Monster Hunter Iceborne

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I will literally never be able to solo behemoth. I can't do it. this is the most frustrating thing I've ever fucking done. I just want this quest to be gone.

why would they make a fight like this? I never want to play FF14 now. it's making me hate final fantasy in general. why is it like this? I cannot beat this. I cannot hit the fucking head. it's never my turn to attack. any time I commit to an attack he just fucking belly flops, I have to bring 13 flash pods just to stop his tornado shit and it isn't enough. I hate this so much. I wish it wasn't in the game

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It was cute seeing him do that when I hunted him in MR for the first time.

where are your friends user

I don't have any friends

Lol, fucking loser. I’d help out if I was home but I’m not, sorry user.

You *are* already MR 100, right Yea Forums?

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Help I can't get the Seliana music out of my head

>had to hear absolutely awful Tranny Fantasy music for literal months
>now i get this
Thanks you Ryozo, never make a collab monster again

why did I laugh at this

Because we all know in our hearts that Dodo is best boy

First time I saw Dodogama climbing those vines was to get away from Savage Deviljho. He didn’t make it.


Such is life in the Recess

The good ones always die young.

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Savage jho at night in the desert is a legit horror monster. Fought him and teo in the desert, the sky turned like a weird purple, it was ridiculous. Went into the woods, pitch black, jho is breathing dragon on my cat from across the map, only visible thing in the darkness was his snarling face reflected off the cloud of blood lightning



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I can barely solo this game anymore period past velkhana. I've been a lone hunta since mhfu, and I'm getting my ass kicked here. These fights are fucking absurd comparatively, the fight progression of seething or savage jho is just 10/10, absolutely tits out monsters

Velkhana in the desert at nice is surreal as fuck. The sky is greenish grey and there’s snow falling while no music plays until you attack. Just the sound of wind.

*night not nice

I got scared shitless in the middle of a pukei hunt and just seeing velkhana looking at me from the other side of the area

Does Kirin have an entirely different moveset in MR? Did this lizard horse really need a second rework?

Thankfully Velkhanas aren’t aggressive. Except the story one. They just look at you disinterestedly and go about their day. Fits with what they said about Velkhana looking majestic and beautiful but in reality it’s just a mean spirited cunt. Bitch looks at you like ‘the fuck is that’ then just loses interest and goes back to lazing around the place doing nothing because it has no predators.

I appreciate that they’re trying to make him not fucking suck, but Kirin is just shit all round. If only they’d put the effort into making the Raths not fucking suck.

Kirin, much like Rathalos, just gets worse in every game. However, Rathalos was at least fun in P3rd and 3U.

hope you like the inevitable oroshi kirin title update

Xbro here, I've been noticing a shitload of HH mains lately. Is the Glavenus horn that good?

I just beat Tigrex. Is he supposed to be this boring?

listfag pls go

Absolutely pathetic, guess sonyfag aren't used to actual video game, hu?

>always balanced for four players, so naturally will take a long time
>35 minute time limit for literally no fucking reason, so even if you are good enough to get hits in consistently you practically NEED Kulve weapons and even Drachen to kill him unless you're an actual MH God
Behemoth really a perfect storm of bullshit.

>trying to humblebrag on 4chins

go back

You don't need kulve weapons or drachen I repelled him and killed him with fucking dober/kaiser and divine slasher

Do all tempered monsters in mr get new moves or are significantly different from non tempered monsters?

Most of em do, even if it’s only the single new move.

Day theme is way better tbqh

I dipped into it after seeing talk of it and it's a lot of fun. Running the Tigrex horn for that speed boost.

>make two new water monsters
>don't make dual blades for either one

How did Capcom manage to fuck this up? Not that it matters when MR Kulve Taroth is going to make every element weapon irrelevant again. I might as well keep using Kjarr duals.

Kulve's not coming back

horn apparently got buffed to being one of the best weapons. don't take my word on it, I don't really know

Don't tell lies on the internet. You know better than that. We'll get MR Taroth and AT elders next year.

I'm not gonna make it

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Help I can't get the Final Fantasy main theme out of my Astera

They legit said they know how much people hated kulve so they're not making a MR version they also said that they won't do AT MR elders unless fans request it

As a mustard, have nearly every MH game at your fingertips. Go play Freedom Unite.

>playing clunky handheld shit
>even emulated

I made a post about it yesterday, going through 4U and every single rathalos quest makes me want to blast a shotgun on my head, it's in my opinion the worse it's ever been, haven't played XX or iceborne yet so I don't know about those. In FU it was annoying because you had to wait for it to land when it was flying, but if you stood under it couldn't do anything and you had time to put traps or other shit. In 4U it never fucking stops flying, flashing is near useless because he's back up in the air a few seconds later, and those constant poison attacks make me utterly mad, I seethe just thinking about it. It really is the only monster I'm not having fun with in 4U, it sucks so much dicks I have no words for it
>frenzied rathalos and seltas queen quest is next

Don't forget that you may need to add up to 30 days to that number :^)

Idunno about you, but Rathalos seems to fly even more in World.

Wait, hold the fuck on you're playing 4U. What the fick are you doing? You have pre nerf insect glaive to cheese fliers.

FU unironically controls pretty nicely with a controller.

Considering it was planned for december he won't have to wait long

Some other user said that Glav is the new Jho horn.

haha no

I didn't bother coming back for that quest when it came out. Why do people hate it?

>getting fucked by velkanna
>tried GS, DB, Hammer, CB
>get bodied constantly
This fucker was not this aggressive in the demo. What the fuck

I like Kulve. It's just the Gacha system that's fucking annoying.
If she had regular crafted weapons with actual designs, i'd fight her a lot

In world it's much easier because of the freedom of movement, also it doesn't spam the poison attack as much
Most of my IGs need upgrading, gonna craft the brachy one today if I can get enough mats

I hope Ryozo is enjoying his Sony paycheck

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It's like relic weapons but you have to one specific multi-hunt siege monster
The fight is alright imo but after fighting it for the 100th time trying to roll the dice to the get weapon you want becomes a chore

Git gud

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How far behind are you? They said at the China event that Kulve, Zorah, Lagi, and ATs aren't coming back. Kulve and Zorah because they weren't well liked, Lagi because by the time they ironed out the skeleton issues the maps were already designed in such a way that there was no room for him, and ATs have no plans in the work unless it becomes a highly requested feature.

>remember the wishlist exists
>put in everything I plan on making in the near future
>end up filling 4 of 6 pages

I'm not even into mantle suffering yet.

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handheld shit is garbage, go away, MH is thankfully never going back to it

You've never provided a single source for December except a Yea Forums post that ended up getting everything in Iceborne wrong.

You'd think that with all that sony money they'd at least have had a budget to include all the old weapon models.

How far are you? Just get to Brachy and make that. That glaive is more than enough to carry you through the game. Dalamadur and Black Diablos glaives are overkill.

>implying the Sony exclusivity bonus wasn't pocket money for Ryozo and other Capcom heads

They only had four guys working for a year. They would have had to hire at least four more.
Or, you know, there's no Sony money and the PC delay is a dumb conspiracy created for shitposting. This is the Capcom that left World washed out for a year and a half because of a lighting bug.

>It's like relic weapons
Oh gross. Yeah glad I didn't bother.

>MH for the "cinematic experience" because SONY
>got delayed on PC because SONY
>implying it was pocket change

What do you get out of being insufferable?

fuck off, whine all you want, MH is never coming back to your garbage toys

Capcom also said they have plans for Kulve Taroth weapons down the line. You better believe Iceborne's endgame is going to become farming HR Taroth.

Kulve Taroth is having a siege right now. You best get those Kjarr weapons and Glutton. Glutton is actually worth the effort since it's still the second best HBG in the game.

He gets (You)'s from idiots like you

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I literally just got done playing Iceborne for the night. Now answer my question.

nta, but that's what I've been doing and I am having a lot of fun

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15 million

this just report and move on with your life, it's probably that list faggot trying to stir up shit by false flagging

Except we've known that Sony has been funding MHW since the game was announced.

>being passive
Yeah just let people ruin all discussion of non world games. Love it.

took me 30-40 minutes after my like 6th try
are you using your cat? the free resurrect with level 10+ vigorwasp helps


or maybe I know that every single game on handhelds are absolute garbage due to the horrible technical limitations of the devices and that devs should never destroy their vision to accommodate that
feels good that World and IB sold so well that we'll never have the series held hostage on them again

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>no wide 6 GL
>literally no point to using wide 5 GLs
fuck capcom

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Wtf just get a pierce hbg with part destroyet first phase, takes 3 minutes max.

Change to ice lbg for range or if melee fuck his hands up he cant do any shit if you are paying attention

Caravan hr, did frenzied brachy for the first time a dozen of minutes ago, I'm not doing that frenzied rathalos+seltas queen quest until I get brachy's IG. Pretty sure even the frenzied deviljho quest won't be as bad as a rathalos

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I'm honestly shocked with how much they changed the metal raths this time around. They're pretty fucking different.

velkhana is going to absolutely slaughter frame rates on PC with all that nonstop AOE unless everyone puts their settings on low. same with Namielle.

Good it deserves to be ruined or forced back to the cesspit general

ill just null the efx

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Go pull Taroth buster water, goy

Eh, Luna didn't really hit framerates that hard and she shat out particle effects and blue fire all over the place. Some lighter rigs might have to drop down to med but you're vastly overestimating it

It's going to be teostra's nova all over again

Frenzied Jho is actually pretty easy.

But yea, go make Brachy's glaive. You may have to do a low rank quest chain to unlock Guildmarm's doodler.

yeah my pc will probably catch on fire
I will have to play on 3ds graphics I think

Just wait for MR Kulve Taroth :^)


You're not supposed to solo it, you idiot.

Is HH finally a viable solo weapon

>that one section of the guiding lands where the framerate goes to absolute shit, even on a PS4 Pro with performance mode, if all 3 monsters show up there

Y'all know the one

I can it just takes too long.
Doesn't help that I'm still learning HH

>upgrading my armor spheres as last minute preperations for Buddha'jiiva so my Anjanath+Nargacuga mix DB build won't get one shotted
>realize I've had a Shrieking Legiana HBG sitting in my box after reading this post

Why am I doing this? Yes, the DB build is great, but why do that when I can just shoot the big guy For You.

I have all low caravan quests done, except one of 6 star which I guess will get unlocked later, right now there's no one that will give me a 6 star quest. I already have a few brachy weapons which need upgrading, wanted the IG when I farmed low rank but turns out you first craft it with hr mats. Anyway can't wait to have all those weapons upgraded and some new ones crafted if hr mats unlock more than brachy's IG

What are some HBGs I should be grinding for? I’m currently about to fight Velkhana and I’ve been using the Glav HBG for the time being.

HH will be forever doomed to slow clear times until Barroth's horn from 3U comes back.

When do you start crafting weapons in MR? I've got absolutely nothing of worth yet.

>December except a Yea Forums post that ended up getting everything in Iceborne wrong.
I have literally no clue what you're talking about
Ok my source is ryozo and fujioka saying multiple times that they planned for a 2019 PC release my other source is they specifically say "delayed" and not "planned" or "scheduled"

Prove it

Gameinformer rapid fire interview

electric doggo and wub dragon

>want to try SA again with the new moves
>look at weapons
>almost 80% boned shit lookikg one

Wow did they even fucking try


Post it and quote it then

>Jho is still a strong pick because sticky is OP now
>Legiana and Nargacuga are great pierce guns
>Zinogre is a poor man's Taroth Glutton, but it still has much higher raw and the meme scope. Expect this to change when Glutton's upgrade releases

I have not tested element HBGs yet. Also there STILL doesn't seem to be an optimal normal shot gun. Rathian HBG when, holyshit.

I have nothing to prove to you, if you want see it i already gave you the title

The horn was respected in this expansion, outside of the poor, poor Dios Bell.

Do you think Capcom will give us cross play? it would be nice.

So you have no proof. Got it.

fuck off listfag

I honestly feel like there's not a single person in the MH dev team that plays gunlance. They selectively fix some issues with the weapon but not all of them at once. I can't understand what kind of brain deficiency they've got that they can't just give players their fucking wide 6. Rajang better have that shit i swear to god.

Why does the Brachydios HBG model keep changing every time I look at it in the upgrade tree?

Iceborne is going to be a timed Epic Exclusive

just paint that bell horn already in the game, cum on it and paint it green, who gives a fuck about that shitty model

You can't provide evidence. Not even a time stamp on the video. Sounds like you're making it up faggot.


>mods can't fix the weapon models because the generics are shared

This is the worst kind of hell

So because you got caught being a lying sack of shit you're resorting to calling me listfag huh? Just goes to show you were lying through your teeth about a December planned release date.


It's obviously just listfag falseflagging, ignore him.


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Hearing all the HH buffs is tempting me to start learning it again after using it a bit in 4U. What HH is everybody using?

Fucking really? I modded the Barroth SnS into Master sword and shit did not affect any other bone based weapons.
I was looking into getting good with modding so I can port the MH4U unique models into Iceborne, at least for the BONED/STEELED weapons.

> What HH is everybody using?
nobody is using hunting horn

I killed him first try with the HH, took 47 minutes though lmao


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You're not talking to the same person dumbass, I already told you where to look, I not going to sift through a 13 minute long interview just to prove some asshole on Yea Forums wrong, why? because I don't value you that much and you're not worth the effort

Huh, my mistake. Carry on then.

Anyone else love it when you dick on a monster with a full set of its armor and its weapon? Something about slapping around a monster with its own body parts just feels immensely satisfying.

I did that with edgy doggo, it's pretty fun

>mfw I just realized that some of Shara's first stage moves mimic the Buddhist prayers
Holy shit they really went into detail with the Buddhist theme.

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Is there a trick to landing the SnS perfect rush consistently? Why would they make a move like this? Fucking bullshit.

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Weirdly I've found that toggling the camera on and off lets me land it more consistently.

I feel ya on that one. They turned one of the cleanest moves in the game into the single clunkiest move in the game. That move alone made me drop SnS.

So I just fought a monster with a bow, DB, and LS user and I'm pretty sure I now know what hell feels like. Not being able to get your attacks in ever in is pretty horrendous.

How'd being stunlocked by a bow user's arc shot when a monster was tripped over feel?

Bow mains need the gas chamber

Like kicking a wall with a nail under your toenail. Throw the DB users that constantly demon mode and LS fags that seem to gravitate to whatever part you're hitting on a downed monster into the chamber too.

Wakey wakey

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>plant bombs down on sleeping monster
>shitter caps it instead


So, bets on the next DLC monster?
I'm betting on Chameleos

Chameleos or Gore/Shagaru


Nobody wants to stand around for 50 seconds after getting their 3 carves before they even reach the loading screen to get back to town.

>DLC 1: Rajang
>DLC 2: Gore/Shagaru
>DLC 3: Valstrax
>DLC 4: a new Kulve-style raid monster
>DLC 5: Random collab monster no one wants
>DLC 6: Completely new monster, teaser for Monster Hunter 6

I just want my gammoth. How are you going to have an ice themed DLC and not have the member of the FF that's actually ice themed? Are they worried it'll bully tigrex too hard or something?

They can gather resources where appropriate. Extra ore or herbs never hurt anyone.

i use that time solely for launching people into the air repeatedly, sometimes even at the expense of carving

They should just let you opt to depart at any point after mission completion, don't know why they wouldn't.

I just want the fucking FF hub music out, doing it with randoms is pure suffering

>Gore, valstrax

Nah. They wouldn't fit world's maps and only arena quests wouldn't do them justice

Valstrax would work fine in Wildspire Waste.
Maybe Coral Highlands too if he stayed away from the lower area. That mountainpeak nest was practically made for Val.

This is what absolute comfort feels like.

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It always was you pleb.

Should I go track down truck-kun so I can start my monhun isekai?

>like, solo arena sized big, but found on normal maps
>rigging and animations that can't be used for anything else unless you want to make more pachyderms in the future
>is a literal mammoth, would have a hard time traversing any vertical terrain without taking comical looking leaps
>least popular of the fated four on both sides of the ocean
>would be introduced alongside like five other ice monsters in the same expansion

I like her too but there's not a lot of hope for a return

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>the guild is supposed to be all about research and conversation
>allow their hunters run around like psychopaths to poach rare, potentially endangered wildlife from their natural habitats to decorate their dwellings
What did the commission mean by this?

Anyone have Evade Mantle+ unlocked?

As the windup for each segment of the attack is at maximum. Look for that. I can do perfect perfect rushes almost 100% of the time.

Just look at the windup.

Only the first "story encounter" monster kills count in canon, everything else is completely disconnected from the narrative.

>trying to stop an individual capable of single handedly besting the largest and most violent creatures on the planet some of which include literal forces of nature
How will they even stop you user? Realistically speaking the average hunter is a superhuman nightmare and as the top hunter you're even worse.

I'm thinking of trying to solo it, but only with endgame augmented weapons

I wish. It's going to be Rajang, then two shitty collab monsters and then a raid and then it'll all be over until 6th gen.

>DLC 5: Random collab monster no one want

>DLC colab turns out to be the Chimera from Dragons Dogma to promote the new game.

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I just assume there's a big ass thunder storm that constantly spews out dragons somewhere in the world like in MTG's Tarkir plane.

You'd be amazed at how pachyderms can get places they have no reasonable ability to.

>Chimera instead of Grigori

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I rarely get mantles from rewards and those retards are stopping me for a chance to get them from carves

Said isekai still requires that you hunt monsters user. Imagine actually encountering a jho on a hunt and trying to flounder through your stuff for a dung pod as it barrels at you.

Animals are good at that.

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Fire Kushala? No please

>the meteor couldn't stop me human, what makes you think your paltry fences will?

More like Fire Fatalis
Teostra already is Fire Kush

What makes Glutton so good in comparison to other HBGs?

I triple carted to velkhana again.

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I want Seregios just for the unique gimmick on his weapons

I think Grigori is cool too, but he's literally just a generic ass dragon with a cool voice.

Grigori is too important to be dicking around in other worlds. It's why we got something like behemoth instead of bahamut.

Greatsword models in World and Iceborne (fuck you Capcom)
>Not Unique or not present in the game
Great Jagras
Great Girros
Glavenus and Acidic
Pukei and Coral
Lumu and Nightshade
Teostra (RIP Del Sol)
>Unique models
Nergigante and Ruiner Nergigante
Tigrex and Brute
Vaal Hazaak
Anjanath and Fulgur

Are you running triple Ice res and remember to use your ice mantle? Yes? Then quit the game mate

yes listfag, we know, it sucks, now fuck off back to your steam v epic threads

>Glavenus GS
This is the worst kind of crime Capcom ever commited.

Its worse to have cool weapon models but them being useless, like almost every Charge Blade

You still around? If you're on PC we can clear it.

The worst crime is giving us the ugly Kushala Axe Ice GS instead of the god-tier Teostra blast executioners sword

>only 1 recoil mod required to get +1 on spread 3 where every other gun needs 2
>8 bullet clip with free ele 3 where every other gun gets 4 at best
>can use non-elemental boost
PCfag here, so I don't know how many guns are better than glutton other than Zinogre, but in vanilla world glutton is an absolute king.

I have never played monster hunter and have no friends, should I buy this?

Forgot a couple monsters like Bazelgeuse and Uragaan, maybe more.

all the previous games are emulatable, try P3rd if you have a potato or 4U if you have a good computer

Yes, it was my first MH and and I'm a lonefag too, you'll have fun

Monster Hunter is best when solo

Don't listen to this.
The old handheld shit is clunky garbage and will put you off from how great World is.

World is designed with solo in mind and is even easier that way.

Member when monhun threads were comfy? I member. Oooh ooh member when people started threads by sarcastically shitting on monhun? I member. Man, those were the days.

It's literally just Zinogre.

Soloing the Behemoth with cluster bombs is not that hard.

>3U, 4U and GU are clunky garbage
I can give you FU, although it's not garbage, but this is a real shit-tier take my guy.


Monster Hunter hasn't been clunky since Portable 3rd.

>World is designed with Solo in mind
>mfw Kulve

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Is there a list for all Special Arena quests?

>It's a monster hunter threads
>niggas only like one game in the entire series

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Member when we shit on the new kids because they were carting to shit like yian kutku? I member. Oooh oooooooh member when people would create lists talking about how half of the available weapon types were dogshit and only one specific weapon was truly the best? I member that. And member when people would write fucking paragraphs just shitting on specific monsters and we'd all tell them to git gud? I member like it was yesterday

Decent human beings dont play portable crap
Of course World is more popular than the past decade titles

I'm going into the final boss with Anjanath dbs, max fire attack, max handicraft, true razor sharp, max stamina up, and max peak performance. Can I deal enough damage clear it? I'm praying that he's even remotely weak to fire.

First form is immune to fire

Well it's a good thing I have high raw and peak performance

Don't forget behemoth. The game literally tells you it's not meant to be a one on one fight.

all my friends ditched ditched me for memelands 3 and now i'm back to hunting all alone again, this sucks.


But you should just press the screenshot button.

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I managed with anja's SnS even without any of that even youth it took a while. You should be fine.

I've been wanting to get into mh but don't these games get really repetitive?
It just seems like the same game over and over again with just some tweaks changes In each title

Learn what everybody learns. Solo huntah, because your palico is the only one that'll ever be there for you.

Yeah I kinda remembered that was a thing a bit after posting. To be fair it's pretty late.

>Legiana and Shrieking Legiana sleep at the same time in the same area

The guiding lands theme sounds like a fucking boss song at the end of a huntathon, not an area theme. Like, that song exists solely so they can play it at the next MonHun orchestral concert event.
When it hits the Rotten Vale arrange in it the shit is so good.

>paid for ps plus
>realize that I prefer solo hunting anyway
Well thats thirty bucks down the drain.

Eh, I do LR SOS's every now and then cause they have pendants tied to doing like 30 to 50 hunts and they only take a minute.
I tend to avoid captures though cause they'll pretty much always die before even getting tired.

I beat it after i posted, with a longsword . His huge aoe attacks immediately followed up by the sonic beams when I am getting up are what killed me.
I've been playing since Freedom 1, which I guess still makes me a sonyfag

If you dont like repetition and grinding even a little bit, these games are not for you, user. Stay clear

>tfw World will never get a remix of Mizu's theme

It took me 3 attempts solo before I got all his moves down. I recommend a temporal mantle for his big move also bring an ice weapon I used a bow for it.

Don't know yet to be honest. Iceborne's tracks in general though are way fucking better than the base game.
I do, however, wish the Guiding Lands theme was blended dynamically with monster original themes. It probably would've been too much work but I actually get a little disappointed when the Guiding Land theme just cuts out instead of blending into stuff like Teo/Luna or Garuga instead of having a dynamic arrangement that mixes in the Guiding Lands as part of the theme.

Yea Forums is great because it reminds me that everyone here is fucking terrible at video games.

Speaking of music. While it sucks that Proof of a Hero only played during the scene right before Shara, having the Iceborne theme rearranged in the northern Indian style for sections of Shara's theme was actually really godlike.
All it needed was some sutra chanting in the monhun language and it would've been perfect.

>go in expecting the final boss
>get buzzkilled by a Ruiner Nerg that got a cheese wall cart and 4 scripted bone carves

T-thanks Capcom.

>savage jho lbg

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I guess you could say he ruined your experience

>its actually called seething bazel
I thought you guys were just memeing

how do I unlock the MR rathalos investigation? I followed him around for an hour today collecting footprints and stuff and I don't have anything. I've killed rathian a few times and still nothing. Should I just do some other random investigations or whut

i need MR armor bad, everything is raping me

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There should be an option to skip the countdown timer so that you can jump right to the rewards after getting your carves. Surely it wouldn't be too difficult to do.

I'm playing through 4U right now and with how refined movement feels in world 4U is like hot trash. I got used to it eventually, but the ps2 animations feel extra outdated now.

I stopped playing before AT Kulve was released, so never got any of the upgraded weapons, is there a point on playing the event now that IB is out? Are the weapons comparable to what you can craft now?
Pic not related, she's just my wife.

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Not really, just there for people who still don't have Iceborne.

does Jho lose to any of the monsters in MHW in the scripted fights

Thanks, time to sell all the golden useless garbage and never look at that big jagras again.



Basic Jho ties with Bazelgeuse.
Savage Jho ties with Seething Bazelgeuse, Nergigante, Blackveil Vaal Hazak, Velkhana, and Namielle.
Neither of them ever outright lose.

You have to progress through the story get to mr 3 stars to get his investigation. Also, if you need elemental crit that is in rathalos’s HR set bonus, I do have bad news for you.

>get my MR gear down for end game
>can hit higher damage numbers because of better equipment against monsters
>go to HR quest for materials
>am somehow doing even less damage then against the MR elder dragons
Damage calculation in this game is fucking confusing.

what's his MR set like?

so is that just mr 3 or mr with 3 stars next to something?

Brachydios becomes so much of an easier fight if I gem in full blast resistance. Not getting blighted just because he looked at me removes a lot of the frustration from the fight.

how do you upgrade zorah's weapons in master rank? is the hammer any good now?

It's almost as if the utility armor skills have been put into the game with intention to do just that, instead of being ignored in favor of offensive skill stacking.

You need to get to the Grinding Lands

Jesus fuck, the pink rathian is a hell of a difficulty spike, took me 30 minutes to down the cunt

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At this point I'm half convinced the numbers are there to make people feel like they're doing something. I basically tear through HR monsters like rice paper at this point even though I'm seeing grey or single digit numbers.

I'd really love to see Gammoth and that big floating octopus thing come back just for the sheer wonder they bring, and how they break up the roster of giant lizard everything.

Christ, I forgot how annoying vaal is when you're not overgeared to shit and can pound him into a paste while ignoring any passive damage

Gammoth, no. It's literally just a big popo. The only reason to ever care was its armor. It didn't even have a moveset until it got a Deviant.
Yama Tsukami also lost half its moves in Portable 2nd because they gutted the tower. If they did bring him back it'd be a siege monster.

>need odo tail for lance
>do 2 hunts
>carve 2 tails, get 2 plates
>another plate in rewards
>no tail

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They said in an interview to keep kulve weapons, because they want to do something with them, so people won't feel like it was a waste of time.

Problem is, both those fights suck dick

>back as a siege monster

Please, no, anything but that.

Yama Tsukami pretty much was a siege monster in Dos. You ran up and down the tower defeating it in phases until you finally fought him at the top.

After Zorah I'm willing to accept anything at this point. Never thought they would manage to make a siege monster more boring than Lao but there it is.

>Don't have a Namielle investigation
>Spam respond until I find one
>It's some jap HR999 dude with 2 silver 3 gold, 2 faint fail
>Fucking sick
>One of the other shitters that joined carted during it's first enrage
>"This might be a bust, some dumb cunt always carts to the big super moves."
I was right

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Really? I guess if you can upgrade or do something it'll be the AT ones, and not the normal ones. I'll keep them, just in case.

>used to struggle with tigrex when I started out
>figure out how to handle him
>now bully him harder than odo, go out of my way to beat the absolute piss out of him everytime hes on the map
pretty fun stuff.
is brute tiggy gonna be just as fun to toss around?

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I just beat the story mission and don't know how the fuck do you avoid the weird nova, superman dive didn't work.

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>Ishval uses that spirit bomb attack everyone has been talking about
>get far away from it and get in the monster's grill
>That's a cool looking move, but I can't see how that's going to hit anyo-

Is the entire area the hitbox? I can't even begin to figure when I'm supposed to panic dive. This is pushing frontier shit.

It's a huge feint, the big splash doesn't do anything, look up and when it drops then dive.

It's not the size of the whole arena, but it does make all the sand pits explode, even the ones on the edge.

I don't think I was even in a sand pit. God I hate sand so goddamn much. Does mirewalker work on it?

Also what's the best way to avoid that. I've only seen the move once and I flatout abandoned after seeing it.

We already got Crimson, so nah.

mire walker works yes, as does running to the opposite side of where shara emerges and begins his casting animation

The other thing about the spirit bomb is that Shara starts shit back up while it's still exploding. He hit me with his beam once while it was exploding. I couldn't see or hear him from the other side of the explosion. There's a few second period where you can't be near the middle, can't be near a sand pit and still have to watch out for Shara coming at you.

Sometime I wish Felyne Acrobat was an armour skill

It is though

t. anakin

What's the deal with this one ? It was ugly with shit stats.

what's the trick to finding full lobbies? all rooms are 1~3 people across the board

the only time they were full was when KT was new

imagine AT Shara

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Any suggestions on what IG, Hammer, GS, LS, CB, GL and Bow to make? I just beat Velkhana.

Any long 6 gunlance

Call me when it's a Shara variant

Only time attacking cheese using autistic retards with minmaxed sets solo Behemoth you absolute cretin.

I murdered Dodogama in rage by bashing his skull into paste after he kept interrupting my fight with Seething Bazelgeuse, I feel kinda bad now

do they REALLY need to recolor them?

Elders tend to not get recolors anyway

Would this be as optimal a build one could get with Greatsword in MR? Wondering if there's something I don't see that could fit in better

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Why would you do that? He's only there in that quest to help you out, he even got the finishing blow for me.

Kore de owari da
>Iai Slashes you

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Wide 5 can still pull off decent times although Long seems to be the king for now until wide 6 comes out

From what I can see Attack Boost +2 only result in a 3% damage increase? Thusly lvl 7 would only be like 10% damage increase? Am I missing something or does that sound kinda bad for the amount of points invested?

His fireballs always hit me instead of Bazelgeuse
Brachydios ended up being more useful even if he spent most of his time getting tripped

What would you call Ruiner then?

I'd drop some attack boost for focus or other skills, I only ever go for level 4 for the 5% affinity and then leave it. The actual attack you get from later levels is pretty pointless with a weapon with natural high raw damage, of which GS is the highest.

Is there no regular MR vaal? All the weapons go straight to blackveil.

>On a Hoarfrost expedition ghillied up
>Barioth and Velkhana present
>Notice they're both going to the same location
>Oh shit
>Velkhana sits down
>Barioth comes in and roars at Velk like an angry faggot
>Velk doesn't care at all
>Barioth runs away like the stupid cuck that he is

Oh no no no

capcom's favoritism

Yeah regular jho, nerg, bazel and vaal are absent in MR

What would you call rusted Kush?

>failed my first shara run
>broke his face twice anyways
>get a shara gem in the break rewards
Funny how that worked out

Jho is in the Garuga quest

>Lance guy in a hunt with 3 longswords
>I fucking STILL haven't found a flinch free deco
Guess I'm just the fucking clutch cracking gopher then

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no matter what they do it will never not feel like a waste of time
fuck phase one kulve

Hunted my first ever Glavenus. Shit was pretty cash, I like the way it uses it's tail blade and how it's mouth is like a furnace.

>focus 1
>shitty jizzbrain undies shot

Post your Palicos, I want to see how real fashion looks like, and not hunter sluts.

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yeah the fucker is pretty big too

I guess it makes sense that the Guiding Lands are actually Zorah's corpse. He never made it to the recess but he went through all the other zones.
Still seems dumb though that it grew so fast and is suddenly inhabited by everything if that's the case.

Fun fact for worldbabs, protective polish used to be the signature skill of glav’s armor because his own mouth is a whetstone

Yeah, he is pretty sizeable.

That's pretty neat. The last MH that I spent any relevant time on before world was P3rd reason being is that I never had a 3DS

i am ~hr40 or something and i have a set of HR armor, why is everything murdering me? how am i supposed to progress in the story if one tailswipe from the viper tobi kills me? I don't get it

Someone tell me how in this day and age, with HR in the low hundreds, there are people out there who STILL don't bring:
>Flash bombs

I just don't fucking get it. I just did an A.Rath MR quest and not one fucker brought any of the above and they didn't seem to think keeping health topped up was a good idea at any point. It's like they see one person has used a lifepowder and they assume they'll do the healing for the rest of the hunt. How do people cart to a Rath and not fucking flash it on to the floor? WHO ARE THESE RETARDS AND HOW DO THEY MANAGE TO FUCKING BREATHE?

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>Duhhhh I'm using HR armor in an MR quest why thing hit me do big damage me no understand?

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flash is fucking useless

i stoped bringing lifepowder and just replaced it with dust of life now that gloamgrass is farmable

Use master rank armor you fucking invalid.

Against a Rath? No it fucking isn't ya dingus

In MR it is, clutch claw is honestly a much better alternative.

MR monsters are basically immune to them

>Not using online to speed up farming obnoxious monsters you don't enjoy fighting

>connection is complete and utter dogshit
>play solo only but shell out for plus anyways

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I will never understand why consolefags happily pay twice to use their own internet

What’s a good ice lbg?

because I can

could I get some since you seem so readily available to throw it away?

is there a guide for how to get them?

it will have been a waste of time since most kulve weapons were trash anyway

How have you been using Glavs? Seems to fire so slow and is so much worse than Legiana/Narg or Jagras.

What customization are you running

Never seen clutch claw take him out the air lads.

It won’t hit you if you are on the opposite end of the arena.

I wish I could tell you something a bit more useful, but I don’t have enough experience with that attack to tell you exactly how to deal with it. You’d do well not to trust sound-based attacks’ hitboxes going forward tho. Even if it looks like it won’t hit, assume it will.

>get all DB elemental weapons
>make elemental crit build because why not
>all monsters except arch tempered go down under 5 mins
Shit is so absurd it's not even funny.

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Does Iceborne have any practically forced multiplayer fights like the Behemoth or is everything realistically soloable?
And no Behemoth is not realistically solable without grinding specific meme sets so don't even start.

If he's not enraged use slinger ammo and it'll stun him, if he is just attack his head and he might get stunned. He's really not difficult even without the flashes.

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>no wide 6
>no capacity boost + artillery deco
>no razor sharp deco
>no artillery secret deco
Why does capcom hate GL so much?

>Ancient Forest quest
>"oh boy, I sure hope it's not going to be raining"
>it's raining and fps goes to shit
every single time
the absolute state of base PS4

They really want you to play MR kulve. I see no other reason they would neglect wide 6.

>fight it again
>go full unga bunga with ice duals
>btfo him so hard he goes into phase 2 at the 9 minute mark
>triple cart anyway because I was being reckless

I don't think I was even trying to stay alive. I just wanted to see if Beo's DBs would even work. There is no way any of you should be timing out against this guy if I hit the third phase in 15 mins. Also you can clutch claw him into a wall for massive damage and an extended trip during the first phase to speed things up.

For some reason I can only see to jap players and their rooms online.

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>seething bagel
>doing well so far
>camera zooms out
>he flies up and fills the room with purple bombs except right beneath him
>go there
not even mad

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on the bright side at least long 6 is pretty versatile and works well enough with poke->shell playstyle, but still this shit is just unbearable.
It's like if they randomly prevented some CBs from being able to use savage axe, or gave savage axe mode reduced damage for no reason.

Had the same thing happen while I was fucking with Glavinus. Took a break from fighting him to go throw bomb pods at her and then run away.

As a LBG user whose critical range seems to be mid-long distance it was a shock fighting him at times because normal Bazel isn't spewing out C4 in every direction but Seething yeets them all around the arena so when moving backwards to get in critical range and seeing two big purple pinecones about to explode it gave me quite the fright.

>yfw dragon's dogma crossover monster

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am i a bad GL player if i only shell?
seems like better damage but i'm bad at math

The upgrades available for the Jyura hatchets haven't been bad though. I just soloed Brachy last night with them and it was a pretty easy time.

spam SAEDs and enjoy your 3 minute phase 1

I used hammer on my first run and had a surprisingly decent fight, which I was not expecting considering normal Bazelgeuse. I guess Seething is their response to ranged hunters bullying them.

>Hunting tempered F.Anja
>It's on the edge of being in lmping range
>Turf war with Barioth
>Gets fucked up
>Shock trap goes down
>Barioth roars and everyone flinches except the one guy with ear plugs who doesn't tranq bomb
>Proceeds to unga bunga smash the Anja and kills it
>It was a cap quest


I'd agree, and it seems like he isn't the only one built to fuck up ranged hunters. I feel like Acid Glav is all about ruining ranged hunters days, the range on his tail slam is deceptive as fuck and goes really far

I can accept the plants growing rapidly because BIOENERGY but it being inhabited so quickly is definitely weird. I guess it’s new turf that every monster wants to claim for itself which is so many things appear there trying to assert their dominance.

>It's a fucking cockatrice

Actually with mantles they finally do have a reason. I've murdered half a dozen Glavini and I still have to kill more.

>tons of new gear that looks absolutely orgasmic but have shit stats
>capcom still refuses to release transmog

A PC shitter made a transmog mod the day it released by overriding layered armor settings. It literally would take them 5 minutes to implement it for real. Why do they refuse to add this core feature Yea Forums?

I would totally grind for 10 hours to unlock a layered set of a type of armor that I really liked.

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Everything is realistically soloable (so far) like World at launch. There’s no crossover monsters currently in the world though they haven’t ruled them out, and Kulve (also Zorah) don’t get MR versions at all because they know people hated the grind and forced multiplayer.

Velkhana or Barioth weapons work great against the final boss. Me?, I’m rocking the Barioth IG because it looks fucking sick. For IG though you’ll either want a bunch of elemental IGs or a catch-all one with good raw and great sharpness. The highest raw IG is the A. Glavenus one, but I wouldn’t recommend it because it has horrible sharpness outside of Handicraft +5 AND protective polish. If you can upgrade Empress Styx that’s basically your go-to IG because Razor Sharp is a godsent.

I’ve heard good things about the Shara GS, but outside of that, you should definitely run the A. Glav GS with Handicraft and Protective Polish. Same for Hammer. It is also the best option for impact phial CB but you may just want to go for elemental CBs now that they are more viable. Either way, the A. Glav CB has the same problem as the A. Glav IG in that you probably want a weapon with better sharpness. I’m not a huge expert on CB so I’ll let you decide which one is the right one for you.

Gunlances you definitely want Savage Jho’s for long or just to beat face with physical attacks. Gold Rathian GL is good for normal and an overall classic in the world of gunlances. People like it a lot because of good sharpness, affinity and it can poison monsters as you go from full burst to full burst.

Me personally I like the Brachy gunlance because if you are going to use a boomstick why not make it boomier?

if you only shell you should be using long and focus shelling. It actually does some good damage so if you like the playstyle, by all means, go for it.

They're really stupid. They don't understand how much replay value transmog adds to the game, it's just insanity.

Isn't the bioenergy precisely why the monsters flock there? That shit benefits them too doesn't it?

>Uhhhh a monster is disrupting the ecosystem
>So a bunch of subspecies have appeared because of all the ruckus
>Yeah....yeah that's it
>That makes perfect sense
>T-They were just hiding before or suddenly mutated
>Or something

imagine caring about the story

>if you get petrified you're out of the hunt unless you have secret softener

Monsters conically live underground and emerge when something bothers them.

Yeah how about that frenzy virus which somehow makes everything stronger, that's very realistic too isn't it.

I get lightning Anjanath, nigger who gives a shit.

>Give a monster super rabies
>It becomes really fucking angry and hungry and loses any inhibitions
>Duh huhhhh that no make sense!! Y crazy monster do more dmg lol??

Is affinity increasing skills worth equipping with base affinity at 0 or negative? I have a few 4 slots empty and I'm not sure what to slot in since I already have the ones I want active

Rabies doesn't make you stronger, it makes you more aggressive. No matter how aggressive you'd be, you'll always be a weak bitch.

When said "weak bitch" is a several ton monster full of spikes and scales and can breath elements or some shit, it's not going to apply the same as it would to a human is it ya ding dong

Okay, just beat the final boss and unlocked the Guiding Lands, so how does the Guiding Land work?
I see that you can gather unique ores and bones that are randomly spawned, but for some reason I can't find where the forest one spawns, while the ones on the wildspire, coral and vale are pretty easy to spot.

Also since the monsters here only have 1-2 drops (their own unique monster part and bones I assume are shared according to their threat level), how does it affect the end quest reward? Is it better to kill or capture them? Am I right to assume that killing them is a waste since they already drop tons of their unique material anyway when you fight them and break their body parts?

There's a point where the Handler mentions the continent is gigantic and what we see is just a small portion of it. I was under the assumption that it was more that stuff just happened to migrate to the local hunting area from places the fleet simply hasn't been to yet.

Okay please explain to me how a fucking rajang, which is probably one of the most aggressive monsters in existence, gets MORE aggressive? Don't make me dig through stupid lore descriptions to prove the point that frenzy makes monsters stronger and also crazier

It's literally a largely unexplored continent and the places we go to are implied to be much larger than the playable gamespace

There's places in the real world that have only been mapped by satellites because the conditions are unfeasible to be explored on foot

You'll long shell and like it, fagboy

>What is Savage Deviljho
There's no limit to anger, user. Frenzy is super rabies and it when animals are crazy they are stronger.

Which is better, Attack +4 or Expert +4?

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Not him but I was never a fan of wide Shelling, I like normal Shelling a lot because of the full burst spam

Just join a Behemoth hunting session. You'll get megaautists with 500+ HR that dab on it with astonishing ease.

Definitely. Even those few procs of crits are technically an attack boost if you add them all up.

I see a savage jho as kind of a jho that lost control of his body, so it's always aggressive as a result of being always super hungry. Savage Jhos are constantly hungry and so they're constantly angry.

I would love full burst spam if it only left you open for like, half a second less. As it stands it's not horrible but it could be way more fun.

Expert hands down. Attack is overrated.

>Instead of cutting his tail you can fucking scalp Shira for the extra carves
>You have to break his face a second time
>If shitters online even hit his face enough to break they figure jobs done and hit his arms for the rest of the fight

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Depending on the source, Savage Deviljhos are either cannibals or starving. Perhaps both.

>he doesn't get stronger by sheer force of anger

For reference, this is the same group of people that repeatedly managed to lose track of a volcanic turtle the size of an office building

I like how they find lava rocks in the middle of forests and subterranean graveyards yet still can’t track where they came from. Zorah has a fucking volcano on its back, it should be fucking impossible to lose track of on the small part of the continent we explore in game.

>tempted to go back to 3u even though I'm still playing world
>know that if I do I'll just get burnt out twice as fast and finish neither

How'd Zorah manage to drop a big flaming deuce in the depths of the rotten vale without turning the place into a smoldering sinkhole anyway

>Shara shits on the everstream
>Tremors spook monsters
>They end up in explored areas and hunting grounds
>They're also dangerous
It's anime science, the whole point is that they live in a world where crazy shit happens with those monsters all the time.
>Vaal hazak sets his foot outside for just a minute

>Get to cutscene for Ebony Odogaron
>Gets into a fight and kills regular Odogaron
>Cutscene ends
>I have only enough time to wallbang before Narga wanders in an E.Odog gets into turf war
>After turf war ends, Odog runs up wall
>Right into area with Legiana
>As soon as I enter area, gets into a turf war with Legiana
>Fight here for a bit before Odog runs off to another area
>Right where Narga is and gets into another turf war

DOES THIS THING EVER STOP FIGHTING? I don't even feel like I'm doing the hunting at this point.

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Empress blaze.

God I love these cutscenes so much, why is my hunter so cute

Same with the Ancient Forest. Pukei is roaring at one early on in Low Rank but it’s right in the middle of the Forest and nothing is trampled or on fire at all so how it got there is a mystery.

Is Velkhana GS good? I accidentally made the bone tree and it looks like I could jump straight to that one with the materials that I have

Bro it’s supposed to be multiplayer and not solo’d
>forces you to queue with HR16 players

Beating him one time is a nightmare, legitimately one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in any video game

Based Vaal growing as a person once he left his smelly NEET cave.

>He doesn't know.

Apologies but i didn't want to take another screenshot. I've remade this set for my boy in every rank.

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Transmog is for casuals.

I just defeated it solo for the first time.

If it wasn't because we were on that shit map that fight would have been a joke, and I'm not some pro, I'm barely average.

By what metric you fucking spastic? Here's your (you), fucking pig anus.

>decide to join low rank people with full master rank equip to get some pendants
>think it's gonna take a 1 minute per hunt
>takes longer than i want to admit
what? low rank hunts were fast as fuck with high rank gear, so do i get the feel that i'm doing less damage than with worse gear?

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New player here.
Tell me about your weaponfu and why do you main it

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Motherfucker is just a troublemaker, every single fucking muster I have seen it is a turf war.

Only the Raths are the ones I haven't seen it catch a beef with.

I had the same experience with a HR Xeno, but then I realised if it's just you doing most of the damage (which it will be) it'll still feel quite long with the monsters boosted HP pool.

hammer and sword and shield because you can just button mash

Odogaron Lance
Great at making monsters swiss cheese

Fucking Jesus, I just defeated Velk and went to some LR quest... I almost carted to fucking legiana, I felt shame and it took me like 10 minutes to kill it.

Damage calculations are fucked up.

Why in the world did they put a Smithy in the research base? You hardly use it as a hub at any point in the game. I think you get two missions in it and that's it.

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So you could use it as a hub if you wanted to I guess

What's the actual reason for thoss japs constantly fucking PC players?

for those who didn't buy an SSD, the research base has slightly quicker load times

When will he get his cameo?

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they know people will double dip

they learned from the best and know people will buy it twice

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The MH team want to do the ports themselves rather than outsource them, but because they’ve never developed for PC before World they have no clue what they’re doing. It’s a good precedent to set but obviously it’s gonna take a while to for them to figure out what the fuck they’re doing. Iceborne is only 4 months behind consoles than the base game was, so hopefully by MH6 they’ll be able to release simultaneously on all platforms.

Lance, probably autism

Greatsword, definitely autism

Tri: Lance
3U: Hammer
World: HBG

Most builds that go for 100% affinity are also using Master’s Touch, but you can definitely run WE, crit boost and what ihave you without MT. Then you don’t really care about the 100% affinity, you are in just for the extra dps.

Akantor and Ukanlos please

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Can't wait to see all the bitching about Rajang coming from people that refuse to make a set with Tremor Res


>deliver Hot Spring Stone
Well this was the easiest egg quest in the history of the series. Finding which camp would allow me to deliver it posed a bigger challenge than actually delivering it.

With the exception of Nargacuga, all other new monsters like Tigrex and Glavenus and even the subs are not treated as first time sightings in the New World.


What SAs have people been using so far? I'm currently using Brachydios, might switch to Acid Smasher once I get it, and I'm thinking my next one after that is gonna be Yian Garuga. Anything else I should be looking into?

Is there a reason to do traditional quests over investigations?

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Based my fucking ass . Psp was unironically confortable you have to be a reddit retard to complain about MUH proper controls . People that didnt like older mh have/had shit taste , i can comfirm it with 100% accuracy

Out of all the returning monsters, who got the biggest power up?
Who got nerfed the most?

Nergi spawn

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some unlock stuff like canteen ingredients or upgrades

Requests, completion

>Regular Jho doesn't exist in MR outside of that cutscene
Does Savage Jho have a turf war with Scarred Garuga or something?

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>Rathian HBG when, holyshit
Fucking hell I want this in the game so bad. I'm still in MR2 but Viper Kadachi's HBG has been putting in work for me so far along with Anjanath's if you get rid of the negative affinity. It's nice to know Legiana's will still be stupid levels of powerful later on though.

Lunastra got the buff of a lifetime. Iceborne only, Barioth by far

Not Monster got particularly nerfed, despite what shitposters say. Maybe Nargacuga, it get stuck a wee bit longer

I would say Barioth and Zinogre are buffed a it. The former is more aggressive and fast, and the latter’s electrical attacks are fucking impossible to see in Coral Highland.

Biggest in iceborne is probably barioth.

Brachy feels easier to handle than before, besides his slime taking an obnoxious number of rolls to get rid of. His explosions seem smaller and he seems slower overall, on top of basically never doing his double horn slam or quick wakeup punch. Maybe they're saving it for raging brachy somewhere down the line, since his weapons seem incomplete too.

If you are farming a monster you don't have an investigation for and there are no SOS flares.

>kill Ukanlos on the first try
>Kill Dire Miralis on the first try
>kill Dalamadur on the first try
>kill Ahtal-ka on the first try
>Buddha will not stop raping my asshole

Everything goes to shit in phase 3 for reasons OTHER than the spirit bomb.

So I never bothered hunting Kulve in base World. It she still worth hunting now for the HBG or should I just wait until I reach Zingore and make that one instead?

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Based, I look forward to seeing him again, and Ace Gunner.

Capcom has no quarrel with PC unlike Rockshite games

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High Rank shit will not get you far in Iceborne



Yay, the most boring weapon in the game is now viable, I love holding down O again and again and again and again

It's the snipes that always get me.

>Mini Nerg
Where did you get that

What the fuck is that thing?

No, hunting KT now would be pointless.

Fess up, whose retarded idea was it to put Vaal in the Ancient Forest?

there’s always the small chance that shitters will somehow triple cart at the end of the hunt

Kadachi Strikebow is the best bow right?

So just focus on MR and beyond, got it. I wasn't certain if Kulve's gun got an upgrade tree to it.

>blackveil moves to area 6
>decides he's gotta fart super bad
>spawns so much miasma I have to run to another zone entirely

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KT's gun isn't even guaranteed, it's a fucking gacha roulette. I did it something like 30+ times and I never got the Para Glaive I wanted.

What's more, the weapons are all Iron'd shit. Obviously get the stronger, craftable and cooler looking HBG, there's no contest.

>Just beat Blackveil
>Been a while since I checked my investigations, been getting a fair few
>Hunt Savage Deviljho

G-Guys I havent even seen him in an expedition yet, I'm scared. On the plus side I can finally work towards getting that rapid sticky 2 bowgun now

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Chargeblade. I'm insecure as fuck and want everyone to know how smart I am.

Gunlance, so I don't have to worry about weakspot autism.

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I was planning on doing it today, which camp senpai?

More like decent human beings have adaptable hands and can adjust to the game pretty quickly isntead of spewing buzzwords


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>was the good guy all along

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The leftmost one. Get your scoutflies to guide you to it once you get the egg. The location of the egg is visible on the map when you accept the quest. Don't forget to bring Pro Transporter

Mighty Bow
Spread Up
Normal Up
Constitution 3 (use Dash Juice for the rest)
1 or 2 Stamina Surge
[Element] Attack 6

He starts appearing in expeditions after Velkhana, so you haven’t had much time to encounter him yet. Also if you meet him on the same map as an Elder Dragon then you MUST make them turf war. It’s worth the trouble of getting them together in the same zone.

>2 bowguns firing exclusive on shara's face
>Me and the other melee going for the face ever second we could, even stopped hitting the feet altogether at the end
>Break his face before he opens his eyes
>Never scalp him before we kill him
Me and the DB bro where litterally just standing around whenever we couldn't reach the face for the last like 5 minutes, how the fuck do you knock his block off?

Clutch claw nigga. He leaves himself open with a lot of his attacks.

Yeah fucking and? We did like 90% of his health pool to his face. Me and DB were taking turns clutching his face or just shooting the shit when he stood up, we ignored his feet like the plauge and still got no scalps. I'm asking if there's a gimmick to it, like how glavs tail needs to be hot to sever or you need blunt damage to scalp Barroth.

>fighting Brachydios and Uragaan
>Finish up capturing Brachy, move onto the other
>third locale monster is Dodogama, who's just laying around
>Uragaan casually walks up to him and bops him on the head with his chin and yells
>Dodo waddles away
You can't let him alpha you like that, Dodo

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Pretty sure it needs blunt but I've never not used hammer so I don't know.

health boost 3 or WEx 3? i dont have alot of decos so i have to make due with gear giving me alot of the points in the meantime, im currently at the defend seliana quest

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It's easy to land. Just try it in the training room for a while, it becomes muscle memory quickly.
My only real problem with it is that the second part of the timed combo seems to have a far shorter reach, meaning I whiff it about half the time.

>went through all my MR2 optionals looking for a special arena i missed twice
>turned out it was the boaboa questline you have to start through killing a monster in an expedition
oh well, at least it's red now


Literally just killed Arena Anjanath as I red this post and now my MR2 optionals are all cleared. I’m gonna make it.

Depends on your personal skill level, mostly

I'm not a fan of health boost because it's just a small damage buffer rather than providing some key resistance that helps even on the offensive like a status or blight immunity, mirewalker, tremor res, etc.

>try the switch axe
>fuck yeah, i think i found my weaponfu
>the character clips through the weapon when its sheated
Fuck. My autism cant handle this

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Rare variant of Guiding Lands' mole endemic you can find on its Rotten Vale section

Shit I caught one in the Rotten Vale section earlier today without giving it a proper look I’m gonna go check if it’s a mini Nerg.

Fuck it’s just two regular ones.

I don’t bring lifepowder because I don’t need it. I bring traps but only use them if I feel the the hunt is going poorly. I only use my flashes if required, like for Kush and Rath. I hate it when someone flashes a spastic fucker like Tigger or Joe

>shrieking leggy anna set

user what are you doing

>tfw Iceborne removed that awful song
feels good man

Dont give me hope

What are the caps on MR? I’ve done a quest to remove the cap once and I’m in the mid 60s in MR, so I wanna know when I’m gonna get the assignments.

DD2 is still years away, it only would have entered production after DMC5 was finished.

It’s practically confirmed to be happening now user. By the time the game is done there’ll be a 10 year gap between it and the first one but it’s finally happening.

Does pierce still suck or there is a way to make it decent??? . Pls respond

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Same happened to me

>doing some track farming on Velkhana Optional to unlock investigations
>suddenly mysterious prints start appearing, but that's weird since I already gathered all the Expedition Elder Dragon tracks on the map
>Chipped Fangs: 25 pts


Oh no.

Bring him to Velkhana and he'll fuck her up.

I discovered Dilatin’ Joe when he came charging into Rath’s Wildspire Nest and killed the bitch before we could cap

Pierce shreds Shara in rock phase.

Namielle is one of the best new monsters in World. But another half an hour wasted to get him down for the first time
Is every fight going to be like that from now on?

Uragaan is Dodo's bitch that's a known fact.

I only ever bring flash bombs these days. I played more of a supportive role in past titles but since World gives players every opportunity imaginable to take care of themselves and not die, I stopped bothering. Only exception to the rule was Behemoth.