Why does Google think everyone has amazing internet connection? Dead on arrival

Why does Google think everyone has amazing internet connection? Dead on arrival.

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uhh... i am sure you know that stadia and shit like that and arts n shit are just money laundering schemes right?

>Improve your internet connection and then check it again
What do they expect you to do? Go out and lay your own cable?

>tfw not available in my shithole

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I tried PS now and it was horrible the games would just close with any hiccup

because they are terrifyingly rich and they can test the waters with dumb ideas and still come back strong in the next fiscal quarter, they are the new Microsoft.

>30 minutes into a game without saving
>your internet connection goes down for 2 seconds
>30 minutes progress lost

because techbros all live in nice places in america with great internet and don't know what it's like outside their internet bubble

>check for speed
>doesn't check for latency and packet loss rate

Says a lot about America's commitment to having good accessible internet, or lack thereof.

It's the same mistake that Microsoft made with the Xbone.
Silicon Valley should be spending all that wasted money on lobbying the government to break up ISP monopolies/duopolies or implementing public broadband.

google fiber is like $40 a month

Fuck you Kentucky

Or the real kicker, how much data its going to use because the average american ISP caps.

Because everybody at Google lives in one of the few places with top tier internet and people in San Francisco have a boomer style inability to understand that not everybody has the same circumstances as them.

The entire regions internet slows when people get home from work and start up netflix or whatever, adding another streaming service to the mix is going to be fucked. Its going to be like years ago when you get dropped from a match when someone calls your house

not just close but also delete all your data with an alarming frequency
nothing like losing 20 hours on a RPG because someone turned on a microwave

auto-saving the game state on the server side when the client disconnects is trivial

Thank god I don't live in the third world.

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>american ISP caps
Stop believing in eurotard propaganda. We dont have data caps.

If you can't get 10mbps then you should either get a job and quit leeching off McDonald's free wifi or kill yourself and hope you don't end up reincarnation in a 3rd world country again.

Do you think they give literally even the slightest shit?
This gives them more control, and greater profits.
They will force it.

Listen here Eurocuck, we know you're only allowed to use 256mb a month but in America, data caps do not exist. Remember, we're gluttons.

it's mostly because the three major internet providers are basically a monopoly and dump tons of money into politicians who don't want to break up the monopoly

I had a friend who played games with like a full second of delay and he never noticed until I pointed it out. His TV needed to be in game mode. The average Joe doesn't give a shit about input delay even if it's a full second. Stadia will succeed. Gaming will die.

I used half a terabyte this month already. We don't have data caps

we paid the telecoms literally billions of dollars to set up an internet like south korea has in the 90s. the telecoms then took that money and used it to lobby congress to redefine the legal definition of their contractual obligations and basically pocketed the money. Thanks Bill Clinton.

That said I would never waste my time or money with any of this shit because every single streaming service is dogshit unless you're a consolenigger who's okay with 30 FPS and tons of input delay.

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While I do agree the average Joe is retarded, the average Joe doesn't have unlimited fast internet. Stadia will fail. Gaming is saved

So, the majority? People with standards are a minority. Consoletards don't know better and will literally argue that consoles are more powerful and have better graphics than PC. That's how deluded they are.

not in my city

Oh sure, this shit will 100% kill consoles, but who the fuck actually cares about that?

Which would be great if Google hadn't dropped that shit like an ugly baby after 6 months because they vastly underestimated how much work and money it would be

Everyone. If this shit takes over consoles then a lot of games will be developed with it in mind and it'll be considered the future of gaming by companies who will force it on PC too. The death of piracy and the ability to force people to pay a subscription for every game are appealing to them, they don't care that they have to make every game a movie to account for the input delay.

Nah, this stuff will never take off on PC thanks to the literal billions that PC esports bring in every year, and esports require the lowest latency possible, which streaming services will never be able to provide.

>we're gluttons
You're also subject to regional monopolies due to the sheer size of your country. Many areas have only one service provider and as a result the conditions are trash yet irrefutable.

also because the telecom companies have twisted the laws so they're the only ones allowed to lay internet infrastructure

Or you know, the actual reason of other telecom companies doing everything they could to make sure Google couldn't move in.

And this is why I fucking hate this push for streaming services and always online.
On paper I have really good internet, at least that's what my ISP keeps insisting... But in reality all our internet is fucked and keeps getting either massive interference and therefor lag or outright shuts down for everyone in my town for a few hours... It's eerie.

I wonder what part of your ass you pulled this retardery from

The only thing I really despise about the providers in my area and it's like this in most places in America, is that you can't just purchase internet. They usually only offer a Cable, Internet and Phone package that is substantially more expensive than if you had just internet.

Exactly how small IS your penis, OP?

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>he isn't his own internet provider

How do I do that locally because that could be very useful for cheating.

>he didn't lay down his own fibreoptics under the sea for his own personal use
Sir you are the plebian

I'm at work and just ran the test, through my work VPN in NY, while wireless and still got 86mbps. In fairness, I do work in a datacenter

10mbps per second

reminder that if stadia gets bloodborne EVERYONE will buy it.
Its literally the only time people are getting bloodborne in better quality.

Sad, sad burgerman. Do you think 10 Mbps is a massive feat?

Still not interested.

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You would have to be absolutely retarded to think this shit was going to be a thing at all.

I streamed Bloodborne on PSNow and it was pretty awful

Australia has this desu. Its not that bad but its still really shit,.

Imagine having less than 10mbps in 2019. Imagine having to wait several seconds to load an image from Yea Forums.

On paper I have 5
In practice I have .6 at best

Even if you have great internet, Stadia is not Netfix of gaming. You must buy the game title aside from getting subscription.

Euroshitstains dont understand economics

Enjoy that 0.6 Mbps speed, burgerboy.

neither do you if you think monopolies are good

Get on my level.

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This. I don't think people grasp this.

Google is building data center in my town, I want to try it now just to see the response time having it right down the street.

Have fun with comcast shoved down your throat you braindead idiot.

Yes America does. In fact post Amrrican ISPs do, they just dont have to advertise it.
It varies by region more than a flat rate per ISP.
I work in the industry.

idk it's in my city in Texas and it's only $40 for like 2 terabytes of cloud storage and 1000mbps upload/download

It's pretty obvious a euroshitter, probably some form of marxist. Literally anyone who knows anything about the state of America knows literally nobody likes the state of monopoly, or the unlawful institution of them by congress at the time that was either too lazy (Net Neutrality), Malicious (Windows Split Denial) or frankly stupid (Facebook Privacy Violations)

thats the point.
With stadia you theoretically have 0 lag and better quality with good fps. Theoretically stadia is better than ps4 bloodborne.

You have to pay to pay to play.

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how are you taking the heat fellow ausbro

>With stadia you theoretically have 0 lag
What the fuck are you smoking?

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in the"free market" monopolies are normally unsustainable but in burgerland they can get constant bailouts by government and lobby heavily to keep competition away and have sweetheart deals to keep the bloated mass alive

dont live in a shithole country

Saying "Stadia can stream 4k 60fps" and such is deceptive, because due to latency issues, the new variable means you might have a smoother experience in a console at 1080p30fps than a choppy disaster with input lag, as seen in that webm of some asscreed game running on Stadia with a ridiculous amount of input lag, and that was during an event of sorts, and this is from a company with endless money and huge infrastructure for this kind of stuff.

It's a lot like dual GPU setups, the huge frame rates were deceiving because microstutters would cause a more choppy experience than single GPU setups at lower framerates.

we have video evidence that there is significant input delay

and no thank you to fighting Gehrman with input delay

stadia is connected directly to google, ommiting even isp. your plan doesnt matter

Jesus Christ, I thought I had it bad with 2 Mbps.

>Imagine having less than 10mbps in 2019
Capitalism ho!

Onlive failed just 4 years ago. Nothing of note has changed in the market and connections speeds in the states are just as garbage and spotty as they've been for a while now. Stadia will fail as well.

Just like c*nsoles ;^)

I'm at 23, which is okay, but i have some reservations about latency. I might give it a shot, my rig is getting long in the tooth and i don't look forward to upgrading.

>pay for 30mb/s
>speed test says only 10mb/s


why would you play a singleplayer game with LAG

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Improve your internet connection you fucking subhuman

Google and publishers want to push this model because it gives them more control over consumers. This has never been about improving consumer experience.

even with mine, trying to open a several MB image here sometimes takes a couple seconds because Yea Forums just doesn't serve them fast enough in the first place

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Sometimes you can call and complain. It really depends on the company and area if they will care.
Threatening to discontinue service works sometimes.

The "people" are becoming exponentially more stupid every year. Some though the Oblivion horse armor wouldn't take off when it came out.

would you like to play your games with 5 seconds of input lag, sir?

Attached: Stadia massive input lag.webm (1096x550, 1.83M)

unfortunately estronauts will eat that shit up. This is the future they chose, I suppose.

>pay for 300
>get 500

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>pay for 600
>typically get somewhere between 700 and 900

>get 300mbps internet
>stuck at 100mbps because my router isn't capped at that
too cheap to buy another router

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Horse armor was just like microtransactions. Stadia has the problem that it's Achilles Heel is other megacorps that have made sure our overall internet infrastructure is nothing but local monopolies and overall a quagmire. You can't get something big like this off the ground when a majority of your possible consumer base probably won't even be able to use the service.

>timed it on my phone
>2.02seconds lag
>202ms ping on EVERY GAME YOU PLAY
Oh good lord have mercy on the poor fool who buys this horse shit.

While I cant speak for Stadia, I did a 7 day free trial of PSNow recently and I didnt notice the input lag. If course it is there, but I played through MGS4 fine.
The downside is that it was only 720p and waaaaay overpriced to ever actually pay for it.
Plus stadia is pay to use their service then you have to buy games as well. Seems like a horrible deal.

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I have. And yes I lease the ISP lines myself and am technically my own ISP. I resell to my neighbors for half the price on local cable internet. We live in a capitalist society remember. Every problem somebody else has is an opportunity to profit.

then we gave them billions to improve their infrastructure and they just pocked the money AND NOW THEY'RE GOING TO GET MORE LOLOLOLOLOL they're going to pocket it again too I bet.

OnLive did the same shit and failed miserably. This is going to bomb and the bugmen that came up with it will rightfully lose their jobs.

Most people are not in a position to pay thousands of dollars to lay cable lol.

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average internet in my city is 50 mbit for ~$40/month. Downtown you can get 1 tbit for $200/month.

i still don't know why people focus on connection speeds. even before you get to that point you have to have some kind of motivation to use stadia.

box of weatherproof cat5e and a few terminators was like $250 but OK

You sure about that bud?

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What could google do to make everyone buy the console?
I couldn't even imagine what fix would be good for the thing.

Sure you do Eurotard

that shit is already going to be limited from the get go by the consumers' internet speeds, data caps and also the distance to Google's servers

>more control over consumers
this is the worst, but for me it's not so much companies controlling consumers as it is consumers having less control over their own shit.

i have no guarantee that the game i buy on stadia will continue to be hosted on their servers forever. i've already run into this kind of trouble with music streaming services, where for whatever reason a song i like just gets pulled from the platform so i don't get to listen to it any more. so now i'm back to keeping local copies of all my music that can't just be taken away because of licensing bullshit or the artist having a temper tantrum.
and it happens even more often with video streaming services like netflix - license runs out, whole show gets pulled from the platform and you have to go somewhere else or just pirate it if you want to keep watching.

leaving all your hobbies entirely in the hands of these "service platforms" is not a good idea.

That's not laying fiber then. So you did not lay cable before the node.
Places that dont have fiber to the node will make you pay for it or wait until they decide to upgrade it.

Not to defend Stadia but AC might actually just be like that

I'm in America.

i don't know why you don't think there are data caps in the u.s. at all. they would do trials for them at random cities in the country.

That's "up to 30mb/s", goy.

>turn 18 and mom makes me get a job
>do phone support for local ISP
>majority of retards don't know the difference between megabytes per second and megabits per second
>get constantly cursed at and threatened for "stealing" and "false advertisment"
>have to work for 40 more years, IF I'm lucky
kill me vee, I just wanna vidya :(

Some people might use it for a niche purpose, but I think most people will just be confused as to why it costs so much for something you don't own
Google will kill it 3 years anyway so it doesn't matter

I'm sorry you're poor, I've never seen a cap in my life.


friendly reminder there's a big difference between Mbps and MBps
10 Mbps is fuck all

You likely have one. Check your contract or call and ask.
It also varies by area not a company wide flat rate. More heavy traffic areas use caps or throttle caps to encourage customers limiting their use.

There is and you can't even write it correctly.
Its mbps and mb/s

I don't moron. How many times do I have to explain this.

tell me about your milibit connection

I'm in Australia.
I ran the test while seeding 500 torrents and using my VPN.
I still passed.
You have 0 excuses.

Stadia isn't shit because of the internet requirements, it's shit because it costs as much as buying the games and you don't get to keep them when the service isn't running.

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Everything by google sucks anyway.

But they exist and you are denying it. More ISPs in the USA do have data caps than those ISPs who don't.

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Tell that to my ISP

ask your mom, I told her about it last night :^)

>tfw fiber is literally over 10x better for the same price on the consumer
>literally cheaper for the provider
>ISPs won't replace old shit until its straight up unusable
This is unironically the worst monopoly in the country.

>Just improve your internet connection lol
Sure, just after I download some more RAM


drug patents are way gayer than your torrent speeds

>114.209 mbps
>pay nothing for it
Now if only I gave a shit about Stadia


It just annoys me that eurocucks try to pretend that Americans have 256mb data caps like they do

That's not a monopoly issue :^)
But I agree, that's such a shitty system.

Wasn't google fiber supposed to go across the country? Did monopoly strangleholds stop that?

>Go back to the Google Store.
I agree. Fucking go back. Stadia is NOT video games.

I do. Fuck Stadia anyway.

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Well some do. 250GB is less common, 1TB seems to be the average with US ISPs with caps. But sometimes you can pay to get unlimited if you're a power user or hosting something and you need beyond the cap.
And a lot of ISPs are straight up ditching caps. So I hope that trend continues as more fiber is laid.
I have no idea about the Euros so I cant really comment on that. Most of them are smaller countries so it is easier to upgrade their lines. Whereas the USA is huge as fuck and some areas will take a while to become modernized.

Cope. East european shitholes have better internet than amerifats, that's a well known fact.

lol drugz

2.02 seconds is actually 2002ms, user

I pay for 10 and get 3 at best... It's usually < 1

>india owned google demands 10 megs a second connection to use its vaporware

well its not going to survive in america because of latency issues and has no chance in east asia because its owned by india. does europe have room for stadia? has any one focus group tested this in sweden? do syrian refugees and africans like poos?

bascially. courts are corporate owned

Xfinity is one of the biggest broadband providers in the country and they have a standard 1TB per month data cap unless you want to pay an extra $50 for their unlimited plan. It was 350GB(!!!) just a few years ago. The USA's internet regulations are garbage.

imagine having bad internet hahahahaha

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you mean c?mc?st-nbcuniversal

because the people working for google aren't 65+ years old unlike 98% of all people's representatives in parliament

potato potato

>Make free BR game
>First day release
>500k concurrent players
>That means 500k players all simultaneously streaming an online game, and google will have to handle both downloading broadband from people loading the game, and the broadband from people playing a multiplayer shooter.
>For a FREE BR game

How does that even work

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I agree, King. Poorfags GTFO

yes i just wanted to emphasize their many tendrils

>>ISPs won't replace old shit until its straight up unusable
sounds like the shit the Deutsche Bahn pulls here in germany
>literally spends as little money as possible to maintain the railroads
>because maintenance is expensive they just wait until railroads and bridges become unusable and potential deathtraps because then the government HAS to pay for repairs

Are you lost?

Buy skins or get bullied at school, that's fucking how.

I left them about a year ago when I moved to a little mountain town. I love calling my local ISP, having no hold time, and talking to a nice white lady who tells me how her day is going before immediately fixing my issue and offering me a credit towards my bill.


Didn't Steam or Sony or someone already try this streaming vidya thing a couple of years ago and it was a huge failure?

The previous big meme shot at this was OnLive I think. My friend from highschool was so smug about it being the future of gaming and it went to shit like everyone knew it would.

That's the one

I guess I was confusing it with the Steam controller

I think he's talking about the drugs that will save your life but are under gay patents and will charge you out the ass.

imagine being american and not having proper internet hahaha yall country sucks

sony bought up onlive and gaikai and turned them into psnow

>tfw third worlder

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Yep. And whenever anything threatens to take control of "their" infrastructure (Paid for entirely by public funds) they whine about how it's private property that they own.

The lag isn't even the worst part about a system like Stadia.
It's buying games that at any moment can be taken away from you for any number of reasons.

oh its this thread. pic related, my connection

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Gotta expand the list somehow, I guess.

dialup sounds intensify

The glorious Google Stadia™ future: a Yea Forums made up entirely of
>say nigger
>money stolen

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that's at&t for you
"no sir we are going to constantly force you into lower tier plans until you are at the lowest possible form of dsl, which is literally dialup but im not going to ever admit that"
remember, if its at&t or some other company that has really shitty reviews, go with the other company because they will be less likely to fuck you than at&t

Why is America considered first world again?

>say nigger in your house
>your six-dozen internet of shit appliances all report you to google
>get banned from all google services

>but it's not literally the government, so it's fine!

Well maybe if people weren't fucking stupid about naming shit we wouldn't have this issue, and don't act like ISPs don't deliberately mislead the two to consumers.

>1 gbps internet is available in the same county im in but fuck me i have at&t so thats not an option

because cold war designation
1st world = NATO
2nd world = opposed to NATO
3rd world = neutral parties

Libertarian retards living in a bubble

They literally said that the free market will solve it

>Downtown you can get 1 tbit for $200/month.
Where the fuck is this?

i dont even get .1 mbps
at&t before you ask, and yes its the highest speed they offer

>have 100 down 10 up
>datacenters are over 100ms away
Oh well, on to the next scam.

Hello brother.

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lolbertarians would actually complain about regional broadband monopolies, but they also wouldn't promise you that every remote hill in the u.s. is going to get the sun and the moon

at&t here, how about you

This is the truth. They have more money than they know what to do with and they don't get taxed so we get stuff like Stadia.

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They don't get taxed, but they still get massive tax returns because the tax code is a joke.

Says right there, was ausprivate satellite. I was capped but I had a 3gb cap so I was always capped.

i may not be capped technically but the speed is so low that it might as well be considered permanently capped

oh fuck

thank you for making me feel better about my shitty internet, it really does make me feel better

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worst fucking meme ever imo

It's hard for a nation the size of Europe to lay fiber, especially when certain areas only have one ISP. And they know you have no other option, so they have no reason to upgrade their infrastructure.

>tfw live in the woods in bumfuck nowhere but paid for good modem and router then set everything up to prioritize speed as much as possible and fuck security
this is my first time ever doing a speedtest on it and this is while i'm watching youtube, downloading a game, and 3 other people are doing w/e on their phones, this connection is only rated for 20 down too lol, fucking stoked bros

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he has it worse because his latency is godawful, but you are both trapped in 1998

I remember my mom torrenting a ton of shit and hitting a 100GB cap that we didn't know we had, back in '06.

Even on fiber in silicon valley at a fucking google sponsored LAN party this shit will have intolerable input lag. Why even bother?

>but in America, data caps do not exist
why would you tell lies
on the internet?

I download 10TB worth of data every single month and just pay 15€ for unlimited phone and internet access

so i got 14.026 Mbps now, but last week i got just about 9Mps. what the fuck, google? (although i can't remember if i was torrenting porn at that time or not)

anything beyond 300 ping is unplayable, thats all ill say

Some ISPs slow down late at night.

oh for sure, comcast fucked me before with that shit
every day around 1am the speed just went to shit, i didn't have any other choice at that time. thanks fuck i don't have to use them anymore

was she a demonoid member?

1.248 Mbps too high for doom

WHAT I'm in Canada and I get 1gbps for $60
in America that same plan would probably be $20

>get your life-support system license revoked
>die peacefully knowing that it wasn't the government

The only time I've ever heard about datacaps came from American youtubers. But that's died down over the last few years

>i’ts hard
No it isn’t, fucking Canada can do it

>20 dollars a month plan in america
don't exist, or unless you mean phone plan which they gonna fuck you over 1 way or another

Everything is cheaper in America so I assume even if you don't get 1gbs for $20 you can get like 2 or 3 gbs

It died down not because it went away, it just that they accepted the reality they have to pay 30 bucks more to get unlimited data

our internet infrastructure is dogshit, 1 gbps is not a thing unless you are in the capital of your state or some equivalent

What breaks my balls more about this piece of shit is the sheer anihilation of privfate property we are witnesing here, literally Spotyfy tier "I'm a cuck, take away my things" tier

jesus how do you stand for that
this is what 10$/month gets me

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looking at all the connectionlets here in this thread really makes me glad that I live in a university town where internet is fast and cheap

Canada had like half a dozen population centers followed by hundreds of miles of shitty tundra. Of course it's easier. Plus different laws.

You know like less than THREE FUCKING DAYS after getting approved to lay cable they try to get states and cities to sign for fiber exclusivity, and the whole Google Fiber thing was a failed venture to LITERALLY gain complete control over the american internet infrastructure in a way that would make comcast and at&t blush

maybe plan that cheap exist some other places, but they often are introductory price or the speed and the connection are really sketchy
i live in a pretty big city, lowest i've seen was like 40 bucks a month

Monopolies are bad for the consumers and for progress, yes. Consumers have no ability to contest the conditions of the services they acquire, because the company can say "it's my way or no way". The company can bump prices without any repercussions, and it doesn't need to improve its service because there's no one to compete against.
In my country, we used to have a cellular oligopoly between 3 providers. Service prices were high, plans were extremely limited, switching between providers was a real hassle, and you couldn't get support unless you bought overpriced devices in their stores. The ministry of communications interjected by forcing the providers to make migration simpler and by opening slots for more providers. Within a few short months, plans with virtually unlimited calls and text messages and whole gigabyte caps (instead of hundreds of megabytes) came out for 4th of the price. Stores were allowed to import and to sell devices, while the providers were forced to give service to all. No contracts may limit clients' ability to switch to an other company by means of fines. The oligopoly was broken and life became a lot brighter, thanks to capitalism.

Based DialUp user

I tried the test a bunch of times and I get anywhere from 40 to 60Mbps. I preordered my Founder's edition a few days ago

Google measures ~150ms latency between sending a packet from their data center from CA to Netherlands and back.
I honestly think you won't get much more than ~200ms input delay

Im in canada. We have some of the most expensive internet/TV/phone rates on earth, while also having the shittiest data/channel packages at the same time.

>most expensive internet access in the world, while also having data caps

>new vidya is $80-$90

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can't be worse than aus

>Wanting to be cucked to some company servers

Imagine wanting a system like this.

im and i pay around 60 a month

>go to command prompt
>ping google.com
The round trip time is about how long the input lag is for you on Stadia

Attached: input lag.png (487x175, 16K)

Who does cloud gaming actually appeal to? How many of them want to get a piece of dedicated hardware for the purpose of not using local hardware?

Why the hell did they give up putting fiber in every city? It would have helped them in this exact instance.

>he doesn't defend the fibreoptics under the sea from shark attacks
hello there mr Gucci loafers.

Surely Google has more than enough power than those companies, especially with new antitrust suits coming up against Google.

Because they couldn't force most cities to agree to giving Google an internet monopoly, because they already had an agreement to give another company an internet monopoly and the literal laws in place to keep those monopolies going can't be changed.

I'm pretty sure the projects kept flipping. Been a while since i read up on it though, so the exact details are fuzzy.

There is no free market for ISP's in the USA.


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I know laying cables is expensive, so can't they use satellite internet or whatever my ISP is doing, where I live cables are being placed these weeks (fucking hell is taking long) but for some years now I have been using Linkem which has its many flaws (like violating the European law on internet neutrality) but at least I got 30 megabits.

Google wanted an exclusivity contract? Really?

It was too hard to get places to agree to sign a monopoly pact with them. Hell it's only still around now because whoopsy doodle it's illegal to drop an isp service that you got people in multi year contracts on. Honestly if it was up to them, it'd be abandoned because it can't further their plans for entirely arbitrary domination

Man 3rd world sucks. My ISP maxes at 4mbps.

>Google wanted an exclusivity contract?
It really shouldn't surprise you for about 8 years now, google has actively and aggressively evil, even to the detriment of their own services.

True but I didn't do anything:(
maybe I should try applying for disability again

some how google have no latency checked.
fuck of you scummy degenerate corporation

Attached: xxxasdasd.jpg (1046x340, 25K)

This was their announcement display. I don't need to know anything else.
>fucking power glove

Attached: Google Fail.png (1200x900, 1.29M)

You need a shitload of satellites in LEO to provide equivalent coverage at similar latency as fiber.
Last I heard, Elon is working on that. If anything else, it will get ISPs off their asses and give us better deals

Only countries that matters. Imagine multiplayer without third or second world countries. No more russian/slav subhuman cheaters!

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If they really were trying to get a monopoly pact then they are truly retarded, honestly if they just lay down their own shit and start as competitor alone would attracted a shit ton of potential customers since everybody is fucking sick of the other big 2-3
but imma honest and not sure if they coming in as competitor alone would be possible with how other big companies pretty much got the laws in their pockets

i remember one user was seething on a thread because he was living in a small town and google fiber was supposed to come and test their own shit at his town. he got really excited and get involved, trying to make shit happen. in the end none of that shit happened because one of the relatives of the mayor or whoever in charge was working with other cable company and the whole thing got cancelled because "it costs too much"

Comcast in my area has no interest in spending literally even a single dime on infrastructure, why, you may ask? Because bribing local officials is far cheaper. Verizon has bizarre local fiber coverage because Comcast told its cronies in the town council to block fiber being put in, so it goes around my town and only even really connects a few random homes on the other side because of some sort of cronyism they have going on. The bribes didn't work in the county seat but they sure worked here, I fucking hate the internet. If I could just found my own ISP I'd do it in a heartbeat because very single fucking one of them is corrupt to the core, and out-competing them would be as easy as winning the special olympics with rocket skates.

but i live in shit hole of a country and have 200mbts for 7$ with no data cap. (dont have so much hdd space for all dat porn i download)

whats your point retard?

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Most consumer grade satellite is comparable to DSL speeds, on a good day. Could improve with new and cheaper technologies.

I get 14ms round-trip, which actually isn't that bad for what Google's competing with, keep in mind that a lot of console gamers play on TVs with any where from 8 to 32ms of response time just for the TV alone.
If the response to input/get feedback on Stadia is 14ms for me, and games run at 60fps, then I'd be looking at roughly 15ms response total, theoretically, which is under 1 frame@60fps, i.e. seamless.

I'm honestly impressed if that's true, surely it can't be. I was considering getting a Stadia just to try the controller for Windows games, but now I want to buy it just to see if it's actually lagless for me.

just try a different job user
tech support is actually less grating when it is close and personal and not over the phone

>monopolies are bad
>but also we only have one healthcare provider in our country and that’s good! Get with the times America!

Utility company contracts are negotiated with local or regional governments. You can’t “take your business elsewhere” as an individual but you can vote to have the entire city shitkick Comcast and hire Verizon.

Is this ideal? No, not really. But it’s no different from the shitloads of other utility/social service organizations like the NHS that people all over the world deal with every day because a lack of choice is a part of utilizing government-negotiated single contract.

Until you find out that literally every town is cronied to the core and you literally can't lay a single line of any sort. A brand new ISP would struggle to get dialup going.

That'd be nice if 90% of the US infrastructure wasn't enough too. Also, it's streaming dipstick. It's literally impossible to cheat.

Still gaming without second/third world countries. Back to the good old days during the 90's/early 2k.

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>Playing streaming games via WiFi

You deserve it

The ping time is the theoretical best performance in terms of lag. It will never be faster than that, but it can certainly be slower depending on how much data needs to be sent. A single packet is not a frame of HD video. Hell a single packet is not even necessarily enough to communicate all user input instructions in a single frame of gameplay.

More like
>gaming on WiFi

You can’t just dig up public and private property and start stuffing shit underground without getting permission.

Yea but is there an actual benchmark latency test sort of thing?
That's why I'm really skeptical here, I feel like, surely, if the latency was actually good enough to make it playable they'd have a benchmark, right?

There’s no benchmark because it’s two different components. There’s the connection latency (time it takes for a single packet of information to travel) multiplied by the frame size (number of packets that have to be sent to produce one full frame of update in the game thread). Then there’s also the processing latency on Google’s end and the rendering latency on yours; remember, the compute frame time and TV display lag don’t magically vanish on Stadia, they get ADDED to the internet latency.

This isn’t even round-trip constant; it probably only takes a few packets to send your input data upstream to Google’s servers, but it takes quite a few to pipe back a frame of rendered game. And of course game frame time is not always constant either.

Well this is quite awful
And their website says for Atlanta
>Full speed ahead.
Then you need to live among cement walls which are EXTRA THIC(k)C

UK has private insurance, I don't know about other countries but they still have private even with the NHS.

The problem isn't download speed, but upload speed.

Almost everyone has shitty upload.

If you want proof of this check borderlands 3, most streamers are having crazy amounts of lag due to how much data Gearbox is collecting on users and sending back to the servers.

>Google wanted an exclusivity contract? Really?
It's not that far fetched when you consider the existing American isps already bribe the government to allow them monopolys in certain regions.

Reading 1MB sequentially from a network has a latency of around 20ms or so.
If Stadia runs at 60fps, then there's also 16ms of latency for rendering of a frame.
Based on Stadia's network recommendations, you can expect a ballpark estimate of 40-50ms plus whatever your ping latency is.
Honestly it's not that great, but it's not horrible either.

>live in a UK village
>still have pretty good wifi

Attached: Untitled.png (531x267, 17K)

I'd rather pay $40 a month for 50 down and not have to live in romania

WiFi still adds more delay regardless of speed.
Never game on WiFi but especially never stream a game over WiFi. You will notice the input lag a looooooot more.

sometimes i love my country

Attached: slav.jpg (1920x1080, 95K)

This shit is fucking dystopian, wew lad

Sounds like it's perfect for playing the classics like Ocarina of Time with no visible input lag.

Actually my PC is connected by cable so I guess I should have said pretty good internet.

Stadia imploding will kill the streaming meme for at least another five years or so, from that point of view I like it

Worry more when Googles idea of you never owning anything ever again is actually practical

No worries. I've just seen a lot of people say they get input lag despite their high speeds only to find out they're on WiFi.
There are people in 2019 who still game on WiFi.

Living in a rural area requires the utmost patience in regards to the net. For example:
>They finally roll out fibre optic to my neck of the woods
>Check with our internet provider to see if we can upgrade to use it
>Turns out our home is too far away from the fucking line for us to connect to it
>End up having to deal with the same old shit speeds and a connection that will go down if the windspeed is too high
I love where I live, but it's always entertaining trying to explain to people that my net will be down 'because of the wind'.

How slow/fast is your supermegacompunet?

>paying individually for games you don’t even own

this is the worst idea I’ve seen in ages, it’s much worse than regular DRM over digital goods, since at least in this case you still have the game installed and playable offline

I'm paying $50/month for 500mb/s up/down connection.
I'm covered. Where the fuck do you even live with that shit internet?

they have to do that because their infrastructure was invented in the fucking 19th century lol

Cali bubble

>They stealth upgraded my connection again
I don't know if they're doing infrastructure work or just upgrading to compete with other providers since I pay for the top package on my ISP, but I'm not complaining. My connection was less than half this speed last year and I'm not paying any extra. Upload is still fucking shit though, but that's the same everywhere in this fucking country for some reason.

Attached: Capture.png (545x260, 21K)

i think it is just fucking bullshit to exploit you to get more money, not because they had to or something
because if you pay the 30 bucks extra suddenly you get unlimited, like there wasn't any problem at all

>Less than 50mb up/down
>Less than even 10mb up/down

You shouldn't be allowed to even play online multiplayer, you're holding those of us with a real connection back. It's fucking 2019, get a decent connection you fuck.

Attached: brrrrrraaaaap.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Yeah, google has more failed ideas than good ones, google glass, google+, inevitably this

>i don't know how online gaming connection work : the post

>I've already torrented over six times what the Euros think is the American data cap this month


get the isp to stop fucking jewing me out of a good connection
@at&t you jewish fucks

You can play online with very few Mbps retard, it's low latency that you need

>I have a DSL connection: The Cringe

Eat shit and die you fuckwit.

You fucking moron, what I'm saying is that if people had actual internet connections the shit that could be possible is a lot greater. I'm not talking about lag, I'm talking about PC """""masterrace"""""" fucktards talking about console holding back graphics while they themselves are holding back innovation with what could be done if everyone had a great internet connection. I'm PC Masterrace+, if you aren't then you are no better than a console pleb. Same as if you play on anything less than 1080p in 2019. Fucking 720p and they brag about being masterrace but those fuckers are pretenders to the real PC Chads with good hardware.

I sure hope it fails, if it succeed it will kill gaming completely (everything will become mobile-teir gotcha bs)

>i don't know how online gaming connection work and i also projecting because i got called out for my ignorance : the post

>tfw I'll be playing the definitive experience of videogames while fucktards with less than 10mb/s connection get stuck in lagtown.

Ah, feels good to not be poor.

They mostly do it to get cash, but there is a technology reason. They often dont run enough bandwidth to each neighborhood to give everyone full speed at the same time. So caps supposedly encourage people to use less at peak hours.
It's also why during the day its slower than in the middle of the night.
Of course how bad this is varies per node in each neighborhood.
I'm not defending the practice btw, I think it is bullshit too. Especially since most of the cable laid was government subsidies yet private companies profit from them.

Seething connection manlet lol

You'll play for about a year and then Google will pull the plug like the dozens of other services and dozen other pieces of hardware they've killed, and then you'll have nothing to show for it.


Oh, I thought we were talking about actual ISPs and not babbie's first internet.

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I never lived anywhere that DIDN'T have a data cap.

don't engage, it's the samefag
you can even tell with the obvious reddit spacing in every post

Nice b8 I r8 it 8/8

Stay mad, cunt. :)

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Stupid bitch. Go ahead and reply again, you now you can't fucking resist because you're a worthless cunt lmao :)

Dont use poor nigger tier internet then

>Live in a countryside of South England where the closest village is a 20 minute drive, and the next city is over an hour away
>still manage to have better internet than my American friends
You guys have been royally fucked.

>only have one healthcare provider in our country
Huh? The fuck are you on about?

Imo they should at least give people soft cap, basically after the reaching the cap you can still use how much you wanted but with throttle speed but no additional charge, if you want full speed then you pay that 30 bucks extra
I think that what happen with a lot of phone data plan

True, like cellphones.
My ISP doesnt have a cap, but most do just start charger you per 50 or 100GB you go over.
Most are raising their caps though since more people, even normies, transfer more data nowadays.
1TB seems to be a common cap for those that do have caps.

I keep seeing people mention in have to pay for Stadia..

I hope you all know it's free for, 1080p 60fps gaming.

It's only a $10 subscription when you want 4k and 60+ fps.
SHITS FREE. You just buy the games.

What the fuck does download speed have to do with graphical capability

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I live in a slavic country and I used to have FREE 100Mbps connection, only had to charge my prepaid card every three months. Its completely hilarious how americans believe they live in a some sort of hi-tech bubble and its utterly not true

stop being poor

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Where in America can you get better than 10mbps? The people in this thread talking about 300 mbps must live in some exotic country because I didn't even know anything above 100 mbps existed. Internet companies are fucking bullshit.

*You just rent the games.
They specifically dodged all questions about end of life service or if you'd ever be able to get anything out of it if (when) Google pulls the plug. You're not buying games, you're buying a license to play it at Google's convenience.

>paying retail price to rent a streaming game

There are only certain games you can buy on the free version and they plan to put first party games in the paid subscription tiers.

not onlu usa but whole anglo sphere is like that

Holy fuck, where do you two live?

Download or upload? because higher than 10 upload is usually locked behind the several hundred dollar internet plans from most companies.

Yeah you are correct, it got bump to 1tb couple years ago, used to be way worse.
As for additional charges I think it was 10 dollars for 50gb more (but only after you went over the limit for 3 months), but they can only charge you up to 50 dollars extra, hence they want you to pony up the 30 for unlimited. Also you get unlimited if you get cable as well, but nowadays most people just watch shit online so getting cable is just wasting more money

>stop being poor
>like i can magically tell the internet company to let me upgrade to a plan better than 76.8 kb/s when they are forcing me to stay this low

Download, upload rarely matters to me.
I'm supposed to be getting "100mbps", but every company that says that is bullshitting, it always depends on your location, and i'm not even in the middle of nowhere.


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Generally depends on your state as well. I live in cali and if the internet company tries to pull that kind of shit the state actually takes it seriously. some states don't really care if the senators or reps get paid off enough.

>13 wifi mbps on my phone
Lmao if only i cared about soulless modern shit for games

>try and set up broadband for my new flat
>lmao we don't do fibro :^)

When I was in that shithole, in fact I had to deal with 1 mbps download while paying for like 10-50, don't remember, either way no one gave a shit. I even get throttled torrents where I currently live, but otherwise 10mbps is mostly good enough for me.

to quote at&t, "although you may be paying for 76.8 kb/s, it is possible that you may only get 1/8 of your speed"

Attached: 1562839117666.jpg (590x639, 78K)

We also don't know how the actual Stadia box handles things either. It's *probably* optimized, but you never know. It could chug along and introduce unnecessary lag going in or out, possibly while trying to spy on you and send the spy data back to the goog.

ISPs are the worst scum in the world

FTTH is nice.

5ms of latency for google.com ping test. Feels good to live in a small city in France

Attached: Stadia Test.png (1055x253, 36K)

The downside is you live in France.

I'd kill myself if I had half a meg down in 2019. I mean where the fuck do you live the congo?

>auto-saving the game state on the server side when the client disconnects is trivial

source? did they implement that feature yet?

rural georgia, look at the picture

It doesn't say anything about georgia.

He's in the wrong thread

this is me

is anyone honestly surprised?

Feels good to live in a first world country

Attached: 39785366.png (1130x297, 27K)

>be american
>get assraped by corporations

>13.562 Mbit/s

Man, i hate ADSL and i hate Orange even more

2nd user here, I live in Massachusetts

"""""buy""""" the games

you leech off MIT internet speed, bro?

Its appalling how many people are okay with games as a service.

Nah, just typical residential gigabit.
All the small states have good internet unless they're run by retards.

Is this the third world kiddie COPE general? Sorry lad, you don't deserve civilization and the innovations that follows

>there are 1 gbps internet lines run in rural areas in my county
>my part of the county gets shafted by at&t with 76.8 kb/s as the max speed and neighbors raping the fuck out of the available neighborhood bandwidth
the fall of at&t would make me happy because it means another company who would consider line upgrades would buy the monopoly rights

I was living in Idaho a year and a half ago and I had a 200 gig a month data cap. Downloading Turn A Gundam wiped out 25% of my data in an afternoon.

I live in California and my ISP has no data caps and I get great speeds. My ISP isn't even premium, it's 19.99 a month

Attached: 09_-_ZI2rfU2.jpg (200x200, 6K)

>Fucking Atari ET
This is a shoop making fun of them, right?

shit's wack in other parts of the country bro
i thought im getting it bad (i mean i still am relative to you and other places) but it could get much much at other places

nope that was real
they were literally just cursing themselves to be next in line to fail

The downside is you have to live in California.

>Based on your current download speed of 19.801 Mbps, we expect you’ll be able to play in high definition on Stadia, but you might not get 4K resolution.
I can play in 720p even next gen

Anyone here suffering with Windstream?
I don't really know where to go from here, and I don't want to make the wrong choice. I guess anything would be better at this point though

dont go to at&t


I could get 10Gbps but then I'd need a 10Gbps router and motherboard which cost out the ass, not worth it for something you can only really use to brag on Yea Forums. I'm still not touching Stadia though.

Attached: 1557318006447.png (992x189, 23K)

Ihate google. They're just doing this to get more info about me

>paying this much
Come to Romania my friend, for 1000 MBps for 15 euros per month
the internet and hookers are the only good things Gypsyland has to offer though

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Extremely cringe thread

10 Mbps is quite little. 0.681 Mbps is just an absurdly low speed. Where do you live, Uganda?

Make sure you are not using an 100Mbit ethernet cable and that your network card supports more than 100Mbit. Otherwise try contacting your ISP.

Attached: 1561329371288.gif (500x252, 1004K)

here goes mugi with the bullying again

no u

'the fuck? I get 100Mbps in the UK and I'm not living anywhere special.

Where the fuck do you live

even my phone connection is 21mb/s, I don't understand how are american companies pushing for shit like 5G when their ISPs are like this

Just wait until google fiber comes to your state, then you'll be able to play stadia while google deletes your steam account for you.

>Improve your internet connection and then check it again
If only it was that easy.

Anyone that isn't living in 2008 or Africa

from what he said, probably austin area
they have the most coverage in texas, other area got fuck all

That's actually considered below-standard with some exceptions for pretty much every 1st world country bro

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Fuck I want to move to Austin. Stuck in California and hear so many people going there because it's got tier.

>IMPROVE your internet connection and then CHECK IT AGAIN
Yes, Google, my lord, at once. Please don't cut my social google score, I'll have the money by the next week.