Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

>Yea Forums unironically thinks Borderlands 3 will be cracked

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I don't care at all either or

Huh was there a false alarm crack?
Who gives a shit about this garbage anyway.

why would you want to play borderlands

doesn't someone here say this about every new game and it gets cracked anyways every time?

You couldn't pay me to play it

sour fucking grapes poorfags

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Randy could give me the best blowjob of my life and I still wouldn't play it if he asked.

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Does it matter? BL3 is crappy normie shit only casuals care about, like Assassins Creed and Battlefield.

wouldn't play it for free, spam this with that shitty sports soccer game.

>game gets cracked
>constant threads about how bl3 is the worst game ever suddenly completely disappear from Yea Forums

Fuck off back to twitch so you can play your sjw tooty shooty gayme with your little zoomie twitchdrone buddies, and don't forget not to misgender any fictional robots you fucking gay cunt.

Dumb shitposter. The game obviously isn't going to get a crack, it doesn't release for another six months.

>not sure if I want to play BL3 or not
>Epic makes the decision for me

maybe this whole EGS thing isn't so bad, it makes it really easy to cut down on my backlog


>can't run on a 1650
why should i bother with this game
i don't want to play it on epic game store steam shit either

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that's not going to happen at all

I love you Straya!

If someone told me this was a marketing attempt in a desperate move by gearbox to sell Borderlands, I could believe it.

I would not put such tactics beyond them.

The only game to never be cracked is Handball 17

>misgendering a robot gets you banned
nigga, no one should give those fucks money

Borderlands as a series has always been a fucking snoozefest for redditors

>>misgendering a robot gets you banned

Any proof?

Say it

It'll be cracked. It might take years, but it'll be cracked. I can wait.

Op unironically thinks that this game will sell

>t...-they disrespected will sell MUST sell bad!
Did you miss the thread where it's selling better than BL2, you gabecuck?

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Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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>buy gaem on ebay for $5 through a shared account

>play game offline

thats what I did fuck giving them money

I can wait a week or two.
Can't you? Do you feel like you "need" [new thing] right away?

>Yea Forums is so newfag now they don't remember when borderlands 1 had unironic viral marketing spam on this board

You're right. Borderlands 3 wont be cracked because it runs on a malware chink software. Kill yourself sweeney.

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Cry more

And now Yea Forums unironically likes Borderlands

Just like Octopath Traveller will never get cracked right? How did that work out for you :^)
BL3 will get cracked eventually and the game will actually be playable, unlike for you paycucks

Crackwatch confirmed this is fake news.

Sometimes I forget poorfags can only play pirated games haha


Jesus Christ don't tell me you own one

What's the source on this? Big if true.

> tfw 150+ days and anno 1800 still uncracked

When the first post is also the best post.

Get a job faggot


Gay af

Unironically is not a real word

shut up, word bitch