Name one game with 10/10 combat. Doesn't matter if it's swords, guns, fists, claws or magic.
Name one game with 10/10 combat. Doesn't matter if it's swords, guns, fists, claws or magic
Other urls found in this thread:
Quake 3 Arena
Neopets for PS2
If you ask me it's either Quake 3 Arena or Neopets for PS2
Soul Calibur
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Bayonetta 1 & 2
Metal Gear Revengance
Dark Messiah
Urban Reign
Tf2 before it got bad.
God Hand
gen 3 pokemon hacked with special/physical split
>Tetris blocks
Since when?
what game is the katana?
I think it’s kill bill
>the movie bfg instead of the og one
You can throw it at characters in Smash to inflict a little damage so I guess it's at least an improvised weapon
Well, it's like a restraining thing, think of it like a bola
It’s tape.
Ninja gaiden black/sigma/3 razors edge
Bayonetta 1 and 2
Devil may cry 4 and 5
Maximo ghosts to glory
Street fighter alpha 3
Final fantasy zodiac age
Final fantasy type 0
Kingdom hearts 2/fm
>tetris blocks are considered weapons
TERA online before Valkyrie patch
Oops, game doesn't exist anymore
Bushido Blade 2
just shotgun
Jesus that's embarrassing
You say that but then most games with shot guns dont even portray them right.
What is this one?
It's funny that they still can't get this shit right.
A regular shotgun doesn't even start to fall off hard before 35-50 feet.
>Bayo 2
looks like dead space
Dead space mining cutter, I think
Never played that game, do you shoot yourself over and over in it?
Looks cool, thanks
The first DMC is best because it's not a bunch superfluous arthritis-inducing combowank.
zoom zoom
takes me back to my 2014 instasync days
Titanfall 2
Max Payne 3
Monster Hunter World
Resident Evil 6
>max payne 3
lol, what a garbage game, combat included
>not bolter or chainsword
You really can tell the one that did that image is a fucking faggot
It's not that they can't get it right, it's often just for balance reasons. A lot of games have smaller multiplayer maps, if shotguns were as strong as real life they would just be OP. Games with huge maps like Battlefield have no excuse, though.
Mass Effect 3
>what is killing floor
One shit game that doesn't dictate what the majority of the industry does
I didn't realize killing floor was a competetive pvp game that needed balancing.
This. Especially CPMA
Yes but only if you Don't run Mark of Agito + SP Crystal + Ultima
Ninja Gaiden Black or 2, easy question.
>no one gets it right
>"this one does, play that"
>competetive pvp game
If one weapon is OP then why doesn't everyone just use that?
Balancing is gay, learn to play faggot.
Mega Man X4, X5, Zero 1-4
As garbage as the game has become, Killing Floor 2 has amazing gunplay and feel. The sounds could be better though
Have you ever stepped on a Tetris block barefoot? It hurts like hell.
XD bro duuuude
Vigalante 8
well I fucked up that spelling
just look it up retard
when do we get a videogame that where all games do a crossover and they fight in multiple ways
>all these literally who anime swords
>no Soul Reaver
>being this ignorant of the implied point
nigger, shotguns are never done right when its an environment of players against players, stay mad you cant outright say this is wrong