It's garbage

it's garbage

Attached: Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-1177637.jpg (590x350, 39K)

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It'd actually be thread worthy if you said something positive about it, instead of making a thread about any regular post on something that is common sense at this point.

I am mad at Activison because they neutered Treyarch after BOIII. It is painfully obvious Treyarch wants to do survival horror and I would honestly buy that.

It's pretty good, zoomers cant handle maps that arent three-lane or function without a minimap

the minimap shit is the best thing that happened to this franchise and the ass hurt following it is delicious

Surprisingly, the beta is good.

The best part of a new CoD game is watching the DSP salt. Dude is such a fucking scrub.

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.

Every other CoD from this generation has been absolute shit, especially BLOPS4 which runs like absolute ass and has some of the ugliest visuals imaginable

I need to wait another week until the beta becomes available on xb1. How is it ps4 bros. Havent got a cod since bo2 and the last one i enjoyed was bo1. MW3s campaign was a great finisher though

Minimap removal has been pretty great. No more pre-firing in to a corner just because.

oh shut up, I liked it alot. COD is an easy target for bashing but after playing the beta I was pleasently surprised

it's garbage

>camp of duty modern warfare

>cock of doody modern gayfuck stupid

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Shut up baby dick

its good bro, youll enjoy it

So did they added the minimap or not not? i prefer they take it out.

They put it back in.

They're bringing it back for the beta.
Though I think they're gonna cave in to the shitters and bring it back entirely when the full game comes out.

That fucking blows. Pathetic, devs cucking

I've never played such an unfair fps. I'm going back to bfv after the beta. Campniggers everywhere, dying when I move into cover everywhere

Protip: every team with people talking on mics loses. Just shut up

Just mute them you retarded fuck.

bruh, you just suck.

Is that why I'm top 3 every match? Suck my balls, this game should be called camping warfare because thats how you get the most kills

How the fuck do I get gud bros? I don't know what it is but I'm always getting thrown off in the game.

Fuck you limp dick. Any other time you fucking faggots have no mic, ill take all the fuck I want

They added a mini map that you can see your team mates around you, but the enemies do not show up on it when they fire.
so its like a mini map, but not really

Get gud. It's the best thing i've played in 10 years.

Nerf that m4 gun, add mini map and we're golden. I like it a lot and I can't wait ti try the p90.


>add mini map

Thanks bro. Counting the days. Gonna be partying up with the friends and playing snd again...just like old times

Well yeah, it's cawaduty

Guess the level cap is 20, i can stop finally

>Nerf that m4 gun
lol faggot get rekt

I've been shitting on kids who use it with the arx50.

Whats the consensus on the weapon balance? Something doesn't feel right about some of the guns. The socom has a retarded amount of flinch and most of the automatics feel inferior to the m4

That's because there's a few too weak guns and then the m4 is way overpowered. IW addressed it and they'll be nerfing the m4 and leaving the others alone to see how it evens it out.

fucking time to kill is insane, if someone sees you for split second you're dead unless they are noobie. nerf that shit give us normal gameplay instead of this LMAO DUDE BRO ESPORTS SO HARDCORE

just camp bro, pick your corner/street and guard it

Then what's the point with the compass on top of the screen? I hope they don't fully back track because the cod community would want more

>the normalfag cod community hates this beta
>Yea Forums likes it just to be contrarian
jesus christ
I'll assume the current zoomer userbase of Yea Forums isn't baiting either

>Everyone I see loves the beta
>Some angry dickhead wishes everyone hates it
Go play sjw field. I'm 27 btw.

t. 18-24 year old that calls everyone a zoomer. People are bitching about changes because it's actually good. We want it to be balanced instead of a good game whereonly 2 guns are usable.


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Is it like Mw2 at all? I remember noobtubing cunts and hearing them rage on the ic

nah it's nothing like mw2, it's more like mw1 hardcore

I just bought it.

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>The state of cod community
Im still hoping that this is a troll but imagine being used to 3 lane garbage for years and finding them enjoyable in a game like cod

Shotguns are kind of OP. I caught a guy from half across the map.

>stands in the open
>wonders why people can shoot him from all over the place

I've found with these COD games that they get ruined by autists. You know, the cunts who play obsessively and know all the best camp spots - so that when you try to play casually theyruin your shit.

The spawn points seem a bit retarded

Just get good. I remember just running around BO1 with an MP5 Rapid Fire and getting 45 kills to 4 deaths and a bunch of people rage quit. This was after I prestiged too and didn't have a lot of shit unlocked.

yeah this playerbase ruins the game, devs should shit at them ruin their every single skill move and give new people a try, time to kill is too high

So like real life idiot? Don't like it fuck off back to tf2

It's based on your enemies current location, I think it's randomised

I'm still playing COD4 and MW2 on last gen dealing with scripkiddies and aimbot hackers get on my level also AMA

I'm just saying, not complaining faggot. The damn things are like sniper rifles now.

>this video game has too much stuff in it! I only want one thing to happen at a time!
wtf is wrong with children

Projectile > hitscan
Sorry, zoomer

>2 of the worst versions, plus outing yourself to be a zoomer cuck

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can you still noobtube campers? That was my strategy

>be me
>3,500 CSGO hours
>Play CoD
>Trash shitters for a weekend and never buy

And don't forget they like to do free weekends once or twice a year. This shit is hilarious and fun.

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nigga this game started this whole shit

The irony in this post

Yeah like real life, you do realise that a shotgun goes more than 2 feet even when spreading, it's not a 2 feet cone like in other games but will probably be nerfed

how many people you 360 noscoped in the beta?

If these niggers played Red Orchestra they'd have a heart attack

Yes. Noobtubes are still there.

It's shit cod 4 is literally camp warfare and I hated playing it back on 360 was absolutely shit like the remaster, plus mw2 was only good for a few things like 3rd person and was really bad in terms of gun variety, both are shit and waw and bo1 shit all over both, even cod 3 is better



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If you couldn't even go ham on barebones COD4 before all the ridiculous killstreaks the series added it's time to admit FPS isn't for you

All you need to do is play fundamentals and they walk right into it. The guy going 50-0 on the scoreboard is literally just playing basic FPS

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Is hardcore search and destroy in? If not I won't be buying.

Treyarch ain't gonna pay you sweetie

explain to a non csgo player? what are these fundamentals to go 50-0?

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Hardcore mode exists. Search and Destroy is in. The beta doesn't have these modes sadly. They go 20 TDM, HQ, and Domination.

headphones, focus like your life depends on it, PRO GAMER mouse and keyboard, led lights on your pc obviously

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Turn your headset up to 100, equip the AUG and hold your scope on chokepoints

I can't see anything with that shit lighting.

Ok thanks, as long as it's in the full game I'll probably get it

>Literally just down the middle of a street


RO2/RS is so much easier after playing RS2

Shit game, I already told you it's shit and its not goolnna change for me, shit guns and the fact its 3 kilstreaks only and they are cancer ones is even worse, cod4 might just be worse than infinity war call of duty mp and that was hit garbage

I'm sure I would lose sleep over some anonymous guy not liking something. Noted

I like call of duty just not the really shit ones that zoomer do, funny how someone can actually enjoy less content and think it's somehow better, you must be a boomer or a zboomer

Anyone else like the leaning and gun resting mechanic's? Easy kills resting gun on a shield on some stairs, nearly got nuke

>people bitch and moan for 10 (ten) straight years that the games are exactly the same
>remove a mechanic. Nothing profound, just enough to mix up the experience
>"It's different and therefore it's RUINED"

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>oh no no no I'm so mad right now, let's pretend I'm not and that I'm pretending to be a zoomer retard that loves camp warfare 4

>I'm terrible at something
>therefore it's shit

Hahaha, like clockwork, where in my post did I give off the ideas I'm bad at cod? I'm actually top 50 worldwide on ps4 in bo4 for my kd using titan so kys, on top of that nobody thinks your a hip zoomer for liking tenting warfare 4 missing chromosome edition.

Seething till he busts out the green text

>mommy they removed my rattle and DUMMY (UAV, 3LANE MAPS) therefore it's SHIT, OLD GAM GOOD, NEW GAM BAD :(

>Plays bo4
All I needed to know

Played every cod from 360 to ps4 and waw and bo1 are the best, nothing can compete in the series to these 2 games now kys

Still greentexting

no because it doesnt work right. i get killed doing that and look at the kill cam and im completely exposed, not leaning at all


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>Played every cod
Damn why do you hate yourself

Yeah ur doing it wrong, that's for balance you are meant to use it for recoil advantages, like round corners when flanking or windows, shields on stairs and stuff otherwise you will die from being exposed

Time to bust out the memes

I don't mate, telling truth games went stale after ps3 and only war games that weren't turning to cancer were those 2 and battlefield but bf is cancer as now

what is this? remake of the original one?

Why the fuck do I have film grain in my eyesight?

Remake of the series


>Master a map
just play the game

>game doesn't change enough
>game changes too much
>game one game mechanic but keep everything else like "classic cod"
there's no winning with people. and the worst part is that the devs listen and tries to win.

Wait are shotguns good again?

Is it true that shotguns actually work like in real life and have range more than 5 inches?

how are people playing the beta? pre-orders?

Taking a shotgun blast to the chest is not a pretty sight at any range user.


It's open for any PS4 with internet connection.

It's an Infinity Ward game, that's part for the course.

Absolute physical manifestation of ebola and cancer mixed with zoomer infested diabetes for good measure, did your dad forget to cum all over your school clothes to make them all yellow n crusty in time for prom, you'll need that cum encrusted yellow suit to match your cummy cum encrusted teeth, I wouldn't brush them you would remove your dad's yellow crusty spunk n u wouldn't want that

Are you fucking twelve?

>COD finally doesn't play like a laser shooter
>players are terrible

Hi cum teeth, how's school treating you, did you bring your dad's cum too up to brush your teeth with?


why yes i am lmao whats wrong fucking boomer

Who else gonna be /aimassistdisabled/ master race when this game drops and get their shit fucking kicked in HANDS UP

Actually doing this in the beta, it's fun.

are you winning gunfights? Not like it matters because from the looks of it gunfights looks totally random in this game you can shoot 3 bullets first and still die instantly

you guys cant read ?


Yes, in average I could get 3-8 kills per spawn but that's just because I always bring claymore and that rechargeable lethal explosives perk, I pick the fighting conditions and play the game slow. For most indoor fight in tight space I just hip fire the MP7 with 1mW laser, this works great, TTK with this is crazy fast.

Why do I need a fucking Activision Account?

bo3 was garbage
stopping them from making more shit like it was the right call

good to know. People who rush in this game are huge dumb dumb

I've gone NEET. What are the mechanics I can capitalize on in this or at very least should know when for when it drops on pc?

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Seething DICEfag

I just want a good campaign on par with MW1 or 2.

That's never going to happen, is it? I seriously can't remember the last time I played a good military shooter set in current day

I love playing as the roastie and fucking the other team up. Get dabbed on

Campaign is getting censored due to censorship, they're cutting the moral choices portion of it.

so its basically like every other CoD after 3 except TTK has been reduced to almost instant?

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Imagine if we called every shit game shit. We'd have endless threads about it.

Some things just don't need to be said, bro.

Sorry, I mean the campaign is getting censored with the parts like killing innocent women and playing as a child who kills soldiers.

You mean restored right?
I distinctly remember CoD2 and 4 being as split-second TTK as it gets.

Tried the beta, the assets are so good that it's just depressing to see that the whole package is being handed to the current playerbase. Now if they could add a dedicated server mode with no HUD, a bit more recoil, etc this game could have good integration between aesthetics and mechanics.

Community is pushing for longer TTK, they've got the mini map back to the default already, so far those were changes that was done to revert back to the stereotypical game.

They're adding "realism mode" today. From what I've heard, it's shit

>From what I've heard, it's shit
What a waste for all those works by the art team tbqh.

So like in real gun fights

I was moderately excited to try the beta only to find out its still the same 15 year old style of everyone running around 360 no scoping each other.

Why is it shit

The whole flow of the game changed drastically like night and day before devs gave in to the pressure and added the minimap. People are really complaining for feeling uneasy/restless walking around the map and having feel forced to check corners, rooms, windows carefully, since the enemy could just be everywhere.

On one hand it is a projectile being fired out of a barrel by a small explosion. That'll definitely guarantee some form of damage.

However, shot isn't ballistic (since it's just a small pellet) so it can't maintain an aerodynamic profile in air and thus is more susceptible to the effects of air resistance. So trajectory and range are hampered by this but not to the degree video games would have you believe. Shot spread also isn't as much a problem over a long range (since all the shot was fired from the same grouping and a barrel isn't that large around to cause a lot of deviation after leaving).

no hud, no kill sounds, no way to know if youve killed someone, even lower ttk

I think it's alright so far, but the reload animations are far too stiff and robotic. It's fucking weird looking most of the time.

what do you mean weird looking Mark dedicated years of his life to this!

Am I supposed to care? It looks like shit. Or are you being sarcastic?

Treyarc was never an fps developer they were just brought in to make money for activision

It looks pretty good, sorry for your taste, tho

With the lower ttk it can only be good for you if you can aim, minimap doesn't help shit players because they never look at it


It's nothing game changing or breaking but the ADS reload makes no sense. Do you know how hard is it to reload with one hand, let alone while ADS. I get it if it's for mounted guns or you're prone but while walking? lmao

Just a smaller map version of BF4. Nothing new.

Zoom zoom can't multitask. Lol

>robotic animations are good
Sure thing, shit eater.

What gun is the m13 in real life?

So far all I know is m19 = sig 320. Model 680 = Remington 870.

Holy shit what a fucking scrub, might buy the game now.

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gunplay looks fun this time, I'm waiting for the PC beta, hopefully it works well on my old ass cpu

Literally this.

>Pre-purchase to get into open beta

Now hold on a fucking second that's not how open beta works

Thanks, that's sick. Do you know any othes?

its open beta, you just get it earlier if you pre-order

I just wish Infinity Ward would fuck off from Activision

Wow they actually were cucked and put in a mini map that shows enemies