This guy walks into the dugout and slaps your girls ass wyd

Attached: IMG_2893.jpg (500x349, 64K)

Backyard Soccer was better

Hey, me and Pablo have the same birthday.

Attached: dumb.png (126x175, 32K)

Back away, he’s a true alpha male.

call ICE

I remember their was an easter egg with that character to make him speak English.

Tell me nao

back you go

Attached: SPIC DETECTED.png (640x473, 489K)

My favorite memory of this game was a time when this spic hit the ball so hard it never showed up on camera or even had a shadow. game just gave me a home run.

>Pablo Sanches speaks Spanish in the game, but you can hear him speak in English. Go to his baseball card and hold down SHIFT and click on him on the baseball card. He will then say something in English

why the fuck was this game so good

>taco shell crunch
so, witheys with their wannabe mexican food?

Dis nigga would dab on Christopher Robin

oh, mexicans and their wannabe english

With his 3-baseball pitching? Don't make me laugh

filthy dumb beaner scum
rape their kids and die in the sun
drink up welfare like a whore
decapped before they steal some more

Attached: mexicunt.jpg (673x960, 273K)

Attached: IMG_2894.jpg (729x591, 162K)

I feel like football was always my favorite, but it may have been baseball. Actually found my discs for those two and soccer and basketball, might see if I can't fuck around with them some.

Good luck user. Tell us if they've aged well.


Used to be Mexican food. Except Texas actually said "no" to Mexico's dictator and beat them in a war gaining independence before joining an actually relevant country.

How do wh*toids even cope with the fact that he exists?

yeah but do you have a kanye album named after you?

pablo 1, user 0