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shit series was never good
Playing the multiplayer in ME3 right now. Theres some comfort to be had there
It's such a shame because the Mass Effect universe was pure kino, I loved listening to the entire codex go into minute detail about the universe. Such a shame
I believe the cynicism on /v is only as high as it is now due to the ending of ME3
Yeah, they built this very compelling sci-fi universe and it was all for fucking nothing. It'll probably go to the grave with EA.
Throw Spore and MSGV into the mix too
rip mass effect
I couldn't get past the beginning of 2. All the time going around recruiting people to your team was too boring.
Have we had any news about the continuation of ME after the dreck that was Andromeda? Also Jack best girl, followed by Miri.
tfw got saren to commit suicide first run, had that fucking hard boss fight and then get to hear this while sitting back relaxing. ME is such a good game.
nope, and as far as we know ME series is fucking canned because of how bad Andromeda did
How are you playing it
Yes, it was.
2's character introductions and recruitment missions were some of the best moments in the franchise.
crew of ME2 > ME > ME 3
>muh dick
fuck off nigger
All my friends romanced Ashley and then Miranda...they didnt like Xenos
They sound like men of culture
Why would I want to fuck your nigger dick off?
no, they didnt bother going for Jack either.
Wish games would stop with the big bad threatens world or ancient evil awakens troupe.
They missed out
PS3 and getting a surprising amount of active players all the time. I figured the game would be dead but no its still kicking
Don't blame them. ME2 Jack is awful. I only ever did her romance after seeing how she looks in 3.
ON MYYYyyyy ooooooown...
I hope someday we will get Yea Forums sings
still mad
Man she can be such an edgy and obnoxious character but damn does she clean up well with a Paragon Shepard. Its one of the better romances and I didnt see it coming
>ME2 Jack is awful
ME2 Jack is best Jack
These. No other games came close to crushing the expectations like these 3. Created an entire generation of complete and total bitter assholes.
It wasn't all for nothing.
You guys are fucking retarded I swear.
You can enjoy things that weren't perfect forever.
Halo by 343 sucked ass but I still love playing 1,2,3 and ODST.
Stop letting pessimism ruin your life you dumbfcuks.
>but I still love playing 1,2,3 and ODST.
Mass Effect had 1 and 2. 3 destroyed the franchise and Andromeda took a piss on it and set it on fire. You can only go so long with 2 games.
I gotta say, I'm replaying Mass Effect again and while I do think 3 has the best gameplay, and I certainly love 1, 2 is the game I'm having the most fun in.
Sure, some companion quests are meh, but overall the entire game is just a steady line of good times.
Just my humble opinion is all.
So just play 1 and 2 then you sperg.
Don't have to lament shit you don't like, just play the shit you do like.
M3 had a shit ending, I fully admit that, but the game was still great up until the end.
That last area when you are fighting to get into the ship was fucking amazing and cinematically beautiful.
>implying 2 didn't destroy the franchise
2's plot and writing are completely nonsensical and the only characters who aren't completely retarded are tali and garrus
2 was the first BioWare game where the EA influence really kicked in with trading ME1's extremely high quality lore and internal consistency for retarded action movie/gears of war shit
>>>>>thermal clips
3 didn't destroy anything, it had some of the best moments in the franchise and wrapped up a lot of character/plot arcs.
It anything 2 set them up for failure because there was 0 plot development resulting in needing to shove a lot of shit into 3.
The DLC really saved it and I have go say the game being rushed was a fucking tragedy.
3 definitely has the best gameplay of the bunch, maybe even the best TPS gameplay period.
It feels so smooth, impactful and fun. Vanguard charge never gets old.
>the game was still great up until the end
Shut the fuck up retard
the best thing about 3 is that it managed to somehow create a character so disgustingly retarded that he alone is able to destroy any remote chance of the game being good
Yeah, I sure loved those pointless self-sacrifices and restarting an old war for reasons...
>So just play 1 and 2 then you sperg
We have, you dumb monkey fuck. How far do you think 2 games can carry you? At least we can get some entertainment out of the trainwreck that is modern Bioware.
>M3 had a shit ending, I fully admit that, but the game was still great up until the end.
Come on, now.
>That last area when you are fighting to get into the ship was fucking amazing and cinematically beautiful.
Priority Earth? OK, sure, buddy,
>Actually believing this
>3 didn't destroy anything
And The Last Jedi didn't derail anything.
i didn't like her at first but the checking up on her and talking while seeing her getting better was really bonding, which is what ME2 was really all about, bond with characters and the universe. ME3 changed the complete staff and as a result it lost all its soul
2 is still a solid title that brings down the focus from space opera to something a little more personal and gritty. It exists to show the player the other side of the galaxy that the council tries their best to keep hidden while building up the team and personal aspect which was severely lacking in ME1 due to info dumps. Sure some decisions were dumb as fuck like thermal clips but overall it's still my favorite ME for scaling it back for the most part and trading in the Hollywood size for a TV series feel.
What were they attempting to do here
Create a new Reaper. Before ME3 got lazy as fuck and made them all the same ME2 presented each reaper as having a unique design. The Boss fight was pretty bad but we were fighting a fetus in the womb.
It was a series of crushing defeats honestly
And it made a lot of people mad, in the process.
I mean considering you could save everyone in ME2 for some reason they definitely needed to raise the stakes.
ME1 made you sacrifice a companion to raise the stakes and show you that you can't save everyone.
A human-like reaper. Every reaper is a nation, a combination of machine and organic.
And then we got a fucking space squids in ME3.
>No arguments, just
"Come on, now."
"OK, sure, buddy."
"Bioware is a trainwreck."
>No arguments
I just spent the previous goddamn thread arguing with another idiot like yourself. I'm not gonna waste my energy on you. You're not going to change your mind. Keep being an idiot that believes this shit. Why don't you subscribe to ToR and buy the collector's edition of Andromeda and Anthem?
Why would a huge-ass shipself of the very essence of a species need a a rather tiny metal skelefetus?
>What were they attempting to do here
they forgot that every other reaper shown before and after looked mostly identical
>maybe even the best TPS gameplay period
That's what I think. One of the few games I love the multiplayer in as well.
I gotta say though, going from Infiltrator ME2 to ME3 is quite the challenge for me. I was used to a +60% slow down when using sniper, and then suddenly it's 10% i ME3, took me about an hour of fighting to figure out what I was doing wrong.
And now that you mentioned it my next playthrough is probably gonna be vanguard again.
Not all Reapers where kilometer long machines. A lot of them were smaller scale and not Sovereign sized. Plus, this Reaper wasn't complete.
Reaper fleet shown at the end of 2 still looked like squids, just with some differences. How the fuck would a human-shaped ship even work?
>that jack
>being this mad
Shut up you stupid faggot.
game ends right here. i don't know what you're all talking about
Sovereign and Harbinger both looked the same.
Are you telling me that you think that they would have built a tiny anthropromorphic spaceship as the body for the reaper?
>being this mad
Mother fucker, where do you think you are? We are always mad here. If your poor little flustered butthole can't take it, get out.
they wanted to lure in the crysis audience
This guy gets it.
No, I'm saying the Reaper would have grown to be larger and the exoskeleton would have been built over it, to make it into a Reaper more akin to the Reapers we know.
dragon age 2 was a kick in the dick too
Because they were created from the same source and existed since the beginning, other reapers were created after so they looked different like the turtle reaper.
Are we ever getting Crysis 4 btw?
then why have a tiny fetus with an endoskeleton at all? That would imply that there would have a large metal skeletal version of whatever species inside the 'exoskeleton' of Sovreign as well.
Sovereign, being one of the early Reapers, was most likely not made out of an existing race.
serviceable gameplay, excruciatingly detailed worldbuilding creating one of the most thoroughly realized scifi universes in any rpg, loved by true patricians who want a game they can get lost in
improved but style-over-substance gameplay with mostly vestigial rpg elements, style-over-substance in all other aspects as well, generic action movie shlock with a nonsensical and pointless story and worldbuilding thrown out to justify making the game more like a standard tps
total shit, loved by retards who froth at the mouth, literal hurr durr monkeys who will claim it was good up until the ending when in reality it was off the rails from the very beginning, do not interact with unironic 3 fans
warhead was great
I like the multiplayer in 3.
Pls no bully.
Guess that was the end of line then for good games from Crytek.
Speak for yourself retard, this isn't some secret clubhouse you insufferable newfag.
aight i'll give you that
I think it's hard to argue that Crysis 1 isn't good. Obviously the second half is weaker, but the game as a whole is still enjoyable and impressive.
Visually and in terms of gameplay it holds up.
nobody played 3
i don't even think you played 3
Look, I get that the spacesquids would have made servitors after their own image. This does not explain the babbyreaper. There's literally no need for a reaper-in-the-making to be anthropomorphic. It's just stupid as fuck and comes out of nowhere in the game because bioware is shit and can't into basic stuff.
They were created from Leviathans.
organic space squids making a perfect AI to solve the problem of organics being killed by AI - 9/11, truly epic and breathing
>tech demo
>enjoyable and impressive
but... it's enjoyable and fun...
it is, you fucking zoomer
you say that but Crackdown was kickass
We means more than one. And there's always more than one mad mother fucker in the ME threads. You are a mad mother fucker right now as well. Look at you go.
>tech demo
Don't pretend like you played it, zoomzoom.
Or your toaster just couldn't run it at the time, which is where the "tech demo" meme came from.
Maybe they do so for reasons unexplained. Maybe we don't have to know.
I play all Crysis games through every year. Have to agree tho that Crysis 3 was the weakest in the series, felt more like Crysis 2: Electric Boogaloo Episode 2 instead of being a true proper sequel.
Warhead > Crysis > Crysis 2 > Crysis 3
>barely an fps
>nothing to do
>enjoyable and fun
This is the attention span of a pleb.
It's literally just to show off the graphics. It's pointless.
the original concept art was much better than the pile of shit we got
2D doesn't translate 1:1 in 3D unfortunately. Yet.
>barely anything to do
Killing Koreans isn't fun enough to you? This made the whole game for me lol.
>it's just a meme, mom!
You're in a Mass Effect thread, wining about crysis for some reason, calling people zoomers...
What timeline is this?
Fair point.
Still doesn't make it a game.
>Mother fucker, where do you think you are? We are always mad here.
Stop trying to weasel out of it, you are gay newfag.
You don't speak for anyone but yourself.
>People still voting Tali
>The most Ass-less effect
Liara is just plain fat and EDI is artificial. Miranda or bust.
Who else killed this thing with the nuke gun?
You sound vexed. So that makes 2 mad fags in here. Therefore you and I are mad. So WE indeed ARE mad. So what's your problem now, nigger?
>Trying this hard.
>The most Ass-less effect
The hell you talking about?
>BioWare games
Once, yeah.
>Trying this hard.
I'm not even attempting to try. I don't have to. Not for you. You take figuratively zero effort. And the effort I do actually make is just to type this shit out.
Did you click the poll? Did you see the header?
Always using Kain only on that thing.
It's super effective and looks epic.
>Meanwhile, back in the Milky Way
Then did you see the picture I posted here?
How’d they go from chad John Shepard to think Scott Ryder?
They really had a different agenda with Andromeda
Yes, indeed.
Wait, just making sure. You're not having your perception messed up due to thinking they're ordered by size there, are you?
And ...
Tali has the least amount of ass. Less than Jack. She's wide and flat.
>best grill
>1.31 % (5 votes)
Am I fucking surrounded by plebs?
I would vote for her if there were more of her in games. I'm sorry user.
Same. Shiala, Sha'ira, Emily Wong and Gianna Parasini are the unsung waifus of Mass Effect.
You make a fair point.
I too find her absence sad.
Return to whatever shithole you crawled out of
>choosing the coal burner
Worst girl, user.
>Shiala on the list
>Gianna Parasini is not
If you're going to add one to the poll you need to add both
This is the model all young adults think is masculine and women want. In truth, he ends up DPd by bikers in a seedy bar's shit engraved bathroom stall, next to Anthony Burch.
Meanwhile, in Shepard Chad Land ...
Because the creators of the Mass Effect universe were Drew Karpyshan, Chris l'Etoile and Casey Hudson.
None of them worked on Andromeda
Same could be said about Kasumi and look where she is on that "chart"
But halo has a satisfying conclusion with Halo 3, Mass effect doesn't get that, Mass Effect 2 doesn't have a satisfying conclusion and Mass Effect by itself isn't quite enough.
It's so weird seeing Shep so...animated. And with hair.
If there's one thing about ME1 that I wish had carried over to the other games (besides how broken Adepts were), it's the sense of exploration. There were so many times I would just drive the Mako around, get out and admire the surroundings. I took dozens of screenshots in that game, which I can't say for the sequels. Lewd Miris excluded, of course..
>Emily Wong
Cute! Cute!
>Gianna Parasini
Miranda did it all, because TIM needed an friendly mook on the Normandy, so that Shepard would buy into this very PC picture of Cerberus TIM wanted to paint. Even going as far as giving Jacob the info about his dad, while Shepard was there and feigning sympathy for him. Miranda never cared, nor lusted over Jacob. Kasumi, on the other hand ... just like Finn and Rose Tico.
She is thiccer, though and not as wide as Tali.
>>Gianna Parasini
>confused her with that annoying reporter that I had to punch two times
Destroy is the only option.
Wasent the reporter you get in ME3 originally supposed to be Emily Wong but got replaced with random new chick for some celebrity cameo or some shit?
I missed those, too, but considering the time it took them to release DA:O and ME2, I don't think they could have done that in any satisfying way, other than just reusing the same maps from ME1. Which would have detracted from the overall experience in the end. I mean, just look at Andromeda's implementation of the exploration. And that was done with 5 years of development and after a procedural generator made unsalvagable messes of the planets it produced. It'd be impossible. Not unless Ghost Games, the NFS studio that also implemented the Nomad in Andromeda, stepped in and level designed the planets across the board.
Wrong reply or this is intentionally? Because I just lost all my fucking sides.
People who determine themselves, smarter than reality think the reapers can be controlled. It's impossible.
iirc, the concept art for it has the human-bit as the core of the reaper, with the outer bit looking as squidy as the rest
I think he might be one of my favourite antagonists of all time
High EMS, Shepard survives and awkwardly dances in his fully populated Citadel DLC party, post ending is the only real ending to ME that doesn't make people descend into depression
Went back and played mass effect 1 because i remembered liking it but holy moly is the gun play awful. Everything feels like a nerf gun
No, I'm talking about different one. She was in the series since the very first game, and you can punch her in each of them. Emily Wong is awesome, but she died in ME3 :c
Saren was mediocre. Anthem's Monitor tier. Irenicus and Master Li are the best villains Bioware has created. Solas is the absolute worst villain Bioware ever created.
True, I can't deny it. But how is it related to Parasini?
Great setting and universe but bad gameplay and too many RPG troupes for traditions like too many levels/skills for numbers bloat alone "treasure chests" in every mission endless amounts of gear just to make you grind for gear etc
I had a feeling you had mistaken Gianna Parasini for Kalisah bint al Jilani.
But the autism took over
World building wasnt entirely thrown out in 2
Ill agree it definitely felt more like a bizarre B movie with the whole "gettin the squad together!" Stuff, however it still felt very "mass effect"
Khalisah al-Jilani
also stop with this shitty threads already
go to /vg/ if you want to circlejerk about your homo romances on mass effect
The only game is not to play. So as to make them unable to facilitate their existence. You have to convince them that biotic life does not exist in your galaxy. Not that you want to coexist with an angry robot.
It is related to Destroy being the only choice. Unless I am missing something in the conversation.
>you're an elite member of humanity's armed forces, one of the best of the best there ever was or will be
>can't hit a target more than five feet away from you
>Ill agree it definitely felt more like a bizarre B movie with the whole "gettin the squad together!"
Dirty Dozen wasn't a bizarre B movie.
>homo romances
Shepard is a connoisseur of puss my good man
You replied to the wrong person, man. I was talking about women and the you suddenly appeared saying that DESTROY IS THE BEST ENDING, lol
and now you realize everyone having fond memories of shit effect are sub 20 yr who never played a real game before
>go to /vg/ if you want to circlejerk about your homo romances on mass effect
We're not discussing Andromeda, though.
Was this design really necessary?
I replied to which was a reply to What has that to do with Parasini?
Absolutely a good milf has visible veins on her breasts.
They kind of dropped the ball with Samara
yes you homo
Mass effect actually lends itself to 1 on 1 relationships. Like severely. I was worried that I wouldn't end up with Cora in Andromeda but I really liked her.
Strong, courage to the bone, really nice? Cora is basically awesome and really underrated.
I've been playing cRPG since the 90s. This
was my childhood defining game. ME2 was legit the best video game experience I've had in my adult years.
and is a reply to
>real game
What's the best origin for a renegade? I feel like Earthborn + Ruthless is the best.
We hitting autism levels that shouldn't be possible.
Some guy
>Cora is basically awesome and really underrated.
What the FUCK is in Ashley's crotch?
Well, I didn't follow >mfw
Colonist War Hero or Spacer Sole Survivor.
A pumped pussy.
That's her thong I think it's not there on the uncensored image.
For a renegade? Explain yourselves.
Good. This is good.
She refused to bang Shepard. And, trust me, she will definitely not going to bang with you. Sad, but true.
Nah Colonyborn and Ruthless.
Spacer+Sole Survivor
There's your answer.
This is fucking bullshit colored by the diaapointment of how the series ends and longing for the innocent days when we thought the series would be amazing. ME has fucking bad unbalanced gameplay and other problems as mentioned here They cut the chaff of numbers bloat and streamlined the skills gave actual choices with them other than "GET MOAR". and gave you skills that mattered way more The sheer difference one skill like Charge Adrenaline Rush and Tactical Cloak made to your game mattered a fucking hell of a lot more than the entire skill list of ME1 especially if you wanted more than endless chain CC Biotics
ME3 is a simple gameplay upgrade to everything they tried in ME2. Expended skills but not bloated like ME1 the addition of heavy melee and mobility options and the weight/cooldown system
For storyline ME1 was so heavy on world building because they had to introduce us to the universe. ME2 we already know our way around and it focuses on individuals and handling a single big mission against agents of the Reaoers. It should be showing how they still influence the galaxy even when not there first throwing the Geth at you now having to face the Collectors. It should have set up the third game with the Dark Energy storyline but we all know why it went off the rails
Earthborn/Colonist + Ruthless/Sole Survivor
I do Colonist/War Hero as a Paragon that was able to purge all the hate for the Batarians at Elysium so I dont really see it as a good Renagade
The horrors you save made you jagged and angry, by conforming to direct doctrine you are doing your best to prepare for even the worst.
>Expended skills but not bloated like ME1
I hated the skill tree in ME3. Neither 2 nor 3 got skill trees right, I believe. I still think ME1 did the best job with them, regardless. You might call it a RPG trope, but it worked. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
that is for Earth+Sole
I play it as somewhat suicidal with a death wish(risked own life to save other soldiers) that gets worse as more keep piling up
Remember to do your part.
No it fucking didnt. The skills barely did shit all classes played the fucking same you had to divide skills up between different weapons so you were forced to use shitty ones before you got enough pistol points to use a shotgun or sniper Rifle it was either OP Biotic CC or stat bloat for 60 god damn levels
What are some must have mods for ME1?
I love Tali
but that stock photo haunts me.
It was too much to hope they would actually model and animate a face for her. Midna's true form reveal is exactly how I wish Tali's face reveal had gone down.
and instead of not revealing her face at all they went full retard and pissed off everyone who wanted to see her face and everyone who didn't.
how has a studio so retarded survived this long
I'm not saying ME1's way was ideal and that it couldn't have been improved upon, but at least it didn't list "rounds" as skills, like ME2 did and didn't branch skills in two paths that made no goddamn difference between each other in ME3. There's a difference and no one game did it perfect.
just check nexus, i use only texture mod
It's the golden one in a sense. Gotta deal with it. Mean dealers and bullshit. You're a new spectre.
When I was a teen, I always let the rachni live because it was the 'good" option. But after replaying it lately, I'm gonna gas the fucker every time. Letting something that dangerous out in the galaxy with just a "dude, just trust me lmao" for reassurance is retarded.
Wrex is still cool though.
Objectively wrong.
MEUITM is a must.
I use the ALOT texture mods for all the games.
In ME2 I use the "Skip Hack and Bypass".
Did you miss the whole part where entire planets worth of humans were abducted and blended into a human DNA smoothie to make the babby reaper out of? The whole point was that they reproduced by harvesting whatever races they thought worthy and immortalizing them as a reaper. It's not exactly hard sci-fi but there IS an explanation at least.
>MEUITM is a must.
Shit. Meant for
Faster Elevators
Mass Effect Mouse Fix if you're on Windows 10.
I think of her like a kid that comes to love Sheperd in the second game. Like "holy shit he's so cool and I'm some foreign girl that likes this guy, he's so cute." American soldiers are really hot in that sense. As long as they're serving.
t. Batarian lovers
Ruthless is objectively the best renegade path.
I installed MEITUM + ALOT for ME1 but now I'm wondering if it installed correctly. Because for example some textures like the volus' armor is still quite low res.
Yeah, why couldn't we just leave there for Council decide what to do?
>mfw I actually like slow elevators because I want to hear the banter/etc and it's brings a certain calm or pause to the game
It doesn't skip banter or announcements. They're shortened to the duration of those and what's actually necessary.
Some Volus have been forgotten I think/assume, because the one in the Elcor embassy was "low res" for me.
Or maybe something went wrong, dunno.
Ah. Well, next time I feel like reinstalling ME then.
It would have been cooler if TIM had never been indoctrinated at all.
Even if there was that option, I'd probably still gas that roach. The council would not be able to handle a fast-spreading near-telepathic menace. Hell, this council wouldn't even be able to stop the krogans, because they's be too tied up in bureaucracy to use the genophage.
Fuck those incompetents.
nobody hated the elevators. only bioware's valve-tier playtesters couldn't understand they were loading screens, hence the boring traditional loading screens in me2 onwards.
those testers are the same reason we didn't get a hybrid clip/cooldown weapon system.
where the fuck do these studios find these retarded playtesters
Fasing the Krogan is a no brainer if Wrex is dead but otherwise it can work out just fine. The Rachnii are pretty much harmless and theres no reason to kill them except for the lulz
Dude, everyone at the time mocked the elevators. EVERYONE.
Explain the cooldown/clip thing.I heard something about that before but cant remember the details
The need of the Quarians was something I LOVED about ME3.
They NEEDED that place because their resources had run out. I had to help them, and I did.
ME1 didn't have ammo, but instead cooldowns for how long you could fire the weapon. ME2 clumsily changed this to standard ammo, except instead of replacing bullets you're replacing heat-sinks.
>"Neither 2 or 3 got skill trees right."
>"I think ME1 did the best job with skill trees"
>ME1 doesn't fucking have any skill trees
>killing Wrex
shit-tier player.
The hybrid system is pretty much what it sounds like. It wasn't complicated. Your weapon overheated like in ME1, and expending a clip would instantly cool it down. Weapons would also eventually cool down on their own and you could fire at a severely reduced rate, again just like ME1, making them not totally useless even when you were out of clips. But apparently that was just too fucking confusing for Bioware's playtesters so they axed it in favor of clips-only.
>ME1 doesn't fucking have any skill trees
Call it anything you want, I don't care.
People joked about them.
Thessia changed my judgement. Liara Crying of the loss of her world? TIme to just be mean. Humans do that better than anybody else.
>We are on the brink of galactic invasion by an ancient race of Techno-horrors and about to face certain extinction. What do we do?
>Start a pointless war with a race of Synths that will incur severe losses to our forces and possibly die in the effort
>Good call, admiral
No, it was stupid.
>But apparently that was just too fucking confusing for Bioware's playtesters so they axed it in favor of clips-only.
From what I read it was too imbalanced to keep it in, so the scraped it. Or maybe it was too confusing and claimed it to be imbalanced, instead.
>that anderson dossier considering Kai Lynn
>dude he's super dangerous
Why don't I just bitch slap this cunt?
>hey but did you know I did this
I'm just a recon marine but, I'm pretty sure this guy wouldn't make it out of his front yard.
I'm thinking it was probably more along the lines of a producer saw one of the retarded testers refuse to switch to any other gun except the Widow and go into a tard rage when they got repeatedly overwhelmed waiting for their overheated gun to cool down.
>Switch to a gun
Do you fucking no how extras work? What fucking "other gun."
A perfect goal for an extra, in mass effect? There isn't one.
t. asari literal parasite
Fuck you and your whole species.
>a race that is beyond our understanding because we are too puny and significant
>million of different looking reaper invade milkyway
>suddenly samefag reapers
>race was made by aliums and they went rouge
>can somehow get destroyed by a magical weapon
His name was marauder shields health
I agree. Best gameplay too!
>No arguments, just
>some of the best moments in the franchise and wrapped up a lot of character/plot arcs.
is that... your argument?
What's with ME comic strips and being extremely unfunny?
Someone's jealous
What did it (not) do exactly? I've sampled it but I haven't given it a full playthrough.
>ywn discover and talk to Vigil for the first time ever again
>beat me3
>talking with friends the next day in class
>"So what ending did you guys go with?"
>We all went destroy
And that's how I knew I picked the right friends.
ME1 was the best game of the series. Change my mind.
And very insecure, apparently
more like
>then why do you have that entire face
face model looks pretty good in her own special way, but the in-game translation is just hideous
You are right.
Agree with this. ME2 is still the best Mass Effect game.
>it was stupid.
No it was necessary.
There's something that Shepard doesn't know about the Quarians during this period that only is discovered if you read Mass Effect Ascension
The Quarian Liveships are failing; the species has, at most, a couple of decades to find a world. Their biology makes this extremely difficult, and the council has refused them settlement rights every time they've found a world in the past.
They are not allowed to antagonize the Geth or they'd face sanctions from the council. This means they have to wait until the council is distracted to invade Geth space.
Two decades until extinction, that's why the Quarians did what they did in Mass Effect 3
Why would we when you are correct?
>that only is discovered if you read Mass Effect Ascension
Into the trash, then.
>The Quarian Liveships are failing; the species has, at most, a couple of decades to find a world
Won't matter if they are wiped out in the Reaper war.
Why the fuck would you leave this information out?
honestly the reapers were a fun "ancient evil awakens" imo
the conversation with Sovereign was 10/10
absolute patrician opinion. ME2 was a downgrade and ME3 isn't even a ME game.
But ME1 is way grittier than ME2.
Turns from being interesting into a shitty RTS. Not saying RTS is shitty, but spore was.
No, by the time ME1 came out we had seen the save the world/galaxy plot way too many times already and there's nothing about the reapers that sets them apart. In hindsight they were even one of the worst because Sovereign's conversation is a Battlestar Galactica-tier "The Cylons have a plan" that sets the foundation for ruining everything.
>I do think 3 has the best gameplay
it was way too easy. Every skill is on tiny cooldowns and enemies lack protections that kept ME2 interesting.
More freedom of movement with rolling around didn't help, either. A lot of the tension disappears when you can metroid your way out of everything.
And winning the reaper war won't matter if they don't retake Rannoch.
>Why the fuck would you leave this information out?
Don't know according to Chris l'Etoile it was mentioned in the early drafts for the plot of Mass Effect 3 that helped write up.
But for whatever reason Patrick Weekes or Mac Walters removed it between 2009 and 2012
>2's plot and writing are completely nonsensical and the only characters who aren't completely retarded are tali and garrus
pleb filter activated
I'm currently playing Andromeda and, god, what a fucking mess.
Are there any other examples of games being absolutely destroyed for pandering to SJW?
>which is what ME2 was really all about, bond with characters and the universe.
Instead of preparing for the Reaper invasion, which is what it should have been about. ME2 was pointless and ensured ME3 would be shit no matter what.
Dragon Age Inquistion and Battlefield 5 spring to mind.
prob because that would make choosing the geth harder for some sensitive people
>And winning the reaper war won't matter if they don't retake Rannoch.
Sure it will.
>Hey Council, biggest fucking fleet in the galaxy here. Your fleets sure do look small and pathetic, fighting against those big fucking Reapers. How about we make an alliance and in return you help us fuck the Geth over, once we win the war? Sounds good to you?
What are the council races going to say? No way, fag?
I think there was some of the building up stuff in Mass Effect 2
Mordin, Grunt, Tali and Legion's personal quests helped somewhat.
The Reapers were always the weakest shit in ME, good riddance.
>between 2009 and 2012
ME3 wasn't even in pre-production in 2009.
The writing team was working on it in 09 as Mass Effect 2 had finished being written.
Keep telling yourself that.
I'm not it was mentioned in the old Swomwaltz dev diaries.
I wish I'd archived that site.
Mass Effect 3 and MGSV in the span of three years annihilated my enthusiasm for games. It was like a good friend doing some heinous unforgivable shit. You might end up hanging out again the future, but you can't let what they'd done slide and it poisoned the entire relationship.
ME2 is what the entire series should've been about. The reapers as a storyline were the worst shit right from the beginning.
They had said they were working on it, since 2009, but it isn't true. All the work being put into ME3 started after the last DLC for ME2 had shipped.
ME2's story would have made more sense if it was ME1
>Shepard is ex-special forces who gets recruited to go check out some missing colonies
>Turns out it's these weird Collector things harvesting humans for some reason
>turns out they're working for something called "Reapers"
then ME2 would have been Saren believing Shepard, seeking out the Reapers, and trying to help them invade
Actually in terms of overall format I agree with how it's set up currently, in that from ME1 the writers make clear to set up the stakes, and the middle entry creates set up via foreshadowing and brings down the story to a more personal level ala Empire Strikes Back.
My Issues with the Reaper plot are:
-It's a save the galaxy story, AGAIN. I can't tell you how many times we get this shit in videogames and ME2 is partly my favorite just for ignoring it
-ME3 ignores all of ME2's foreshadowing, among other things it did terribly
-Soverign's speech in ME1 builds up the Reapers as having motives "greater than mortal comprehension", which from a writing perspective is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a story because now no actual reason the Reapers can have will ever be good enough to follow up on that. 2/3rds through the first entry of a trilogy and they already painted themselves into a corner.
They could have kept the "it is not a thing you can comprehend" motivations for the Reapers
the key would have been to just never explain those motives. You fight them, you defeat them, they were killing everybody, but you never really find out why.
I think that could work, but it needs to be set up in a way that it doesn't create questions about what their motive is, like the difference between remarking that the galaxy will never really understand the Reapers vs them making a big speech about how their motives are too complicated for everyone. The thing about doing it the way it was in ME1 is that it still created questions; it's written such that you're still questioning what their deal is after the conversation is done, when really the conversation ought to have put that speculation to rest for good.
Yeah, Shepard should have never spoken to them at all. If they're truly s far beyond humans that we could never comprehend their motives, I can't imagine they'd bother giving a speech about it.
A TRULY alien threat from outside the galaxy that won't even bother to tell you why it's killing you. That could have worked.
Exactly. The illusion is broken the moment Sovereign talks to Shepard in ME1.
That's what the animation team and such were doing sure but members of the writing team that didn't have DLC had moved on. Chris and Mac were working on early drafts of ME3 when Chris was terminated.
Oh fuck I'm getting an urge to play ME3 multiplayer rn on Origins.
I barely have anything unlocked though compared to my 360 saves.
>members of the writing team that didn't have DLC had moved on. Chris and Mac were working on early drafts of ME3 when Chris was terminated
That's either not true, or all of it was scrapped and thrown out the window. And I do mean all of it. None of what we got was made before 2H2010. The writing team was scrambling for DA2 and ToR which were shipping within the next 12 months,.
I honestly would have been fine with the story just being Shepard as a SPECTRE going to different systems and solving smaller-level (by comparison) problems
They had a huge rich universe that was the equal of things like Star Trek, they could have told a near infinite number of compelling smaller-scale stories
Like the DLC "take back Omega" should have been one of the LARGER scale things Shepard does. He saves planets. Maybe he saves a solar system every now and then. He saves the Citadel.
but he never NEEDED to save the entire galaxy
We needed the revelation that Sovereign was a Reaper, and all Sovereign's other exposition.
Sure an synthetic eldritch horror probably wouldn't actually do that, but the player needs to be told.
Saren could have given this exposition
Even for a space bitch, no way to have arms/calves/chest that thin with that much central fat.
Exactly. Or we could have found Saren's data pad with a log of his descent into insanity and Reaper indoctrination.
You know that certain writers were only mass effect and others were only dragon age etc. Right? Gaider never worked on Mass Effect and Walters never worked on Dragon Age
Which one should I pick? I'm planning on doing a Vanguard.
Doesn't Vanguard already have Lift?
>last played ME3 September 1st 2018
Welp lads. It's been a year.
Time for my yearly playthrough of the trilogy.
What class do I start Shepard and what Origins do I give him.
I've only ever done soldier.
They do, but this menu is before picking a class.
That doesn't make sense
Sole Survivor
user I know I asked for suggestions but anything that's not Earthborn is anti-human.
Earthborn is the least interesting childhood though.
>biggest fucking fleet in the galaxy here
it was made up of junk ships for the most part
hell, the whole idea of invading geth space was stupid and contraindicated by the info from 1 where they basically state the Geth's fleet strength could solo the council races with no problem, hence the prohibition on provoking them
Have people here ever tried playing a run with no Charm/Intimidate dialogue options? I've been considering it recently and the possibilities sound intriguing. Pic vaguely related.
Borderlands 3 is the real Mass Effect sequel
You central HUB is more ME than ME3 and MEA combined
You are correct, it didn't. I clicked soldier by mistake.
>Not playing as a hardened badass who watched his family get slaughtered by xeno filth, only to watch his squad get slaughtered by more xeno filth
You're playing the game wrong. Also, if you played soldier, you might consider one of the biotic classes, they are all fun and play significantly different than soldier. Engineer kind of sucks and infiltrator is a really specialized soldier.
Definitely agree. The smaller scale stories in the series are peak Mass Effect.
You can do that but it really ruins most of the trilogy runs if your importing saves. Paragon options are a lot of the time the only way to keep someone like a main party member alive.
Earthborn is basically growing up in in a cyberpunk dystopia and joining a gang. Way more interesting than any of the other 2.
We aren't playing your shitty looter shooter Randy
Colonist has a better unique quest.
*faggier quest
I don't wanna counsel some depressed bitch.
I still play swtor because I want to make a Kaleesh or a Selkath one day. It's absolutely retarded that they don't make any of the cool races playable like Trandoshan because of the romance aspect. They let Chiss and Purebloods on the pub side because of player unlocks. It's fucking bullshit.
>fem grievous
I didn't know I wanted this until now
Where do I play ME1 and ME2 on PC?
Never forget
Don't give nu-bioware or EA money
Look at how thick Tali's thighs are
Oh wait what the fuck I had no idea 1 and 2 were on steam.
Can 2s save transfer to 3 since 3 is on origin.
Her thigh gap was unreal. I vividly remember masturbating to her legs in the elevator rides when I was a teenager.
I wish mr krabs was the MC.
Jacob looks like Kanye. Chef Boyega looks like a neanderthal with wide hips.
I don't see why not.
I don't have them on steam or origin and it works fine.
Darth Jadus is top tier too.
Vancouver looked so lifeless. I was expecting more cutaways to civies and the military getting massacred by the reaper forces.
One of the few, well only, genuinely interesting characters in Andromeda. Who knew the game started at its peak and then descended into pure shit?
That's cause ME3 was shit and rushed.
I would uh... You know... do things to her. Lewd things.
Well thats literally the core of the game so I'm sorry that you don't like the loop. Fans of the series are totally into that though.
I made this for you yesterday.
>found out Priority Earth Overhaul Mod got a major update
>mfw going through the final fleet battle and seeing that the Geth and Quarian ships finally appear together
Holy fucking shit they managed to make one of the only good moments of 3 even better
Apparently it's currently very broken. I wouldn't suggest picking it up just yet.
Should I replay Mass Effect 2 for the 180th time, or bite the bullet and check out the dumpster fire that Andromeda apparently is?
Andromeda has never had much appeal for me. What's the point if the entire setting is gone? It's not like they do anything interesting with pioneer concept anyway.
Worst Girl? but that wasn’t Jack.
>dow 3 trailer
I think you mean the cinematic trailer because everyone hated the gameplay trailers
Goddamn it why did you have to remind me.
>teaser makes it seem like we're a grizzled explorer travelling the Wild West of space in an entirely new and completely unknown galaxy
>actual trailer releases and we're an autistic zoomer exploring the sloppy seconds of planets taken over by retards and bandits, where the only remotely interesting plot points were zoomzoom having knowledge of the Reapers and the true purpose of the Initiative, but also the incredibly shady and mysterious innerworkings of the Initiative itself.
>series effectively cancelled and we'll never see these points being expanded upon
Neck yourself, Zoomer
Jack isn't the worst, really. A terrible choice but a great character. Worst girl is Liara because she's so shittily written. Just a totally different character in each game.
Next is Miranda. Now she's a good character in terms of personality, but her visual design is slutty and worst of all, she's barren. She can have no kids. She's also a career woman and so would be a terrible wife and even worse mother (if you decided to adopt).
Next is Kelly. She's nice, she can have kids. She'd be attentive to you and your kids. However she's a slut. Weird fetishes.
Then you have Tali. Nice personality. Nice body (if you're into that). However she can't have your children, but you could perhaps adopt some. The problem with her though is that ME3 reveals she's a basic bitch who likes to get drunk, has a tramp stamp, and is the kind of girl who'd hang out at Applebees. Total hipster trash.
Ashley is the best girl by far. Traditional values. Already has a strong family unit supporting her. Not a slut. Yeah, ME3 infects her with bimbo but you probably still have time to save her.
Not sure I agree with Miranda. She's certainly not my favorite, but her mission with her sister proves to me she'd at least be a halfway decent mother.
I read somewhere that the core of each reaper ship was one of these abominations, so maybe the collectors' plan was to build the ship around it? I don't know, sounds dumb either way.
The human reaper was a reaper ship being built, future reapers were going to look like it. It was the only one though.Its possible reapers started the process with other species, but given the game's monumental focus on humans and earth, I really highly doubt it.
Why is she so perfect?
it should've been this way. they could've gone with the DA2 route
While true, when the shit hits the fan and crunch is needed, even ME and DA dedicated writers get pulled to different projects.
The idea is that each Reaper has a "core" that resembles the species used to create it, and that "core" is housed in a larger Reaper shell that looks like the Leviathans.
She'd care about her kids, but she'd never be there for them. You don't understand what a career woman is. Her kids would be raised primarily be nannies and maids.
>it was made up of junk ships for the most part
Even for the purpose of pure canon fodder, that is a very good deal. And if the Geth fleet could solo the Council fleet, the Reapers were twice the threat of that.
I’ll never forgive this dumb shit company for cutting persuade and intimidate and instead tying speech checks to the fucking morality system. Retards.
That's still dumb. The whole "Reapers make themselves from organics" was a bad idea. It contradicts Sovereign in ME1 as his statements imply a disdain for organics. As though they were an irrelevant aberration that the Reapers sweep aside from time to time.
Dislocated, is more like.
>Ashley is by the far the best personality wise
>Looks godawful in every game
To live is to suffer
Most kids are nowadays anyways, I'd expect nothing less from a future with unleashed AI and VI
That was not the point I was making.
I never bothered with SW:ToR.
>fan art
You wish, suitless
I didn't say she was a looker. She's not. Even her personality isn't that great. Kind of abrasive. But... TRADITIONAL values. She'll be a good mother and wife. You'll do great with her a on a homestead on a start-up colony.
Jack is for rimjobs and glark glark
>trying to buy ME1 on origin
>it keeps declining my card for whatever fucking reason and wont let me purchase it
Anyways, I have no idea what to do. I wanna buy 1 and 2, but I dont think steam comes with the DLC for either. The DLCs for 1 isnt even listed in Origins either.
She looks like that chick that was supposed to be the "beautiful" love interest of batman and two-face in the movie with the joker. Bitch had no body and fat jowls. Apparently nothing is hotter than a disgustingly droopy face that ages like rotten vegetation.
>You wish, suitless
I don't, suit rat. I enjoy breathing, without being worried about dying with my next breath.
How was it destroyed by pandering? At the current level, if it was a competent game, I wouldn't mind, just like with every other BioWare title. What destroyed Andromeda was poor story, animations, characters, quests, buuuuuugs and lack of sense of exploration/discovery that was so tangible in the trilogy.
Polakcs paranoias didn't ruin this game.
>sole survivor
>spend entire ME1 hunting Cerberus operatives and kill each and every one
>have to work with Cerberus in ME2 and the entire sole survivor aspect is written out of the game
ME2 already ruined the series for me.
I am about to give andromeda a second chance, do the crackers put the newer patches in?
>Cerberus rebuilds you from the ground up
hmm the ethically bankrupt terrorist organisation didn't erase your memories of Cerberus' experiment or anything and you can passively be rude to IM and Cerberus lackeys but never know why.
Yeah, ME2 was a pretty terrible sequel. Frankly, the most interesting things in ME2 were the text descriptions of some of the planets. As well I'd say that its portrayal of the Wards on the Citadel was an improvement. That's pretty much it.
does anyone else get the problem where ME1 goes haywire on CPU usage? i really wanna play again on PC but it's a it of a hog
You need to pay attention to the Leviathan missions in 3. They were initially created by the leviathans to prevent sentient life from exterminating eachother and once the AI was unleashed it had the typical thought of "well they won't stop killing, so I'll kill them and then all the killing will stop" and they killed all the Leviathans and created the first Reaper out of their corpses and kept the cylce going until all sentient life was exterminated. Rinse and repeat as sentient life develops again and again. They use organic material in addition to synthetic likely to conserve inorganic resources and also they're killing billions and trillions of organics so may as well make use of their genetic material rather than let it go to waste.
works on my my machine :^)
try pcgamingwiki for fixes
Yet Toombs, the only other survivor, who got experimented on in Unit 731 style, contacts you. It's like they're taunting you with how flagrantly they disregard the plot from the earlier game. None of it makes any fucking sense. It just seems like someone got the idea to force Cerberus in and everything had to be written around it, no matter how much it contradicts.
At the least ME3 didn't disappoint me nearly as much since I'd already given up on the series in ME2.
Also the cores being other species is utter bullshit that was given as an aside during an interview. Its not actually in any of the games or books (yet) if you count those as canon.
But that's still basing the entire universe on a flimsy string code, a glitch in the system that the leviathans didn't have time to patch. That's a pretty shit twist for anything really.
>You need to pay attention to the Leviathan missions in 3.
I'm not going to play three nor am I interested in any of its dumb retcons.
What about character interactions? What about direction of photography? What about distinct feel between the hub worlds? The hub worlds themselves? The lack of copy pasted prefabs, that got substituted by actual levels? The character interactions? The upgraded loyalty missions? The improved paragon/renegade interrupts? The weapon variety and feel? You will not even consider any of these things for a very close minded view of a game that didn't have the exploration view of the first and the heatsinks on the guns.
My god, it's evolving.
Mattock > Valkrie
Also the concept of collapsible weapons seems dumb when it's the entire weapon collapsing.
Would be better to just make them "solid" Ike modern firearms. Would probably greatly improve weapon quality besides ergonomics.
Not even worth a (you)
Its not retcon if they add lore, only if they change already established lore. You're more than welcome to not experience the game, but at least don't pretend you're informed about it.
>Yet Toombs, the only other survivor, who got experimented on in Unit 731 style, contacts you. It's like they're taunting you with how flagrantly they disregard the plot from the earlier game. None of it makes any fucking sense. It just seems like someone got the idea to force Cerberus in and everything had to be written around it, no matter how much it contradicts.
Or maybe you do confront TIM about Akuze and the rest is the control chip Miranda insisted on implanting you with. I mean, control chip? No, we'd never do that to YOU, Shepard.
Abominations, both of them. You have way too much of other people’s cum in your brain (and autism).
But you gave him one anyways.
>fan art
The first one is a statue. The other two are cartoony gifs. Fucking kill yourself.
Are you under the impression spoiler-ing something makes it not exist?
Who took a shit in your bed, buddy?
Jack is the best girl, though. She is by far the best looking in my opinion since she's the only female not with a goblin face, she can also have kids unlike Miranda.
Yeah, nice headcanon that's completely destroyed by ME3 having absolutely no such indication. The writing sucks.
>Fucking kill yourself
I was going to, but now I won't, just to spite you.
Mirandey probably stole the control chip or severed the connection.
Incisor best sniper. I love this thing.
>Kinky bitch who wants to headbob on my dick all day long as long as donkey punch her hard enough
>Nigger-loving whore with a superiority complex and daddy issues. Not the 'I wanna suck daddy's cock' kind of daddy issues either. But the 'I want to murder my father in cold blood' kind.
Eyyy user, what iz you? Some kinna ree todd?
clearly things like Toombs is the result of the writing going single writer -> two writers -> get rid of the original writer
*can't beat the Shepard cock.
Because you know she probably gives the best footjobs.
>Miranda just dug her hand into Shepard's skull to remove the network of implants
>The military failed to locate the obvious additions to Shepard's brain in the medical examination they would absolutely perform on someone with unknown health and body composition
Or ... Miranda who planted you with it, deactivated for you, when she handed TIM her resignation.
Assuming the glow-in-the-darks didn't die in the suicide mission.
>Implying ME1 fans give a mosquito's shit about any of those things
This is Mass Effect universe. All logical procedures are skipped for story convenience.
Perhaps she deactivated it before the suicide mission.
But you can't disagree that these are nice things to have in your game. ME2 isn't the perfect game in the franchise, but neither is ME1. And it most certainly isn't ME3, either.
>Perhaps she deactivated it before the suicide mission.
So that's why she died on that mission, then?
I never did fully trust Dr.Chocolates.
the only correct man in this thread
>The entire premise for the reapers using genetic and biological material in their MO is because they need the equivalent of gasoline to keep going and "Hey, we just murdered all these things. Why not make them part of our bodies? Otherwise, it'll just go waste".
Even discounting how absurd it sounds for a nigh-infinite intelligence to 'not want something to go to waste' which will decompose and reintegrate itself into the environment in the blink of an eternal eye because of decomposition; how fucking absurd does it sound for the reapers to need to use bodies for gas?
This may not be a retcon user, but you know it's fucking tacked on shit writing for the sake of avoiding the work of making a more interesting narrative.
>So that's why she died on that mission, then?
She was committed to the mission, fully knew the risks going in and she was going to resign, either way, so she might as well have screwed TIM over in a way that legit hurt.
They are nice things. ME2 is my favorite game in the series by far and I don't think much of ME1 anymore after having replayed it a number of times. Most of the things in ME1 that used to give appeal just pretend at depth instead of actually having it.
Yeah, but she died like in
>Everything feels like a nerf gun
Literally fucking how? The sound effects for the shotgun, pistol and assault rifle are all insanely beefy, bass heavy and crunchy. When aiming the muzzle flash lights up the entire screen. There are ammo types that melt enemies into green sludge or set them on fire or freeze them or send them flying. If the enemy hit animations were better it would be some of the best 3rd person gunplay of the 2000s
I feel like 2 was a bit rush, actually. The minute you get your last crewmember (legion), you're kind of railroaded toward the end. Gathering everybody should have marked the halfway point
They were both good games though and miles better than the previous entry in each series
It doesn't matter to Miranda. Because her character doesn't know the consequences of Shepard's choices in the SM. All she cares is sticking it to TIM in a poignant way. And what better way to do that, than letting Shepard loose.
BioWare, when they made the third game. Why are you lusting after shitty 3D models from a decade ago?
iron maiden stage prop
I thought they turned them into LCL and so the collective consciousnesses of the species is inside each reaper.
>BioWare, when they made the third game
Same here, bro
>Why are you lusting after shitty 3D models from a decade ago?
Because no 3D model since then has done it for me.
this is true, although the way it's explained it seems to be more 'genetic memory' instead of 'collective consciousness'.
Eat my ass.
The first one was good, albeit clunky and a little cruddy in the graphics; but it set up a great foundation for the world and its characters. Even the minor characters such as your crewmates for the ship had a sense of character and soul to them.
It was when EA started meddling with Bioware's development along with that stupid crap for brains reviewer (don't remember his name but I'm pretty sure he's asian) with 2 such as retconning and "streamlining" the gameplay by removing armor and open world elements is when the series started declining. Character writing and such were on par with the first.
Don't get me started with 3, I'm still seething over that.
Play Greefall, it's mass effect 1 but with pirates
>we were fighting a fetus in the womb.
An early version of the Strand genre.
Ok, so what's the max number of women you can fuck through the trilogy?
You can fuck 2 women in ME1, you can fuck 2 women in ME2, and you can fuck 1 in ME3?
So only 5 in total?
The reasoning in me1 was that advanced civs cause an accelerated death of the galaxy/universe through their inevitable exploitation of the Mass Effect on the scale of galactic societies. Reapers' solution for this was to periodically cull advanced civs while still letting life prosper. Storing and incorporating the memory and the essence of the various races and nations that had to fall stems from the same reasoning. They don't want to kill or destroy the civs as such, but they can't let them keep going unchecked either. So they keep destill and digitalize the essence of the a species so that at least a ghost or a shsde of them will remain forever. It's not genocide for the sake of it but a neccessary evil to stave off the premature death of all life and saving the civs as ghosts of the civs is the best they can manage. It's not about worth or reproduction
The whole sludge thing is dumb. There's nothing supernatural about the reapers. They are selfreplicating AI machines with a purpose and a rigid and cold logic.
So, how are your people?
How do I quit Blueberry Muffin?
How do I get the dlcs for 1 and 2 if I buy it on steam.