Why haven't you guys made the switch to wireless yet?

why haven't you guys made the switch to wireless yet?

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>with bonus input lag!
No thank you.

Falling for the gaymouse
Paying > 50$ gaymer fee
Literally kek faggot no why you pay 1500$ to barely play on 4k when a 200$ console can do it since 2015

They have less input lag than the wired ones old fart
Try to keep up

Because I like to wrap the cord around my nuts.

If you ain't buying one for me, then fuck off 'ma'

people STILL think wireless mice have input lag. i mean sure if you buy $9 chinkshit garbage from allahexpress or w/e but you seriously need to think for yourself instead of sucking on memecocks you retarded dipshit.

wireless is faster than wired now boomer

>Lying on the internet
>Making a brave claim on the internet without providing source

I made the switch about 10 years ago. Then I switched back to wired last year. Wireless is comfy, but there are a bunch of issues that come with it that I felt the need for the stability and reliability of wired.
That said, my mouse's wire is quite annoying.

You realize you can test this, right? You realize there are people who have already tested this, and the results are easily searchable, right?

Completely unnecessary.

yeah and those tests showed there is no difference between wired and wireless now

I don't wanna waste money on batteries

>Still hasn't provided any link to backup his bold claim.

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>paying the wireless tax

based retard, pull up that anecdotal evidence that shows "lol input lag" from 2003 just to screech "BTFO" like the retarded chimp you are.

tldr; both types register ~15ms of input latency

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>he fell for the wireless jew

>still hasn't provided any links to backup his counter claim to his original claim
based retard telling us to google easily findable results

the loss of a cable is quite liberating

I have a wireless mouse and I lost count how many times that fucking thing lost the connection for half a second or so. It’s super annoying, so I went and bought a wired mouse and haven’t had that problem since. Fuck wireless.

probably had some chink shit

Thanks user

Wireless mouses are pretty much useless, it's technology for technology sake. Not only they don't solve any problem, they introduce issues where there were none previously

I don't understand what you're trying to prove/express with this post, but here's a (you) for the effort

>Dual analogue control has been standard on consoles for twenty years
>PC gaming still has introduced Dual mouse controls


whats the point when my machine is a foot away from me and all my peripherals are stationary??

>doesn't state if he had a retarded amount of dongles alongside it
>receiver most likely plugged into the rear of the case smashed against a 2 foot thick concrete wall 20' away from the actual mouse
based retard

They are for cable management and portability. Not a perfect solution since they require charging and can suffer from interference depending on obstacles/environment, but a choice you make based on what you need.

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What’s the point of a dongle when every computer made in the last decade has bluetooth?

Because they don't all use bluetooth.

one of these things paired with a mouse is pretty sweet but it's a headache to program controls for every single game

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wow boomer. My 15 dollar fucking cheap chinese mouse has less input lag thwn a wired mouse.
I don't even notice any input lag if there is any.
The future is now old man

oops meant that for

i was really skeptical of wireless but i took the dive on the new logitech wireless ones and i'm not sure i can ever go back now

This guy has a pretty strong point to be fair

People constantly brag on Yea Forums how great a mouse and keyboard is.

And a keyboard is just a bunch of buttons.

So having TWO mice, with four buttons on each mouse would be a huge improvement.

Battery. Never have to worry about the battery dying on you if you are using a wired mouse.

I may need a new ball mice soon. Is Logitech still selling this same old model? What about that elecom one with the big ball?

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>Why yes I prefer my games with 200ms of input lag. The human eye can't see more than 15fps anyways.

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The only situation a wireless mouse if justifiable is if you have to travel with a laptop.
For any other use it's more of a hassle than a convenience, especially for a desktop.

there's MX ergo now which is a better version of that modle.

fuck me who the hell even unironically spouts the 15fps meme anyway?

>I don't even notice any input lag if there is any.
Imagine being raised thinking 30fps movie games were acceptable.

Yea but the wire can break or just decay over time if its cheap. And batteries last really long these days especially if your wireless mouse is good enough to turn off automatically to save power and shit like that.

im not skeptical of it, i just dont see a need for it in an environment where everything is stationary, within arms reach, cables are well away from where someone would trip over them, and im not playing games far enough away from a display where cables would get in the way. it's just pointless.

They are and they are currently dominating all over your shitty gameplay vidya. Kys old fart.

damn good thing i dont need to justify any of my choices to some fat anime retard on an azerbaijani shoelace weaving market

Wow it's big, black and pricey. I'd have to look into it. Thx for the update

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Bro you talk out of your ass.
I play my shit at 60fps and still don't notice any input lag on what I do.
Fuck types of games are you playing?
I'd sooner notice input lag with a badly optimized v sync function than with my mouse
Bluetooth wireless headphones has a noticible lag sometimes. Especially when you're hooking up to a MIDI device and getting audio from your computer. But we're talking mice here and I'm telling you. No noticable input lag

The real non pretentious retard pretending to be elitist on Yea Forums answer. Because my current one still works.

Not having to deal with pairing and drivers, and the mouse will be able to work in BIOS is the bios supports mice

you have to go back

the biggest difference i noticed was no mouse drag, and i had kept a lot of slack on my mouse
it's so noticeable to me now

Cause fucking companies can't into shape variety
Like what the fuck

I did. Now the scroll wheel scrolls in the wrong direction every few ticks and the left mouse button keeps double clicking. Not to mention how badly built my Logitech headset is as well had to insert some little rubber thingies so the power switch doesn‘t come loose, because everything is just thrown in that thing. Logitech has some interesting tech, but the production quality really is bottom of the barrel.

>"I can't refute this random fat fuck's argument on the internet"
>"G-g-go... B-back... P-pls daddy"

>stutterposting to try to fit in


cope, dilate, etc.

>tfw can't find a 128+ long 67+ wide 35 tall hunchback mouse for palm grip
Why every fucking mice is a Sensei copycat these days?

tgjutgdcfvjgjjhvygfkijyfgyigh471jfu8751fjj8u4756ut481u68168h7gyt5fuj4f61gt34958ju347589h3y6ut7jr549uy65t7h8711y6t7h457158923t7h152893h75798hhjgjhjggggi ofjn8wu7xy9 iuwj8h9n7tsoy fiu8w9j7htoynsfwt879j5yohs6fwijt8h579sy6f6uiw5jt87sho9ywg5stuj879hj5tizu8578jiut9zy4x


You're unironically retarded if you believe this.

At a refresh rate of 240Hz, there is 0 difference between a top wireless mouse and any wired mouse in terms of input delay. There have been a million benchmarks proving this, and it's one of the main reasons Logitech is moving further away from wired mice.

The main problem with wireless mice is extra weight, but the G.Pro Wireless is only 80g, so there's no excuse not to get it unless you can't afford it.

Appreciate the difference.

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Imagine being this clueless
I'd rather get an advice from RJN

>tfw comfy G203 for years
It may die some day and force me to replace it, but until then I'm not fixing what ain't broke.

I'm waiting for one with a shape that I like. I'm using the Zowie S1 with a paracord for now.

where is CORSAIR NIGHTSWORD RGB!!!!!!!!!

Or you could have all that and just use a wire.

Zoomers get the rope.

naga/g600 has its use in mmos which makes it s tier for those

That's a thing that NEEDS a wire.

Why would I need a wireless mouse if it's always gonna be in proximity of my PC anyways?
Sounds like a meme.

I just did with a G603, pretty good so far. The receiver was too far away being plugged into my computer which caused some skipping, but I moved it to the USB port on my monitor and now it works perfect. Now waiting to see if the batteries last as long as they claim.

I have a Logitec G300 and its pretty good.

wireless is faster than wired now
and also no mouse drag

Have you ever tried using the mouse on your belly only to find the wire tangled around your dick? Haha.

whats a good big mouse? tried the g502 and that shit was too small for me

Guess what? RJN rates the G.Pro Wireless the best mouse.

>needing to charge/replace batteries
Yeah, I guess it's great if you're a fucking casual who uses the pc for an hour a day

Every wireless mouse I've had flaked out on me after 6 months. Funnily enough, none of them broke due to it being wireless, but because of shit like the mouse wheel fucking up, double clicking or the sensor being loopy.

>this bait post again

holy shit do you have a mouse from the ice age?
literally plug the cord in when it needs a charge

>mouse wheel fucking up, double clicking

you cannot buy *any model of mouse whatsoever* that does not have these problems at this point. it is industry-wide collusion to intentionally make these parts fail

HOWEVER u have a secret weapon

buy your mouse from best buy, axe for the 2 year warranty

when 2 years is up, get new mouse. buy the warranty again.

you can do this unlimited times.

ok, no difference between wired and wireless
is that better?

>literally telling me to forget basic physics

>get a wirless mouse because it's wireless
>make it wired

it's to charge you blumbering retard

who made this lol?
link the original thread of this image

tell me about where you were on 9/11

do you actually believe wired eliminates any kind of latency? holy shit lmao look at this fucking retard ove rhere

Because it's gimmicky garbage with lag and which you have to charge.

let's put it in a different context where the exact same concept applies
wifi vs ethernet

I use a $15 wireless mouse and it's just fine. I don't notice a difference at all.

and the addition of batteries is restraining

where were you?
probably in preschool and think you actually had any idea of what was going on

i was bagging groceries at the local grocery store. since you felt the need to reflect the question at me with no response of your own, i now ask for your response

jesus christ what year are you getting your fucking mice from
modern wireless doesn't have big bulky batteries


bet you still are to this dag bagging grocery

>he thinks i'm talking about size
how about never having to charge ever, wireless can't beat that

what are you doing with your life? talking shit about random people on a video games forum, while not even being able to spell words properly, and also while not having the balls to simply reply to the asked question?

>moving the goalposts

>drag left mouse across the pad
>character goes shooting off at 300mph

because I'd rather not have to purchase batteries or deal with charging them for literally nothing gained.

Mouse are called "Mouse" because the wire looks like a tail. Should we call wireless, tail-less mouse something else?

>cutting the series off before he topples

>goes from retard to
>ware wer u on nime elevemty
ok pal

think for one second about what i could have been implying with such a statement

post this in /r/showerthoughts

i know exactly what you were trying to get at
but im not the one wasting away bagging grocery for the past 18 years anonymously posting on the internet

i was in high school at the time, and you still think i'm doing that same job?

you're still here aren't you? fair enough assumption
once you're here you can't ever leave

South Australian IPs are banned from reddit

I don't like having to replace batteries every couple hours. That's literally it.

Get your head to 2019, you old fuck.

this is not the case with newer wireless mice
and it will get even better in the near future

Because I don't need it. Wired works perfectly fine.

the exact same concept doesn't apply, though. have you ever heard of the concept of a bus? lol

"satellite internet has better ping than fiber bro!"
stop being a retard

>is wrong about something
>refuses to concede or read about why he's wrong

okay. have a good night.

I bet you still use one with a ball you fart kek.

because paying extra for something that literally has 0 effect on my ability to use my computer is not reasonable

>refuses to recognize basic physics so he calls others wrong instead
sleep tight tard

i wish i did since i mainly use my laptop now

Last time I used a wireless mouse the signal cut in and out randomly on a fresh battery. Wired mice are still a thing and they're cheap.

>refuses to look at the hundreds of tests proving wireless is as good as wired
based retard


>cite science
>refuse to look at scientific evidence

you are the worst type of person. Don't ever reproduce (not that you will probably have a chance)

>"bro sending a signal out trying to find something to detect it then respond back is quicker than a direct guaranteed road to the computer and back bro! i dont notice the difference on my visual novels so im gonna assert that there is none!"

Oh really?
Then its time.


Use the track pad

i liked the trackpad on my thinkpad but this new one is kinda shit teebee h

>implying wired has absolutely no latency at all
ok you've just proved yourself beyond absolute retardation


suck my nuts wired fags

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4am, have drank and smoked today, need to sleep

Logitech G703 wireless

37 years old.

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>assuming the wrong implication from a post because you are too stupid to understand simple physics
>also so stupid he cites my post twice in two different replies on the same post


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oh jeez i made a mistake guess i should kill myself

Post your mice tho

>average 230ms
>logitech g703
>doubleclick issue keeps starting a new round

>bad mousewheel
Who wrote this? It's only bad for internet browsing because it's made for video games and has very distinct scroll steps.

can't be bothered to waste money on batteries

>RF transmission latency
>reaction time test
Are you retarded or something?

Put the laptop on your lap then use trackpad with your dick

Seems pretty accurate to me my fk-1 has a shitty mouse wheel too.

Because it's entirely unnecessary additional hassle for a static setup like a desktop pc.

logitech m220 master race

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wireless shills are pathetic

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I use the G703 hero and its the best mouse ive ever owned. Alot lighter than my old g400 too.

nice edited screenshot retard


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>switch to SS sensei after using a $5 chink mouse for years
>suddenly start getting 5+ headshot kills every game of siege. While before I used to get 0.
This is final proof that sensor quality increases your skill.

more expensive for something I don't really need

I HAVE THE BIGball elcom its greats vet smooooth

how do i improve my reaction time
i don't want to get dementia

its late/early

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>no cable drag
>same or less input delay than a wired mouse
>charge once for 15 minutes every few days during which you can still use the mouse.
Best peripheral change I've ever bought.

youtube.com/watch?v=orhb7Njj3h8 for the retarded tech illiterates.

Sonyfaggots at it again.

this. thinking about wireless keyboard

171 ms logitech g203

>wireless keyboard
For what purpose? The mouse at least moves and has cable drag. I only have a wireless keyboard for my PC dedicated to playing media and couch co-op games.

shitposting from bed

>never wanted a mouse with connection issues
>never wanted a mouse with batteries
>after years say fuck it
>wireless mouses are everywhere
>get a brand wireless mouse for $70
>input lag is really bad
>feels like using a sponge
>even my $5 mouse with cable feels better
Fuck you, won't fool me again with that crap tech.

im using a G600

I like saving the earth and don't use batteries

I see no reason for going wirleless on a thing I don't intend to move from its current place.

it's honestly amazing how much a difference not having a cable makes

When I had a wireless mouse I didn't want to spend the extra money for batteries so I just plugged it into the computer so it was always charging. Then I questioned why I even had a wireless mouse if it was wired all the time.

don't have enough USB ports

If you enjoy it, go for it. Personally I just can be arsed to deal with batteries and shit.
I embraced wireless gamepads because of cable length limitations and it getting in the way but as for now I don't see myself going wireless for mouse and keyboard.
A completely wireless setup would be peak cleanness and aesthetics though.

>literally kek faggot

all good wireless mouse don't use batteries you switch in and out you just get a cable with the mouse to plug it in and charge and then disconnect when it is charged
the charging is super fast too, even just charging for 5 mins gives you a hefty amount of time

because there's no reason to.

>wireless faster than wired
No chance in hell im believing that straight up lie

This, also the easily switchable side plates for the naga makes it great for playing multiple games that each require a different amount of mouse buttons. Switched from a Gladius to a Naga a few weeks ago and it was definitely a good choice, even though I normally don't like Razer products.

>paying triple digits for a mouse just so you can remove the cable
Bruh just get a bungee or something

Why the fuck do my mouse wheel buttons insist on failing prematurely? Ive got no less than three mice ive put on emergency use in case something happens to the primary just because the mouse wheel button craps out from the web browsing i do. Im about to switch over to a dual mouse set up for this shit

Why even respond to obvious shitposting?

it's been proven multiple times the newest wireless is on par or even better than wired

>or even better than wired
I'm sure it is, going against a universal law.

oh it's no longer physics?

>oh it's no longer physics?
>Universal law of physics
Please fuck off.

please fuck off it's been proven in multiple tests
something your precious science is all about

>please fuck off it's been proven in multiple tests
>something your precious science is all about
Then please show me these precious tests made by scientists.

it's been literally linked in the thread multiple times
now please show me where the tests showing them that they aren't on the same level as wired are at

>or even better than wired
>or even better than wired
>or even better than wired

holy shit get your fucking brain check
wireless has the same response time as wired
and wireless has the benefit of no wire drag
get your fucking head checked shizo


>implying the "mutilitudes" of tests arent forgeries
thats hilarious

>muh jews
honestly more pathetic than blacked watchers

>tfw no wireless EC1-A
having big fat hands is suffering

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>said literally nothing of jews
rent free faggot :^)

>microsoft sculpt

fuck that piece of shit so much. I can put up with the weird ergonomics, I can put up with the rubber around it that starts getting sticky and flaking off after a few months, I can put with the weight and weird weight distribution (it uses 2 AA batteries and most of the weight is towards the palm), but why the FUCK would they sell a mouse that just randomly stops working every 20-30 minutes?

fuck my bad

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you were implying it faggot

there will come a time when I want to use it while it needs to charge, which means I'll have to plug it in anyway and if I plug it in, it might as well stay plugged in.

literally batteries

any wireless mouse over 10 dollars eats a set of batteries in 1-2 months
but curiously I have a 7$ wireless chink mouse bought from a grocerie store and I can have a battery for it for 4-5 months and it lasts, I think it keeps me half a year but it takes so long to drain it I actually forgot the last time I changed it's battery

lmao maybe if youre just reaching for a boogeyman dismissal

Didnt you say those are easily findable? So go and find them, lel

i should probably post on /g/ but here we go

what kind of wireless mouse do you guys recommend in the 50-100e price range? need several buttons on the side, up to 5

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blueballs in uses about 1 AA battery for 8 months.

where do you think we are

4channel faggot, stay mad you cant get those ghosts that are clearly haunting you out of your head

you're the faggot claiming every piece of evidence is fake

yes and? i aint fuckin buyin that horseshit

there were literally tests with physical evidence
you literally can't refute that

My computer is right next to me. Wireless is not faster than wired no mater how many times you try, marketer. If a wired mouse works, I'm going to keep using that instead of buying some wireless mouse that HOPEFULLY has some magnetic charging mousepad bullshit that comes to the low price of a $200.

there is still a small amount of latency with wired
and wireless is at the point where it's exactly the same as wired now

the problem isn't just the potential of input hardware to have latency. At work I use wired because I do a lot of data management and the hp kb+m I had would often drop packets/signal for an instant, missing or getting stuck on a letter, or not registering mouse movement and clicking.

Playing a highly reactive game demands speed and accuracy. Wireless is suitable for slower-paced games and surfing the web.

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because it'd make absolutely no fucking difference at all in any way

i don't think you realize how hefty wire drag is