Lol i used you

>lol i used you
fuck Yea Forums for recommending me this

Attached: 730E56D5-1E6B-446F-BD16-696166FDFAEC.jpg (580x326, 24K)

anime is for children

is she the final antagonist at the end?


Best girl won in the end anyways.


shouldnt you kids be asleep for Sunday school?

>Sunday school
what year do you think it is?

>its a girl loses her attractiveness when she cuts her hair episode
How many times must I suffer to see this?

Attached: [Elysium]Katanagatari.EP06(BD.720p.FLAC)[1356F2BD].mkv_snapshot_18.50_[2016.12.29_23.08.00].jpg (1280x720, 78K)

>I know you are but what am I

That's the best you got? Pathetic.

Haha you were probably one of those idiots who watch the one gif and think it'll be good.

I still have no idea what the eye thing means.

Back to Yea Forums incel.

What gif?

>can't think past the surface to see what's really happening
Of course you wouldn't understand or deserve best girl.
It shows she's plotting something.

she killed DOZENS

the gifs too big for Yea Forums but its the shark fight with beni

Attached: togamef2.png (1723x595, 517K)

>mfw MC was holding back so he didn't break the katanas
>mfw he doesn't need to hold back anymore

Attached: 1554407003941.jpg (338x527, 35K)

it rly was a kino end

Why would you keep drinking if it drowns you

their suffering never ceases to be delicious

>Brainlet OP
Togame lied to Shichika and herself. She wanted to cushion the emotional impact of her death for Shichika and release him from his obligations as her sword, which may or may not have also been an attempt to sic him on the emperor for having her killed. Regardless of what she'd intended, she nullified their contract and Shichika goes apeshit afterwards.

I'm not even mad anymore when it happens. Just disappoint...

Nah Shes died getting shot by 1911 handgun in the end. The male protag has nothing to lose and kill all the bad guy/girl except the other princess. He become that princess dog.

At least the MC ends up with someone who actually loves him.

Attached: I wonder how neechan's doing.webm (1080x608, 2.86M)

this was such a good episode
pure fucking kino for 50 minuted straight

unironically, I've never had my exceptions exceeded more than this episode did. I preferred the first swords man in the desert for the absolute kinography, but this was pretty fucking baller

truly set the standard for katana genre

Attached: guaranteedreplies.gif (400x225, 1.87M)


>She said with a posed look


Attached: 12869-4994-26927.webm (624x352, 204K)

Entire fucking point of that scene went overyour head then.
>Upfront makes it clear he's a useful tool to get what she wants at the start with her sales pitch on joining her
>Falls for him for real pn their journey
>Is fatally injured and bleeding out
>Reveals that the scheme she was actually planning for was much darker than she'd admitted and involved killing him
>She couldn't stray from this path even after falling for him because revenge was all she had to live for
>She's telling him this because now that she cannot get revenge she's able to finally focus on love and is hoping that this pushes him away so he flees the situation instead of getting involved further

TL;DR: she loved him you and was being cruel to protect him at the end


Don't come in here with that weak shit, okay. We're on three or more levels of reverse psychology than that. Go to bed. Please.
The adults are talking.

I really can't get enough of this story. No matter how many times I watch it I'm hooked from start to finish, there isn't a single moment in any episode that bores me because of how well-rounded the series is. Shichika and Togame's interactions, the character depth of all the deviant blade users, and all the build-up leading to the climax. Never once have I enjoyed watching a man slowly walk up a flight of stairs so much.

I thkn the best part about the story is how well the story pays everything off. Not that like anything feels resolved, but how much they put into letting you feel out every episode before then with a quick nod during the fights and a lasting ambiance of scrolling through the locations
>The last look at the castle in the desert
I fucking cry man, I fucking cry everytime.