Why only the first game and not including the superior sequel? Even when chasing that ez remaster money Sony still cant do shit right
Why only the first game and not including the superior sequel...
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This remaster looks fantastic and is a onky 40. You're just a pussy on it's period.
>crash and spyro are also 40 and have all three games from their respective trilogies
Mamma mia.....
This game has the exact same problem all other current remakes have, where they completely fuck up the art style with this ugly sort-of blocky WoW / LoL / Mobile game type art style.
As a matter of fact the devs for this one have only done mobile games before this
Some Dev RP fag claimed that the game is a remake of 1 and 2, but they are omitting mentioning 2 for marketing purposes. Something about it having a bad reception. I am stupid enough to believe him.
I'd honestly love to play a remaster of the medievil series but i don't have a PS4. Shame it's exclusive unlike crash and spyro. The one i'd actually spend money on and it's the one that is exclusive.
>superior sequel
It should have included both games but no.
shit I've been in those threads they also mentioned that the comic coming out is a continuation of the story from 2 so it doesn't make sense why they wouldn't include 2 as well
>superior sequel
I literally just got done replaying it and it is absolutely inferior to the original in every way except maybe weapons
>that one zombie in the back that looks like one of the zombies from the concept art
that's neat but on that note why the FUCK did Sony never try to publish some sort of artbook for MediEvil? You really could fill a whole book with all the art and design docs made for the game
i hope they do medievil 2 if this one sells well. 2 was always my favourite, 1 just doesn't quite have any levels on par with kew gardens/wulfrum hall/whitechapel
Bump. Glad I'm not the only one who's been waiting for this
I'm just hoping this does well enough so we actually see a MediEvil 3 at all
I like Medievil 2 but no way is it better than the first game. But yes I don't understand why Sony isn't remaking it.
It does look and control better but the level design and progression is generally inferior.
>tfw they're totally gonna have a new VA for the gargoyles
apparently according to people that got to play the demo at Gamescom, the gargoyles sound almost exactly like the old ones to the point where some thought they just used the same audio
I dunno, people are pretty retarded
have to wait and see/hear on that one
I've heard that they're reusing some of the old audio, which should be viable considering PS1 audio quality was actually really fucking good.
That and then they just copy/paste this same dated ass pre-3D gameplay instead of reimagining the experience from scratch.
I think that's gonna have a mixed effect. For nostalgiafags like me, that's great news. For newcomers, they're about to get a raw taste of how 1998 actually was from the looks of it. We'll see how that goes.
How is it great news. MediEvil is a halloween season meme game, carried solely by atmosphere and limitations brought on by tech. If I want to nostalgiafag i'm sticking with the OG. I'd rather see the series finally expand outwards somewhere instead of celebrating another fucking retread.
Because I like MediEvil as is and they already tried (and failed) to remake it once before. After Resurrection, something faithful sounds nice.
>After Resurrection, something faithful sounds nice.
enjoy the new coke I guess, because anything would make you happy at that point. I'll look forward if the series actually evolves beyond this. Don't have high hopes, fully expect sony to sit on it for another decade after this.
If any hope of that hadn't died in my heart years ago then I'd be there with you. Right now, I'm just happy to see the series free itself from dormancy. One step at a time user, they've hardly touched the franchise since 2005 prior to this remake.
it's technically a prequel because it involves Dan going back in time because Zarok and Kiya try to prevent Past Dan from dying so Present Dan has to make sure it happens
it's also a sequel because it takes place after 2
tbqhwy I'd rather they play it safe and try and strike gold with gameplay they know has a good standing with most even if it is kind of janky
they tried "expanding" the gameplay so to speak with Resurrection and the general consensus seems to be that it wasn't for the better
I just don't see the fucking point in playing something just because it has a new paint job.
out of curiosity, how would you try to improve on the gameplay? It should be hack n' slash obviously but maintain some level of hastiness and be straightforward, the original clearly didn't have combat that was methodical
Probably elaborate on alternate weapon use. I love MediEvil but the sword, axe and hammer will carry you through 85% of the game. The other weapons are fun to toy with, but the game could've done more to make them feel more useful overall.
>the original clearly didn't have combat that was methodical
The beta kinda did, and it had tank controls too. What they ended up with in the end was imitating the top down 2D zeldas.
>Play first game and love it
>Play second game and love it
>Until this level
>Assume I'm assembling the entire dankenstein over and over
>Game wont progress
>For DAYS I don't know what I'm doing wrong
>Eventually read that I'm missing the "bum" of the monster
>Game has a farting ass on a train you have to get that looks nothing like the rest of the parts but you're supposed to know about anyway
Second game was still good tho. These games are pure kino and I really wish sony would put them on pc, but I know that wont ever happen
Even worse, it's the second remake/remaster of the game, PSP being the other one.
They could at least make another sequel. Same shit with Ratchet and Clank.
>tfw the remake uses the same shitty gameplay of the original instead of the highly superior spiritual successor Maximo
I'm pretty happy with the art style. Everything is well detailed and textured and not just flat colours like the pixar/fortnite shit everyone complains about, and best of all they didn't heavily redesign anything (like they did for Spyro)
The game looks like they just took the original assets and look of the game and "made them HD"
>Unironically wanting modern developers to have free reign to fuck with the gameplay
Reminder that it took a fan campaign a few months to accomplish this while SOCOM has been doing it for years to no avail
>Wanting the same exact tired bullshit, but this time extra shiny
Any modern developer would do platforming, collision detection, and camerawork better than the original Medievil did, so why not?
I think my only real complaint with the art style is that it's just not "creepy" enough if that makes sense
in the original, the artstyle was more "Tim Burtone"-esque, creepy and unsettling but still had some cartoonish goofiness to it
the graveyard for example had this sort of creepy feel to it due to how they played around with the lighting and textures
the remake looks more like a technicolor wonderland by comparison, exaggerating the color scheme and all but it feels like they're playing up on the goofiness more instead of finding that balance the original had
/autistic rant
for comparison
Yeah I'm simply gonna replay the ps1 one again
>superior sequel
Boy, I sure love not being able to replay the levels because the Life Fountains stay empty FOREVER after being used up.
Boy, I sure love the game going full puzzle and much, MUCH less combat compared to first game.
Boy, I sure love worse setting compared to first game.
Boy, I sure love weapons being viable for just one level and then instantly turning useless because the chalice gives you a much better weapon (and if you DID miss the chalice, then the game fucks you hard because the weapon you should've get in the previous level greatly reduce the problems in current level).
Many devs from original MediEvil team didn't work on the sequel, and it shows in quality.
There's this weird prevailing idea that in stylized games things need to look like a plastic model of a thing rather than just like the thing they are.
The tree in the back there is all twisted and gnarled but it looks like plastic. The walls and fences are all given funky angles and intricate designs and look like plastic. The stones are all big and chunky and look like plastic.
I really don't know what kicked off this world of toy-like art design but it's not working, there's no texture, there's no grit, there's just roundness and softness and shinyness and it's godawful.
I can see where you're coming from. They did take the remake in a cartoony direction, where a more realistic art style might have been more fitting. MediEvil was pretty gritty aesthetically and kept most of the cartoonish aspects to the writing and setting.
I really doubt they intend to over-emphasize the goofy aspects of the game after that was one of the most common complaints for the first remake, though. It still seems plenty creepy and grim despite the shift in art style.
i think they're being way too quiet. its a game that is a remake wouldn't they want to show off how much its like the original? instead of having 2 trailers that came out 4+ months ago?
Genuinely surprised they're bothering letting them do a comic
For fucks sakes, just let Jaffe make some new TM material to expand the world
New gameplay
They probably don't want to give too much away because they're either
A) still fixing certain aspects of the game but can only let people play the earlier builds of the game
B) there's more to the game than they're letting on, one of the devs even implied they may have included stuff cut from the original
C) they really don't know what they're doing and there's big chance a good chunk of the game doesn't look as great as what they showed us
or D) all of the above
Although to be fair when they showed off the N. Sane Trilogy they only ever gave us demos of the first and one of the last levels
i dont remember this being particularly good game even. why the remake
it's considered one of the PS1's best games that actually aged pretty well all things considered
ever since the sequel the ending implied there'd be another but it never came
then a remake for the PSP got made to gauge interest and it didn't really do well
but in the past few years ever since Sir Dan showed up in PSASBR people have shown interest in MediEvil again and it looks like Sony is using this remake to gauge interest again but this time it seems people are pretty on board with it if the reception at conventions is anything to go by
and personally it's my favorite game ever so I'm excited for it
A twitter campaign
Looks okay but am I the only one that feels claustrophobic watching this? I might be remembering wrong but I don't remember all the environments being this close together
Do people really pay for this? Whats so wrong about popping your original copy on a computer and having the video card render it in HD? This is what I did with ffi and it looks better than the so called remaster and in 1440p too. I just think that mostly console players ignore how technology works. Its the same game using new hardware. So just play your game on new hardware without having to shell out money like a momo every time.
>B) there's more to the game than they're letting on, one of the devs even implied they may have included stuff cut from the original
This is quite possible if you checked MediEvil's conecpt art books:
Some of the bosses were just scrapped entirely.
Doesn't look that great, honestly. Not a fan of the washed out colors or the overly simplistic gameplay even when compared to the original. Should have gone with something like Maximo on the PS2 for this remake.
Are the voice actors going to be the same ones? No buy if its changed
What was the item Dan picked up at 2:40? It was impossible to enter his chamber in original (the gate close during cutscene and never open up again), so obviously this item wasn't in the original - the video was also clearly cut during this item's interaction.
I'm pretty sure that's his helmet.
The japanese version of the game had him in his helmet at all times by default and in the cutscenes, his statue in the intro and hall of heroes had it as well, but it was an item in the inventory you could freely toggle on and off during regular gameplay.
Seems like it's no longer Japan exclusive.
Huh. I wonder if it's something to do with China and its law about depicturing skeletons in videogames - not sure if Japan has something similar.
Thanks for the info!
man this looks so soulless
To be fair, the Crash remaster was pretty shit and Spyro games are all barebones as fuck.
They always look like they used the free assets. I get clip art vibes from all these remakes.
>remake is so shit looking compared to the PSP version
the PSP remake looks fucking better than this dogshit
Nah. The PSP game was cancer.
Don't have a cow man.
The trailer had them sounding like their old selves thankfully.
>sell med1 for $60
>sell med 2 for $60
>sell combo pack for $60
>eventually med3 for $60
it should be a tad bit darker and im fine with it
It's not $60 though.