 176 magic damage which ignores shield.

And people say magic isn't OP

Drop stasis immediately, it trivializes and ruins the game.

Nothing is more fun than speccing magic and firearms.

I mean it's not like the game is that hard to begin with. If you don't have Stasis, Traps can be just as powerful. It's not as easy to abuse, but it's better in some ways. Ignoring the fact that you can just spam parry etc. etc.

This isn't a hard game. Even on Extreme. That's not to say it's not fun, but it's by no means hard. And yeah, the Balance is completely fucked. I can go from one shotting elite enemies with a sword to having some extremely tough fight on a basic enemy with a mace.

>someone already made a mod that adds all uniques to blacksmith-kun

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You get alot of extra dialogue options, plus she's probably the most useful party member anyway.

New Seren, home of De Sardet, Legate of the congregation

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How much wealth would the nauts have to give you fpr you to sell your son into eternal barrel duty?

Asking for a friend?

I get the feeling I'm not where I'm supposed to be

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I REALLY get the feeling I'm not where I'm supposed to be

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>Greedfall thread
>I hope they make a greedquel

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Oh baby

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You're going to need more than a bit of poison for this one.

i killed that thing by emptying 50 bullets into it over the course of like 10 minutes. pretty funny

>wielding a wavy french fry sword
user why you are so fat


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Not even my final form

sadly I only have one (1) left

also I got one shot by one of the rogues shooting me


>he doesn't appreciate a good flamberge when he sees one

How many skill points do I approximately end up with? Should I try and focus on one branch of the skill tree exclusively or is branching out worth it?

I did the 200 IQ play of getting close enough in stealth that the boss activated, but not in combat yet. then I let the rogues wail on him until all but one of them is dead, then I jump in and take advantage of the armor they shaved off
pretty much every physical attack will be a oneshot at this point though so you should probably just leave it alone now

I never said french fries weren't delicious
just asked why user was so fat

After you beat him, loot the body a bit behind him for a key to the best looking armor in the game. Chest is near the river

I finished as 37lvl with 51 skill points, 13 attribute, and 10 talent

I thought they traded children for shipping?

are there no bridge alliance quests? it's the only faction i'm not friendly with and i've barely interacted with.

Shipping contracts. Which essentially can be translated into wealth.

yeah it's probably priority shipping privileges (guaranteed!)

>fantasy world with only humans

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How are the romances?

I wouldn't call the treeniggers humans


>magical natives
They are elves.

Nobody cares about your elf fetish

Fae if anything

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Is it possible to go full REMOVE NATIVES in this game?
Also, do characters that join you leave depending on your actions or is it the same old limp dicked staying by your side whatever happens stuff that is common in most modern games?

>three conversations
>new nickname
>pg-13 love scene
>dramatic kiss scene near the end
that's about it
surprising coming from baguettes, maybe the old ones were already replaced

two lines of dialogue
awkward kissing scene
that's it

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Yes characters will leave, 1 even leaves despite having a "nice" reputation"

stealth is broken as fuck in this

is fury the least usefull skill?

I´m enjoying my fancy pistols
Are rifles worth it?

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Stealth needed a subterfuge stat.

How useful are intuition and lockpicking? I don't really know what to get since most of the talents seem quite interesting

Intuition is the most important stat.

intuition give you a lot of usefull speech options if you pick it up early so you dont need to waste points in charisma.

I really like ny waifu Sardine. I am going to write a story about her being gangbanged by a trash mob of natives

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But charisma is fun for occasional speech choices and directly affects prices.

Wish the west had an art scene like Japan, imagine the lewds.

Intuition is super useful, it opens up quite a lot of dialogue options on top of the other benefits.
Lockpicking isn't nearly as amazing. Most locked chests or doors will have keys somewhere.


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>not particularly old holy fathers


Post smug Sardines

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Top smug

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post your le sardines

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intuition is fun too, you fucking faggot kill yourself ungrateful prick

This game looks interesting but I'm gonna wait for a sale

who are the best companions for
>dialogues/ missions

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>big bants uncle Petrus
>no idea because there's barely any in-game banter

it has black people dressed up like civilized Europeans, that isn't fantasy enough for you?

What are the most useful talents? I'm not very far at all but so far I've picked science and lockpicking. Feels kinda bad since I picked lockpicking after the tutorial island and now everything is lvl2 locks. No idea if I should continue to spread myself so thin or just focus on something.

>science and lockpicking

>science and lockpicking

reset right now

science - 2
lock pick - 2 (+1 on armor)
charisma - 1 (+1 coat)
eye shit - 1
blacksmith - 1 (+2 from gloves and kurt in party)
energy is almost useless

You made your senpai happy user.

lul idiots
you can't craft traps and potions without science 2

>waste points on charisma
>not wanting to INSIST AND WHO DO YOU THINK I AM options
how can you be so wrong

>Mage archetype has one-handed blunt as a starting pick
>Stats are spread too thin if you actually want to use them

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You can still INSIST even with 0/1 Cha and have a decent chance of success in most checks.

> imagine putting 3 points in charisma

>Siora + Kurt or Vasco
>Mostly depends on which factions the missions deal with. Siora for natives, Petrus for Theleme, etc. You'll usually want to switch out to one or both of the companions for the extra dialogue choices. Kurt & Petrus have the best individual companion questlines.
>There's not really much banter desu

All you need is Aphra and a fancy coat.

Charisma literally solves anything in this game.

Gonna play this tomorrow. Redpill me bros. Worst and best talents?
Heard lockpicking is great early.

Firearms are amazing, especially ones with multi shot
>4 times like 500 damage
>mostly skip armour
Nothing personnel, treeniggers.

>Heard lockpicking is great early.
It's worthless as soon as you leave the starting area.

Best early on is intutition.
Be careful how you allocate attributes and talents.
You can wear fancy clothes and have a good relationship with people to raise stats.
Being friendly with factions gets you unique stuff.
Remember you are a legate of the congregation, not a soldier, be diplomatic.

Add the fucking firearms and abuse the Crystallization defense debuff to utterly murderfuck everything with your pistol when your mana is too low

The setting is so fucking good, I hope other people devs have a go at it.

Having played guns / alch now is making me want to replay witcher 3 with a meme alch / bombs / crossbow build....

Indeed. Its the perfect AA setting.
Completely unexplored by AAA because they are too scared of the dynamite on social media so theres lots.

You should spread yourself thin and stack bonuses.
>Science - 1 (+1 from chest upgrade, +1 from friendly Aphra)
>Crafting - 1 (+1 from gloves, +1 from friendly Kurt)
>Charisma - 1 (+1 from cape, +1 from friendly Petrus)
>Intuition - 1 (+1 from hat, +1 from friendly Vasco)
>Vigor - 1 (+1 from chest upgrade, +1 from friendly Siora)
>Lockpicking - 2 (+1 from chest upgrade)

All additional points really do is free up your options in terms of which companions you want to bring along.

You mostly only use science and craftsmanship at camps or residences and can easily switch out your gear and team there to get the bonuses whenever you start making shit.
Siora's questline gets her friendly a fair bit later in the game than the other companions, so an extra point into vigor can be useful early-mid game.
Lockpicking isn't really super useful, almost everything that is locked which you need to open will almost always have a key nearby or some other way round.

You need start with sciency, bcs dlc hat give you int, arms - craft and Kurt's outfit - picklocking.
With this you can pass most of situation, so just keep point until you need it.
PS dont spent into craft, blacksmith can upgrade your items.

Take science first. You'll need it. Use +1 intuition hat, get +1 CHA cloak asap, and use Kurt's armor to lockpick shit. Vigor is useless.

>All additional points really do is free up your options in terms of which companions you want to bring along.
Or alternatively make it so you dont need to swap chest piece all the time.

Ah, forgot, you need buy cape for cha


God, I love it when everyone just fears on you in this game. Glad that reputation isn't for show. And you actually could bluff your way through some things

>+1 intuition hat
Is it just the preorder hat or will I be able to replace it eventually?

That one, yes.

i see you're a big fan of water

So why the fuck did Katasach do it?

Do what?

Man I really don't know what the fuck I should put points into in this game.
Magic seems to be pretty bad unless you focus on it, is this right? Stasis seems OK for a few points. I have the feeling that just going unga bunga melee with maybe a point in roll seems to be one of the most sensible builds.

>tfw Sardine starts intimidating people even without the usual "do you know who I am" routine

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magic is OP
once you get stasis and lightning dash the difficulty is laughable. you go just nothing personal everyone


What the fuck did he mean by that anyway
Is it because of the aids on your jaw?

Just stab him a bunch, my man

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Magic is ridiculous and with shadow burst the main "tactic" is to have all the enemies gang up on you, shadow burst until you can't, and then just spam magic shots, fury attacks, and firearms at whatever is still alive.

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Greenblood is another way of saying rookie.

How DARE that old man mock me? Doesn't he know who I am?
It kinda fits, but I literally never heard "greenblood" ever before.

I've always heard greenhorn, not greenblood. I thought it was me being part plant or some shit, because that patch on my face looks like vines and so I'm just assuming a Vash the Stampede thing is going on.

god damn this noble savage trope is grating

yeah that's easy to say with 9 healthbars & 5 armor shields, prick

I still got oneshot as soon as half my armor was gone

Is Magic/Firearms the most fun playstyle? Bombs are kinda boring.

Magic is really, really boring, unless magic missile spam is your fetish or something.

no but it's the most OP

apparently it's the easiest way to play

Idk about the others. But I'm having fun putting enemy into stasis while they are in mid-animation and cancelling their attacks with a rifle shot in the face

You're low on magic
drink a potion
drink a potion
drink a potion

>game set in quazi-Renessans/Age of Discovery
>strong independent womynz
>made by non-white

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stasis into pistol can cheese every enemy in the game but it's a pain to get bullets so i used melee + stasis most of the game

>finally arrive to New Serene
>Vasco: I'm going with ya! Party: 1/2, to continue: 2/2
>missions: Visit Cons' OR the Guards about the smuggled crates
>gee, I wonder which one should I do with Vasco on my side.tiff
>cutscene at entrance of the Palace
>Siora: I'm going with ya! Party: 3/2, to continue: 2/2
>b-bye Capt. Vasco, it was a nice 2-min stroll...

>time to ask about those crates
>another night time sneak-in that could cause serious diplomatic issues?
>performed by the Legate of Merchants and the Capt. of the Coin Guards
>...and a Native chick we've just met 3 min ago but she'll surely play along!

Time after time, this forced 2/2 party thing could cause (not so) funny cracks in the narrative. I understand the gameplay reasons but other than that, it makes little to no sense.

Is there anything lewd in this game?

I guess I should have started on hard or something because when it comes to combat I feel like I am playing the Haytham section of Assassin's Creed 3 because the combat is absolute babby mode

there's a ton of situations where someone will say "What's that savage doin here?!" when you play with Siora in party
In Coin Guard quests it can straight up make NPCs hostile just because she's there

Reminder to FPS-lock your game because VSync, even forced via control panel, doesn't do shit

You can hold hands with your cousin

kurt alone is carrying fights atm. he's bomb

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did anyone find a legendary 2 handed hammer?

He said spicy? I keep hearing dicey

>be traitors
>tries intimidate
Based De Sardet carries his reputation well

>stasis drains armor and debuffs defence
>shoot firearm for loads of damage
>meanwhile mana recharges
get one of the dodge abilities and you're set for being OP

>Travel back to my home
>We get info that merchants wont be able to restock in New Serene for a while because of pirates
>Kurt complains how things are about to get pricey

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>bridge alliance backstabs me at every turn
well let's say their sardine is cooking I hope


Blunt or bladed weapons?
Or just fucking both?

>get quest from scienceniggers
>turns out they're assholes
>well I guess religionniggers will be the good guys in this game
>turns out they're also assholes
>turns out the coin guard is also assholes
bros what the fuck is going on

the white sharia people are actually pretty reasonable tho

Bladed, obviously

This. Even the RENOUNCE YOUR GODS douchebag will actually be a great help in one of the quests. ||Coin Guard questline, where he will help you burn a corrupt captain at stake for being a part of the mafia without implicating you.||

Temperatures dropping so... looks like things are about to get ICEY

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At least Nauts are cool

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Arabs are the only truly unsalvageable faction, the governor plays incompetence but it really is probably far more treacherous then that.
Also the only faction to be at war with the Natives.


>>It's a Kurt calls the coup d'etat Leaders a bunch of retards with a retarded plan episode.

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Sexual tension in dialogues with old men is as lewd as it gets.

Do I need endurance to wear that sweet armor?

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>The muslims were evil and ruthless all along
>The religious nutjobs are actually reasonable once you get rid of the inquisition
Did /pol/ make this game ? This is not how it's supposed to work.

What's up with the mess in my crib? Seriously. Didn't they know that...

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>Natives are the most reasonable group
>You are a [spoiler/]native[/native]
Sorry /poo/lack but this is a liberal game.

1 for non-gold, 2 for gold iirc. But the one which Siora is wearing doesn't require any, and you can put all these upgrades on it. The shoulder protection is even on both arms in that case.

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ctrl+s my sardine.

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Cool spoiler job, nigger

Inetersting what happens if you homo romance Vasco.

>Hold on, if you fuck me in the ass, things are about to get dicey!

Really Spiders, a bit homophobic isnt it?

>Vasco's poison gets upgraded after you sex him
Holy shit Spiders calm the fuck down!

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>calling a dude "muh tempest"
That's just wrong. "Tempest" is for girls and ships only.

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>level 8
>get two skill points
>spend them
>they don't get spent
>reload save before level up
>still get level up with infinite skill points
>restart PC just to make sure
>still get level up with infinite skill points

No way. Elaborate.


He gets motivated when fighting along side you.

It's a joke about AIDS and pozzing user.

Petrus has a sexy voice. No homo

>the kurt quests

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I'm not native English. Is there any dialect or correct way to pronounce it this way?

I knew you fuckers were kidding. There are no changes in stats. Kinda a pity, actually. They could've at least give you a double bonus for waifu's "sharing is caring" stat.


I had her with me when I went to that cave for Aphra's quest and spied on the young native couple but she didn't translate it.

So, magic is OP right?

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Yes, "leftenant" is the original pronunciation

How long is 33 minuten and 10 sekunden in American time?

Where the fuck are these documents by the professor guy? I've been all over but I've only found 2.

>+1 CHA cloak asap


Almost everything is OP.

I thought heavy weapons were complete dogshit compared to magic

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>Loading screen is a camp where you can reorganise your team and sell or buy resources
Neat, wish more games did that


What I want is coherency and what I don't is unnecessary restrictions. I appreciate that the game (tries to) handle companions like real person w/ their own opinion and interest, but it's a little too rough around the edges for my liking.

>In Coin Guard quests it can straight up make NPCs hostile just because she's there

Is the situation same with Vasco too? (Aside from the obvious conflict of interests.)

Blades are alright, Blunt is just kinda mediocre.

Do you have to get to a certain point in the MQ for the rest of the companion quests to open up? I think I'm done with Vasco but everyone else either seems like they still have something left to do or only gave me 1 quest.

Every English speaking country except the US pronounces it like that.

Intuition or Charisma during the character creation?

>literally every npc inside brothels and kitchens are just standing by, not even cooking or dancing
every time i enter in one of those places i close my eyes

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How long is it?

You're not supposed to main one or the other. You're supposed to use blunt against armor and blade to finish them off.

So is it actually good or is it jankgood?

so Portugal or UK?
everything fits user

40-50, if you do everything. There's no fetching shit.

This is beautiful.

Go into an inn and it's a bit crap
the beds obviously have lice
Kurt looks at me knowingly
looks like things are about to get licey

This guy walks up to you in the club and insists on slapping your gf's ass. What do you do?

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Give up, I have already lost.

I'm focusing on blades and using bombs and guns to break through armor, and there's nothing you can do about it, baguette.

It's a really smart decision.

>hmmmm i wonder who these mysterious travelers from before our time were
>theres literally no hint whatsoever on this mural
>it remains a mistery i guess

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at 52 hours i havent even gotten to the coup

Destroy the natives.

When i started the game and your teacher hands you two fetch quests i was rolling my eyes because i expected this to become another grindy fetchquest game like Biowares latest turds.
Imagine my surprise to learn that the notes and camps are literally the two only fetchquests in the entire game.


Maybe it's Siora's judgemental gaze, but I honestly feel like the natives aren't that bad.
Except for the bone blowers. Faggots get gunned down.

user what the fuck are you doing

took me 2 days while doing most side quests so pretty decent

exploring all the locations and doing sidequests

Blades! Armour! Locks! They're masterworks all you can't go wrong!

can you increase difficulty level after you start game?
and what they affect exactly?

Yes. Damage/health of enemies and enemy numbers.

*stares into your soul*

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>my people aren't barbarians, we are a proud colorful cultu-
>witness a blood ritual with warriors sacrificing their blood to a magic tree that speaks to them in a foreign tongue ending with violent screams of rage
Well that was embarrassing.

are siora's horns growing out of her head or are theys oem sort of headdress?
I need to know before I fap

>wanting to advance yourself is always bad
good goy!

>when you learn you technically belong to the tribe of jew traders and racetraitors with embarassing hats who have a slimy weasel as chief
How embarassing. Couldn't it have been one of the cool tribes?

>found the warrior king's armor
>meet Siora's sister

I am wearing a goddamn bird skull, announcing myself politely as the legate of the congregation.

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How did you even manage to get so far into the game you got the warrior kings chest before talking to her? Are you literally exploring every map before starting the initial quests?

>when you learn you technically belong to the tribe of jew traders

Is it really that surprising for the Legate of the Congregation of MERCHANTS though?

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Blood is thicker than water as they say

>not exploring the map
nigga do you even rpg

where did you find it? I only managed to find the boots and the gloves

>it's Ullan's clan

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This game shouldn't be as Eurojank Kino as it is. I hope they make GF2 or new IP that capitalizes even more on their huge improvement from Technomancer to GF

sounds like your everyday death metal show

I'm actually curious how well did it sell on consoles

Correct pronounciation os with the "Lieu" part pronounced as in "in lieu of"

Of course. I haven't gone to the place on the map marked by the big tree, or the place very close to it though. But I looped around everything on my way to Hikmet and then got told to go to the coast by the Naut admiral and decided to loop along there too.

When I go to a map with a story marker I make a point to go everywhere else but the quest marker first, so even before meeting Siora's sister I wound up finding the warrior king's gloves and boots, up by the healing tribe.

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I still can't believe this is spiders. I wonder what changed for them to improve by huge leaps after over a decade of poor man's piranha bytes.

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>need 1 more science to craft bombs
>the "needed for alchemists" upgrade sucks dick
>lvl 3 lockpicking upgrade is far more relevant in combat
>don't want to constantly swap armor to craft ammo and bombs
Why you gotta do me like this

Its not shilled by ecelebs.


my nigga
I havent even gotten to the coup but me and 3 of my companions are all wearing full lego sets and weapons

If the metric system is so good, why is europe still using imperial time and calendar

One of the places up near Hikmet, I think the stoney slopes or some shit. The map is sort of bisected, with a tribe on the left side, on the right near the bottom you'll see pillars by a cliff above you. You'll know you're in the right place if you find a dead guard with one of Serafeddin's notes on the spear chucking guardians. Who you have to fight. Nearby there is an intuition spot, a crack in the wall with a chest leading to a unique amulet.

Just swap armour and companion to craft loads of bullets and then go back.

IIRC CHA only affects your buying prices (like 20% / point) - bug or feature? Also: do you guys tend to sell unwanted loot, recycle or the mix of the two?

Because if the former is correct, the price Merchants buy stuff from you is fix. And most of them has a quite imbalanced price / resource ratio to begin with.

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It's gonna be a pain in the ass, considering I'm crafting all the time. But that sweet fury gain on the lockpick upgrade...

As a diplomat I respect his dirty, double-dealing, underhanded tactics, but I cannot accept his tribes taste in hats.

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You can always give him a new hat if you catch my drift

>not doing companion quests majorly changes main quests later on
that was pretty cool

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Why wasn't Kurt bi, french people are all inherently bi

Fuck off fag


God, I love sardine so much. I haven't enjoyed a main character in some time.

Old men are femSardine's shtick.

>all these fedora tipping sardines
>no playing as a milady and have everyone else tip their hats to you

I read that as old men are on femSardine's dick
I need to stop drinking

FemSardine should be more clever and pick someone who's as young as she is. Meaning Vasco or Constantine.

is there a way to get to vinbarr without killing his wife?

Kurt is about as French as Vasco is a Londoner.

Should i sell or dismantle equipment?

who is the most annoying enemy?
poison bats or those rolling faggots with a million armor?

I think -3 + -3 rep is a reason why the game gives you so much native approval points in the game desu.

Those bog standard bear thingies, cause they're trivial to the point where they're just annoying speedbumps in my fun

i dismantled a cheap ones or that that give rare resources

Every enemy with a lunging attack that tracks your ass like this is dark souls 2.

I'm still not that far into the game, but I feel kinda disappointed by Vasco. Seems to be the least interesting companion, at least so far.

My fairest cousin...

i only dismantle the grey old embroided coats or whatever theyre called as theyre dirt cheap anyway and have a chance to drop pure iron

>Spiders was recently acquired by BigBen interactive
>BigBen is known for My Litte Riding Champion, Sinking City, and Pro Fishing Simulator
Savor it boys, this might be the swan song for Spiders

>Sinking City
That one was almost the same type of jank Spiders produce, only in a form of an adventure game.

Anyone with a gun, because they literally shoot through walls.

BigBen ate Cyanide too

He's ok. Better than Aphra at least and his bro-tier relationships with Kurt are heart-warming.

everyone is better than aphra
damn bitch has the only companion quest that lowers your relation with others

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I like that you are effay from the start and don't run around in rags for half the game

based manslut

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>do you need something?

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Yeah, it's not that he's bad, just feels underwhelming. Still haven't met Aphra yet.

>commands respect
>takes no shit
>gives shit
Sardine is the most refreshing wrpg protagonist in years

you forgot
>dresses fashionably

His remarks are quite enjoyable though.

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>kurt addressing siora
>"pretty she-wolf"
>"pretty flower"

>meanwhile sardine

I'm not sure if I should feel offended or not.

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>spend an hour on a boss
>finally kill after spending shitton of bombs and shit
>cant wait to loot him
>5 gold coins

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It's a billion times better than Odyssey from the perspective of a story-based RPG, but the combat isn't really better

>Sinking City
Wasnt that SJW riddelet nightmare?

user, it most likely dropped an item that costs 150.

There was a lot of that, but game was bad for other reasons.

protip, boss monsters only drop a 150g vendor item and maybe a few coins, there is usually some nice stuff to loot around them tho

Ass carck Oddys had better combat but even it was ruined by idiotic level scaling.

Do those "hybrid" skills like roll or the heal spell require you to have points in both their adjacent nodes or is it enough to have one?

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You allready lost me at lot. There is no game that can overcome SJW bullshit.

Just one.

Just one.

Welp I guess I should have asked before getting up to rifles for roll, fuck.

rifles are good user, coating is nice too

Yeah, static coating is op, works all the way.

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I really like how there is no 'bad' skill in the skill tree
except maybe heavy weapons but theyre still very satisfying to use

Not him but wanted to ask about Anointed Weapons anyway. How do they exactly work? You craft coating, apply to the firearm, then the next 4 attacks has some extra effect and that's it?

you apply it on your sword ala kurwaman

Speaking of coatings, do they regenerate over time or is there a way to make more? I don't remember it ever being explained how that works.

you can make them but i actually never had to, you find a shitton of the things in random boxes intuition lvl3 ftw

Yes, works whit weapons. Also get tallent that lets you use it 6 times. Also there is no CD so you can just chain static coating.

Lv15, playing alchemist on Hard. My Blunderbuss and Phial Throw work wonders, Newly unlocked Bomb is also damn effective AND stylish, throw bomb and shot it with pistol midair for explosion. The point is I'm almost done with green part of tree and not really interested in melee, What would benefit me most in magic? And does changing to extreeme increases exp rewards too?

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>BigBen ate Cyanide too

It was made by the dev who made all those Sherlock Holmes games, not terrible, they at least have a history of quality before recent events.

It's Dragon Age except not shit.

magic is honestly braindead and not much fun

Yeah, the level scaling turned a decent origins into a shart spongefest.

>What would benefit me most in magic?
Shield + Heal

>Sinking City
It's quite easily the most expansive lovecraftian game to date, certainly far better than both Calls, at least it's not a fucking walking simulator like most. It suffers from same issues as Greedfall: massively reused interiors and low enemy variety, plus pretty simple combat.
The game would be a lot better if they introduced new enemies and made combat more varied and interesting, Steamfags probably will get a better version of the game next year provided the devs introduce more things

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Testament was such a good Sherlock game, and the Devil's Daughter exists. What the fuck happened.

As far as I can tell after Testament starting with Crime and Punishments the series changed a lot.

Weapons as both with melee and guns too? I find it somewhat confusing that it's the end of the Firearm skill line.

What talents should I be focusing on? I have a point CHA and lockpicking now and literally every one of the others looks useful
I'm trying for a guns/traps build so science seems to mesh well with that
I keep running into obstacles that can be overcome with vigor even if they are minor but the ammo capacity and regen seems good

Roughly how far through the main story am I? I'm at the part where you need to find a healer for Constantin

>Shield + Heal
But I can craft potions for that. Where is fucking tree magic, where is taming animals.

>the only good high king is a fucking nigger
fuck this

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It's definitely better than Risen. It's also a lot less janky than Elex but I'm not sure yet which one I like more.

Pretty far into it I guess. You're a bit farther than I am, but looking at the main quest list it doesn't seem that long.


The easiest thing is to skill 1 into everything.
Then use gear and companions as needed to go to 2/3.
After you have everything on 1 you skill the things for which you dont want to swap gear / take a specific companion with you.

you better not be calling my bro Duncas a nigger

Both Shield and Heal also work on party members for lesser effects on the last skill pip.
Also, both of them can be used for fury generation out of battle so you can always start every battle with Bomb

How many attribute points are there in total? I have no idea how much I can spread that shit out without gimping myself. I currently don't have memory crystals either and I have no idea how rare they are.

I prefer Elex but its mostly a matter of preference.
In Greedfall you start out as a influential person who INSISTS to be heard.
In Elex you start out as a maximum hobo.
I love the hobo shit which is why I prefer Elex.
But if you dont like that, then I think Greedfall is the better choice.

I'm running a similar build. See for the general outlines. What you should also take into account (but rarely gets entioned) is timing.

Thanks for the clarification, user.

we wuz high kangz n shiet

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My main gripe is combat in ELEX is not designed for hordes of monsters akin to most PB games besides Risen 3.
So later on you are pretty much forced to spam >Black Hole if you actually want to deal with the hordes
Nevermind the fact Clerics are miles better combat wise than the savages and the notmadmaxxians

Gonna give it a go then, cheers.

That's not how you write Soira


irish not a nigger
little difference i know but still