It's pretty late, don't you think you should go to bed? You can finish up your game tomorrow. Having a healthy sleep schedule is more important than a video game.
It's pretty late, don't you think you should go to bed? You can finish up your game tomorrow...
Shut the fuck up
You're late. It's almost 3:30. I've already ruined my life. Thanks for nothing. Also do you have discord?
No need to be rude, I just want you to make sure you're staying healthy and taking care of yourself.
It's never too late to make a change for the better, Mr. East Coast!
I work another 13 hour shift.
eat shit stupid fucking retard. i do what i want. retarded cunt fuck you
I need someone too bully me into going Mass in the morning. Otherwise I'm going to sleep in again for the 200th Sunday in a row.
Based Ampharos Worker. We are in this together.
There's more than one service! Just go to the noon one instead! Making sure you get enough sleep is important.
Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy, NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries
Don't overwork yourself. Knowing when to take a mental health day and staying safe on the job are important!
I work second shift so I wake up in the early afternoon. Being a butcher is easy and comfy.
But I'm voice chatting with my bf
Thanks user, I will go to the 11am mass. Going to bed now, you get a good nights rest as well.
Thanks user. It's not too hard of work, only in the evening though.
>tfw hungry
>tfw also really tired
>tfw eating just before sleeping supposedly makes you fat as shit
i'm doin it
My cat is sleeping on me. I should be joining my boyfriend in bed but I don't want to move my cat...
give me headpats nee-san
But I work nights and sleep during the afternoon.
As long as you're getting a good amount of sleep a day.
I work the graveyard shift, weeb. While you're out sleeping, I'm sitting on my ass making money.
Also, stay based my fellow nightman.
hate myself, can only function between the hours of 12am and 6am
Take steps to become a person you don't hate!
Thanks for the boost, i'll try a little harder today.
my wife
No, I have to do my calisthenics while downloading anime then play a few matches of SC2 and later sit down to eat leftover tacos while watching anime. Then maybe I will sleep.
fag thread
Junko is not your wife
A mountain may misform, but the winds on to it will always remain
But it's 18:42 here in !Japan
Then enjoy your Sunday!
She is.
Where is the evidence?
Love needs no evidence.
She is your unwed gf at best.
It's not that it in itself makes you fat, it's that you won't be burning those calories and will just eat again when you wake up.
It's not entirely up to me. I can't control whether the sleeping pills work or not, and I can't get rid of the depression that makes me unable to sleep without them.
To be honest, if God exists, I doubt he cares much about whether or not people go to church. I think he's far more concerned with people being good to each other.
So go ahead and sleep in. God will understand. And if he doesn't, then he is not God, and you need not worry.
I'm having trouble figuring out what that means.
It's 11:30am, I'm still hungover
Canto sleepo
lady it's past noon. though i haven't slept yet
Really hot scene
I don't know who this lady is, but thanks for being polite!
>but not blonde
Big yikes
what anime is this maiden from
reverse image search/WAIT is failing me
I just woke up and it’s morning. It ain’t late where I am
Junko < Misaki
Astral Buddy
The way of the nightman is a long and arduos one, but it is a path that makes us stronger.
I don't get off work until 8am my Japanese friend.
Can't wait for Gunha to claim his wife, Junko.
His wife will actually he the titular Astral Buddy.