>Undertale? In my Taiko no Tatsujin?
It's more likely than you think.
Taiko Undertale pack
Other urls found in this thread:
>haha that toby-san guy? Lets just give him even more money!
I'm jealous as fuck
>undertale in taiko
>touhou in taiko
>sans in smash
how the fuck did toby become such a fucking rock star in japan
like i get that the game's popular there but is it really that much proportionally more popular in japan than it is in the rest of the western world?
This is nothing but a huge operation by tumblr to destroy Yea Forums once and for all. Agent Toby Fox has done a well job for them.
tumblr has been dead for years user.
He is biased to weeb shit so there you go.
how did he fucking do it bros? I'm so fucking jelly
Unlikely, very different games. Taiko is alright while Undertale is shit
post death sleeper cells and the homosuck fandom
Is Taiko any good? I was thinking about picking it up for the Switch. I'm not very good at true rhythm games but I really like the music in the series and I've always thought it looked fun. I know Namco has extremely jewish DLC practices with games like these but I can deal with it if I end up liking it
>you will never make a globally loved indie game and get to be buddy-buddy with your favorite Japanese devs
>Being this liked in Japan
he made a good game
try making a good game
I want to but i'm stupid and lazy
>try making a good game
>make something small
>finish it
It's the same breed of retards who like him over here, I don't know why people seem to think Japan is some bastion of cultured thinking or something. There are just as many fujos drawing Sans X Papyrus in Japan as there are in the west, probably more.
I admire Toby's determination
He's learning languages, composing music, making games, etc
Meanwhile I feel my arms are gonna fall off and can't be even bothered to drive 45 minutes from my place to get root beer flavored milk despite liking it the first time
I'm never gonna make it
>I don't know why people seem to think Japan is some bastion of cultured thinking
It gave us anime and maid cafes. What has the West brought to the table? I'll wait.
I don't think it's more popular than it is in the west numbers wise. West bought at least a million copies, while Japan digital only moved about 100k for comparison sake. The difference is that for a new IP from a nobody, 100k is fucking insanely good in Japan. A lot of lengthy established franchises only move like 5k to 20k in their opening weeks and go to do like 50-80k lifetime.
what's the worst song to drum to?
Maid cafes are the ultimate in cringe, though. I have more respect for people who go to titty bars, cabaret clubs, and soaplands.
The reality is that the majority of people everywhere are complete fucking retards. Even creators you might respect probably enjoyed the latest Avengers flick.
it gave us the internet and video games you dumb weeb
>I have more respect for people who go to titty bars, cabaret clubs, and soaplands.
You sir are just a degenerate, and that's simply all there is to it.
>Even creators you might respect probably enjoyed the latest Avengers flick.
Oh boy, don't tell me you're one of those hipsters who thinks they have cultured taste for not enjoying superhero movies.
All that's left is to see if Undertale can retain its popularity over in Japan.
There isn't much content to make fanworks with, Toby Fox really needs to finish Deltarune.
Undertale's story and themes resonates very well with the Japanese audience. There's also some quirks with the Japanese localization that gives the characters more personality.
He's gained the respect of major developers in Japan. You have to at least acknowledge that. Fandoms always breed degeneracy no matter what game you look into. Undertale being beloved by an entirely different culture is a sight to behold, and there hasn't really been a western developer who has done what Toby Fox has done in that scope.
>>You sir are just a degenerate, and that's simply all there is to it.
I'd never go to any of these places, but at least those losers are getting to grab a titty or something. Maids are the same shit with less on show.
>and there hasn't really been a western developer who has done what Toby Fox has done in that scope.
the music was the best part of the game.
I didn't played this game because i'm not a zoomer trend hopper but i used to work with a guy who is and he told me that the game literally has just one song but that it changes it's pitch depending on the situation. Is this true?
I don't think he means strictly sales. And Minecraft as megabucks of a ip as it is is just vidyalegos. There's nothing there from a narrative standpoint because its supposed to be you make your own shit.
Where as with undertale being an interesting/meta look at vidya mechanics people always just shrugged off while also having great characters/music.
There's been great indie games like Hollow Knight or Shovel Knight. But they're just really good games, they didn't change anything about their genres because they weren't trying to.
Minecraft is a worldwide phenomenon.
What I'm really talking about is the amount of love and respect Undertale has received in comparison to other western developed games.
Toby Fox being invited by Sakurai, ZUN and Gamefreak, being able to compose for the company that brought Pokemon.
The kid has gotten really far.
Notch hasn't gotten that kind of attention.
the maid obsessions is one of the worst tropes in Japanese media.
He's been networking with Japanese e-celebs.
>This damage control
Because Notch, and other real indie devs, don't need to hang around Japanese devs to give themselves credibility.
Bad bait.
>Sans uses boku in elevenlandsOMG SUCH QUIRKY PERSONALITY XD
There are a few that change tempo/pitch but almost every game does that ever. It doesn't just have one song. Unless you can explain to me the correlation of these being just pitch
You mean the medium that's been ravaged by pedo moeshitter cancer harder than western cartoons and CalArts?
Notch gave up because he wasn't talented. You forget the garbage Mojang tried to come out with.
It's pretty good. I'm not great either but each song has easier versions.
All that happened is that Itoi heard that an Earthbound game gained some traction and went out to meet Toby Fox.
That's it. The game isn't particularly beloved in Japan, Fox was just able to network with Itoi and meet with some developers because Itoi is known to be extremely fan friendly.
I imagine the way he's being treated by Japan is mostly just to avoid offending Itoi, actually. I find it interesting how it's mostly been Nintendo devs he's been working with.
>The game isn't particularly beloved in Japan
It's okay user, your beloved animeland can like Undertale without you losing your sense of weeaboo superiority. The nips still value gameplay and fun above all else, don't they?
In a new interview with Gematsu, Yoshiro Kimura calls Toby Fox a friend
"Right. In addition to ‘anti-RPG’ we also call this ‘the role-playing game without fighting."
Woah , so Undertale's concept wasn't original after all?
>Toby Fox is my friend because he gave me a good review
Interesting. He specifically states this happened in 2012. Before Undertale's launch. Hm. Almost as if Undertale had nothing to do with it!
I love Notch and he'll always be /ourguy/, but Minecraft is the only (good) thing he's ever made. And you seem to be insanely jealous/have an irrational hatred for Toby.
Undertale isn't even good!
>root beer flavored milk
It's a lot better than it sounds at first, isn't it? Kinda like the last part of a root beer float, after the fizz has gone and the ice cream has melted.
Why would I be jealous of Toby Fox and not Notch?
>This damage control
Telegraphing your own posts?
>Toby makes a game lauded by influential/successful devs
>Sakurai calls him up to have a sleepover and puts his character in Smash
>loved by the west and jap community
B-b-but it's just a zoomer meme! R-right?
It's hyperbole. The soundtrack uses leitmotifs throughout, and some tracks are remixes, but it's mostly because they're related by the context they appear in. Those connections go deep enough that I'd go as far to say that listening to the soundtrack could spoil some parts of the game.
The most tenuous relation I can think of is between these tracks:
and all of those play during miniboss battles.
I want to say it's both a bit of luck and talent. He made a game where you can save or kill everyone but did so in a very simple style. The characters are cute and most if not all are enjoyable. If you're a big dumb softy like me the final battle on pure pacifist can get you a bit emotional. The music it's bitchin and doesn't feel like an afterthought. I say partially luck because it's very easy even with all of that to just not click with people.
Also there's no real agenda. As an example the two homosexual pairs in the game don't feel forced. Perhaps they are on some level? But they don't feel that way. They're played up for a bit of laughs but not any more so than anything else in the game. Nobody's pissed about it because it wasn't some huge scene put into a trailer, wasn't paraded around, and wasn't just shoved onto a character after 3 years.
It's literally because Toby is a massive weeb and is using his fame for all its worth.
Japs are often amazed by foreign fans, because the whole country is like an insular bubble. If Notch had ran around Japan, he would've easily seen 10 times the support. Steve would probably be in Mario Maker.
someone accuse that dumb motherfucker of sexually harassing someone.
im still pissed he had the nerve to bitch about MGSV's popularity trumped his own game for releasing around the same time.
It also has some very well executed whimsical humor. You don't have to break through cultural barriers to make patting a dog's head so much it screen wraps funny, or at the very least something to make you crack a grin, in any language.
Toby is one of the very few devs that I approve of getting so popular. He earned everything of it by hard work and self improvement. Compare that to Notch who became a billionaire by using Infiniminer open source code for himself and making Minecraft and then he is too jewish to share even a fraction of his wealth with the original devs.
There's nobody in a position to that could do it believably, outside of Sakurai saying Toby groped him at his house.
Toby made a soulless homestuck clone into a game to impress fat teenagers. His game has nothing to offer but the illusion of story, it's possibly the most pretentious game I've ever played that doesn't brand itself as an art project.
Notch just made a shitload of money by copying an idea and putting his own spin on it, because he realised that he could do LESS work and make more money because idiots eat up open world shit. I've got 10 times more respect for the balding manchild than I have for the pedo.
I find it interesting how Undertale fans have mostly circlejerked about how popular and successful Undertale is, while fans of games like Deadly Premonition will stand by them regardless of how well they sell or do.
If I see anyone write something this faggy about Moon when you guys get it, I swear to god I'm finding out where they live and firebombing them.
Hopefully the time limit will make all the fibromyalgia neurotics have panic attacks and they'll stop playing because they can't spend 2 hours on a single screen.
Its great man
I find it interesting that Toby recognised that Yea Forums liked Undertale right at the start and knew we'd immediately shit on it as soon as it became popular.
Why are people bringing up notch
Why ask this question when you know you're gonna get a bunch of bullshit answers
Because Yea Forums can't talk about one thing, it's always 'MY THING IS BETTER THAN YOUR THING PROVE ME WRONG OH WAIT YOU CAN'T LOL'
I am ready
Reminder that this shit actually happened.
Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Adventures, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
Reminder that Toby would be nothing but a shitty romhack maker without Hussie
t. hussie
MGSV was fucking shit though.
this but unironically
Literally it's just because the nip fanbase is totally detached from the tumblr spergout when matpat finally went over the game and secondaries got something to pretend they played.
Game is freakin great, just got it a month ago.
Easy is really easy, but the difficulty builds up really great. Since I'm pretty good at rhythm games, I started on hard and the way the game teaches you techniques is almost an art form. Like the first 10 songs you can easily play with one hand, then it slowly introduces parts where you really need two hands to keep up. Stuff like that. You do need the drum though, the motion controls are pretty bad in my opinion, and just pressing buttons is not that fun, keep that in mind.
I fucking love it.
>Toby ignores his retard fans for years
>Suddenly is raking in the dough
Can he be stopped or has he become the new Hussie?
There was also a Groove Coaster crossover too with an unlockable Sans announcer. Shit still gets promoted in my local arcades.
Which version of the new Taiko game is better? I heard the official drums for the PS4 one was shit.
Hussie succumbed to the pressure from his fans and crumbled trying to indulge their whims.
Thus far, Toby has remained strong.
That's actually sick
i posted about how fucking popular undertale was in japan and nobody believed me
you know they literally have fucking undertale concerts there, right? people actually go to those
The official drums are always shit, HORI's drums always suck at recognizing input, there's a way people mod theirs to make it more responsive though.
Yeah I played Megalovania on Groove Coaster earlier this week in a Japanese arcade. BTW this game is great.
There's also a Dangan Ronpa X Crypt of the Necrodancer crossover.
Goddamnit, I wanted to avoid doing the cork mod as much as possible.
Nobody knows of him though. It's twitter stuff.
it's too bad the fucking mobile port hasn't been updated in over 2 months. even the steam version has the newest (2nd) undertale pack.
>MGSV's popularity
Surely not in a positive connotation.
It really does wonders though, I really wanna mod mine as well, since it only recognizes the input if I hit with full force.
Toby's just doing things he thinks will be cool.
Though I get the feeling Deltarune won't get as much attention, unless Nintendo does some big promotional thing like Kris getting in Smash.
Japan never had to deal with the western furry fanbase
They got a way more sanitized and pure experience
Great writing
Great music
Great gameplay
Simple graphics and concept
It's a great game, and every day it's more proof that Yea Forums is wrong
I disagree I think people were tricked by its tricks
But there is nothing good about the writing or the gameplay
It does have cute characters though and Japan loves those
he's already in
fucked up, sorry
I think what makes Undertale for me isn't that it's some revolutionary game that will reshape the way video games are made but more for it doing something interesting with it's premise and rolling the fuck along with it. Personally I think Undertale is a great game and while not everyone is going to like it, that's okay. I do feel though that any Earthbound/Mother fan owes it to themselves to give it a shot as while I don't think the game is perfect I think it's ideas are really good and I really can't wait to see what Toby does to expand upon the ideas from Undertale with Deltarune.
>the background effects
I wish bamco would streamline the tracklist of the console releases. I think Guitar Hero or Rockband or Rocksmith, one of them at least had the right idea of making everything DLC across all platforms. I guess there'd be some issues with some platform exclusive game tracks but there's really no reason to not do it for the other categories.
im working on it user. i use my jealousy of toby as fuel
>he is too jewish to share even a fraction of his wealth with the original devs
Pretty sure he did
But I saw a drawing by an autistic person so the game is bad
you joke but this is literally how retarded people on Yea Forums are and yet they remain convinced they're not fucking braindead chimps
Toby never talked to other western game devs or did interviews with western media but he did all of that in Japan. Probably because he's a massive weeb and his western fanbase is incredibly autistic so I can't blame him for focusing his attention on Japan.
>like i get that the game's popular there but is it really that much proportionally more popular in japan than it is in the rest of the western world?
Japanese furries are obsessed with toriel, like most porn of toriel is made by japs. Sindoll made +3 toriel comics already
Why japs love Undertale
They hate anything from the west?
Because it is a solid game with actual great music,what other western games have a soundtrack with as many outstanding tracks as Undertale? Don't answer,there are none.
>I'm jealous as fuck
>Met ZUN
>Met Itoi
>Fucking Sakurai drove him to his house to play Smash
Toby is based as fuck and I'm jealous as fuck
New track was just posted
He did do an interview with one western journalist and everytime the interviewer brought up politics he would just go "Skip"
and another one
Only +6 yeasrs to go until its released bros!
Based. Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again? He made a good game and doesn't seem to pander in terms of politics.
Core, Death By Glamour, Napstablook's song and Dummy! are all the same song but with different pitch, tempo, etc.
Sharing a melody rhythm for certain parts of a song doesn't make it the same song. It's not like he did a shitty YouTube nightcore remix where he just upped the tempo and pitch. They share a central theme, but they are so different in all other aspects.
Is undertale considered a weeb game?
>how the fuck did toby become such a fucking rock star in japan
He got a really good Japanese team to localize his game and went over the localization himself, by hand, to make sure all the puns worked and all the jokes didn't sound like cringe americanisms.
Ironically the thing that made toby so filthy rich is that no serious developer would take the time to do that by hand. It could have only been done by an indie game madman.
you know this is some good shit
welp at least this is a good reason to look forward for the next 6 years
no, but it is a furry game
being either wouldn't stop it from being good
Notch wouldn't want that attention anyways, he also fell off the face of the earth in terms of popularity once he sold off minecraft.
Yes, and Cuphead too
Toby is cute, they like his persona, his characters and music.
He comes across like a young Yoko Taro.
weird tumblr fags living vicariously through toby
How tf do I git gud at taiko? I'm still having trouble with those note triplet patterns
holy SHIT I hate games journalists.
>Romance is a big thing in this game. What sex is papyrus and would he switch when sans fucked him in the ass?
>Is the protagonist being gender neutral a bold and intense claim on genderqueering and pozzing in general?
>If you got fucked in the ass, what kind of penis do you think Sans would use?
You could tell the interviewer by the end was kneading their panties in their mouth because he dodged every retarded fangirl question he had.
I got the drum with the PS4 Taiko game, does it work with Switch Taiko too?
Is there a way to plug it in somehow?
Haven't tried.
You know it was just an email they exchanged right?
Of course. It says so right in the article.
Can i play Taiko in PC?
Can i upload songs?
>Not instead being inspired.
Honestly i'm glad to hear a Indie Dev get so much success from their work. While I think that Undertale is 'alright' and not the best game in the world like others claim it as, its impossible to deny that this game has touched people across the world.
I think this highlights that just how Japanese games usually get translated to English on release, Western Games need to do the same.
When Deltarune came out, it already got translated into Japanese and even gave Jevil his own Japanese voice lines.
Hope his stuff does well!
Thats him voicing Jevil, even in Japanese.
nope it doesnt
>Touhou and Undertale in the same game
Taiko just took a shit on Sakurai.
Damn, I wasted money on this thing.
Are there any drums that are good besides the LV5? That shit's too expensive
Taiko in Smash boys fuck yes
The Japanese devs have deep respect for him because he created such a great game all by himself (with a little help from temmie)
They know all too well how huge of an undertaking it is to develop an entire game by yourself. It also helps that he knows some japanese.
god tier localization, thats how