should I emulate the n64 version or should I play the x360 one?
Should I emulate the n64 version or should I play the x360 one?
Play Super Mario 64 instead of this knockoff.
360 just like Sakurai wants.
360 version because it fixes the awful scoring system
n64 for soul and massive frustration as they intended.
It's fucking crazy playing this for the first time and realizing how much of an influence Rare games had on custom Half-Life 1 and CSS maps.
There were some prominent Sven Co-op mappers that kept pulling different elements from all the different Rare games too.
Fuck I meant 1.6
Is Banjo-Tooie worth playing or skip like dk 64
I'm playing it right now injected on my Wii U, what do I miss?
no lag and hd HUD
N64 or try to properly emulate it with a controller, because the 360 version has problems.
are you implying that n64 emulators don't have a massive amount of issues?
360 is fine. There are some audio issues but they're not major.
Tooie is worth it. I's not as much of a shitty backtrack-heavy collectathon as DK64 but it's much closer than BK1 was.
360 saves the notes you collected after leaving a level or dying, 64 game doesn't, and it's annoying as fuck.
So if you can, play 360.
but I bet contrarian faggots on Yea Forums will still say N64 is better, using buzzwords like "scrub filter" or "soul" to defend hardware limitations.
no n64 rare game is worth playing
>massive frustration as they intended
they never intended the not saving notes thing, it was due to hardware limitations.
Imagine having taste so absolutely awful that you tell people not to play Perfect Dark.
360 version is genuinely better.
Zoom zoom zoom
it's old school and fun
Tooie is really good. I was going to skip it, but ended up liking it even more than the original in some ways. The areas are comfy.
holy shit you have autism
It's not old school, it was bullshit even when they made it back then. Even the developers admitted they never intended to do that, simply there wasn't enough memory. They even fixed it in the 360 version saying that was the way it was meant to be played. The only reason you think it's fun and "old school" is nostalgia.
Click clock woods is not fucking fun on n64 its fucking stupid
>no trust me guys this shitty fps that runs at 10 fps with dips and the worst controls you've ever seen is the most amazing thing ever!!!! you're just too young to understand
Did you even expansion pak?
ah yeah now it runs at 480i with the exact same performance instead of 240p it's such an improvement
If you can play the xbox 360 version then that. The lack of fps drops is a good trade off for easier note collecting.
360's BK has much better object draw distance, if you go to the n64 version after playing 360, it's amazing how terrible it was. Tooie has no graphical improvements like this, but it isn't as bad.
Notes are handled differently between them, n64 doesn't save which notes were/weren't collected, resetting on death and world exit. 360 saves notes like you'd expect them to, leaving the collected notes permanently collected. if you like going back and replaying levels without deleting your saves, n64 may be a better option.
360 one is actually pretty good, even if they made it a bit easier due to QOL improvements.
The only negatives with the 360 version are awkward pauses during a few cutscenes and an uglier health meter that doesn't emote
>awful scoring system
What's that? You don't mean having to collect all the notes in 1 life do you?
There's no benefit to choosing the N64 version over the 360 one, the port is literally the same game but better.
>literally the same game but better
I hate you retards so fucking much.
What did Sakurai say you should do?
360 version is better in the slightest ways, but has some negligible model issues if you are playing 4K on the X1X.
Kazooie is better but Tooie is wrth playing.
not even the same genre my dude
360 version as it has achievements.
I don't get why people compare the two, the only similarity is the premise of 'platformer where you collect things' and how they handle that concept is different.
I started it last year, finally getting back to it and I'm at the mansion. Camera angles is shit for the piano part.
Going to play Tooie and Nuts & Bolts, then try out Super Lucky's Tale, Yooka Laylee, and A Hat in Time. Just want to see progression.
absolutely. B-K is a better overall package but B-T is still amazing.
Personally I like Tooie more, a lot of it's criticisms like back tracking and lag are not without merit but it does a lot more good than bad. And it's no where near as an autism test as DK64
The real question is, should you emulate N64 with Mupen64 or emulate the 360 version with Xenia?
The game did a lot wrong but it also did alot of things really right. Grunty Industries and Jolly Roger's Lagoon are amazing in how linear they actually are while still having 10 jiggies. Hell the fact you need to find the Talon Torpedo just to get to the next area of Isle of Hags is a testament to the level design.