Hello Yea Forums this is a voice actor for River City girls, say something nice to her!

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Other urls found in this thread:


oink oink

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this is the one time that keeping that daughter is more pathetic than letting her go

That's an ok wig I guess.

The loose choker is really bugging me though, ho boy.

she looks like a skank, but kyoko's random noises while fighting makes my dick hard

I don't fucking get why they felt the need to have the game voiced by e-celebs, or really at all. It's like they had zero fucking faith in the game by its own merits.

Hey wait a second what happened to her black fingernails? That was her best feature.

Did the game even need voice acting?

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Do people seriously care what a voice actor looks like for a beat-em up? In all the time I've seen people praise God Hand I don't remember posting about Gene's actor.

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I think Kira Buckland is the only one that doesn't bug me, really. She's got actual voice acting credits instead of just being picked due to Youtube popularity.

It's more who they are.
And this guy looks like he kills bears

Maybe they didn't had enough budget for good voice actors and decided that using e-celebrities will be a win/win situation - they probably cheaper than an actual actors and they have a fanbase that would be interested in this game.

I want her to be Jolyne's dub voice actress.

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Even more reason not to play this game
I just want to play as Mami

Apparently it's working out great for ProZD

Rina Chan's come a long way.

Don't even suggest that, user

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Yeah, that checks out.

Yes, we all know who she is

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wtf I hate 2B now


Matthew Mercer
Kaiji Tang
Erica Mendez
Laura Bailey

Greg Chun
Patrick Seitz
Erica Lindbeck

Erin Fitzgerald
Nolan North
Troy Baker

David Hayter
Bryce Papenbrook
Yuri Lowenthal
Wendee Lee


Feel free to recommend others

Attached: dab.webm (264x264, 83K)

2B in English is the only way to play

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so raise here to please you instead.

Christopher Niosi

Based but you forgot Kira in shit rank

>turn an angel into a bitch in the western adaptation
is there nothing sacred anymore

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I don't mind Matt Mercer personally but I hate his voice. Demote him right this instant, negro.

Daughters aren't for fucking
Loli wifes on the other hand...

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Like the voice, don't like the face and the barf-worthy pink hair.

>Like the voice
I'll never understand how people like her shitty performances

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>He doesn't want a personal loli and raise it to be a lesbian in order to cuck lots of men.
You're a pleb if you don't want those headpats.

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Hasebe looks like she's been through a lot

>the brawl taunts chick has become a popular and recognized voice actress
Still feels surreal.

Erica Lindbeck will be S rank by 2021. Her rise is ridiculously fast even when she was miscast in p5 she turned in a solid performance.

>Gene's VA look like one the Miss conchita sidekicks

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Meanwhile the animator has lost his job due to abuse allegations he admitted to.

Kyle McCarley is (9)S tier

They're both better now, designwise atleast

I dunno about anyone else, but the smug face and psycho eyes kinda do it for me.

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I like Michelle Ruff.

She will cause of the meme fanbase. Really hope she doesn't though

when will they be playable

Me too

Who is this "Runkachunk"?

Why does she have that name?

As soon as I'm tired of them

She's not going to fuck you. Stop defending her.

they have several moves in comparison to other bosses, kinda a mirror to Misako/Kyoko, so should not be really hard to have them as playablebut who knows, maybe they will be dlc, maybe not

Holy shit. Last thing I knew he was the voice actor for the main guy in YIIK or whatever the fuck that game was called.

you said you would share

I remember her being Pink Frosting in space tree. Good times.

She's really good and I can't think of a role she wasn't good in.

Same. She does a decent job and actually cares about the character.

Her Celica voice still makes me diamonds


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Who the fuck would want to fuck her she's ugly as sin.

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I won't get my hopes up because I know I'll just be let down
I don't give a fuck about the protags so I'll probably never play it

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have sex
with me please oh god

He was the male main character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

she did puyo voices

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she looks so different


She's sucking in her cheeks and has her jaw slightly open without actually opening her lips.

Laura bailey should be in S and Shit tier at the same time.
Because any voice she does that isn't "I'm trying to be a little girl" is amazing but whenever she's "trying to be a little girl" it's nails on a fucking chalk board.

I’d let her dress me up as Kyoko and peg me.

>river city shill thread
One biggest flaws with the way the game is designed is that all of the entrances require you to press X to use them, but that also happens to be the game's basic attack button. So anytime you zone in, if you start pressing X to combo an enemy who spawns right next to the door you'll find yourself being sent to the area you were just at. This is a very, very, very basic game design element that I'm surprised wasn't fixed in even the alpha. Even something as simple as mapping the command to another button would make combat less of a problem as you now have to run away from the area's entrance before you can start fighting every time.

Really gives the impression that the game's playtesters were asleep at the wheel while the VA's were being sucked off.
>6 levels
>only 2 hours long
>garbage spritework
>garbage artwork
>SJW devs
>gay forced dabbing shit
>paying vtubers to shill the same too
>garbage voice acting
>turned riki into kpop stan bait
>arin hanson is voicing billy from double dragon
>$30 for digital, $35 (probably $40 or $45 with shipping) for physical
>requires gtx 950 or higher
>Haha Misako is really angry lol
>Haha Kyoko is retarded lol
There you go, that's 100% of this game's dialogue.
>I'm waiting so I can buy this new chapter of this manga I'm reading
>K: Is blocked number someone you don't like?
>Misako's VA also can't say Riki's name right either,
> wayforward spent more money on the marketing (including shills on Yea Forums) and e-celeb faggotry than actual development on this game
>cuckqueens the game
also see
this game was contract work, the contract is finished, so the game is done. They aren't coming back to it.
river city shills cucks BTFO
>gay shill general

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he's a VA?

this guy is still seething

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I like her well enough, her voice is the one I like best in Xenoblade Chronicles X so I've heard her for a couple hundred hours too much to dislike the voice

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What did he do in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Don't forget Johnny Yong Bosch is SSS tier

Recipe? Looks tasty and I like to pirate this dish



I want to marry Cassandra Lee

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Oh wow that's bad

>hex heroes
Isn't it time to just say this game will never be made by now

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Laura Bailey is so fucking overrated.

not bad, he's much more restrained here so probably we can hear how bad he is in other games

no Steve Blum? he's a legend.

>marrying an SJW that wants her own characters censored

>Caring about VAs
>Caring about English VAs

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She can't act to save her fucking life.

It's just your shitty taste

You know as much as I agree with you, there are some people who did a really good job even if it is English VAs, you know?

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she was in the classic flash game, Trapped

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>Shit tier: Ashley Burch

>likes runka "can't voice act for shit" chunk
>thinks he can say anyone has shit taste

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And Runk isn't one of them

>Wendee Lee lower than Erin Fitzgerald
Damn nigger, this is some shit taste.

Where would Billy West, Phil Lamarr, and the entire cast of The Simpsons fall on this list?

She did a good job, Kyoko's voice was cute.

Attached: kyoko.jpg (1530x1280, 364K)

>Kyoko's voice was cute
but it's literally just generic anime girl dub voice

>nobody ever talks about Sarah Williams
Her Metallia was amazing, holy fuck

Can someone explain how she keeps getting work?
No wonder dubs are so fucking trash

That's all it needed to be

Attached: pso2 kyoko.jpg (1280x800, 190K)

At least Fitzgerald can ATTEMPT to do a younger voice. Wendee Lee just sounds like an old hag no matter what character she does.

Phil Lamarr would at least be A, if not S rank. I genuinely thought Samurai Jack was voiced by an Asian guy when I was a kid.

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it just needed to be bad?

I thought it got the job done. Really I'm only posting in this thread though to share Kyoko pictures. I don't have a strong opinion on the voice.

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Did they seriously put that shitty character in pso2?

I think it's just something somebody made with existing options.

Who cares about Kyoko and Misako when these two exist?

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They don't deserve Kunio and Riki.

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Bite your tongue

>no Cherami Leigh

nail polish is gross

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Where can I find hentai of Kyoko? Anyone got any good websites?

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Way to do the jobs Japanese aren’t willing to do, wh*toid

thanks user

No prob.

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Still better

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He got canned cause he broke NDA. Cause god knows why you still have to be told to not break a fucking NDA after you sign the damn thing.


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I want to fuck Michelle Ruff's muff rough

Low IP counts on all threads
blatant shilling
copy paste post to bump
the game flopped still
seethe more you cunts

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>white women


Update, DLC or sequel with the actually good characters when?

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Live-action River City Girls when?

>B-but my armtouch gf said if I play it it will fight the patriarchy :(

Mate. Runka has a shitty voice and can't voice act worth a shit.

Apply your taste buds, then try again


She looks like a scene girl from 2006

I think the person who is defending runka is this guy

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>game about girls fighting for dick
>fight the patriarchy

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>No Grey Delisle

Why bother making all these bullet points if the majority of them are redundant?

4 days of of botting your numbers wont save it faggot

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Why are far-lefties like you so retarded? Do you even know the plot of the game?

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so you have no answer then?

How many people bought that game? And was it a decent amount for an indie title?

>muh stronk wyummun punchgame with ecelebs
>constantly shilled, zero organic fanbase
>awful fight system
>calarts fake anime
>TERRIBLE voices
>hmmm our Japanese characters can be voiced by white roasties b/c it’s not whitewashing racism when WE do it

Sounds good, my wife’s son has a gender reveal coming up and this will make the perfect gift

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well, good thing it's not stuck on one platform then.

The plot of the game is to get sòyboys to give you thirty dollars

bots mad cant compute

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is your wife son a faggot like you?

Welcome to Yea Forums where the current mandate is female character = SJW game. Thank god Nintendo have been too creatively bankrupt to make a new Metroid game in nearly a decade because it'd turn into shitposting 24/7.

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For fucks sake, this isn't calarts at all. It is absolutely faux-anime bullshit, but it has nothing to do with calarts. People that have no experience in art shouldn't talk about shit they have no idea what they're talking about.

Calling every you don't like just diminishes "calarts" the insult. This is the new "tumblr nose."

Making Mami and Hasebe bitchy cunts with psycho eyes is literally a massive improvement to their designs.

>Hey, who's 2B's voice actor?
>See this hag

Oh my

What does this picture represent? Can you answer anything without a deflection? Why are you so weak?

You don't have to pay 30 bucks to know the story. 1 or 2 Yea Forums Threads are enough

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Post the milf isekai version

If this was River City Boys, you thirsty faggots wouldn't be talking about it so much

no deflection just calling out you non human drones who have no human right
botting a gemes already shit numbers
making the same shill threads with same post daily
and now more crying from you
the game failed
you failed

user, why you waste your life here? you could be playing videogames

Is that it? That's all you got? Just aimlessly call people bots and shills and then plug your ears? Even if they don't say anything positive about the game at all? You're a pathetic, paranoid little bitch faggot.

>Matthew Mercer Over Troy baker
Look, i like matt mercer but Troy bakers performance as Joel alone is something I could never see Matt even coming close to. He's never had a role nearly as serious as that and hasn't acted as good as that (yet).

I mean, if Matt is S tier and he can't even act 1/10th of what Troy was in TLOU i guess Troy is SS tier by default?

back in the days she was admin'ing the voice acting forums (or whatever, i dont remember exactly what her community power was) and voicing every female character in any newgrounds animation/game...
she auditioned for my animation and i turned her down for someone else i thought fit the part better (could actually act). she preceded to shittalk me on the voice acting forums to blackball me. a few of the actors bailed their parts in the sequel animation and while i would not be able to prove it im fairly sure at least some of that was due to Kira.

your game failed

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It didn't tho

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your game failed the threads not organic neither are the games numbers

wow, an honest to god NPC.

Corey “spazkid” made a joke about her, and actual retards took it way too seriously, but she does have the same voice for everything

I disagree, the game was a success and also it was fun

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good night retard-kun, will see you on the next thread Its beep bo beep

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Your copypasta has multiple redundancies. I know you're such a brainlet that you think "LONGER = BETTER" but padding your text in such a manner makes you look desperate and disingenuous to someone reading it for the first time and detracts from the statement you're trying to make.

It would be in your best interest to make a concise and cogent copypasta. But you're just going to keep on being an obnoxious shitposting faggot. Inb4 shill, bot, or whatever dumb shit you're going to say.

Except Kira Buckland is primarily a voice actress...

cool. It's always good to hear about people making a change and bettering their selves. Good on Kira for making a change for the better.

Not if I fuck her first, then every man she’s been with will now be sleeping with a girl who fucked her dad.

Which is funny because now Kira's the voice of 2b and spazkid is god knows where, can't even be bothered to draw anymore and the other newgrounds guys are all either washed up, retarded like egoraptor.

The sprites look nice and you can turn voices off. I wish I could turn voices off in Shantae games. Not even the PC version has mods to shut them up.

how do you mean?
all i see is someone who went from being a bully in a small pond to a "good networker" in a slightly larger pond.

you not human with any rights or value i can do what i want to you and your family
the game is a failure

Robin Atkin Downes should be in S tier alongside Troy Baker.

>t. Calarts recruitment drone

If it’s spoiled then I don’t need to buy it lol

in her newgrounds days most people knew her as "Rina-chan"

....also i think she was "Kagome" for a while?

Could I borrow your projector there's some movies I feel like watching

Correct, men should be fighters and women should produce babies (if the have good genes otherwise cooking only)

Beep bo beep you are shill

I seriously want to fuck and make love to this girl. I have no idea why i find her so attractive and find her voice so hot.

I’m sure they’re trannying up the next thread right now

I mean it's a shitty beat em up. I pirated it, got bored, and only realy stay in these threads for Mami art

you are alone scared desperate this makes the hunt better your reaction when its all done will be sweeter
for what calling out bad fake games that no one buyed? oh wait nvm you are retarded like all gamegrumps faggots

I dunno man, 10-13 years is a fucking long time.

only one tranny here its (you) arin the game flopped like your marrige soon as susy sees a black man

i still don't get what you're saying.
how did she better herself?

Cristina Vee in A Rank.

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>get to watch an underage shitposter have a genuine meltdown
Prime entertainment right here

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Sequel with these cuties as playable characters FUCKING WHEN?

>come for the Mami psycho eyes
>stay for the fireworks

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You can't just assume someone changed for the better though

>get to watch a incel faggot try and sell a flop as i find their family

Based Mami Chad

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I really enjoyed her voice acting work in the game

Boop bop shills. Beep bep bots. Bleep blort trannies. Borp bop brainddead memes repeated ad infinitum.

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Actually meant for but I guess it still works

I usually give people the benefit of the doubt after 2 years. I've given people a pass for way shittier things than bullying some dude making some shit newgrounds animation. I doubt she's doing the same shit 13 years later, but whatever, i guess she's still a bitch.

keep having that melt down sperg and projecting

She looks like a 40-year old divorcée single-mom who works a bad shift at a filthy, inner-city diner

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I just come to these threads for these two, I haven't even played the game

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an easy fuck, you mean.

how do I get a weeb gf?

beep bop no u

That as well

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prove the game sold let alone broke even

Mami is prime fuck toy material.

Lower your standards

Your life is not and will never be like anime.


There's a lot of good designs in this frankly mediocre game man
What a shame

Serious romantic partners only. Kind of shy about everything sexual but does her part in bed. Is only into vaginal but enjoys various positions, though she'll never admit it out loud. Gets dressed as soon as you finish. Wears conservative underwear and trims her pubes but doesn't change the shape.
Sleeps around a bit. Relatively open about sex but is a dead fish in bed and expects her partner to do all the work. Into anal but she won't tell you. Really enjoys receiving oral. Nobody complains because she's hot and looks great in lingerie. Leaves or kicks you out as soon as you're done. Wears lacy thongs and shaves the edges of her pubes but lets the middle grow pretty long.
Doesn't sleep around but is open to consistent casual relationships. Awkward about sex the first time, but after that is a really chill low-drama fuck buddy. Likes being on the receiving end of light bondage. Loves the cowgirl position. Wears really skimpy underwear that's mostly made of strings and shaves daily but leaves a small patch above her slit.
Complete nympho after her first taste of sex, but is strictly monogamous. Likes every position and every hole, but prefers vaginal. Especially loves rough doggy and reverse cowgirl. Doesn't enjoy painful or gross stuff. Hates being restrained. Really likes foreplay and being felt up. Latent exhibitionist. There is no "when you finish," if you're home (which is also your home, she moves in with you immediately) and not eating or sleeping then she's trying to have sex with you, but on the rare occasions she's not she puts on a thin cropped tank top and panties that are a size too small. Never ever wears a bra, never wears panties if she's wearing clothes and doesn't understand why anybody else would. Shaves everything but only once every few days.

they are currently at "any girl that will date me"

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it amazes me how some people's lives are so miserable that they spend so much of their precious time to get offended and rage about something they simply don't like.

Dude there's literally nothing more precious than your time in your life, just don't buy the game. What the fuck are you even doing? Why crusading against a videogame? Just... walk away

Move Yuri Lowenthal to S tier and move Laura Bailey to SHIT tier and you 100% got it.

>Actually liking runkachunks in any capacity.

it amazes me how some people's lives are so miserable that they spend so much of their precious time to get offended and rage about something they simply must shill

Dude there's literally nothing more precious than your time in your life, just don't shill the game. What the fuck are you even doing? Why crusading against a good game for a bad one? Just... walk away

>the exact moment you can tell someone ran out of arguments

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Seek legit mental help.

Does Cherami Leigh voice in vidya? If so, then she’s S rank material.


I honestly didn't even read the whole thing


with all the kids looking around with puzzled faces all being like: "what does this guy even want?"

You're literally a Karen of videogame world

you are never going to amount to anything you mentally handicapped loser
fitting you defend a game made for such low born filth

>No JP voice, even for the JP version.


Wait what? Are the english dubs the only dubs in the whole world?

>watch trailer
>"get back our boyfriends"
>close tab

You stupid cuckolds are seriously gonna play this shit?

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While I do like Tomboys, that haircut is a bit to boyish for me. Fuck sidecuts.1

Dunno man, that girl you keep posting with isn't cute nor sexy.
I suppose you have to be a media-brainwashed normalfag to some degree to enjoy basic bitches.

Nope. I'm just here for Mami images.

Plot twist
they were delusional and thought they were dating them but they really arent. they are just going on a delusional rampage

For some reason they didn't hire voice actors for JP. They could've gotten virtual youtubers and other JP ecelebs but didn't.

They were their girlfriends in some JP only games though. The whole game's ending was making fun of the series inconsistencies

This game looks cute but im getting mega pozzed vibes from it why is that?

That's what the JP website says (ボイス言語:英語) and I can't find a stream with JP voice.

Attached: 無題.jpg (1543x186, 54K)

It's the /pol/ brainwashing.

It's an anime-artstyled game made by westerners. That's the issue here

I can't read that shit.

Made by westerners, girls are whores instead of pure.

Dub actors are never good.

Tremendously gay opinion, user

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I'm saying yes, English voice only. Posting that part too in case you want to google translate it yourself: (ボイス言語:英語)

Correct answers
Wrong, far-left/right (in this case left) shitposting for the sake of pissing off the other group. Seek help

seek help or kill yourself be sure to stream it you will cheered on as life fades from you eyesno more (you)'s for fags
just like the "people" who defend the game

I wanted the game since its first announcement but the initial release reception left me with mixed opinion.
Seriously, how is the combat/game length and are they planning to fix the "pressing X does everything" crap?
Does it feels like a proper river city game even with all the westernization?

Not only can you not play as Hasebe or Mami, it also forces you to play with shitty English voice "actors"
What a disappointment

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>they didn't even change the dialogue for when you play as the guys

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Her voice is great whenever she doesn't have to do those high pitched stereotypical anime voices

I find it funnier that all the white looking anime characters are voiced by hwite roasties but the white looking guys are voiced by two azncel potatos

Never forget that 99% of western voice acting is washups who don't have the talent for real acting.

Never forget that disney, dreamworks, illumination, they never hire "voice actors" for lead roles. Those slots will always go to real actors who manage to still do better at it than anyone who "specializes" in voice acting because VA's really carry no marketable talent besides being cheap.

This whole project reeks of nepotism and Mary Sues sleeping their way into an industry they have no business in

Its mostly because of feninism.
English VA dubs have two ranges
Same girl
Same girl that is tsundere

Compared to japanese VAs that have a complex range of nuanced voices, like seductive deeper female voices or slow dumb girl voices.
Can you imagine a western vavoicing a retarded girl? or a sexy seductive woman? ha no it's impossible.

>she voiced my waifu (pic related)
>sounds like a tranny who smoked to much
In the same franchise, she also voiced Aversa (Awakening, Heroes) and Minerva (Heroes), and they both sound great. Only Hinoka is awfull.

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Well for me I don't really have anything against English voiceovers, it's more like I'm too used to JP ones.

Maybe I'll grab it during a sale.

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>SS rank

I turned off the voices after the first hour


>Can you imagine a western vavoicing a retarded girl? or a sexy seductive woman?
Well yes, of course. I have heard it many times. It's quite similar to Japanese in that it's a matter of pitch and talking speed mostly. There's wording as well, but that's not the VA's job.

Which is why I like Matthew Mercer. Dude can do 4 voices and a pretty nice Scottish accent, which makes him superior to any crap other VA's do

What if I raise her to be a lesbian and bring home girls for me to fuck so I can give them the then-fat-old-man dick


>can't even break 2k copies sold
>still shill on Yea Forums 24/7 in hope to sell 2 copies more

>play game
>e-celeb voices kick in

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If you heard one dub, you've heard them all
Same can be said for Jap but that's more due to them just using the same few people constantly

arin mad his shitty game even for 80's standards was beaten by a fucking porn game from 2 years ago that is machine translated

What about Christine Marie Cabanos?

Voices Chiaki Nanami and Nepgear -- both best girls in their respective franchises.

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Sometimes he cracks into his different voices though.
>Persona 5
>Yusuke is his usual autistic self
>Never heard his voice before
>During battle adrenaline is pumping and he shouts
>Hear Chrom

Japanese voice acting autism is a legitimate problem that cripples their industry.

the chiaki sounds completely different in EN vs JP

>Knowing e-celeb voices by heart in the first place

Dub Chiaki is amazing.

Well no shit, it's a different person doing the dubbing.

I was really excited for this game before I saw the voice actors
I don't care how minor of a part it is I'm not going to buy a game that gave Jack fucking Scepticeye money


>Same can be said for Jap but that's more due to them just using the same few people constantly
That's because they refuse to move on from the same six character archetypes that are the same down to their voices.

>who fucking cares tier
All of the above.

Mami and Hasebe aren't cunts the game just has unreliable narrators. Misako and Kyoko only look attractive because that's how they see themselves but they are actually ugly and no guys want to be around them.

This, it was fucking jarring to hear his voice out of nowhere

I agree but for certain people in CERTAIN colors it works wells. Black worked for her.

>Black worked for her
It doesn't even match her style

Is this actually true? Or is it some bullshit where they just say they are their boyfriends because they like them and after they rescue them they get close and actually end up dating? If it's the latter, then it still counts as cuckshit.

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>noooo stop pretending you like things, this is MY world and oyu must OBEY my taste OR ELSE I TELL MOOOOOMMM WAHAAAAA
think about it, you have been posting in that mindset for several weeks now. several. weeks.

>People posting this as some kind of concrete proof
>Anyone with a brain realizes this was said in a sarcastic tone

seething so much you cant even spell

who gives a fuck
Yea Forums should grow the fuck up honestly

Have you seen idol shit or any anime made in the last decade. It's always the incels that demand every women remain a virgin rabit. The mere presence of another man is too much for their tiny dicks to handle.

The switch port of Castle Crashers is gonna outsell your entire game, sorry trannies

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Sounds hot as fuck, picked up.

It's true. They already have girlfriends.