Why has nobody been able to surpass Super Metroid yet?
Why has nobody been able to surpass Super Metroid yet?
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Is this thread because you didn't like Blasphemous and regret spending 20$+ ?
Nintendo already did, Super Metroid isn't even a top 5 game of all time
In terms of Metroidvanias I think it has been surpassed in some ways.
The reason it hasn't been surpassed in Metroid is because later games were worse structurally (especially Fusion, to the point where it's practically unrecognizable).
Is Blasphemous even that much of a Metroidvania? It has some backtracking but besides that it's pretty straightforward.
Name fiver better Nintendo games.
I don't know. Indie games somehow fuck it up either by being too long, too padded with useless filler, or too far up their asses with their story. It's amazing that almost no games have come close.
Why is Samus shooting Ridley's chin?
You missed you idiot.
Pikmin 1
Pikmin 2
Pikmin 3
Super Mario Word
Nintendo Pinball
>What is Hyper Metroid
Not even trying
Go look at more child porn, Arlo. I know it's you you puppet faggot.
It is one.
Upgrades, Collectibles, Map exploration like Super Metroid/SOTN.
if i was REALLY that dude id use whatever paper mario he likes
Every 3-D Mario, Bros. 3 and World
Prime 1 and 2
Every Zelda from Link to the Past to Twilight Princess
Breath of the Wild
Donkey Kong Country 2 and Tropical Freeze
EarthBound and Mother 3
F-Zero GX
Paper Mario 1 and 2
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Pikmin 1 and 2
Xenoblade Chronicles
I only noticed now that Samus is dabbing, won't be able to unsee it
>Every 3-D Mario
>Breath of the Wild
>Pikmin 1 and 2
Zoomer scum.
you dummy
you idiot
you buffoon
>Donkey Kong Country 2
you dummy x2
you idiot x2
you buffoon x2
sorry op, couldnt hear you over the objectively best metroid game
Is Blasphemous any good? Been interested in it after finishing both Super Metroid and Hollow Knight, but what gameplay I've seen doesn't look that appealing.
it's decidedly meh
It's a good weekend game, but nothing special.
>Super Metroid...they don't make games like that anymore...
melee isn't made by Nintendo reeeeeeeeeee
Do people REALLY like Metroid? The gameplay is molasses-slow and there are only two or three noteworthy characters. Samus is only ever sexy in fanart, otherwise she just appeals to the lowest common denominator
What the fuck is the big deal
was surpassed by it's own series over a decade ago
Honestly Hollow Knight is better in pretty much every way. I love the Metroid series and Metroid 1 is one of my favourite games of all time, but they’re very limited in their scope and variety of play style.
I’m actually playing Axiom Verge at the moment and it’s fun, basically a pumped-up version of Metroid 1 with admittedly worse music.
>I need more trophies and cutscenes!
Hollow Knight's level design is pretty boring.
The game gets boring
>Unironically not leveling your shit is a strat
too slow. Here's the real 3D exploration shooter.
>"the gameplay is slow and boring"
truly, the brainpower of metroid fans is staggering
a Doom clone?
hollow knight is a poor metroidvania. There arn't enough upgrades to match how big the game is (no, the badges don't count). HK is a better action game than it is a metroidvania, I think the devs understand this because the big DLC is all combat
no matter how much you're asshurt at prime, no one will ever give a shit about powerslave
Cause i dont know how to code yet. When i learn,i am going to make the best metriod style game ever and thats that.
Inferior to Prime, lad.
>Dumb overpowered beam weapons that chew ammo
>uglier environments with rare exception
>tons of enemies are straight bullet sponges without aforementioned overpowered beams
It's not bad or anything, but it definitely struck a few bad notes.
No, it's a 3D exploration shooter
No matter how much you're asshurt at Powerslave, people only give a shit about Metroid because it's a Cuckcube game.
The gameplay is very deliberate and methodical. You can't appreciate it because you just want more flashy, superfluous shit. That's why you mentioned "characters".
because they try to fill the new games with cutscenes, "Emotions" and retarded fanservice to appear to the smash babbies.
looks like a Doom clone
>Dumb overpowered beam weapons that chew ammo
as opposed to a dumb overpowered plasma beam with no ammo? there's a reason they chew ammo
>uglier environments with rare exception
for the dark world I agree, the main areas just had a darker pallete, they weren't uglier. Sanctuary fortress looks better than anything in Prime
>tons of enemies are straight bullet sponges without aforementioned overpowered beams
then you better use them properly. Ammo is bountiful but you're punished for spamming shit like dark hole
and people only give a shit about powerslave...oh wait no one does because it's a mediocre game that shoved in multiple mechanics over a poor infrastructure
>>tons of enemies are straight bullet sponges without aforementioned overpowered beams
The first Prime has this problem too and it makes it really, really tedious at times.
>oh wait no one does because it's a mediocre game that shoved in multiple mechanics over a poor infrastructure
Wrong, people are desperate to learn about the superior game. The moment they try it they're floored at how good it is and how free of compromise it is unlike Metroid Prime. The mechanics fit tightly in the package and what "poor infrastructure?" You don't seem to know what you're talking about, but that's typical of nincels.
level design in prime 1/2 are immaculate, powerslave tries to hide its poor design by shoving in mechanics. It's why no one cares about it.
>The gameplay is very deliberate and methodical.
Why would anyone want methodical gameplay in videos? If you want to complete a checklist go run errands. You're like those damn Animal Crossing fans.
>characters are superfluous
Cut it out.
>Sanctuary fortress looks better than anything in Prime
That's why I said with rare exception. Sanctuary Fortress nearly single-handedly carries the games' artstyle.
>as opposed to a dumb overpowered plasma beam with no ammo? there's a reason they chew ammo
By the time you get the plasma beam you're already a huge chunk through the game, it's an endgame weapon that presents a pretty considerable upgrade in most close-range fights. I still think getting the various beams was a lot more impactful in prime because they not only looked better (wave beam is the tightest shit and if you say otherwise you are wrong), but they also powered you up progressively rather than jumping you from lolnodamage to shredding absolutely fucking everything.
>phendrana drifts without plasma beam
>level design in prime 1/2 are immaculate
No, they're spaced out and the movement mechanics are too slow to compensate well for it. You basically zone out every time the game forces you to backtrack which easily makes up half the play time. Powerslave understands your time is valuable and encourages you to truly break the game unlike Prime which took massive steps back from Super in how it controls the player.
>powerslave tries to hide its poor design by shoving in mechanics
Terrible and unsubstantiated non-arguments, unless you're going to start retroactively saying new movement mechanics are a bad thing for exploration style games like Metroid. Not a winning position to take. You might want to submit on this one.
>It's why no one cares about it.
It has more to do with the fact it's an obscure shooter on an obscure system from an obscure developer and not by overrated hack frauds that clearly lost touch with what their players wanted by the third game yet are begged to come back for the fourth, despite all signs it'll turn out to be a dud.
Lets face it, you only know about one because it's on a Nintendo console.
>Why would anyone want methodical gameplay in videos?
Because it's challenging.
>characters are superfluous
They are. Games aren't novels.
>half of the playtime is backtracking
for someone who's quick to jump on the old not knowing what you're talking about shtick, you sure are falling victim to it
if it was a good game, it wouldn't be obscure
>he never even beat the game he's defending
Now that's what I call sad. Oh well, we both know that logo in the corner is the most important thing for you.
>playstation and PC are obscure
>gamecube isn't
There are more good games that you don't know about than good ones that you do. It's not my fault you don't know shit about video games, that's a personal problem for you to overcome.
>Why would anyone want methodical gameplay
ask people who like Dark Souls, I guess
>playstation and PC
different games.
The zoomers choice for a childhood sacred cow.
No one is going to take you seriously when you say half of prime games are backtracking, especially when you shill an irrelevant game alongside it
sorry I don't keep track of every Doom clone ever made, developer of Powerfuck or whatever
if you like the art style it's really good for that alone
it's pretty average otherwise
>half of prime games are backtracking
Well said, now if that's your thing I won't stop you from enjoying it - but a lot of people rightfully find it boring. It's why Super is more unanimously agreed upon to be better. If only there were other 3D games which don't waste your time as much. Oh wait, there are and it's called Powerslave. Worked out pretty well, huh?
>because it's challenging
following a laundry list of simple instructions is not challenging
>games aren't novels
Characters and their designs make or break games, pal
This is why Mario and Pokemon are at the top of the Nintendo heap and Metroid languishes near the bottom
>following a laundry list of simple instructions is not challenging
When has Metroid ever done that?
>Characters and their designs make or break games, pal
Right, that's why nobody bought Pong.
super has slightly less backtracking than prime 1, same if not more than 2/3. You are delusional
Everyone on Yea Forums is too young to remember that metroidvania was a term originally used to make fun of sotn for ripping off metroid so blatantly.
It has far less tedious backtracking, the farther you get in Super the more fun it is to actually play. Prime maintains the dull, monotonous game play from start to finish.
Prime 1 and Super are on the same level. But yea nothing has really surpassed those 2 within that genre. Dark Souls got close, but that last 1/3rd of the game is so fucking bad.
The only question I have is why Super Metroid, the first real example of its genre (no one cares about the original game come on), is still absolutely the best in the genre
Even SotN, the other game that contributed to the name “metroidvania,” is significantly inferior
Everyone slobbers over Hollow Knight but it’s absolutely not as good as Super Metroid
I’m starting to think this entire genre might be a lost cause that should be left to history if it’s incapable of advancing
>words can evolve over the course of 20+ years
imagine that
Nigger have you not played the quiet man
metroidvania isn't a word, use exploration prefix instead.
It's a Sega Saturn game,PS1 port is dumbed down and PC version is more of a straight shooter.
or we can just use the generally accepted term for the genre instead of using more words to say the same thing
>prime is the same at the start on talon overworld as it is when you get boost, spider, grapple
now I know you're bullshitting
It's unironically a hard fucking game. What am I supposed to do in Norfair after I get that triple shot thing?
>or we can just use the generally accepted term
Perfect, exploration platformer it is then this way we can all be united under a reasonable name that accurately describes the genre without referential names thought up by autists.
Yes, Prime manages to maintain its tedium despite all the abilities you get. It's a testament really.
As silly as it sounds it's because almost all platform developers focus on the platforming and difficulty rather than the exploration. Nothing comes close to the sheer amount of secrets done in unique ways that aren't just "hit this wall that has a crumbly effect" in the Castlevania style.
Metroidvania is a better term you autist.
>more words to communicate the same idea
user that's not how it works
I fucking hate that every single modern metroidvania tries to be combat focused. Because honestly the combat in Super sucks and is really clunky but it doesn’t matter because it’s not the point. Whereas now you get Team Cherry wasting time and money making DLCs that are nothing but boss fights because they’ve completely lost sight of why Super was so good in the first place.
I blame fucking Dark Souls for bringing the difficulty meme into the genre and inspiring every indie dev to shove combat difficulty into completely inappropriate games.
It's not, more people already use exploration platformer. Metroidvania is worthless baggage and in 5 years will fall out of common parlance.
less words really, as metroidvania is a brand new word where as exploration is an ancient one and platformer has its roots in some of the oldest games. There is no argument against it beyond "b-but it's what I already use!"
You don't still call FPS games Doom clones, do you?
>two words is now less than one word because the one word is newer than the two
>It's not, more people already use exploration platformer. Metroidvania is worthless baggage and in 5 years will fall out of common parlance.
It's literally the most commonly used term for its fucking genre you absolute retard.
boss rush mode is a staple of Igavanias, though. And they could be pretty difficult too.
literally never heard it before your autistic ass started being autistic in this thead
Yes, reusing two established words is indeed less than a brand new one which is a combination of two exclusive words that don't even describe what they mean very well. Imagine going through all these mental gymnastics to defend a meme name because it's what you already use.
It's not, you need to get out of your bubble. That or we're all gonna leave you behind.
The only good igavania is sotn though so
You are out of the loop, then. Don't be so close minded.
>Every 3-D Mario
Fuckin hell dude, stopped reading
>everyone uses it bro
>just trust me
>ITT: weakest arguments ever conceived
Ah, the devs themselves using the correct word. That's a good thing.
You first
I actually never realized that they never mentioned metroidvania even once in the descriptions for both their games.
Because it's not a legitimate phrase. There's a reason the people who invented Metroid don't call it that, they call it an exploration platformer.
there's almost certainly a legal issue with using "Metroid" to advertise something that isn't by Nintendo.
>switch online gets snes games
>i can now play super metroid while lying in bed
we’re reaching comfy levels that shouldn’t even be possible, lads
Have you heard the dev interviews with TC? One of the devs, the artist specifically, is smart when it comes to labeling their game. He tries to specifically avoid all the pitfall terms like Souls-like and Metroidvania, and when he does get asked to mention main inspiration games they fall back on really old ones like Zelda 2 and Faxanadu.
>there's almost certainly a legal issue with using "Metroid" to advertise something that isn't by Nintendo.
No. Not really.
>Dead Cells is a rogue-lite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you’re able to fight your way past its keepers in 2D souls-lite combat. No checkpoints. Kill, die, learn, repeat.
That's every buzzword in the book.
I agree though to be fair it’s been possible to emulate SM on a handheld for like a decade.
I wish I didn't hate hollow knight's art style so much.